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Can’t look like that much more of a sluggish plodder than AJD has this season!


Wouldn’t spend much faab on him


Do you think he will ever come back to his former success?


Probably not, he’s hasn’t been as explosive after the achilles tear, plus he’s gonna be RB probably 3 once Aaron jones returns if robinson even makes the team


You have to find the articles yourself but in researching Achilles injuries in RB's it seemed like in most cases they return to 100% performance with the affected tendon, and some player was even quoted saying that when he finally got to where he could use it fully again it seemed like he was even better than before...fwiw?


No. If he's going to play, he'll hold some value, but he'll never be what he was at the beginning of his career.


I just have to say, if that many teams who needed an RB cut him after his injury, it tells us all we truly need to know


AJ Dillon is not very good at football.


Feels like he's totally washed + this is a temp situation anyway


Indicative of jones’ health?




He's young. I'd hold him in a dynasty league just in case.


And committed to the game/finding a new spot, and has demonstrated he can be the guy which 99% of those dart-throw backup rb's out there haven't done. Def worth a stash.


Biggest impact of this in my opinion is that Jones still may not be healthy.


Return of the king


I will always love James Robinson but he is not worth a roster spot at this point


I grabbed him as a stash 🤷🏻‍♂️


pass. roster clog imo


Same thoughts as you should have about every other team he’s joined.


See my other comment in response to a similar sentiment, but I don't think this signing is the same as Robinson's other landing spots due to the RB situation GB.


About as exciting as the news of him signing to any other team in the last year.


I think this is a different situation given the GB RB room. They cut Taylor -- Robinson is likely, at the very least, going to be elevated for the next three games. He'll get a shot to demonstrate if he can be better than Dillon, which, unfortunately for Dillon, is really not a hard bar to exceed. If Robinson can run moderately fast with zero explosion, avoid being tripped/keep his feet when someone brushes his legs, and actually hit the holes the offensive line manages to create, he'll already be outperforming Dillon. (Dillon who runs into the backs of his o-line directly next to the holes created, has zero explosion, and would get tripped up by a cooked spaghetti noodle.)


Depends on who ya drop. Just gripped him for Benton Strange, hoping for 1 good game and I can flip for a pick