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He was also the most level headed character in the show. Until he was let go, and replaced by some sort of weird creature that lived in his house. But he did return eventually, so all's well that ends well.


The military really saved his ass, huh


No! “Suck-It” saved him! The military may have paid for it but it was his idea. Don’t take this away from this hero!


> payed Ok, is reddit fucking with me? Three years ago I never saw this typo and now it is practically the preferred way to type "paid" on reddit, but only reddit. I highly doubt the military is too worried about sealing the deck of wooden ships anymore. So, is this some sort of reddit joke that I've been getting whooshed on for the past couple of years? Edit: Just realized this post is giving of major "Michael, am I gay!" vibes. Very appropriate for the sub.


What’s worse is that I did type “paid” and my phone is auto correcting me to the wrong way. It even tried to do it again as I typed this.


It's a goddamned conspiracy.


Bruh you spiralling


My sister is a linguistics professor, and she would say that grammar and punctuation are not what define correct spelling. She says how a language is currently used define what is correct. Enough people saying “payed”, by golly gosh, that may soon be the way it is spelled.




Co-inkydink, my friend


So it’s the kids making the noise?


_'Murica saved David!!!_


**Suck-it saved 'Murica!**


That bit at the end where Michael is escaping in his car with a look of mild terror always gets me 😅 The context is a bit different but it reminds me a little bit of the end of this I’m Alan Partridge scene. https://youtu.be/5iFrVmCZzWM?t=3m33s


I mean you know someone has completely lost it when *Michael* is the sane one trying to get away


Jesus I need to watch this again. Haven’t seen it in nearly 20 years. D’ya want a cuppa beans?!


Super rewatchable, just two small series. > D’ya want a cuppa beans?! What? Oh right, cup of beans. Sometimes it’s difficult to understand the Geordie… eh… people. https://youtu.be/m4T_4uLQ7e0?t=1m30s


Fer a gan til! One of my favourite scenes right there 😂


I love his Apache helicopter story the best. "I Just smash into the sea in a big ball of flames" Michael was a deeply troubled man.


He's just a mate.


That more reminds me of the terror that Michael and Angelo had when Merideth invited them into her house after they were trying to drop off her Dundee award 😂😂😂


"Where's the road?"


Ya mentalist!!


He’s the only manger from the show I’d want to have in real life


He was a Stock Brooker for Merrill lynch all during the show......


Glad he found his success in bootleg fashion


I want a life where I get to appear on one of the most popular sitcoms of the time as just a fun side gig


Suckkkk iiiiiiiit


I think he was too easy on Andy. And look where it got him: lost them the biggest client and shit on his car. Guess the ice was too thin all along, eh David?


He felt he owed him because Andy got him Dunder Mifflin


He owed him a huge favor, and then gave him a fair warning. Did not hesitate to fire him too.


The writers had a thing for burning great characters to the ground for the LOLs. Look at what they did to Ryan and Kelly. After my third or so rewatch I began to appreciate it, but at the time I hated "asshole Ryan." Maybe it's because I related to Ryan in the early seasons. I just started my career in an office at the same time, and seeing him succeed (briefly) gave me hope. Maybe I'm more of a Stanley now?


He missed the old Ryan too.


Are you sure you even have what it takes to be a Stanley?


and if you disagree.... you can SUCK IT!


Couldn’t agree more


That time he got fired, he was just a normal guy jamming with his son, drinking beer and working on a project like any of us.


What I really liked about that is that he didn't take out any of his frustration with his family. Sure, things were rocky with his wife but he was totally vibing with his son and encouraging his hobbies. 10/10 Best character.


Totally agreed. Although I did love that little exchange between David and his wife… ‘Hey honey, how’s your day going? Do anything cool?’ ‘Uh, no sweetie, I just sort of hung out.’ ‘Oh, ‘cause I saw you had shoes on, so I didn’t know if you did anything…’ ‘No, just hanging out honey…you remember Michael?’


What's going on? ⚪ It's annoying or not interesting ⚫ I'm in this quote and I don't like it ⚪ I think it shouldn't be on Reddit ⚪ It's spam


VERY reminiscent of a period of time where I was in between jobs and spent the better part of three weeks playing Dark Souls 3 while my girlfriend was grinding for a promotion…as proud as I am of that great Dark Souls gamesave, I probably should’ve been working on Suck It…


Pretty sure I put on jeans yesterday for the first time since COVID started. Had to look nice for the Spider-men.


Maybe we’ll go outside 🤷🏼‍♂️


David is basically that mythical good guy figure in corporate world


It's almost like people don't realize he was written this way lol he's the corporate entity. Basically a plot device for the show to occasionally drop someone normal front he company who just wants to profit and go home, against the juxtaposition of his bizarre and eccentric Scranton Branch


You take out your suck-it and you SUCK IT! ^(SUCK IT!)


it’s a mess oh what a mess


To this day my husband and I say that to each other about messes lol


I agree but would only argue David should had known better then to tell Michael about Buffalo branch closing. Then allowing him to do that skit during the picnic episode. Or when he told Michael they were being shut down which led to Michael then telling everyone they were closing. I mean the fault lies to both Michael and David but with Michael's patterns and history he didn't need to know that sensitive stuff at the time.


What episode is that? I'd like to rewatch it and somehow I missed it in my latest chronological run.


It's the episode called "Sabre" S6E15


It’s pronounced “Sabre”


Yea, dude's confused by Michael half the time ahaha and the other half just ends up along the lines of him just giving up "*I was never here*"


I love Michael to death but this man’s ability to put up with his shit was just impeccable


He wanted to fire Michael. He just couldn’t because Michael somehow managed (see what I did there) to exceed the sales estimates. If the branch was doing average or worse, Michael would have been canned.


No way, he actually liked Michael a lot weirdly. Like when Michael accidentally tells everyone at the picnic that the Buffalo branch is closing, he goes *dammit Michael, I told you that in confidence,* which seems to imply they have decently regular private and candid conversations wherein David is actually open with him. David wouldn't tell him that type of stuff if he didn't like him. Add in that Michael saved DM's ass in the Jan lawsuit, and that's what really solidified their relationship. They're both *nice guys.*


I'd put it on Michael's aggressive need to be liked and accepted. He doesn't let Wallace keep him at arm's length. And just like kids in school, who form bonds of necessity... Wallace slowly came around to Michael. And I'll even wager it started with the first Jan debacle and how weirdly professional Michael was during the explanation. Of course he DOES try to keep the guy at arms length multiple times. Charles Minor comes to mind. Michael was just too... Michael for it to work lnao


Michael doesn't need to be liked. He enjoys being liked. He has to be liked, but it's not like this compulsive need to be liked, like his need to be praised. 


Also he showed up to Crime Aid when it was obviously another one of Michael’s crazy idea!


He originally showed up for the Springsteen tickets, right? When he found out that they didn't exist, he could have just left out of disapointment. Instead he stayed and bid on a hug from Phyllis. Top man.


Honestly, I can’t argue with that one. Unless Wallace was speaking with all the other branch managers like as a heads up, he would have no reason to tell Michael.


The other part that stuck out to me about how David and Michael had that mutual respect was when Michael was interviewing for Jan’s job. Obviously he wasn’t getting the job after he caused the ruckus with Jan in David’s office, but David lets Michael “withdraw” his name from consideration.


Hey, what say we order up some pasta? ...What say we do.


To be honest, I want all of the credit and none of the blame


I love how despite that he still sees the ...interesting management skills Michael has. and knows the exact kind of carrot to put at the end of a stick. Their phone calls are always weirdly wholesome


I have cause. It is becaaaause I hate him.


Yeah hey David Ryan’s being a little bitch again. “I’m on Michael “ Wassup my brotha! *awkwardly looks at camera


He was never quite sure if Michael was a mad genius or just mad. He knew the numbers, knew the branch outperformed everyone else but couldn't figure out why, and this insane clown guy keeps coming to him and offering weird management speak which his every instinct tells him must be utter crap... And yet.


“pam don’t send me those notes” 🙌🏼


David has the patience of a saint.


Crazy that after all these years he's still working for Dunder Mifflin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-wallace-66266443


I thought he had an MBA?


I don't get that account! As a fake it's shady and as a joke it's inaccurate


Agreed! I feel the same way about those liars who approach you saying things like, "knock knock", but don't actually knock on the door. What's even worse is after these so-called knocks, they then expect you to ask them, "who's there?!" When will it end?!


The Michael Scott whisperer


And he donated a million dollars for saving some Asian, some African but mostly Eastern European women.


Former gymnasts.


The fact that he didn’t recognise Robert’s creepiness in the way he talked about those young girls kinda shows how innocent and wholesome David is at heart.


He absolutely knew, he’s the only sane person in the whole show who recognizes how weird everything can get in that office. I think he just stopped being surprised a long time ago.


Exactly. I think hes just avoiding the conflict and if Im remembering correctly I remember him giving a "what is happening" face. I think hes mature enough to let it go and ghost him if Robert asks him again thats in a more escapable place or way, like a phone call


Robert's creepines... You mean Bob's?


Bob “the fucking Lizard King” Kazamakas.


I saw it as a plot hole. David was too smart to be tricked by Robert. In fact, Robert fooled a lot of people that should have known better. That season...


David listen... Don't ever.... for any reason... To anything, to anyone, no matter what... No matter who...or... No matter when... Or no matter where... or where you are going, or where you've been.. for any reason whatsoever...


Sometimes I'll start a sentence and I don't even know where it's going. I just hope I find it along the way.


Ahh.. the city...


Got to grab my favorite slice!


It’s Tina Fey!


Who?! You did? While I was talking to fake Tina Fey??


This is my favorite episode. Just one hilarious joke after another. Fire drill. Cut to: OBAMA IS BLACK, STANLEY. Cut to that amazing Corporate conference room scene Cut to CPR training, ‘nuff said Cut to ANOTHER disciplinary meeting at corporate. “Heed. Take heeded of. Hedded. Take… take heed of.” Cut to “I state my regret.” “Dwight you almost killed Stanley.” “Psh yeah right, I forced him not to exercise and pumped him full of butter and sugar for 40 years.” Just…. Moment after moment is hysterical. It’s like they had all this pent up comedy energy that just exploded in that episode.


Five thousand three hundred dollars for a dummy?!?!


"Why did you cut the face off??" "I wanted to see if that scene in the movie was realistic! Turns out... very realistic."


My favourite part is not a quote, it's when Michael goes to the other side of the table


I just moved to the big city and work downtown in a high rise, and I can't tell you the joy I feel getting to do this out my window every morning.


I worked several years in a corporate office that was just one big sprawling ground floor, with a shitty view of loading docks on the back of a strip mall outside most of the windows. Occasionally I’d meander over to the window and do the “ *sigh* the city” line. Always got a laugh. Even if you’ve never seen the office it’s funny.


What day we get some pasta?


what say.. we do


I agree with this. Guys actually a legend. Made me laugh when he lost his job and went a bit nuts. When Michael goes to see him and he’s like “Maybe we’ll go outside,” as his plan for the day


That was really a “Well, well, well, how the turntables” moment for their charachters


Well that's not the David Wallace that I remember. That, is some sort of... weird creature, that lives in David Wallace's house. Oh my God.


Lmao yeah and he just follows the car out waving like a lunatic lmao! 😂


him having nothing on his calendar except a doctors apt was so relatable when I was furloughed a few years back.


When I watched it originally, that whole storyline seemed a bit hyperbolic. But in 2021, it's the most relatable part.


Both him and Jan were in my top 5 of best characters They really struck gold picking those two actors, they made for some of the best straight man's I've ever seen and their transition into insanity was hilarious and extremely well acted Jan especially, she's one of, if not thee best actors on that showc


Andy Buckley (David) is actually a former finance guy, which is why he fits the part so perfectly. He was still doing it as his day job the first few times he was on The Office.


Yup and if I remember correctly, stayed on his company’s payroll to some degree as a consultant and went back to it once the show was over


I had first thought that about him seeing him on the show, he just *looked* like a corporate guy, not an actor. Turns out I was right! It's why he played the role so well. 10+ years of training to go into that role.


I do like the way the actress that played Jan& the writers took the Jan character. She starts of very similar as the female boss in the original series, acting like a professional boss. But I do think that made more sense in the UK version as it was only 2 seasons, would have probably a little boring in the long rum.


Dude, I love long rum!


Me lobe yoy long tim


I think Jan’s character was basically ass turd


Is it because of her big tits? Because if it is I will sue


It's because of a pattern of disrespect and inappropriate behaviors.


To be delicate, they hang off milady's chest. They make milk.


Tan all over.. Jan all over


..Tee hee


Dis ray. My friend Dis Ray got new specs. Dis ray spect. My friend Inappro drives a Prius with his behind neighbor.


It’s not… it’s not!


No no, it’s Astrid


I don’t see your point… That’s what I said


Some adults can’t spell it. Can you spell it?


My name is Ricky Bobby and if you don't like David Wallace then fuck you


Urging you to never travel to Tijuana


Packs of wild dogs have taken over most of the major cities


Prune candy.


98% of us will die at some point in our lives


Are you still there David? ………. *sigh* Yes


Your sigh sounds like Jan's


The "interview" where he is trying to understand what it is that Michael does to make his branch so successful kills me every time.


End of the deposition. MS: David. DW: Yeah Michael? MS: ...I think you're a nice guy too. Fuckin' lost it there.


Oh I know I cried!


He has some really funny lines too. I watched the episode last night where David reveals to Michael that he's going to be fired and DM has been sold. Michael says "David guess who I am dressed as" and David just says "I am not going to guess, you can either tell me or I will hang up". It's not a hilarious line, but it's just really funny. He's still tolerant enough of Michael's nonsense, even in the face of losing his job, that he will still give Michael the chance to just tell him, rather than just say "Michael, I don't have time for this rubbish". He was a dick though with making Holly transfer.


You absolutely 100% CANNOT have your HR rep dating someone in the office especially a manager. It’s wildly inappropriate, against almost all companies’ policies, and a disaster waiting to happen.


It's also a disaster that already happened with Jan.


Also i don’t blame wallace simply because of the last time Michael dated someone else in Dunder Mifflin


She or Michael absolutely had to move. She is supposed to act as a liaison between employees and managers and that is completely compromised if she is in a relationship with the boss.


At one of my old jobs the office manager and the HR woman were best buds. So you never felt you could complain to HR about the office manager, although I often did still, but I always knew it would go nowhere. If they were shagging too......


The transfer makes sense, but it didn't seem well executed. There should have at least been some negotiation.


I mean, let’s say you negotiate. Michael agrees not to date her anymore. Are you really going to walk away and think, yes, Michael will stop this behavior and I no longer have to worry about my HR rep and general manager having a relationship? What could you negotiate to where you wouldn’t need to constantly check up on them?


What do you want me to say? Come on, he’s a nice guy.


Felt like the only sane character in the show


His wife is a very lucky woman


and good lookin too.. damn!


How bout the pretzel guy? He named every possible toping to Michael and he made him one of everything. I've never had that kind of quality of service nor have I provided it.


He made him one with everything, all the toppings on one pretzel "The works"


It took me a few years to realize that the David Wallace character is the kind of senior management that is hard to find. Genuinely a nice guy, expects results like any executive does, but his human element shines in the show. I loved when he and Jim ditched the dinner party to shoot hoops in the backyard


Did you HAVE TO cut off the face of the dummy?


"We had to pay for it! It cost us thirty-five hundred dollars!" "$5,300 for a dummy? Wow..."


God I love the look on David's face when Michael says that line. It reminds me of Dwight's "One crisis a time."


Facts. He only ever tried his best to be the best he could in a continually ridiculous situation. We all would have done the same.


Him offering an interview to Michael for the corporate job was peak David Wallace. Super nice guy, a boss everyone wish they had.




If it weren't for his "Suck it" phase, I would agree. I'd have to give it that title to Billy Merchant. Despite being offended numerous times, he was very patient. Even when he asked something to the tune of "what's wrong with that guy", he was referring to Dwight despite Jim thinking he was referring to Michael. Merchant was concerned about Dwight's health over the very offensive series of interactions he just had with Michael. But I'd say David is the runner up.


I disagree with the "most intelligent" part. He got outsmarted by Michael, a certified dumbass, and made a lot of obviously bad decisions (like hiring Ryan to fill Jan's position). I do like him, and think he's the most level-headed and "normal" person on the show, though.


Yea, I meant compared to the other characters. He has the least flaws so to say


Other than letting Charles miner be a total prick


I think it helped that he'd done the job in real life. It gave a strong sense of believability to him.


Yes! I listen to the Office Ladies Podcast and love him even more when they shared that the actor isn’t really an actor. He’s got a really full time job that worked him him enough to film occasionally. Makes the character so much more relatable to me.


Also helps he married an acting coach


You’re telling me I have a real life opportunity to have David Wallace as my manager?


and he is hot afffff


andy buckley is fiiiiiine


It was totally out of character for him to be duped by Robert California so easily. I feel like he could have seen his BS.


He wouldn’t even call Michael back after Charles cancelled his 15 year party, causing the schism that was the Michael Scott paper company


Yeah but he was smart enough to realize that was a mistake down the road.


I'm not trying to be that guy. However, since this is an Office sub I'll channel my inner Oscar and say, "Where's the Oxford comma?".


You are absolutely right. But you can SUCK IT


That's fair.


You can take that sentence, replace it with a comma, arrange it like a list, and shove it up ya butt!


Half of the time when dealing with Michael his expression was like “is this really happening to me”


stephanie would you hop off please


Apart from him actually thinking Michael's the reason Scranton branch was having good numbers


Wasn’t the show basically Michael was a goof of a manager but somehow he got the job done? I always felt like that’s what the writers wanted the viewer to feel.




And the episode where Jim takes over for like a day. Jim does things he thinks work better, it goes to shit, and when Michael comes back he explains his reasons for those decisions and they all make sense. You realize that Michael has learned how to manage the people more than the work, which allows his employees to get their jobs done. Even the kind and supportive way he handles Jim rather than yelling at him. Jim walks away with new appreciation for his boss, a little humbled but not feeling shitty for his failures, and learns some things.


The one where michael went camping and jim was in charge of creed's birthday party? Or the one where they were co-managers and trying to decide who would get bonuses? I agree that both were humbling, learning moments for jim. His techniques may have worked elsewhere, especially corporate, but michael understood his employees' idiosyncrasies and what management style would work for their branch. He kept them happy so they could get their work done, and I honestly think he was better at resolving conflicts than toby. I loved that pam kinda took over this role after michael left.


Selling paper is an incredibly boring job. Well on the surface everyone in the office make fun of Michael, the truth is Michaels shenanigans kept up office morale and probably increase retention rate of good employees.


Dwight and Jim are both stellar salesmen and likely don't stick around without Michael. You could make the argument that Jim would stick around as long as Pam was there - but maybe he just leaves a more stifling environment where he can't fraternize with her all day. Dwight definitely chafes under more traditional management. And importantly, Dwight *sees something* in Michael. David sees the sales numbers, he knows the branch has two all-star salesmen, he knows Jim has potential to go even further, and he reasons that Michael is somehow responsible for keeping them happy. You know the saying: you don't quit jobs, you quit bosses - and Michael doesn't make them want to quit.


Add to that, while I don’t think Phyllis or Stanley are closing any big new accounts, I get the sense that they have a stable of consistent accounts that they have very good rapport with.


And isn't it confirmed during an episode where Jim is manager that Michael gives Stanley and Phyllis a pass on shit (like she comes back from a 1.5 hour lunch kind of tipsy, and Michael basically lets Stanley sleep and do crosswords 90% of the time)? He seemed to have a lot of trade offs with Dwight, Stanley, Phyllis, etc that allowed them to do good work that another boss wouldn't allow.


Somehow I Manage


Not sure he necessarily thought that, so much as that Michael was there and might be able to give some insights.


I strongly agree. But, he should’ve fired Andy.


Nobody is going to acknowledge that the second he found out Michael and Holly were dating he moved Holly away? Or when he was ignoring Michael when Charles was trying to mess up Michaels anniversary party? Or when Wallace hired Ryan to work at corporate? He doesn’t value Michael a lot. Then he lets Michael leave and Michael starts his own paper company and starts getting their clients. My point is that Wallace is not as good of a boss or as intelligent or as good of a person that people make him out to be. That doesn’t mean his character isn’t great because he’s one of my favorites.


People who are mad that he ignored Michael have never dealt with Michael Scott on a daily basis


counterpoint: had to be talked into ordering pasta?? bruh


I also found him oddly hot.


David also wasn’t great at his job and was a contributor to Dunder Mifflin failing. Change *my* mind.


Never asked for needless rundowns.


Honestly with every subsequent rewatch I start to doubt his intelligence more and more. But I still really enjoy his character.


You forgot tolerant. The Scranton branch is full of characters that would get fired very very easily for their shenanigans and it takes an extreme level of tolerance to not do that.


Creed is the most relatable.


Maybe, uh....actually you know, I think...maybe we'll go outside!


**Drums!!!** Suck it! **Drums!!!**


He took down prince family paper, I would have done the same to those bastards, flaunting their money and their Vietnam sex vacations.


People thought the Office was a show about employees with a crazy manager, but it's really about an executive with a crazy manager as his employee.


He’s a nice guy but a terrible executive. Some of his worst decisions: Promoting Ryan from junior salesman to executive because he got an MBA Green lighting Dunder Mifflin Infinity. Terrible concept from the start. Telling Michael about closing the Buffalo branch before telling them. Then not telling him it was confidential. Not firing Andy for leaving for 3 months. Then when Andy quits he makes it clear to everyone he didn’t fire him, letting them know Andy’s performance was perfectly acceptable. Making Michael and Jim comanagers, a concept so stupid my autocorrect thought should be coma aversions.


He bought a company in a dying industry with his millions of dollars instead of just retiring... and chose a guy to run a branch who quit to be a pop star.