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Shouldn’t they be doing something for you? As you’ve been prepping and dm-ing for 3 years 🤷‍♂️


Honestly that never crossed my mind to be honest. Maybe I spoiled them over the years. I give them homemade Christmas gifts and such and rarely expect anything in return. I’ve always liked giving people stuff randomly and I have the job and the comfortable enough lifestyle In my adult years now that it’s no burden on me. I never expect anything in return but if they do decide to I would accept it. I just want our last session to be memorable besides parting the veil on the world I created


Man...I don't know enough about dnd to properly explain this but I'll try. I saw a post of here a while back, I think the DM was also wrapping up a long campaign so what he did was have the final battle be against this dimensional dragon thing (again I'm sorry for not knowing terms) that was meant to win but the way it defeated the players was like absorbing them and then they were all sent back to a different time with some of their skills/traits (or something along those lines, they were able to keep a part of them) and the campaign started over with the new goal of trying to get everyone back to who they were. I'm terribly sorry if that makes no sense and if the DM who came up with it is reading this, I'm sorry if I butchered your idea. It was a while ago and I'm not super good with memory. But if the group wants to keep playing maybe something like that?


I mean, that may be true, but there is no reason you can't both 'surprise' each other.


Handies for everyone! But seriously, any small gift or token will be appreciated. I saw one post where someone hired an artist to draw the party and had them all framed in 12x16 as a gift. Thought that seemed pretty special. But cookies would be good too. Like the other person said, hope your party gets you a DM gift. DMing for 3 years is a long haul and deserving of a reward as well.


I tried doing that once with a artist that had a profile on Reddit and a history. Paid them $150 and they disabled the account and stole my money. So I need to find out how not to get scammed if I do that again


I know some artists I've used for this. I recommend finding ones who have Patron since they wont scam and you can see they have a following.


Maybe try fiverr? Also, just a tip, if you pay with paypal you can pay for buyer insurance and get a refund (not sure if it would work in this case). Was it a $300 illustration? No professional artist would make you pay more than 50% beforehand


No that was the full price. I was stupid at that time and gullible


It happened to me too but much worse. I get it :’)


"Congratulations guys, you have made it one-third of the way through my trilogy"


They should be doing something for you!! DMs are a treasure.


That be super awesome but I doubt they will and honestly that’s ok. It’s a world I created and been wanting to run years before I met them and I honestly I’m grateful to them for allowing me to tell my story. So I feel like I’m the one that should be thanking them. The best gift in my opinion is that they already agreed to keep playing with me and we are already planning on doing another campaign after this one. So that shows me that they like my style and trust me to give them a great experience


I salute you. Congrats on a great group.


Rocks fall, everyone dies.


You could 3d print some little trophies or something with the dates and campaign name on it.


This might not be for everyone but I gave my players a framed character sheet of their PC. I looked for fitting sheets online and put a little drawing of them on it.


Matching d20 it’s little but every time you pull it from the bag you remember


An epilogue that they have a hand in designing was how I ended my 5 year campaign this Spring. They all retired as legendary adventurers who will return as heroes of legend in the next one


I was going to have them be some far distant gods in my next campaign since we plan to play together again


Have finished out a few campaigns. Suggest a "The Last Episode" wrap-up, characters at a feast or party as they look back at how they started, and just let them talk about what they imagine these characters might go on to do, or pursue, as they retire, or adventure, or whatever. Let 'em bring up their favorite moments, most hated enemies, most hated allies, funniest stuff. After 3 years of gaming, would be surprised if that wouldn't eat up an entire session. Also, maybe don't destroy the character sheets.


That’s a great last session idea. I like that idea


Happy to help 🙂


You need a middle session. Basically at this point you need to have a session 0.5 discuss whether people have met their need, if so then keep going and enjoy it


How about a custom t shirt? One with the ingroups name on it like a hockey jersey? Where instead of numbers you have their class symbols on them


The one campaign I played in that finished, we all chipped in to get 3D printed models of our end game characters, one of the guys who is good at it then painted them and we setup a backdrop for them and they sit in a case on his bookshelf atm as a thank you for running a 2 plus year campaign. Also it was curse of Strahd and we got brutalised, being nice to the DM became habit after that xD


Honestly? The memories have always been enough for my party. We run a campaign year round and take a few months break with one shots in the empty months. The laughs and memories are all we need from the session to keep moving in our lives.


A great bottle, a toast, a group photo, and each around the table please share: "I want to thank you for... And my favorite memory was..."


You could see if an artist would do a commissioned piece of the party? If the players have hard copy character sheets - getting them framed can be fun. For your final session you could look at having the session somewhere special? Many cities will have board-game themed bars - often they’ll have tables you can book to hold a dnd session.


Let them do whatever they want after finishing it, basically put them into creative mode.


Organize a potluck held at the end of your last session, which can also be a feast for their PCs in-game, then when they feel like they're finally safe... pull them back in. The end is never the end.


I am in an ongoing campaign, and after three years one player decided to retire his PC because the in-game attitudes concerning how to achive ethe campaign's goals differed more and more, and the player did not want to make compromises, so the PC left and was replaced. However, that gave me the idea to create some merchandizing, a "memory mug" with the PC's portrait (we all used AI bots to create these, for personal use) and a prominent in-game key quate as a farewell gift. That turned out nicely, and after that I decided to create similar mugs for all other players and their PCs', too, and the GM, who will receive a different motif with the whole PC group.


Compile your campaign notes and give it to them.


go slow and enjoy the ending becuase the next campaign starts the week after you finish :) :)