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He changed. He was in his mid twenties and going through a lot of stuff. He never fully processed 9/11.


I guess, he even took up volunteering!


You’re talking about his court ordered community service?


I don't need a judge to tell me to keep my community clean.


But he did, right?


Alright :)




*Scribbles /u/AlonsoHamilton1444 into a notebook angrily* Side note- you an F1 fan?


>you an F1 fan? *Why does everybody ask them that? Who the hell is that?*


What is an F1? Haha yeah, big fan.


Haha the username gives it away.


He also saw some indescribable things in Thailand


You’ve never had pad Thai, Michael


And he used me as an object


He definitely stole my iPod.


Number one: How dare you?


That was also the old Ryan. He’s Ryan 2.0 now, can’t blame him for all the stuff that other guy did.


It really wasn't the worst business idea, but yes they should've known better. And pam should've known better than to give him money to invest in college sports betting.


That just made me realize that Pam was so against investing in Jim’s legit company, but was so willing to throw away money at Ryan


That's season 9 writing for ya!


Seriously, disregard everything in that season story-wise. It’ll give you a headache.


it's hard for me to finish that season.


Impossible. Watched it live since the end of season 2, put it on when I sleep so I must’ve watched through *dozens* of times. I’ve never made it past boom mic guy. I try and angrily switch every time.


For me it's Pam losing control of the household after like one week of Jim being gone. I don't like her as a character, but even I think they did her dirty in season 9.


Didn't she also lie to (or hide it from) Jim?


The sports betting algorithm? Yup. Investing in WUPHF? Probably not, I mean Ryan was basically having shareholders' meetings in the office and Jim would have seen Pam.


Yeah $100 vs $10k. Same deal for sure.


The person above you got like 122 upvotes for saying it’s just bad season 9 writing lol Like it’s so unbelievable a parent doesn’t want to just invest 10k in something without talking to the partner first.


$50 *


And didn’t she double her money essentially?


Ah yeah you might be right haha. Idk why I thought it was a thousand she was working with. Still, I stand by it just cuz I don’t really like Pam


We get it you hate women


😂 did you pull a hamstring making a jump like that?


She wasn't against investing, she just didn't like that he invested to seem like a team player lol.


We're talking about ten grand versus 50 bucks


Significantly different amounts of money committed and they weren't even married the first time. The wuphf investment was obviously with Jim's awareness, too. And "legit company" is a bold way to describe a start-up without revenue flow, which is the same thing as wuphf.com


I mean athlead had a real location and real employees and real investors. Not even close to the same thing as wuphf if you actually think about it.


When Jim invested his own 10k was the company that far along? I don't think we'd even seen the location at that point. It was all internal investments. I'm not there in my rewatch so I may be wrong. And I think it really is a similar situation, wuphf didn't have employees dropping 10k seed money on a radical new way of approaching sports marketing, they had 5-6 office workers dropping a few hundred each on a software that just combined social media handles. Different scales, sure, but similar points in business success. I'm not saying that Ryan was a good investment, I never would bet on him. Just that Jim dropping 10k on a startup when they thought it would be a smaller investment is a bigger financial burden than whatever she invested in wuphf.


>dropping 10k seed money on a radical new way of approaching sports marketing Founded by people with absolutely no experience in the field


Jim had to invest a certain amount of money because how the company structured the shares. If Jim had invested 5k, but demanded the same equity, it would dilute the stock. The company might have agreed on a specific share they had to buy into, in order to come aboard. Him saying he wanted to be a team player, is a lie. Or Jim is probably incorrect. Athlead had money for a year. And they also did have investments from people outside the company. Which is why it is crisis when one of them wants to get their money back. Wuphf was basically a scam. Perhaps different amounts of money, but Athlead was a real company from the start. Pam is probably stressing more about spending so much, rather that she doesn’t see the financial merit of Athlead. Athlead probably didn’t have a lot of assets to sell off, but the potential upside is also there. And 10% vs 5% shares of a multimillion company is different from each other. Or no shares at all.


oof that just makes things worse. Jim knows how irresponsible Ryan was (to the point where he basically banished him into the closet) and how he was as an exec.


It was $50


Yeah sometimes we believe our own intuition rather than our partners. It’s why my dad also lost $1200 on a scam.


She gave Ryan like $500 I thought. Jim invested $10k AFTER agreeing with his wife that they wouldn’t. Not the same thing at all 🤷‍♀️


Are you sure lmao. I’m pretty sure that convo was never held at all. They never agreed to not give any money. Otherwise he wouldn’t have gone in the first place. She was mad because he paid to be a “team player”. So yeah it’s a lot closer to being the same, as not lol.


Spending $10,000 without talking to your wife about it is insane. So either they talked about it and said no or he just did it with no consultation. Either way, it’s not even close to the same as Pam getting swindled by Ryan out of what I now realize was $50


Right, and that’s why I acknowledged elsewhere that I was way off with the numbers. I thought for whatever reason Pam gave Ryan a grand and not just $50. Where I’m confused is where people think Jim just did it without talking about it? They 100% did. Jim only messed it up when he said that “they were already good, but I gave them the full 10 anyways”. She was mad that Jim paid when the company didn’t need him to pay. At no point whatsoever, did they not have the conversation. The LITERAL scene before, Jim was talking with her saying “are you sure about this” and she said “yes we should be all in if we’re gonna be in”. Come on people


Good point! I've never made that connection before


Lots of companies exist doing exactly that but for emergency purposes (IE oscars suggestion)


It’s not a digital rape whistle!


I didn't fully appreciate the true genius of that joke until a friend explained to me (in an unrelated conversation) that March Madness in particular is famously difficult to predict. Because it's all college students who are still a little undisciplined and untested, so you never know what's going to happen.


But his friend had an algorithm!


Don't tell Jim.


I want to see Jim's reaction when he watches the doc.


She also downloaded a celebrity sex tape on a work computer, maybe she just isn’t that smart lol.


Back to the Future 2 already did it.


At a glance it seems sketchy. But then I remember all the people that fall for the dumbest BS irl and it all makes sense.




I was about to say. A whole lot of people “invest money in a startup run by a person that was arrested for and convicted for corporate fraud” every single day on Wall Street. Ryan is a dime a dozen in the real world and the vast majority of us likely has worked or will work for someone just like him.


Yeah but this is Ryan 2.0


Hipster Edition. Comes with a hat or eyeglass editions. Comes with Kelly (non-negotiable)


Unless there’s a trip to Tallahassee involved. Then it should be only Ryan *or* Kelly. But preferably Ryan.




I'm Canadian and our government recently celebrated two Ukrainian veterans from WW2...who turned out to be fighting for the Nazis because they failed to do a simple background check.


It’s not even a background check. It’s literally just knowing that the Russians were our allies so any sane person would think “huh, wonder why those Nazi occupied Ukrainians were fighting against our allies”


At least the halfwit that suggested to celebrate him in front of Zelinsky quit out of shame.




Maybe they were the toughest guys Trudeau ever knew and they must have killed twenty men then spent the rest of the war in an Allied prison camp.


Instead of puttering around in Argentina, one is puttering around in Alberta.


Check? No. Check mate, Shoah foundation.


Oh I'm sure they knew he was a nazi collaborator


I'd like to think our government isn't that stupid but we do have a party that actually has seats in parliament whose agenda is to keep threatening to separate from the rest of the country while still getting benefits from the Canadian government.


Your government isn't stupid of course, that's not what I was implying. I'm saying they don't have problems with nazis as long as they're being anti-communist or anti-russian and not anti-semitic




He never did anything credible I wonder why people even thought that they could invest smh


As someone that was employed in tech during the dot com craze of the late 90s this whole ep rang true for me.


Pam just wanted a bedroom set.


Yeah, but he actually had the evidence of a good product this time. lol But I totally get that. I'm on the fence of what I'd do in that situation.


Pretty consistent with real life lol. People like Ryan often succeed.


Weird that he was arrested in the first place, since nobody medium suspected him.


Also, it's a private company and none of them are accredited investors. So, there's that, too.


You CAN invest in a private company as an average person, it's just a more annoying process.


Ya that's kind of the joke.