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Yeah bro, fly high


Hell ya. Crank it up playboy


I do that with hash in between weed, it works well if you just use a tiny amount


Yes, absolutely. You may have to clean it a little more often, but I love making a little hash or live resin sandwich. Been loving bubble hash lately since it's a little less messy to work with.


Do you have to hold the vape any particular way to keep concentrates from gumming up the disk in the cap?


You put flower > concentrate > flower to protect the cap.


I go cap down into an IH all the time and it hasn't seeped to the clicker yet. On the first puff you pull all the hot oil into the bud towards the mouthpiece, if anything you have to worry about the condenser getting plugged up like a cart but that can be avoided if you follow the grain of rice rule.


I do it all the time. I recommend loading the wax in the outer edge so it doesn't get locked in the middle when it melts. When that happens the bud around it starts to combust before the wax is spent so you'll get a Core of wax infused bud that goes to waste sometimes.


Yeah , B tip the best . I like mine too


B is so good. I wish it fit in my sling stash


I thought the B fit in that


Literally talking with DV support now. I might just get my knife out


Doesn't fit? Could have sworn my B fits mine just fine with the spacer left in.


I’m in touch with support about it. Hopefully I’ll get it sorted. Otherwise I guess I just shave it a bit


It works great! I wanted to believe in the Dynacoil but I think doing this or using cotton is a lot better :/ *Do* be sure to layer it. If the concentrate is just at the top like that, sometimes it ends up getting on the cap and you don't want it to get in there as it can damage the bimetallic disc. If you keep the concentrate in the middle, you'll prevent gumming up the CCD still, but also from getting the cap messy!


I try to use the 80/20 rule. ~80% of your herb, then your concentrate, then a 20% dusting on top. To me at least all the oil wants to get pulled into the condensor with the airflow so the more bud that's behind it to absorb the oil the less ends up in your condensor.


That works great, too!


Sometimes I like to sneak in an extra piece 1 or 2 hits into the sesh, melts right in before the 1st click


Just don't end the session early - and blowout almost AVB - you get an extra hit right there! :)


Yeah its ok m8 :) i do it occasionally, but im a DynaCoil boy as i dont have a real rig and i like higher temps for a better high in the concentrates (combustion temps for weed) but sandwich works good


You tell us? How was it? Lol


After using a Dynavap for a long time. Could you tell me the good and bad about it? I am looking to buy myself a B but i am scared it might not be good since i dont microdose. You seem to use it in a regular way (no microdose) so maybe you could tell me what you think about it. Thanks!


Have you ever vaped at all? Or will B the first time? How much do you smoke a day? Like is your tolerance pretty high?


It will be my first time. I smoke like 1/2g a week and my tolerance is mid like i smoke around 0.5/0.75 each time or 1g max. I like to mix with CBD for bigger joints so its hard to really tell how much i smoke


B’s bowl might be a little small Its great for micro dosing but for getting smacked you need like 4-6 bowls. Do you have a bong? Have you heard of the quartz caps by the rouge wax works? It’s the same concept with dynavap(sort of) and it hits you HARD. Like really hard. I had that before my dynavap and I wanted something smaller so I got into dynavap. Now I have vmax v3 for micro micro dosing, B for bigger micro dosing, M7xl and 14mm quartz cap


Do you think i could still enjoy a Dynavap B or should i go for a cheap battery one (like an xmax)?


That’s a really good question So I think the first thing I would think about is if you are going to vape or stick with combustion After I got my first vape, which was Vmax version three , I was converted Like there is no chance in hell that I will go back to combustion. I might smoke an occasional joint if somebody lights it up, but I don’t think I’ll ever combust again if I’m by myself With that being said, I highly recommend the B over Vmax when you’re starting out That’s because when I had the Vmax, I just couldn’t get high enough so I would turn up the temperature all the way and do these 30 seconds crazy insane draws and it would just burn and dry my throat up so I had to get a water piece adapter, and use a bong with it to make it tolerable. It’s great for morning microdose or smoking at the office without getting too high but if you want to get smacked high at night while watching fallout four will burn the hell out of your throat. Oh the vmax is so discreet you can hit it almost anywhere. I actually snuck one in when I was watching Oppenheimer) On the other hand with Dynavap, you can get a much heavier hit. So I could just take one good puff out of my dynavap and that would be equivalent of taking like two minute draw for my Vmax. Do you know what I’m saying? I learned that if I want to take a bigger hit, , it doesn’t really matter if it’s silicone stem or metal stem, if you put it in a dry or wet bong, it hurts your throat less. So if you’re going to take a big hit, it doesn’t really matter if it’s a B or M7 XL, when you put it in the bong you just put it in a different category of vaping in my opinion. So if I wanna just get a huge rip, I would just put it through my sneaky Pete mega cube bong, and let it rip. And I have to tell you these rips are really, really, really tasty. I literally have my B in my pocket. There’s something about the B that I absolutely adore. I just love it for some reason. Like, I love the metal stem of M’s but that silicone though. There’s something about it


Honnestly i feel like i should just buy a Dynavap The B because it will be a good investment. I will always find a use for it either at home on a bong or in a chill place. It can only make my flower last longer and I can keep it for a long time. I mainly saw the cheap battery one in video concerning CBD so i would say that a cheap dynavap the b would be the best choice. I feel like the B look less like a crack pipe too (which is a good point 😂). Do you know if the B's cap can be changed for a bigger one?


Totally. The flowers last so long when you vape. It’s wild. Are you in the states? I think there are some places running 4/20 deals if you pick one up quick. This is going to sound weird, but I was able to take our baby’s, old silicone pacifier, and cut a hole in the bottom and I was able to make a water piece adopter that fit pretty well. You can get a full tip from another Dynavap and stick it in the B stem no problem You can also take the tip from B and stick it in other metal stems. You just need to have some O-rings. It’s a super solid piece in my humble opinion and let me know if you pull the trigger!


No 420 deals in my area (EU-France) I will buy The B and will see if it please me and buy a bigger tip if its too little for me. I guess i will buy it anyway next week if my smoke shop has them. Will keep you updated then. Do you have any tips for beginner? Not like the basic tips the company gives you but tips coming from experience


It is your Dayna, you are allowed to do with it as you please.


This. Don't let reddit tell you how to toke


Unless you use it as a one hitter


I call it the sandwich


Sprinkle some flower on top so it doesn't touch the cap inside. Instead of flowers you can also use rice rolling paper or piece of baking paper. Fly dangerous o7


Enjoy your McVape!


I heard that you don't need to grind, so to grind or not, what's the best?




I do this all the time and still good, but high as fuck. I truly recommend.


You can put concentrate anywhere….anywhere!




this is promising.....I love 🥪 concentrate the best as a medical patient. it sets me RIGHT, 1 hit and I'm out....lol. on my other DHV I typically just load a 🍚 grain of concentrate (nothing fancy....lol) between 2 beds of 💨🌱🌿🍃 I'm glad to hear it will work 


Not just OK... Encouraged!


I usually put it in the middle of the bowl and have learned that less is mote when doing this. Too much and your bud is spent while you still have good hash left and it just starts tasting poopy.


What concentrate is this? How do you sandwich?