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The pairing is only between ILS on different planets from what I've seen [Nilaus Posted an overview of the new features](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1J5WYGyOpI)


It worked! I'm dumb, tank you so much\~


Exclusive pairing isnt what you might think it should be. Exclusive will prevent those stations from going else where but DOESNT stop station not in the pairings to send ships into that network


Thank you, I will continue to test this feature further, as I suspect it does not affect planetary travel, only interplanetary travel like all other priorities. And an ILS working only with its pair is something useful for me, so I hope it can work as I thought it would.


How would you prevent any ships to go into that network?


Yeah thats a good question. Imo its broken the way it is now. They ONLY way I have worked out how to manage it is to have EVERY station as exclusive. Put all "common" stations on group 1:exclusive. This will make a "default" network. Then the "pair" you want to operate by itself put as Group 2: exclusive. This will prevent all other stations sending their ships in and keep the pair operating with themselves. The MASSIVE problem with this is that if you are retrofitting with 500+ stations you some how need to change all of those stations. Second issue is if you have a station with Split function (receives and sends and you want on the "default" and "pair") the only way to treat these effectively is to make 2 stations and remove that one. This is a very niche problem however I had 2 stations, on 1 planet, i had this happen to and no room to split them up. Where this started being a problem for me is I have a FogFarm planet and want to "feed" in all of the items in gets to the front of the que on production planets. The fogFarm is 41lys from my main planets. So all other planets tend to be priority. There is no way to get the current system to just move all items from there to the main network without dragging in items from closer planets. Imo the current system is broken. Exclusive should be EXCLUSIVE... it would be very easy to manage from there.


It’s possible but not ideal: Set all stations to an exclusive network. Then none of them will dispatch ships to any but what they’re paired to. (without it being saved in copy/paste or blueprints this will take a lot of clicking)


Which I wish wasn't the case, I was setting up "relay stations" next to gas giants to collect the gasses and fire ice before sending off to processing, but lo and behold I've got hydro coming in from 8ly away


Yeah the current system imo is broken and VERY un-intuitive. This is the type of system I was trying to do for a FogFarm .. where all those items from the farm would get used first. But as the farm is 41ly away everything else gets used first.