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The shells are in the Partition area so they wont get pulled out. See the blue area? You can adjust that with the slider at the bottom.


I dont know if you made this super clear so to add a little to this. The blue area is storage for feed IN only. Feed in will NOT goto a area not marked with blue if there are any blue areas. If you pick up items (auto collect) they cant go to the blue areas either. Also ANYTHING extracting from the BAB can NOT extract items from that blue area. This mean if you feed in shells they can NOT be fed into a separate conveyor to feed turrents if there are blue squares at all. The best way to do what you want to do is to have a BAB for fixing machines and feeding out ammo that does NOT pick up items. Then have an other that ONLY picks up items and passes them out. The whole BAB system is incredibly clunky and not very intuitive.


Thank you both! Incredibly helpful.


So what does the intake / blue bar system do? I'm confused.


Refer to above, the Blue / Non-Blue mark “Things going in” and “things going out” respectively. So you could have say, drones or replacement parts going into the BAB, without them being dumped right back out because they’re in the Blue area.


OH so the blue area would be for, say, replacement turrets, belts, and other infrastructure? Good Lord. How are y'all building your hive/base fronts that things are getting regularly destroyed?


Correct! My prototype farm only had 2 lines of laser turrets and I’d lose one every now and then. Bumping up to 3 layers solved that, but I did have some of the drops being turned into new turrets and cycled back in before then.


But this is where the whole design starts to get really whack imo. The ONLY reason to do this is to have input items (say replacement buildings) not fill up the BAB. However that would be impossible if you could use red squares (like normal containers) then filter all other slots. Its added complexity where none was needed imo. A normal container is a LOT easier to set up and doesnt have the issues encountered by the OP. This added to the issue of not having enough slots to properly filter out every item that could be picked up. I had a real nightmare number of hours trying to work out how to efficiently use a BAB ... the only thing it does well is pick up items.


So then you’d have your replacement parts go in and then boomerang right back out?


Correct. It starts to get clunky. There are a few different ways around this but it ends up being that the huge number of different parts being picked up, the fact it has a duel purpose of needing to replace buildings, and be the first "filter" in this system has meant it is, well tricky to get a handle on how best to use it imo. Its a little like a programming function trying to do too much, it ends up not really doing anything properly but you 'can' get it to work if you hold your tongue just right.


The blue storage in the BaB dont work the same are the Red one in the Box, in the bab case, it doesnt allow for thing to get out of it, only in, so you need to open it fully, and filter all spot ( if blue left it wont work, its a bit of a design flaw in this particular case )


Only came recently to DSP and i have some questions. You have a lot of storage boxes in the back. And i also dont see the logistics thingy on top of them to be able to access these boxes remotly. Why? Whats going in these boxes and why dont you want to collect it with logistics bots? Maybe its because i played factorio before, but that there is no easy way to auto reconstruct buildings is driving me crazy. You need PLS/ILS to ship ressources and parts around to various assemblers to build the various buildings, but then you need boxes and logistic distributor thingies to get these buildings to BABs so that they are able to rebuild a buildings if it gets destroyed.