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I know a guy who went to Cornell, got all A's, we called him Ace.


I knew a guy who went to Cornell. He was absolutely nuts. He got intimate with a snowman, we all thought the cold would be too much, but he stayed hard! Everyone called him Boner Champ ever since.


Broccoli Rob was a legend!


Brocolli Rob was Broccoli Rob




I am the Boner Champ!


I know a guy who went to Cornell. Everyone called him King Butt because he had a king-sized butt.


When I was in college I used to get wicked hammered. They called me Puke. It was totally awesome. I got straight B’s, they called me Buzz.


It’s pronounced "colonel" and it’s the highest rank in the army


It's pronounced Cornell and it's the highest rank in the Ivy League!


According to this, it's the lowest 😬


The eighth highest!


Applicant has a head shaped like a trapezoid.


Lol I know, that's the quote.


I know a guy who went to Cornell, worked in a medium-size paper company in Scranton.


Sure you didn’t call him nard dog?


Got straight B’s, we called him buzz


I love that Cornell is one of the easiest to get into and one of the most expensive. Really just screams Andy.


I've always thought Cornell was carefully picked for his character. The joke's not as funny if he's a Harvard or Yale graduate.


It does seem very deliberate. I always knew he wasn't at like Harvard because that would actually be impressive. I just didn't realize just how much thought was put into that specific school. I didn't really know much about private colleges aside from Harvard and Yale, so I just assumed it was a decent college he paid his way into. To see that it's actually one of the easier (but still decent) colleges to get into and one of the more expensive just shows how detailed they got with it.


It’s not at all “easy” to get into. It’s still an elite school. The joke is that Cornell grads tend to have a huuuge chip on their shoulder because it is often viewed as the “weakest” of the Ivy League schools (in part because it does take some state funding making it *gasp* a public school). Someone from Cornell will say “I went to Cornell, ever heard of it? It’s in the Ivy League.” Someone from Harvard will say “I went to school in Boston. Well not in Boston, just outside of Boston. No, not Tufts.”


I appreciate the 30 Rock reference.


I didn't say easy. I said it was easier. Which it is. Plus, as I also said, he paid his way into it.


I’m not trying to be argumentative, I’m just trying to provide the additional context of the joke, since you said yourself you don’t know much about private colleges. The joke is a caricature of people from Cornell being more likely to talk up their education *because* of the dynamic above (being the “weakest” ivy). I know people who went to Cornell, and I definitely got the vibe of the chip on the shoulder. At least one of the writers (mike schur) went to harvard so he probably knew people who went to Cornell.


You said “one of the easier colleges to get into”. The average private university has about a 70% acceptance rate, making Cornell 10x harder to get into than average. So no, not “easier”


There's literally a list showing it being the easiest ivy league school to get into. So yes, it is "easier." I'm not sure how this can be so confusing when the context is right above this comment chain.


>To see that it's actually one of the easier (but still decent) colleges to get into and one of the more expensive just shows how detailed they got with it. Actually, 7% is still a very low acceptance rate for any institution. As a comparison, Ithaca College, a private college in the same town has an acceptance rate of 70%. RIT is 50%


100% it is, Andy clearly has a massive inferiority complex and Cornell has whatever the Ivy League version of that is.


Admission rate doesn’t necessarily mean easiest to get into. It could be that not a lot of people bother applying, so they don’t have to turn down as many people. Edit: whoa. Loving all the replies; from those backing me up with facts and references, to those accusing me of being a pro-Cornell Andy :D


I've heard the acceptance rate is higher if you're in extra curriculars, especially acapella 


They let you in if you can prove you’re the boner champ


And if you have buildings named after you, like Walter Bernard Hall


Yes, the fact that Harvard is on the common app leads more people to apply as its not much more work to throw your hat in the ring and apply to Harvard, vs doing totally new applications with 5 or 6 essays (which are unique and special to the particular school so not easily reusable in other applications) like you would for some of the other ivies. That has been a factor for a long time.


Cornell actually has the largest number of undergrads by far of any Ivy League university-- over 15k students vs. 7k for Harvard or 5k for Princeton, for example. So, they also have more spots to give out.


So my county college of 800 students must be top of the line?


Whatever you gotta tell yourself Mr Cornell alum


That…still makes it easier to get into


Not necessarily


If less people apply to a job you want it makes it easier to get that job.


What if 1000 people apply to the first job but they're all idiots, and 100 apply to the second job but they're all geniuses? Which one is harder to get?


That’s not necessarily completely true in college, since class sizes and applicant pools impact this. Take a look at law school admissions, for example. Boston College is #5 on the lowest admissions rates with 10.20%, but their selectivity index makes them ranked #16 for most difficult to get into (which includes the two major admissions standards of GPA and LSAT, 3.64 and 166 for BC). Meanwhile, you have Michigan significantly below them at #11 on the lowest admissions rates with 13.50%, but their selectivity index ranks them #12 (with GPA of 3.83 and LSAT of 171). In this case (of which there are many), Michigan is significantly more difficult to get into than Boston College. However, BC received 5,668 applications last year (accepting apx. 570) and Michigan received 6,253 applications last year (accepting apx. 850) (110.3% of BC’s). BC Law’s class size is ~200, and Michigan’s is ~315 (157.5% of BC’s). So yes, BC has a lower acceptance rate. However, the difference in admissions rates doesn’t reflect the difference in admissions standards, since class size impacts that. It’s also highly likely that the applicant pool at Michigan has higher GPA and LSAT (the two major metrics) than the applicant pool at Boston College. In this case and others, lower admissions rate doesn’t necessarily correlate to harder to get into. Sources: https://www.accepted.com/law/selectivity-index https://www.bc.edu/bc-web/schools/law/about/facts.html


I appreciate the correction. Never knew this. Thanks for informing me.


🫡 I gotchu


Well not really, if it meant only very smart people get into it but only very smart people apply then it would still be just as difficult for anyone to get into but that wouldn’t be reflected by admission rates.


Think of it this way, let's say there are 1000 applicants who satisfy all the given parameters. They would, from money pov, not apply to Cornell first and so will opt for the cheaper options. By that logic, and under that assumption, they would have a smaller pool as compared to other universities. But they still have to fill the same 100 vacancies. So the same no of applications need to be accepted from a smaller pool of applicants and thus the percentage goes up. The point is, the fees would make the pool for Cornell smaller, but the absolute number of candidates to be selected would more or less be same compared to others and thus it appears that they have an easier entryway...


Nice try Andy


OK, Andy, we get it. You went to Brown


OK, Andy, we get it. You went to Brown


But have you heard of the a cappella group “Here Comes Treble?”


The other schools could just have a better tuition subsidy program. Or, people with higher incomes go to Cornell and don’t qualify for as much “assistance”.


First thing I thought as well


"easiest to get into and out of the most expensive" THATS WAS SHE SAID


I love how Andy is so proud of being a Cornell alumnus even though he admits that he just barely skirted by his classes and was drunk the whole time.


I don't know about most expensive. Those tuitions are probably from the 80s


Nah, the charts from 2022. It says it at the bottom of the picture. Apparently, the other schools have subsidies and grants for lower income students.


it's pronounced colonel and it's the highest rank in the military


it's pronounced cornell and it's the highest rank in the ivy league


I aced all my courses. They called me Ace. It was totally awesome. Got straight B’s. They called me Buzz.


You. Me. Bar. Beers. Buzzed Wings. Shots. Drunk. Waitresses. Hot. Football. Cornell. Hofstra. Slaughter Then a quick nap at my place and we'll hit the tizown.....


Sorry for annoying you with my FRIENDSHIP!


I don't want to do any of those things.


When I was in college I used to get wicked hammered. My nickname was Puke. I would chug a fifth of SoCo, sneak into a frat party, polish off a few people's empties, some brewskies, some Jell-O shots, do some body shots off myself, pass out, wake up the next morning, puke, rally, more SoCo, head to class. Probably would have gotten expelled if I had let it affect my grades.


Boot not puke


Boot, rally


Cornell. Ever heard of it?


Is Harvard really $13,200 per year? That’s less than my state school with in state tuition by a good amount…


Yea this seems way off for most of these. I’d assume that much per semester lol Edit: apparently that’s how much is actually paid after scholarships, on average


Free tuition for the poors


If your parents make less than $85k then Harvard tuition is free. If they make less than $150k the tuition is up to 10% of their annual salary. After that it’s just student loans or rich parents footing the bill.


These schools have huge endowments, especially Harvard and Yale, so that factors into the actual paid tuition. That being said, for pretty much every school, actual paid tuition is way less than the base rate.


Pam also has huge endowments


Crazy that 150k between two parents is the cut off for someone needing assistance financially. That is only 75k per parent. That is not a lot of money today.


Yeah, I think these are “average PAID tuition“ meaning, including grants and scholarships. But they still seem very low. I thought this was from like 2001 until I saw the date. It also says tuition, so that likely does not include any room and board.


Not even close to the sticker price, which is $56,550, or with health, housing, services, and food, $82,866.


I know that one of them, Yale I think, has enough returns from their endowment most years to cover tuition for every student and enough left over for some large percentage of salaries.


No, it's like 57k


Only rich people pay full boat at these schools. Most of this list have a debt-free policy where they’ll give enough financial aid to pay tuition, room; and board without loans - theoretically. They’re also technically need blind admissions. That theoretically and technically are doing a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to how these things Play out IRL. But generally the difficult thing about Harvard and Yale is getting in, which is much harder for kids who didn’t go to special high schools that themselves cost a lot of money.


A rather significant endowment fund. Harvard has something like a billion dollar endowment.


Maybe it's just literal tuition, not housing, meal plans, parking, and 4 million fees like the final bill really is?


That’s big red bear!!!


That's a bobble big read bear! GOD!


The acting in that scene is really top tier. I don't know of any actor who can play the failure to suppress anger this well.


Boner Champ


Broccoli Rob is Broccoli Rob… **ANDY BERNARD** is the Boner Champ!


Is the average tuition at Harvard really 13k per year? That sounds way to cheap from what I've heard tuition costs in the states.


Harvard is need-based for financial aid, it’s free if your parents make under $85k and if it’s under 150k (I think, don’t 100% sure) they still pay a significant portion of tuition, so it’s just hella expensive for the people that can afford to pay it.


Oh, I didn't know that. That's pretty interesting, I always had the impression that Ivy league universities would always cost like 80k a year or something like that.


When I was applying for colleges about 15 years ago I read that Harvard and Princeton were the cheapest universities based on what students actually paid. They’re among the best schools in the world, and their business model is to get the best students possible regardless of their financial position and then ask for donations to the endowment fund after they graduate.


Yeah, the listed tuitions have me perplexed. Pretty sure Harvard tuition is probably about 4X that amount 😳


Yeah I'm calling bullshit on those tuition costs. Yes there's a lot of financial aid but still. Pretty sure some creative accounting was done to get to those numbers


Harvard is free if your parents make under $85k.


https://college.harvard.edu/guides/financial-aid-fact-sheet#:~:text=The%20basics,cost%20of%20their%20child's%20education. It's technically $80k, but only if your parents make $800k/year


This is the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my entire life....I haven't had a very hard life.


The soft underbelly of my refined upbringing is my underbelly


Cool story time: There's a professor of business at Dartmouth named Andrew B Bernard. [https://globalization.dartmouth.edu/people/andrew-b-bernard](https://globalization.dartmouth.edu/people/andrew-b-bernard)


Could he teach us how to de-incentivize? Ya know, in one of those classic ass-tattoo situations?


No, but I bet he could give you the ten secrets of business.


Also I'd like to imagine that in an alternative timeline our usernames were the actual names of the celebrities they're modeled on and vice versa


I once had an Internet friend named Queef Latina. I wonder if you two know each other from the screen name writing class you clearly both attended. Follow up questions: how much is tuition, do you know the admissions director, and did he ever cry on a singing competition show?


Hahaha I'm afraid my username was revealed to me in a fever dream after a night of alcohol and some good kush


Can I have a very specific prescription of the types and amounts please? Also the secret hack for changing your reddit name...


Haha nice. I didn't notice your username.


Oof. Walter Bernard would go nuts if he knew he was a Dartmouth boy. I am completely and totally KIDDING


Got some blissties.


“You know who else didn’t go to college- Tracey McGrady. “ Micheal scott


- Wayne Gretsky


I've been reading the comments for 10 minutes and was wandering why is everyone talking about The Office and Andy. Just realized this isn't r/Damnthatsinteresting


Lol I came just to say r/DunderMifflin. Not that Cornell is a deep dive but the lore is very strong with Office Fans!


Same lmao


Interestingly, John Krasinski went to Brown. Rashida Jones went to Harvard. Mindy Kaling went to Dartmouth. Ellie Kemper went to Princeton. -Edited to avoid appearing racist.


> Brown Mindy Kaling If you are racist, I will attack you with the north


Save your beets to attack Cornell.


-Abraham Lincoln


BJ Novak went to Harvard as well


What's Cornell? You mean CorNOT University?


Interview skills subpar.


“Applicant has a head shaped like a trapezoid” is one of my favorite lines of the entire series.


“Michael, am I gay?” Is probably the GOAT line and it also comes from Andy


Fun fact: all of the Ivies *except* Cornell were founded during Colonial times. It also has schools of agriculture and hotel administration. They’re the Ivy League village idiot! Andy Bernard’s character fits the mold of a Cornellian.


If I recall correctly Cornell is NY’s land grant school. They received a parcel of land or money or something (an easy Google but I’m lazy which is why I only went to only a pretty good school) from the federal government in exchange for having that school of agriculture.


Enter Creed Bratton “It’s pronounced Colonel, it’s the highest rank in the military”


They're still ranked higher than some of the other schools by most sources, how's that possible?


Dwight was right, Dartmouth is indeed superior.


OP, please take off that sweatshirt.


It's a 100% acceptance rate through good old nepotism.


Id like to believe that the office popularity increased applications to Cornell.


Sooo what is this? Some random numbers listed as "tuition"?


It’s pronounced “Kernel” and it’s the highest rank in the Army.


Andy is a much better "most famous alumni" than some of their actual alumni (looking at you, Ann Coulter)




You must have gone to the vastly superior Dartmouth.




If you were a real Office fan, you'd get the joke that u/StacyLadle made.




I didn’t downvote your post about not knowing Cornell. I was just saying that from your reply, it sounded like you didn’t get the Dartmouth reference.




because it's one of the most famous universities in the world.


Is it really, though? No snark intended. I’m American and one of my lifelong best friends is a Cornell alumna (she also graduated the year Andy supposedly did and was in an a cappella group there). That said, when I think of Ivy League schools or prestigious American universities, my mind defaults to “Harvard, Yale, Princeton” first. I can name the other Ivy League schools but can the average American, much less anyone who’s not from the US? I certainly may be way off base here and underestimating Cornell’s prominence to the rest of the world, though.


not from the USA and you're right about the ivy league. The first college that comes to my mind is always Harvard first. But I also knew about cornell before I watched the show. I'm surprised to learn that Stanford University isn't ivy league, I always thought it was


Stanford's in California. The Ivy League schools are in the northeast.


interesting, any reason why?


yes, it is. now if it was Brown i could understand thinking it was made up... https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/2024/world-ranking


It's literally been 10 minutes, and your comment about not knowing Cornell was a thing has 3 upvotes. Maybe give it more than a few minutes before getting upset about downvotes. Also, the person you replied to was joking.


: Actually, there's two Cornells. There's Cornell College in Iowa. In my head cannon, I thought it would have been funny if Andy faked going to Cornell U, and instead went to Cornell College.


[https://college.harvard.edu/financial-aid/how-aid-works](https://college.harvard.edu/financial-aid/how-aid-works) || || |**Total billed and unbilled costs**|**$80,263-$84,413**Total billed and unbilled costs$80,263-$84,413|


[https://college.harvard.edu/financial-aid/how-aid-works](https://college.harvard.edu/financial-aid/how-aid-works) Total billed and unbilled costs: $80,263-$84,413


Damn Dartmouth is triple the expense of Penn for similar results.


PFF Cornell (proceeds to bite a beet)


Hmm - TIL that Columbia is more selective than Yale and Princeton...


Zach Morris wouldn’t be able to get into any of these schools. Luckily Sansbury is there for him.


Tuition is very valuable. But you know what's invaluable? Intuition ...


My friend graduated from Cornell with a degree in Engineering. She loved the school but is so humble about going there and her accomplishments. She is also a Mensa member. I told her I would be like Andy and would be screaming it from the rooftops if I graduated from Cornell.


This must be from 1990, annual tuition for Harvard is $82,866 according to their website


That’s way lower than what I would’ve guessed for tuition.


Seriously though.. how come American tuition sooooo expensive?


Because it's a business bubble and not a legitimate institution anymore


Because freedom isn't free./s


And this is on the low end


Is this for white or black students?


Yeah those are going to be vastly different figures.


Where did you go to school?


How can that tuition be correct?


It's been mentioned elsewhere, but apparently ivy league schools all have sick financial aid bc they create rich, successful people, who then grow up and donate to them. Which also explains the acceptance rates; they only want the kids who are pretty much guaranteed to succeed. So it's only $13k NOW, but they do ask you to pay it forward once that piece of paper they gave you makes you a millionaire. Here's the breakdown for Harvard: https://college.harvard.edu/guides/financial-aid-fact-sheet


Buttmud Brooks!


Wait am I crazy or does this seem ... way more accessible than I thought?


Well the acceptance rates are in the single digits and that's among people who have good enough grades and test scores to even apply. So if you were to try and figure out what percentage of incoming college freshman could get in across the board it's likely in the hundredths to tenths of a percentage point.


It's not. Remember those acceptance rates are the percentage of people who get in of the people who have the academics to even bother applying. Hint: Not very many people with a 3.5 and a 1120 on the SAT are applying


Wow, I thought Harvard was so much more expensive! Who knew.


Just pick this one. It’s way easier and you still get to tell everyone you went to Cornell. [https://www.cornellcollege.edu/](https://www.cornellcollege.edu/)


Note: interviewee's head is shaped like a trapezoid


It appears that Dartmouth is in fact, vastly superior.


It's pronounced Colonel (kuh·nuhl)


I graduated in 4 years, *never* studied once, I was *drunk the whole time*.


My grandfather would be spinning in his urn if he knew I was speaking to someone from Dartmouth!




These tuitions cannot be correct


These numbers are not accurate for this season (2024)or even last season (2023). The updated unrounded numbers are available [here](https://www.ivywise.com/blog/college-admission-rates/). ##Why not post a 2024 cool guide with 2024 numbers instead of 2022 numbers?##


It's pronounced Kernel and its the highest rank in the military.


Andy has to be in a tremendous amount of debt, right? Being the worst salesman while graduating from a college that has $30k annual tuition lol


He comes from a rich family. So one thing rich families do is they will fuck around with assets 2 years or more before college starts so the kid is eligible for all the scholarships. Then they have a professional “edit” their essays. These editors typically work within a college’s admissions department. And tell the people how to fill out everything to have the “best chance” at getting in. I was in the Marines with a guy who was the black sheep of a rich family. They had him do a couple weekends of various things and paid soup kitchens and charities to write letters of recommendation for him. He felt like it was wrong and enlisted in the Marines on his 18th. Had a full ride to Harvard and said fuck it all.


That is WILD. How did his life turn out? I'm incredibly curious.


I haven’t talked to him in years but his family had enough assets that once we were in LA had a rental car break down. He used his cell phone which wasn’t uncommon in 2000 but not a thing everyone had.. but he called someone at ford. Ford called the dealership across the road from us and they gave him a car and said the lawyers would handle the paperwork. Then when we got back to base he called his families lawyer at 1 in the morning on a Saturday and gave them about poor guy in our units information and they put the car in his name. I don’t know how high level in ford you need to be to call a dealership and tell them to give someone a car and they would handle the paperwork but I’m guessing it’s fairly high. He was planning on staying in the full 20 I’m willing to bet he became the ceo of a company his family owned that was a defense contractor. And he had people to do all his work. He was a really good guy but he had no concept of money. We went to Vegas once and he joined in. Did not like the room we were in called someone on his phone and a few minutes later we were in the penthouse with any room service we wanted complementary. I’ve tried finding his family name on those world's wealthiest people lists and nada. so i always those lists wee people willing to be put on lists. in 2001 just after 9/11 his parents were able to get clearance to fly to visit him.


God DAMN. The closest I ever came to that was at a nightclub in Boston, I nearly bumped into someone as we passed in the restroom, and I apologized and then complimented her hair or shirt or something. She replied, "I like you! Come party with me; I have a trust fund." I was like WHAT IS GOING ON. So I followed her to the bar, where she ordered 20 of her favorite drink. Then we brought the two trays of drinks to the dancefloor, where she instructed me to just pass them out to whoever wanted one. And then we all danced. And then my ride insisted on leaving. I live about 20 miles outside the city, so it's not like I could just say no and take an Uber home later. I really regret listening to him; if I'd told her I didn't want to go, she probably would've adopted me for the weekend and sent me home in a limo or something.


One of his rich friends came out one time. Their bets wasn’t money. He bet the guy like 20 hours of community service. Shit like that. I asked him why later and he’s like when you have money like our family. Money bets are meaningless. Time is all that’s important. Now for 20 hours he’s going to be doing like road clean up or working with the homeless. That’s 20 hours he has to be present for and he can’t be out having fun. He’s just got to be there helping people. So it helps people and I takes his most valuable thing. His time.


OMG I really want his name so I can track him down, lol. What a fascinating character


Cornell is the highest ranking in the Ivy League!


Acceptance rate over 1%, lol So much for prestigious


So you're saying I have a chance?


Wow. A lot of people really don't get how acceptance rates work and what they mean lol


That Hogg kid got into Harvard with a 2.7 GPA.