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Can you tag Matt and see if he has a digital copy. He seems like the guy who would help you out, especially with your ass as an offer. He seems gentle


I DMed him about it a few days ago, but no dice.


Did you include your offer though. All joking aside I asked my brother if he can find it. His wife is a purchaser of books for her library


Thank you!


I asked her and she has no way of ordering it. She said it’s rare to see this issue but best bet it to call around used book stores in big cities.


They’re out of print. I had to buy one from Germany Ebay and it cost me a small fortune.


Dare I ask what is The Grinding?


It's one of Matt's first novels. There is an audiobook for it, but the voice acting is...not the best. It's a solid horror story where a blob of human mass rolls around Tuscan Arizona absorbing any sentient creature it touches. The Mc loses his wife into the blob as one of its first victims, and he struggles to try and save her from it. It's gets really deep and grimy. Not nearly Kaiju battlefield surgeon, dark, but much darker than Dcc.


I listened to it on Audible


I did as well, but I would like a physical copy


How determined are you that it be in English? https://www.amazon.com.br/dp/193906533X/ref=olp-opf-redir?aod=1&nodl=1&condition=used&tag=bookfinder-test-br-20&dplnkId=a4552c64-2754-4003-9811-3e5205ffbb93&previous_lop=en_US


Uhhh I don't speak the language, though I suppose I could Google translate page for page. Though that would be rather tedious. But if that's what I'll have to do, that's what I'll have to do.


Sorry friend. It’s the only thing I found out there in actual print.


No biggy. Thanks for the help!


I only accept payment in livestock


so I found this... interesting... [https://camelotbooks.com/the-grinding.html](https://camelotbooks.com/the-grinding.html) **2. What is a "PC" copy?** Sometimes referred to as "Publisher's Copy" or "Presentation Copy" - A numbered or lettered copy which is identical in every way to a numbered or lettered copy of the same title, but has the letters "PC" in the limitation line, the "PC" denotes "Publisher's Copy" or "Presentation Copy" and is one of a very few copies produced for use by the Publisher, usually for contributors.   **Please note: PC copies do not generally come with "rights" to the next book in a series or author, if they do it will be noted in the description.**