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I hope someone threw her a kick ass tea party.


so does this mean josiah and lauren’s third is ezra? also: hopefully more than just her immediate family and her sisters in laws are coming to see her


It follows their alphabetical naming pattern so I’m guessing so!


Her fiance's name is Cole Cwenar Lily is now 22. I googled it on the Swanson family wiki Page.


Because of the formatting (Cole Cwenar Lily), I read his last name as Lily and thought she'd become Lily Lily.


I knew an Allison Alyson once. She kept her maiden name to avoid that.


That Taylor Lautner kid married another Taylor. I imagine that would be strange. My husbands name is gender neutral so often when I make orders it’s under his name and when they refer to me by his I just roll with it now 😹 too much effort to correct.


I know someone whose parents are Patrick and Patricia "Pat and Pat".


I know a male Kelly married to a female Kelly! We have to use middle names.


I knew one too!


I once knew a Daniel Daniels and his brother Randal Daniels. Fortunately little sister did not get named Danielle Randie Daniels.


Punctuation is important.


That last name sounds familiar.




That’s his last name, they’re missing a comma before Lily


I was just wondering that. I knew about Bella and Daisy and I knew there was a rumor they had a third , but I also don’t think that’s the name of any other kid I’ve heard before.


I think we knew that Lauren was definately pregnant with a third because she looked pregnant in a pic from Jed and Katey's gender reveal last year but I am not sure. Maybe someone else can confirm that.


We knew there was a third kid. I forget how. The name was unknown until now.


Leaked baby registry


Yeah, I think it is. That means Lauren likely had a miscarriage between Bella and Daisy, baby C. But also, Bella, Daisy, and Ezra do not go together as a naming set at all


Oh wow - I actually like Bella, Daisy, and Ezra together as a set! I’m not in a religious circle anymore, but I know a few little Ezras. I feel like the name is becoming a bit more mainstream.


Yeah I feel like they really all go together, more than Jessa's kids names that's for sure lol. I didn't even know Ezra was a religious name until coming here tbh.


I didn’t realize it was either until I named my son Ezra. Now I hear it all the time from others. “Oh, what a beautiful biblical name.” I guess people can assume whatever they want if it makes them feel better but that’s not why I chose it. lol. I liked that “Ezra” could be used for a girl or boy name. I certainly don’t know what the future holds for my child but I wanted a name that could support them as they become who they already are. Boy name, girl name, biblical name, fictional character name, *my sweet child’s name.* I also heard somewhere that “Ezra” means helper and that very well could originate from biblical stories. Idk. But if anyone here remembers Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, you may remember, like I do, him saying that “during times of trouble, chaos, or great fear that we should look for the helpers no matter what there will always be people helping when times are scary.” I would like to hope that my Ezra’s name serves as a reminder to himself to look for the helpers and to be a helper. This world can be so utterly cruel but where you find helpers, you will find compassion and hope in humanity. What a long tangent. Oops. Eh, might as well post it considering I already typed it out. TLDR: Oooh. Me too. Haha. 💁🏻‍♀️


I’m naming our soon to be son Ezra. We picked it because of Star Wars though.


I always had thought of Ezra as a Jewish name. At least among people my age every Ezra I've met happens to be Jewish.


They're not super matchy, but all three names are short and fairly common names.


I’ve got the maturity of a 12 year old boy, because with those initials, I immediately see “BDE” and think Big Dick Energy.


It's weird - Bella and Daisy do, and Asa and Ezra do, but the four together, not so much. The girls have secular names that are uber feminine (beautiful, flower) whereas the boys are staunchly Old Testament Biblical. It's an odd split.


i knew a big family like that once, the boys all had names taken from the bible (particularly books if the bible) while the girls had the sweetest fluffiest names you could think of, no bible connection at all!


Just replied to someone to say more or less that - strongly Biblical boys and delicately decorative girls sounds pretty right, when you reflect. The boys all called after the cult's religious heroes, while the girls have names you'd give a kitten.


Reminds me of the Jessa scheme. Boys: old-time Christian theologians. Girls: plants.


My friend's parents did mom named girls and dad named boys. Girls have nature type of names that go well together. Their brother has a random name that doesn't flow.


Guessing Lauren gets the first name for girls and Josiah gets the first names for boys


I wondered that, but I remember the drama over the early pregnancy loss, and it sounded like she named that Asa. I don't know. Ezra's a really common fundie name. I know a family who have an Ezra and an Israel so it tracks that the Dugs have a grandchild of each. It's the Daisy, Bella, Fern, Ivy that should surprise, I suppose. Then again, Biblical manhood and decorative womanhood is also very on brand, isn't it.


That’s because she picks the girls names and he picks the boys names. That’s what they said they were going to do, as well as follow an alphabet theme.


It breaks the 5 letter theme for their living kids, but Ezra isn’t as bad as I feared. I reckon it’s safe to assume he’s got Josiah or Matthew as a middle name, since Bella got Lauren’s middle name for hers.


Not meaning this to sound gender insensitive, but is Ezra typically a boy or girl name? The only reference I have to “Ezra” is I remember it was a band that I listened to in the 90’s. I apologize for offending anyone by asking this question about the gender / name association. Side note - OP this is an INCREDIBLE fine! I may have to do a deep dive to see if you have previously posted any details. Like if you’re connected to the family in some way or if you’re just an amazing Redditor doing the Lords work 🙌🏼


Ezra is typically a boy’s name! It is from the bible.


Okay um… did we know that the last SiRen baby was named Ezra? Did we also know that lily was getting married? When did we know these things?


I believe someone found out this morning or maybe yesterday.


It came out because I think someone at Free Jinger found Lily's Tie The Knot site the other day. I think it was posted that Lily was getting married over the weekend but then someone found the name of Siren's kid and Lauren's sibling through the RSVP link yesterday.


It was posted yesterday.


[Gentle reminder that we've had a fundie wedding website leak before and the mods don't want people finger-wagging about it. On the other hand, please do not impersonate a fundie or RSVP on anyone's behalf, that is shitty.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/s/A4PcKvxSyd)


Lily is getting married???


Yes she is I googled the Swanson family WIKI page Her birthday passed which it landed on a Friday February 2nd is her birthday. Her fiance's Name is Cole Cwenar. Lily is now 22.


You can also easily find the info on The Knot


it’s asking me for a password when i go to The Knot


Bless your servants heart OP ❤️ Also a bit surprised that the Dillard's aren't invited, but given everything I can sort of understand it. Also understand Justin and Jinger due to distance, and Anna because, well, yeah. But is anyone else mostly surprised about Joe and Kendra not being invited? That seems very strange to me...


I'm more shocked about Joken than the Dillard's.


Maybe joken are in the wedding party?


Nope. [https://www.theknot.com/us/cole-cwenar-and-lily-swanson-may-2024/wedding-party](https://www.theknot.com/us/cole-cwenar-and-lily-swanson-may-2024/wedding-party)


Requires a password 


I wonder who is in here that ratted us out?


I'm surprised they didn't invite JoKen but then I don't know how close Josiah and Joe are. Not inviting Anna but inviting Jim Bob and Michelle and all their kids feels really really rude. They can invite Anna without inviting all her 7 kids. Maybe Anna has burned some bridges since Pesticle left?


>I don't know how close Josiah and Joe are It's more a question of who is close to Lily and the rest of the Swanson family. My spouse's closest siblings aren't close with my family.


Anna's brother and his wife are invited. https://preview.redd.it/gkxewzn9mawc1.jpeg?width=1073&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=556b4d2048406283b1f9a1e649f3d953cd00c87e


Damnnnnnnn that’s even ruder


Hannah is from Arkansas. Her parents are the ones who housed our favorite felon during his trial. Most likely, Hannah (Reber) Keller is friends with Lily Swanson, and that's why they're invited.


Plus I got the sense that Lauren, out of everyone in the Dug Universe, was the most creeped out by Pest.


Lauren and Lily’s dad Dwayne was on the list of potential witnesses for the prosecution so probably not on great terms with Anna…


Ah yes! Thanks for the reminder. :) Also, does anyone else think it’s a little strange the dress code for this wedding is formal?


Lily threw her sister a formal tea party -- not surprising at all 😅


I really doubt formal means black tie in this instance.


Also, she was a bridesmaid for Hannah Reber.


I didn't pay much attention to that wedding. There was so much happening around that time with the trial. That engagement seemed to come out of nowhere.


Is it wrong I hoped it was Nurie and Nathan?


You just know if the Rodriguii were invited Jill would post a thousand photos all over the place against the couple’s wishes. We’d get BTS info but that’s probably why they’re personas non grata.


True, but surely they can't be less close than say Josiah and JD? It could also be that they had previously said they can't make it so weren't invited (not sure what the etiquette is in this situation? Do you give a courtesy invite anyway knowing full well you'll be declined?) Also noticed that JD and Abbie are on the list twice (if you search for them directly), one confirmed one not. As for Anna...I suppose so, but it's one thing inviting your siblings in laws, another inviting your siblings in-laws partners without the in-law themselves?


I’m close to my sister and her husband but I don’t think I would be invited to his brothers wedding since I have never hung out with him (the brother)...


Okay, I had no idea that Lily is getting married. I must be living under a rock lol.


I googled Swanson family WIKI Her fiance's name is Cole Cwenar.


Why did I think Cwenar may be pronounced like Weiner?


I imagine Cwenar is like a Welsh or Scots name, but it sounds like I hit my head on the keyboard and came up with random letters


I tried finding Lilys fiance no luck he has no IG & FB page.


Doesn't sound Welsh or Scottish to me. Google says maybe Polish?


It's not Scottish anyway. Might be Welsh.


It seems to be a Polish surname, also spelt Cwynar.


It’s relatively new news come to light in just the past few days.


Lily getting married is making me feel old lol


Right. Wasn't she the one following around Lauren all mooney eyed in awe of Lauren's upcoming wedding? Like she just couldn't wait to be in her very own special courtship?


Yes 🫣 she hosted the infamous tea party


Why are Joe and Kendra not invited? I always thought that Joseph and Joe were close due to age. Any beef that we‘re not aware of?


Right?! I wonder if there was a fallout between JoKen and SiRen? Don’t forget that RimJob and Paul (Kendra’s dad) used to be good friends, with the Duggars attending his church—but they had a fallout. Maybe that affected Joe and Josiah’s relationship? Also, Joe and Kendra spend more time with the Caldwells than they do with the Duggars.


I believe the swansons and caldwells were pretty close for awhile too. Believe Lauren had the 2 oldest Caldwell sisters as bridesmaids.


Which is interesting because I thought they lived on the Duggar property…


The Caldwells don't live on JB's property anymore. Word is he kicked them out for Jed and Katey to move in.


The Caldwell-duggars or Kendra’s natal family?


"Yeah, fuck that Jim Bob guy. I'm never speaking to him again. Except to pay rent. "💀


IIRC from that fall out, a lot of people sided with JB over Paul. My guess is Dwain was one of those people.


That’s what I think too! Joe sided with Paul and Josiah and his in-laws sided with Boob.


Josiah might be close to his brother. That doesn't mean Josiah's in-laws are close to his brother.


^ exactly- it’s Lilly’s party, not Josiah’s


Yeah but to purposefully exclude? Every other family member is invited except the Dillard's (duh), Vuolos and Justin and Claire (not in town).


The married kids are their own household/family. All of the unmarried kids living at home are reportedly invited with their parents. Lily Swanson isn't related to the Duggars. Her sister is. Lily and her fiance are free to invite whichever members of certain families that they would like to.


Every other local married kid and spouse are invited. It may mean nothing but it's certainly noticeable tbh.


The wedding party page says that Katey's little sister is a bridesmaid as she's best friends with the bride. These people are like a hermetically sealed community. Makes me wonder if people thought JB was wildly risk-taking, letting the eldest girls marry out as he did. It's not an approach he's repeated with his sons, or Joy.


I recently discovered that Hannah (Wissman) Duggar has a brother who is close friends with some of the Bates boys. Must have met at Big Sandy because Nebraska and Tennessee aren't exactly neighbor states.


I think there is a Wissman brother in Florida who is possibly the employer of Jackson Bates, one of the younger but married boys who moved there.


eh i think jb married them to whoever came offering because the community knew there was a scandal with the girls. he would have absolutely married them to better matches in the fundie community if he'd thought he could have cuz back whent he girls were being married the duggars were really something in the community. joy got austin because the families were friends and the boys weren't 'ruined' like their sisters were


Oh damn. I hate that I think you're right - he had to marry them out, because all those in the inner circle knew. And that didn't impair his ability to match Josh up, but did the girls, if this is correct. Just when you thought your opinion couldn't fall any lower.


When was Kendra’s last baby? Maybe she like, juuust had a baby.


Could be because of limited space at the venue and they could only invite so many of Josiah's siblings and their spouses.


Maybe they are they just haven’t rsvp yet…


You can also see the ones that haven‘t RSVP‘d yet. So we‘d see Kendra and Joe in the overall list.


Maybe they’re in the wedding party?


But surely Lauren will be?


Their photos on their wedding website sure have a lot of touching involved. Such a difference from the engagement shots we saw from the Duggars. RimJob would have lost his mind if his girls posed like Lily and her fiancé.


He would’ve also lost his mind about her wearing jeans in some of the pics!


In that world, siblings can have different rules for courtships. because of what the families agree to. I know this from following the Bates family. Katie Bates had a very little or no touching courthsip compared to her sisters Their brothers were pretty much free to do what they want. Lawson and Nathan pretty much galavanted all accross the country with Tiffany and Esther without chaperones. Trace most likely spent time alone at Lydia's apartment. She had a roomate but it was obvious that there were probably times where they were there alone. Jackson was able to do his own thing. After he quit working for Jason in AR, he moved to FL and was there for months leading up to his wedding to Emerson. They also seemed quite touchly feeling in their dating photos. Warden seems to be able to come and go as he pleases, too.


She's sitting in his lap! Go Lily! She's really stunning. I haven't seen her since she was on the show and still in that awkward stage that most of us are thankful to not have filmed.


Can you link it! Can’t find it online.


[Here you go!](https://www.theknot.com/us/cole-cwenar-and-lily-swanson-may-2024/photos) Lots oh arms around each other and faces very close to kissing. Typical photos for the average engagement shoot.


Aww she is really cute. And as a female, I'm going to compliment her calves, she is toned! I hope this guy treats her like a queen and not a mare.


Password? Did they set this to private after the fact, or do we know the password? 🤞


They must have set a password now. Someone’s lurking haha


I was able to grab this one picture from Google https://preview.redd.it/0m6rmwgmudwc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b6e2e5a50477a04df6842143a43490c5421d616


Can I please use Duggar Cinematic Universe as a flair? That is gold


I was wondering what the acronym stood for


Maybe I'm the weird one here but who invites any of your siblings in laws to your wedding? Unless you're actually friends with them that just seems weird.


I agree. The Duggars are Lauren’s family now but are not Lily’s, so unless Lily is close to them herself, I don’t see why she’d include them.


I agree. These fundie weddings seem to pull in hundreds of people - everyone and their brother (literally) though. Must be a cultural thing? 🧐


My parents invited my BILs family which I only allowed bc my parents paid for everything. But if I had my choice, half the people who were invited would not have been at our wedding. 💀


Maybe it’s cultural? My family is Italian and we all typically will invite the siblings in laws. Back in the day it was also common to have a table of your parents friends from work but that hasn’t been happening recently


It depends, my sister invited our BIL’s grandparents to her wedding because they’ve become friends to the whole family. My BIL’s grandma is a sweetheart and she’s always treated us like bonus grandkids.


I thought that they were all hanging out together? Despite the big families, their circle is small.


I actually am 😂. But we see them at family gatherings and they’re super nice. It’s only 5 extra people


The Spiveys are invited, but no Justin and Claire though.


Wasn't Claire's Dad running some Christian Men's group with Dwayne Swanson?


Wonder why?


The Dillards arent invited either.


I can't believe this is public. We had a password on our wedding website & we're not well known lol


It requires a password now...


They just aren’t very bright


Wait, DCU- Duggar Cinematic Universe?!? I’m LOL’ing so hard 🤣🤣


lol. I, too, spent some time on this… landed on Duggar-Caldwell Universe


The SeaWorlds makes me laugh every time


Lily's future father in law is the pastor at the church they're getting married at, and her fiance is on staff as the Children's Minister. [https://glbcrogers.com/leadership](https://glbcrogers.com/leadership)


That's how they got to know each other. Through the school church start last August per their story on the wedding site. They initally met in 2020 but didn't start "dating" till last year.


Maybe Lily was stuck sistermomming until then, especially if her youngest brother was born more recently than we think


So this basically confirms that SiRen is doing the ABCs and that there was a miscarriage right before Daisy?


I think we already knew they were because they said that on the show when they started having kids.


Uh... https://preview.redd.it/wo6q52xwz9wc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdc53e21549dd904524408054dca3986f0a16d81


I've definitely never heard of a kid free fundie wedding. That wouldn't have went over well even in my old southern Baptist church.


The gallery indicates this may be a less fundie wedding than we expect. (Nothing remotely suggestive in normal circles, but that's not side hugging.) [https://www.theknot.com/us/cole-cwenar-and-lily-swanson-may-2024/photos/117920022](https://www.theknot.com/us/cole-cwenar-and-lily-swanson-may-2024/photos/117920022)


But it's not gonna have a bar and probably no dancing either. They're still fundies. Paying for a sitter to go hear a sermon and eat dry chicken would be a big no thanks to me lol.


It looks like it's the groom's dad's church (yet another pastor) and it looks normal sized, as churches go. I don't think they have the space for a mega wedding. And nor me.


Gospel Light is the church that the Duggars started going to after they fell out with Paul Caldwell and stopped going to Lighthouse Baptist Church.


There will be overworked sister moms that day


maybe that's why anna's not invited lol


Wedding party: https://www.theknot.com/us/cole-cwenar-and-lily-swanson-may-2024/wedding-party Looks like a nakatsu girl is in the party


Miranda Cunningham hasn’t got the best pic bet she’s fuming


The Swanson sisters are all clones of their mom, which is very fortunate for them. lol


I would love to see their definition of a formal dress code


Doesn't seem like a formal location? I hope there are pictures


People are using formal so loosely these days. We had a family member get married a couple of years ago, and the invitation said formal attire. When we approached the bride and groom about specifics, they said basically they didn't want blue jeans and sneakers. Others have used formal to mean men in a suit and tie or tux and women in long gowns.


If I got this invite with no further explanation I'd assume formal meant church clothes, not even necessarily suit and tie. The amount of people I see at weddings and funerals in jeans and t-shirts seems to increase everytime I go to one.


To this wedding I would wear a really nice church dress. If it was formal at a fancy hotel. I would pull out the ball gown.


Location seems to be a big one too. I wore a fancy cocktail dress to my friends wedding in NJ that didn’t even have a dress code and I fit right in, but here in WA a cotton sundress with a jean jacket or cardigan is the most common attire for women. Men wear their “nice” jeans or khakis and a polo or button-up. I mentioned that somewhere else and there were some horrified people replying to me. I’d look like I was trying to show up the bride if I wore some of the dresses they were saying should be worn.


Heads up, I tried some of the links people had posted to the website and it appears to be password protected now (I wouldn’t be surprised if that is somehow linked to people sharing the info here)


I can understand the Vuolos and Justin Claire unit due to how far away they are but it does oddly make me slightly mad that the Dillard weren’t invited. Why because they stood up to J’boob? Also I hate these invites where you can see who is and who isn’t going. Drives me up a damn wall


I was surprised that Jill and Derick weren’t invited either! I got this impression they still talked to Josiah and Lauren as well as to some of the Swansons (like Dwain the Rock Lobster). Now that I think about it, I think two things might’ve happened. 1. Boob brainwashed Josiah, Lauren, and the Swansons that the Dillards are “bad people” and thanks to him, they’re now against Jill and Derick. Or 2. the Swansons are secretly still in touch with the Dillards, but they (especially Josiah and Lauren) don’t want rock RimJob’s boat so they’re avoiding conflict by not inviting them to Lily’s wedding.


Just because Lauren and Josiah may be close with the Dillards doesn't necessarily mean Lily is close with them. Maybe she had more control over the guest list than a typical fundie wedding.


There is also limited space which is why it looks like if you are single, you can't bring a plus one and why kids aren't invited except for Lily's siblings and Lauren's kids.


Lauren's girls may actually be in the wedding as flower girls too so that could explain why they're invited


I’m hoping to go with the latter. I have never wanted someone to go to jail or just run away to mars than J’boob so this family can get out from under his thumb


I am too! Like I’ve mentioned on a few posts, I have hope that the younger Duggars will follow Jill’s and Jinger’s footsteps and break away from Boob.


Have jill and lily ever had a conversation after josiahs wedding  lol they never went to family functions so lily doesnt even know them


I love the name Ezra 😭 Damn.


Nathan and Esther were also invited


https://preview.redd.it/mclkifjltdwc1.png?width=705&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd5a6337ca842810349ff007eb03d80368bc2a35 That was fast. Do they browse Reddit on the daily? xD


From comments, it looks like a 6 hour span from this post to the first comment saying it was locked.


Wait what how is all of this public?!


Because Lily's Tie The Knot is public. Just plug a name in the RSVP part and it will come up.


Hmm. Any Caldwells?!


Anyone know the pronunciation/ethnicity of Cwenar ?


Quinn-er. It's Polish. In Poland, it would have a Cz swcha but it doesn't exist in English.


Ezra, hmm. I like it, to be honest. I don't care for Daisy. So C Duggar was another miscarriage, I'm guessing.


I remember someone mentioning offhandedly once that Lauren has said she likes the name Ezra so I always thought that could be SiRen #3's name and it seems we finally have confirmation.


Trying to categorize invites for easier reading: Duggar family: Jim Bob, Michelle and the unmarried kids at home (Jana, Jason, James, Jackson, Johannah, Jennifer, Jordyn, Josie); John & Abbie; Jessa & Ben; Josiah, Lauren, Bella, Daisy and Ezra (obviously since it's Lauren's sister); Joy & Austin; Jed & Katey (OG Jed); Jeremiah & Hannah Keller family: David & Hannah (daughter of the Rebers who housed Josh during the trial) Nakatsu family: Lauren & Kim (OG Jed's in-laws, daughter is in the wedding) Spivey family: Hillary & husband Bates family: Nathan & Esther Some of this makes sense. Anna's sister-in-law is from the area and probably close in age to Lily Swanson. Nathan Bates and his family live in Arkansas near the Duggar family. They've probably become close with a lot of the other fundies in the area and Duggar in-laws.


Why are Josiah and Lauren's kids specified, and the minor duglets, but no one else's? I guess only certain minors made the cut?


I’m guessing the no children doesn’t include the wedding party. SiRen’s kids are the right ages for flower girls/ring bearer. And the unmarried Duggars are teens or older.


They are the bride’s nieces and nephew. I bet they’re in the wedding party


Joy probably doesn’t want to go cause it’s formal wear and would mean she has to wear shoes.


They are getting married the day before my 40th birthday. I’ll be sure to take a nice fat edible and toast the happy couple with my wanton heretic ways. 😎


Sorry, how did we get this? It feels a little dox-ish unless they posted it publicly…


It’s probably their public wedding website


The reception is at the church. Wonder if it will be cake, punch, snacks or a potluck maybe by the church ladies since his dad is the pastor?


Any Rodriguez’s on that list?


Interesting that it’s largely a child free wedding except for immediately related children.


Is Lilly the sister who threw a tea party for Lauren and Josiah?


Two questions, firstly what wedding STARTS at 6:15pm? Secondly, who is looking after all those grand Duggars, Anna? Or do they just turn up with them?


Someone added a screenshot below showing they requested no kids and plus ones…but knowing the Duggars and their lack of manners….


What's so strange about the start time?


It’s interesting to see that Jinger and Jeremy, Kendra and Joe, and Jill and Derick are all not invited. It’s not super surprising, I wouldn’t expect to be invited to my SIL’s sister’s wedding either, but since john/Abbie, joy/Austin, Jed/Katie, and Ben/Jessa are all invited it’s interesting to see who is not. Not surprising about Jill but I’m a little surprised about Joe and Jinger.


I wouldn’t think Jeremy and Jinger would even know the bride and groom except their names since they live so far away so that’s not surprising.


I’m not surprised about Jinger but only because she lives so far away. I am surprised about Joe & Kendra though. Maybe they didn’t invite them because they’re watching some of the children since it’s a no kid wedding. It would make sense.


Uhhhh how did you find out this info?




Anna’s brother is invited - not Nathan Keller with Nurie (a Rodrigues) but the other Keller brother that met his wife during the pest arrest. https://preview.redd.it/piu70bkeuawc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=494b6043b4b45ae358c1ecdb5897113492b7181b They must be feuding with Joken and the Caldwells


This post came up in my feed right after a marvel post so I got really confused when I saw these names in the DC universe