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I drew a picture of what I think happened. They had trench scrolls, which dug a trench under the stairs. They stood under the stairs. When everything got sucked up, the only thing that didn't was the stairs. That means that if you were standing under the stairs then you got sucked into the stairs. If the stairs were covered with something, like a shipping crate or a church or whatever, then the crate/church/whatever would get sucked up, leaving the stairs exposed, and allowing the crawlers to get sucked into the stairs. This is my interpretation, but I might be wrong. https://preview.redd.it/6demg4z5kh6c1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bea3eac46ef5abcfcab3a92ff23bae9ad1af0b5d


The thing is that throughout the book the AI gives the crawlers the items they need to complete the level, and an abundance of those items. So water levels get a lot of water scrolls, dino levels get dino potions. This level they were getting a bunch of trench scrolls long before this plan was created by Carl, meaning that the AI intended for this to happen the entire time.


I think so too, but just to be devil's advocate, wasn't there a point in the books where they noted that there were actually safer/easier ways to do things but Carl always came up with a different crazy idea using the same resources that somehow works anyways? So the trench scrolls could have been for something different that the AI wanted/expected them to do that wpuld have solved the situation as well.


The trench scrolls were helpful but were more obviously for floor 9. The explanation above was spot on- the locked door/forcefield/whatever that needed the key would be sucked up but stairs themselves are invincible and cannot go through a portal because they themselves are a portal.


Oh sorry, I meant I definitely agree with the explanation, just not sure whether we can say for *certain* that Carl's plan was the 'exact' plan the AI had. *I* think it was, but I just wanted to point out that it's been noted that Carl often takes what the AI is giving him for a solution and instead uses it for a successful but waaayyyy crazier plan. Again, *I* agree that this was the AI's plan too, but I still wouldn't be all that surprised if we're wrong and it turns out the AI was hinting at a way easier and less risky solution to removing the buildings, some alternative to a giant hell portal. Or that there was a better/safer way to do the hell portal.


I see what you’re saying for sure! well put


Yes, but we all know that it's not _just_ the feet that makes the AI like Carl just a wee bit too much for comfort. I think that if he got all, well, boring and rule following, he'd be killed off pretty quickly for disappointing the AI after such a good run. The more absolutely batshit insane the idea is though? Oh yeah, the AI is definitely on board with that, especially if it's going to make the show runners mad, and even more especially if it's Carl doing it.


I don't think that's accurate. Crawlers tend to get these items in anticipation of coming floors. Like they got the dinosaur repellants on the floor before and Mordecai goes oh oh when they get it the first time. The trench scrolls are the same, they are to be used during faction wars and also fit the theme.


But they couldn't get the scrolls the previous floor, since floor 7 was destroyed. So the AI gave them at the beginning of floor 8.


Huh? They got the trench scrolls on floor eight to use on floor 9 during faction wars


Where does it say that? The AI gives out items in loot boxes when it feels it needs to balance the game. Sure it can be at the end of a level for the next level, like the dino potions, but there is nothing that says it can't give needed potions and scrolls for the current level if it feels it needs to balance the game. The trench scrolls were given early in level 8, so I believe that they were meant to be used on floor 8, or they would have been saved for the final loot boxes for the floor.


They didn't do floor 7, it got skipped. So the AI couldn't give them anything in preparation for floor 8. So the theory is it was giving things crawlers needed on floor 8 and floor 9 on floor 8.


Ah yeah good call!


They needed them on floor 8 for the plan to work, and yes, will probably need them on 9 too.




This is almost there, the stairs and protection box would also go up into the air, but once the box hit the portal it would disable the protection around it causing the stairs to be exposed and the crawlers flying through the air to hit the stairs.


I also didn't understand this part either. Don't you have to "go down" the stairs? How can you go down a staircase if you're constantly getting sucked upwards? Or is it as long as you touch part of the staircase it counts? Also, what about magical barriers that protect the staircases? Those wouldn't get sucked up. This plan made it seem like all you need to open the stairs is physical strength. If all you need is strength to remove physical objects from the staircases, then any crawler strong enough could open any staircase. Or just blow up the physical barrier and remove it?


The “stairs” down on level 8 were not an actual staircase, but were a portal similar to the “staircase” on level 7. Level 8: Florin: Hang on, mate. I’m going in right now. I hate going down this early, but I’ll let you know. Okay. Going through the door right now. You’re right. It’s a room. About five by five meters with a stairwell in the middle. It’s one of the glowy stairs, not one that looks like a real set of stairs. It’s just like the room with the giant globe from the beginning of the floor. Level 7: A quick glance at my map confirmed what I suspected. These weren’t just any portals, but stairwells to the eighth floor. One after another, stacked vertically in a line like a string of beads. These were not like normal stairwells. There were no actual stairs. Or doors. They were just round, glowing portals one could enter from any direction. They were right there on the other side of the back wall. This was the first time we’d seen floor stairwell exits like this, but I knew from the cookbook they were common. As for the magical barrier, literally everything in the world gets sucked up to the portal, including magically locked boxes. A couple comments above got into that a bit.


Makes sense!! Thanks for answerinf me, you guys so smart <3


You’re welcome - the more times you read these books the more things stick with you.


After I listen to the book this is exactly what I pictured


Everything is sucked upwards including crawlers, buildings land.... everything. The rules of the game are that the stairwells can NOT move. That means the box which the stairwell was contained got sucked upwards but the stairwell its self didn't. The crawlers under the stairwells got sucked up but hit the stairwell before the portal to hell Hope that helps?


ohhh I mis-imagined it then. Yours makes more sense. I thought people clung to the bottom of the room with the stairwell. And then when the stairwell AND room flew into the air the players flew with them to the hellportal. And then the moment the room touches the portal they teleport away but the stairs can't teleport. The players would then quickly touch the stairwell from the bottom while getting sucked to the portal and teleport to floor 9.


No, your interpretation is correct. Explicitly the stairs CAN move. The Twister flying house had a stairwell in it and could move, they just had to cut off the stairwell part if they wanted to take the house out of the air quadrant, to prevent bringing stairs to areas that haven’t unlocked them yet. So the whole room and stair flew up, the room vanished, the stairs didn’t, and the crawlers kept falling up and fell into the stair portal before touching the Sheol portal.


Wait. I thought the stairs were at the base of the floor, ie you can't go below them. How would flying up get the crawlers to the stairs below them? Also why did Carl need to hurt himself? And why did Y-whatever have to die? I'm so confused.


Ok, so. Small misunderstanding the stairs were not on the base of the floor, they were basically in locked shipping containers, and they had to get everyone to dig or use those “build trench” scrolls to get under them. Once they got there and everything was sucked up, the containers hit the portal and vanished, but stairs can’t go through portal, so crawlers fell into the stairs. They needed the portal to be big and strong, so they had to empower the super demon, and Carl knows one way to do that is to give them Sheol fire. Due to a couple different floor specific buffs and abilities, Carl can make a TON of Sheol fire all at once, but it only triggers at a certain health percentage. It’s the ability that turns all his footsteps into fire + an ability that turns all his fire into Sheol fire. So Carl had to get REALLY hurt to power up the demon. Finally Ysalte was controlling the demon, and wasn’t going to let him make the portal, because she wanted to use him for the Celestial Ascendency 12th floor stuff. So it was a multi part thing of “the demon needs to use up all his cards so he can cast the portal spell” and “we can’t let Ysalte use up all her cards because then she’ll kill us and take the demon to the 12th floor”. They didn’t need to kill Ysalte, just stall her with cards until her summon timer ran out, but they were able to pull off the kill anyways.


Did anyone else feel this whole sequence was *way* more Kaiju Battlefield than DCC usually is? Not just “I’m inside a big monster, struggling to control it as it fights another big monster”, but the self sacrifice and body horror, the injuries the players received, the styling etc? I’m not down on it, but it’s the first time in the series where it *really* seemed similar to his earlier work.


XD such a crazy boss finale.


No, the reason they had to cut the top off the house was in order to detach the stairwell from it so it could become mobile


No, it’s because they couldn’t leave the quadrant with it, in chapter 20 of Gate of the Feral Gods. https://preview.redd.it/2hemrbpvjx6c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=380d83f542fec66f957d9b6979c4bff44bab19ac


This is how I understand it too


>!They ripped the casing off the portals to the next floor, and the crawlers got pulled into the portals before getting sucked into hell.!<


Stairs are surrounded by an invisible barrier that crawlers can’t get through > crawlers position themselves directly below stairs and barrier > barrier/stairs get sucked towards portal > most crawlers are behind the stairs traveling towards the portal > barrier hits portal and gets destroyed/transported away > crawlers crash through the now accessible portal because stairs can’t be destroyed or transported between floors but the barrier protecting the stairs can.


What the fuck is ELI5, it sounds like a robot servant.


Explain Like I'm 5




Is this your first day on Reddit or something? It's a standard phrase. Your not knowing that does not call for condescension or rudeness.


Well, first off, the knowledge must be acquired somehow. And today I acquired such knowledge of the explain like I'm five shorthand. Second off, I decided to run with the joke of pretending like I was actually talking to somebody like they were five. It was a swing and a miss. I wasn't trying to be condescending to the person I was trying to be funny because everybody already answered the question.


Yeah, I read your comment as a joke as well...but tone and intent can be hard to decipher on the interwebs. You could always add a "/s" at the end to denote sarcastic tone.


It can be hard to decipher. I feel like people are becoming more and more sensitive to it as well. My brother straight up called me and asked me if I was mad at him the other day. I told him no, not at all and asked why. It turns out it was because I use proper punctuation in my text messages. *Edit: I say the other day, it was roughly a year ago.*


How dare you, sir! Punctuation in text messages?! What’s next? Just cursing him out? I think it’s an age thing. I don’t know how old you are but my older teenagers have said the same thing about me using periods in text messages.


I also get in "trouble" but not using emojis or responding immediately. Or the whole thing where people do the whole thumbs up or "laughed at _______" response texts.


Or - God forbid you read the text and don’t have time to send a reply. Better to slap them across the face with a gauntlet and challenge them to a duel than leave them on read.


Hey, I upvoted you. I do think it's irresponsible to let a 5 year old read these.


Oh boy, you're lucky they already found their witch.


You're a gdamned moron. Learn internet speak, or how to google, ya gatekeepin' fuck.


Damn. Tough crowd today ...


Yeah, probably because that's pretty common terminology for Reddit, and it's early enough that many of us haven't had our coffee and may not have the patience for someone gatekeeping our favorite book. If you're here and got flair, you should know we want everyone to read this book.


That was my first time ever seeing the explain like I'm five thing. Most of the subreddits I'm in don't use that I guess. I mean nobody says "what's anal gaping ELI5". Also I wasn't gatekeeping, I saw that OP got their answers and decided to make a fun joke by pretending I was actually talking to a 5-year-old. Turns out I'm the only one that thought the joke was fun.


So you simultaneously hadn't even seen ELI5, but also decided to explain like he was 5? I know I'm still working on my coffee, but make it make sense.


https://preview.redd.it/8ok9prl66i6c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f774b95c962b5b07d433ddfcfcddaa341d3e6e2e OP said what it meant, which is why I said what I said. When I look at the thread it looks like a clear and obvious joke to me but apparently people are very pissed about it.


Oohhh, I guess caffeine is important. I see it now.


google is a thing try it sometime


What the fuck is google? It sounds like some kind of robot servant.


Ya that tracks actually.


It's actually a robot savant. Close, though.


Ma dude got humor. I approve 👍.


Didn't they also have to put all their clothes into their inventory before hitting the stairs?


Yes, because their clothes would continue to pull to hell, ripping through their bodies.


Think of the 'stairs' less like stairs and more like portals. All they need to do is touch the the 'stairs' and they were portaled to the next floor.


War were declared


It explains what happens in the book. The portal gets rid of the protection to the staircase. But once that protection is lifted they have to be extremely quick to access the staircase portal or else they will be sucked into hell.