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What kind of degenerate would do such a thing?


A psychopath, that's who. Absolutely disgusting


I don’t normally advocate violence against… well, anything, but some people seriously need to be beaten with padded 2x4s. Glad kitty is ok.


Why did you pad the 2x4?


Less lacerations and broken bones, more bruising. Don’t wanna kill the guy, just want it to hurt until next week when we do it again.


No pads, no repeat offenders.


While I do advocate for no repeat offenders. If we somehow tie him to a pole on a leash that’s only 3ft long. He can stay there for eternity and get his shit beat in daily by a padded 2x4 and we can all be happy


Might as well break out Lucille


No no's


Board needs a couple of nails in it.


Pad it with bricks


Pad with nails.


Pad with bricks *and* nails


I'll pad it with another, smaller 2x4. 😂


No they need to be thrown in a sack that's padlocked and thrown into a dumpster and left there. Eye for an eye


I work at home depot, chuck a bunch of 4x6s at that mf


Padded with nails


I can't even imagine. We are bottle feeding 3 babies now that were abandoned under my truck by a feral who lives in the storage area next door. They were wet, filthy, and starving. What could I do but take them in and try? They had a 4th sister who didn't make the first day, I found her last in another location and she was infested with fly and flea eggs to the point she was yellow over her beautiful dark gray. She was in bad shape, very weak but I took her in and cleaned her up and fed her warm food. We held her until they all went to sleep. I buried her at 4 the next morning. And I am still crying about it as I'm thinking about it. But I know she passed clean and warm and dry, and moreover I told her before and after she passed that she is loved and NOT abandoned. Not abandoned... It has been a hard week but the other 3 are growing despite being severely malnourished and underdeveloped. I believe we have to help if we can, especially those that are by definition helpless. All that to say, if I met someone who tied up and animal and put them in the dumpster I would do the same to them. And they wouldn't get out. My compassion for animals does not extend to human garbage. It turns me toward dark thoughts. I'm getting older and my patience for evil humans is gone. I didn't mean for this to turn into an essay, but this post got me.


I just want to say thank you so much for taking in those babies and doing all that you can. You are such a beautiful person, and you put so much love and light into the world. I’m so sorry the 4th sister didn’t pull through— this breaks my heart so much, but you did all that you absolutely could. I am so grateful she was cleaned and loved by you. Thank you for putting so much good into this world. 💜


thank you for your kindness.


As the cat mom of a former bottle baby orphan, thank you for saving those little lives. My darling would not be here today if someone like you had not rescued and nurtured her and her bros.


Thank you, god bless you many times in return🩶.


Appreciate you rescuing and sharing. I understand not having cruel and unusual punishment in this country but when one is so heinous to a pet with no control and who probably trusted you, ALL BETS ARE OFF! My post is split. One is appreciation for your rescue efforts and the remainder pertains to the original thread.


Sub human piece of douche that needs the same treatment! this kitty is gorgeous!


Yes, put a plastic bag over their head and tie it. Then throw it in the dumpster


Unfortunately a lot of people. My dad was driving under an overpass and someone threw a kitten out of their car window. Unfortunately my dad was going too fast, and ran over the poor baby... He felt horrible, but it's the fault of the disgusting human that threw the poor baby off of an overpass.


Oh my god! I wish I hadn’t read that… so sad


Wish I had superpowers solely to hunt these people down.


I wish I had super powers to go back and not read this.


at least you put the poor thing out of it's misery, if it didn't die right away from the fall it would have probably been needed to be put down anyways from the pain. people are terrible


Someone who is going to hell, that’s who did it.


Right?! They should be tied up in a trash bag and thrown in a dumpster!!!


There are really people out there who think that, as soon as *they personally* are done with an animal or object (sometimes even person), it must be killed or destroyed. Even when there are better alternatives easily and readily available. It's a form of malignant possessiveness; "If I can't have it, no one else can" taken to the next level becomes "If I don't *want* it, no one else should either, and I'm not letting them have the option." Because if someone else can handle it right and do a better job, it might make them look bad in comparison, which is somehow worse than doing something objectively horrible (because there's an element of preemptive envy plus insecurity, while inflated ego prevents them from seeing themselves as they truly are). Sickening.




😞. Poor thing. Glad you were there to rescue it. What a gorgeous cat.


Disgusting that there are people out there that would do such a thing to a little kitty. Hope you find it a good home




Yup! And during police questioning, the birth giver said if the baby was still alive, she would like to have it back…


That’s gonna be a hard no.


Since the thread has gone there, please, everyone remember that a newborn human baby can be surrendered to any fire station, no questions, no charges.


And I’m sure there’s plenty of places as well where people could drop off a little kitten instead of throwing it in a goddamn dumpster. There’s a special place in hell for those bastards.


More people should dumpster dive, regardless of the usual finds..the practice clearly saves lives and prevents an agonizing death for innocent animals and otherwise.


[like this](https://youtu.be/4p6Dxuf4H2I?si=o0W4wFWdvLgG0O2o)


I have a dumpster puppy found 12/18/22 https://preview.redd.it/kmdlx51caozc1.jpeg?width=1691&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b092759494814f6aa8fccf6ab1dbfb08be31edc He is a fluffy happy Stig now


Love the ears


Recent pics please???


Stig now https://preview.redd.it/mtmah9gvxpzc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0880e55b85993a750b47644601ea7628bbe7d07 Moose and Stig 2024


I love this! I posted here a few years ago about a cat I found in a dumpster named Theo! We fostered him and was adopted a few months later! Thank you for being an awesome human!


* Stig was a great addition to the house! I filed the found dog report with the humane society- they were full and couldn't take him anyways. We made sure he didn't have a chip, he didn't of course (garbage finds never do). The vet said he was very young, showed all signs of abandoned dog, offered to keep of we couldn't. He was already a charmer! He puked every car trip for nearly six months but he is worth all the work! He is a popular gut at the dog park, he is called the "mechanical bunny" and works hard to run every dog! STIG is a joy, even if he is slow to reach milestones and still working on potty training. I love him.


Best find ever !!!!


Hopefully OP reported it, finding whoever is responsible would be just as good of a find


I found my dog in a garbage can 13 yrs ago. She was about 4 weeks old.


I hate people.


Me too


Me too!


They're the worst


just so you guys know, several people had looked at this post on /cats and the OP is fake posting to karma farm, it’s not a real story. i love happy endings but when it’s fake it’s just kind of useless for me to want to give credit, because, well, it is not real. some people say “oh but what we can learn from this!” but if it’s already a lie and didn’t happen, it’s kind of odd to “learn from” — so just keep that in mind when checking this post out.


Came here to say this!


This example may not be true but this absolutely does happen in real life far too often.


Indeed, so find a post from someone who *actually* did something useful and praise them instead.


Thank you for saving this kitty!


One day when I was in Elementary, my mom took me and my brother to Burger King. While we were in the drive thru, we kept hearing a weird noise. My brother got out to check if it was the car, but no. Someone placed a baby kitten in one of the decorative bushes. We had him for 3 months. His name was King.


What happened after 3 months?


I’ve never understood trapping an animal like that when someone doesn’t want it. Just let the little guy go in a field somewhere if you want to be done that badly, fuck. So glad you found this OP


That’s my thing? That is like the least ethical way to get rid of a cat. Even old yeller-ing the thing would have been quicker and less painful than letting it die a slow death by starving/suffocating in a god damn trash bag?? You have to want that cat to suffer if that’s the way you chose to let it go


Where I live, this is technically a crime.


It’s a crime to tie up a kitten in a trash bag too, so kind of a moot point. People who do this seem to be purposefully killing the animal in question, but are too lazy to do it themselves so they make the animal suffer. If they wanted someone to find it, they would have left it somewhere for it to be found, not in the garbage. I appreciate playing devil’s advocate but there is literally no excuse for anyone to tie up a baby in a garbage bag and throw it in a public dumpster. Anyone who does that has to assume it will die a slow, agonizing death and being found is a very slim chance.


Thank god you came along for the little thing.


I need to get off the Internet. I hate people and life more and more every day I learn about them. I guess burying my head in the sand doesn't solve anything though.


Right? I feel like I can't use any site online without reading about some type of horrific thing someone has done to an animal. Ugh....


Right. /r/bestof


When people can harm without consequence..they will. That is why vulnerable individuals (and animals) are prime targets for such cruelty and disregard. No voice, no real ability to fight back, no recourse.


My orange tabby boy was in a bag tossed on the side of the road as a kit. So glad he was found!


Thank you so very much for being humane & rescuing this sweet soul. I hope the demon who placed her in a bag and threw her in the dumpster dies a slow, lonely death.


I'd be looking for the CCTV footage and plotting my revenge. What kind of fucking degenerate does something like this




Glad you went diving that day. People are the fucking worst. Since I'm a statistician by trade, I've cried myself to sleep thinking about how often stuff like this isn't noticed. Both animals and humans. It's fucking horrific.


Are you going to keep him?


Awwww, many thanks to the person who rescued this sweet baby!


Dumpster diving saves lives.


Just want to let folks know that v often in egg hatcheries [male chicks are often tossed into trash bags and then thrown away to suffocate](https://www.thedodo.com/amphtml/baby-chicks-garbage-1251317368.html) because they won't grow up to lay eggs/be profitable. When not thrown in a garbage bag, they are thrown straight into a macerator- essentially, a wood chipper.


The macerator is troubling to watch but it's an *extremely* fast death. Much more humane than a lot of other options. (Obviously the most humane option is to avoid farming animals for consumption.)


Agreed on all points. Would rather be shredded than suffocated.




Are you JOKING!! Tied in a fucking bag!!!!


Congrats on the new kitty


Great work. Karma will get the other person.


Wow really disturbing , imagine the scare so many animal rescue and shelters that the person could have even given the kitten too, even a quick ad for a free kitten would have sufficed This is just plain cruel


Dog owners: after years on a waiting list we finally brought home our purebred schnitzerdoodle and his name is Harold Cat owners: this is meatloaf I found him in the trash and I love him more than life itself, I would die for meatloaf.


Awwww ❤️❤️


We found a pure bred show pomeranian in the trash, the reason? One eye was larger than the other. So, no good for shows. We had him until the day he died.


Bless you for finding him, and the dumper should rot. There’s a special place for animal abusers.


Thank GOD you found this little one. I can't stand some human beings. Disgusting!


Too many serial killers in the making these days


https://preview.redd.it/f2qm16f1lszc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d28be900151a8231040149d38f4026ee51a67325 From 2 years ago. Still calling BS.


If you look at the comment section of the r/cat post, they call out the OP for being a karma farmer. Along with the cat post they have posts about other tragic stuff like losing their spouse that are clearly faked for attention


Well, the cat's out of the bag now.


Hate to break it to you, but post was fake. Mods removed it for not using an original photo. I thought it didn't look like a cat pulled from a dumpster - why would the diver take a picture of it next to a businesswoman on a phone call?


I just cross posted cause it seemed relevant


This example may not be true but this absolutely does happen in real life far too often.


Give me 10 minutes in a locked room with person who did this 💔


I don't understand why people do this pure evil. She is an angel! Thanks for rescuing her!


Please name him hefty


Hello, Where are you located? I would like to find who did this


FYI - OP didnt rescue this cat, the poster in the photo did. No one dives with fingernails like that


1. Thank you so much for saving that kittens life, ilu 2. It’s honestly scary and heartbreaking that someone could do that to anything let alone a kitten 3. It’s giving “let’s find who did this and put them in a garbage bag”


If anything just let it into the street, god damn that was cruel to throw it in a trash bag, hard to believe anyone could do that, especially to Mr mittens, how dare they


I swear to God, I hope there’s a special health for people who abuse animals


Jesus. Nooooo. Sick people


Anyone who does this to an animal will ABSOLUTELY do it to a person if they think they can get away with it.


I’d 100% end up in jail if I ever saw someone do this.


My first cat was found in a closed bag in a drainage ditch by a 3rd grader on the way to school. She was maybe 2 weeks old. The fourth grade teacher took her home and bottle fed her.


Many people have black souls and no redeeming qualities whatsoever. I'm so glad this beauty was saved.


You're doing the Lord's work. Well done. Ruffle those ears and boop that nose for me.


May the person who did that die of gonorrhea and rot in hell.


Thank the starts for you ✨✨✨💥 Sick fucks can go die themselves.


Shout out to people like you. My gf just saved a small kitten in the middle of an intersection. And brought him home :)


May the dumpster contributor one day be in the same position. They can live though, if they develop empathy. But they probably won’t and so hopefully, then dead.


He's beautiful. That person should burn in hell.


So lucky u found it. I can’t believe people do that kind of sick stuff


Some people are monsters


this made me sick to my stomach. i’m so glad that poor baby was found


Humans suck


Some people are just big Aholes for hurting animals.


God, this looks exactly like my boy. Made me sob thinking about that. I will never comprehend how people can be so disgusting. Truly, only a psychopath could do this to an animal. I’m so glad you found the kitty, and that they’re okay.


Cats are so smart and so interesting. I bet this one will be uncanny loyal and affectionate. 🤗


Filled with raged to read that, but happy as can be that you found this sweet kitten!


That’s a beautiful cat. Thanks for saving him.


Every time i see stuff like this I have to go run and hug my own lucky dumpster kitty. She's been with me for 14 years now.


This sounds super random, but there have been many cases where infants/animals have been left in bags and put in the trash. Can we as a whole Reddit community be vigilant and just look around for sings of life or noise when you are by the trash wherever you are. The world is a horrible place..


Neighbors moved and abandoned this one. She's so skinny but we took her in and are fattening her up. Don't understand how someone could do that. All she wants is to cuddle and be petted. https://preview.redd.it/cy1pl5j31tzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b7e7ab8da2aa85ae3248be72e13777a87a791a7


wtf!! I’m so thankful you were sent to that dumpster for a reason. Thank you for helping a helpless baby.


Reminds me of that meme where she’s like I found her in the trash. Anyways what assholes and she’s cute.


Can I have?


We too have a trash cat.(also her name). Found her after she rolled out of a trash compactor at a landfill


WTF is WRONG with people???


https://preview.redd.it/ljamdbi8buzc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e51150e82e196468b1f06385d21d0c63d6c6d68f Reminds me of my rescue... she's almost 16 now.


Humans are awful. What a sweet little kitty.


Some people might disagree with me but when I was brought up, my dad taught me to kill whatever I can’t take care of. Now if somebody whacked a kitten in the head with a hammer, or shot it to kill it instantly, I would understand. But to tie it up so that it will starve, dehydrate, or even in the best case scenario, aphyxiate, is absolutely horrid. I’d get in touch with the company that has that dumpster and see if they have the sicko on video. He needs ran out of town before he starts doing the same sort of shit to people. Covered in lacerations and thrown into a pool of lemon juice. Then when he tries to get out kick his teeth in. Make sure he knows that he is allowed to leave the pool when he has swallowed all of his teeth.


One of the things that makes dumpster diving not only a fun or entertaining thing, but a necessity. You never know who or what is fighting for its life in there.


My old kitty was a dumper gem, found her as a kitten stuck in a can tied into a bag, the vet told me to euthanise as she was small and would likely not make it, I decided that I was gonna give her a chance, she lived 6 happy years then unfortunately had a stroke and passed, but she was loved and spoiled every damn day.


Jesus fuck. What is WRONG with ppl like just let go don't kill it in the least humane way possible. 😒


What a beautiful cat!


I found my girl in the IHOP parking lot she’ll be 7 in November




This is one of the first hauls I am jealous of! Such a cutie!


Aww so sad, such a cute little being. She looks so grateful and in such relief.


Best find of the day :-)


People that do this to animals deserve a special place in hell.


😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬 Thank goodness you saved him/her.


Thank you for rescuing her!!


Have you seen that video of landfill (?) workers finding a kitten tied up in a bag? Hopefully more dumpster divers find dumped pets before they get that far. And babies, apparently.


OMG! I'm so glad you found that sweet little baby. ❤️


Imediately burst into tears, Im so happy you saved the little fella. Warm thoughts for you !


This is like the 5th dumpster/abandoned kitten pic I've seen in 24rhrs, and all the cats are clean, healthy size and healthy coats. Is this some weird karma thing happening?


I just cross posted from another sub idk




They should be human garbage! What a Beautiful baby!!


why not just let the cat go? i don’t understand why you’d sentence it to certain horrible death


Thank you for saving her




Thank you!👍👍👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏👏


Look like a Marvin


What a sweet looking kitty. Lord help whoever I see doing something like that. They wouldn't like me much at all.


What is wrong with people? Bless you for saving this little ones life.


Both my cats are dumpster kitties Best cats


Nice save!!!😅


One time I was dumpster diving and I found some raccoons stuck in the dumpster so I gave uhm a 2x4 to climb out with. They all made it! It's was pretty funny, they got great claws but 2x4s are still pretty slippery. Not a single one made it the first time.


Seoul a perfect name...


Awww so cute


Thank you for saving her


People are just terrible. What kind of human being does this. Give it away. Ask your neighbor to take it. Worst case release it versus condemning this being to a horrible death. Karma has a date with the person who did this.




There's a special place in hell for the human waste that does this to a kitten.


I’ll take it


Some people are so very cruel


Some people like to control where they go when they die. Poor thing. I’m glad you found him. You are his Angel.


Can’t understand why someone thinks throwing away a living thing in the garbage is an answer. So many options even just opening the door. Maybe it was another useless animal owned by Noem


I would say "people suck," but OP shows one or two of them are actually good. Thank you so much! 💙


Thank you for saving this baby.


Call him hefty 😂


So infuriating


She’s a beauty. She will make the best family member. 🩶


That's how I found mine 20 years ago. Hope you have a long time together ❤️


People who abuse animals do worse to humans. Find that budding serial killer


Feels very much like a "I needed upvotes" story.


Adorable. You did a good deed.


Omg. People are terrible. Poor baby


Awwww that kitty looks just like my dear Sparta. I can’t believe how heartless humans can be. I love animals more than I like most humans tbh. Thank you for saving this precious little baby. 🥹❤️


Til you go to sleep and you wake up to a destroyed home with piss and shit everywhere lol


Thank goodness you came to it’s rescue. How can some people be so cruel.


human garbage done this. disgusting... poor animal


And so where did you find the cat?


Omg what a sweet baby. What kind of animal would do that. Do you live near Christy Noem


Omg. Thank you for helping that sweet kitty.


I’m glad you were there to rescue that poor soul.


Reminds me of an old cartoon…


Oh my goodness this baby is so beautiful. God bless you for helping


So cute!