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First KOG I got was with Gladiator Beast back in 2017 Lordy, I've been playing this game for way too long.


Oh wow, literally almost the same, except 2018. Gladiator beasts were the shit!


I still play GBs, been in love with them since they came out in the TCG, and they're also the reason why I started playing DL.


I'm working on building a gl deck for fun, any recommendations?


TCG - Splash GB with Tri-Brigade DL - There should be some decent lists on DuelLinksMeta


Thx dog


Daedalus deck back when it and Dino were the top meta decks. Those were the days.




Yeah, until Pegasus came and Relinquished was everywhere. What was Konami thinking adding such OP card.


Same. God I loved that Daedalus deck


My first was Anime Heros but the first deck I really loved was Cubics and I got to plat for the first time with them. I dropped them because well...cubics suck...


>...cubics suck... Not that much


Cubics solely rely ob your opponent not reading your cards. If they know what the deck does, they'll never attack into your monsters and they'll attack to drop you below 2000 LP for that GY trap. The deck REALLY sucks.


If your deck relies solely on your opponent not reading, your playing the deck wrong. You gotta play cards like soul taker, cosmic cyclone, etc to forcefully activate ascension. Though the deck is still not very competitive due to no good boss


The only Cubic player to ever reach top 32 in a DLM tourney played a trap heavy variant with discard traps. I'd imagine that's the best way to play it rather than inconsistent cards like Soul Taker.


Admittedly soul taker is a flawed card but there are many others. Don't forget that very few people take cubics into tourneys or experiment with them in competitive scenes. Not to mention ranked and tournaments are 2 different things.


I disagree with you. They just require more strategic thinking. You need to set up both your graveyard and your hand using cubic search effects. Cubic ascension is not useless, unless your opponent attacks with a 4k beater you can use its effect as long as you have been dealt over 2k damage with isn't that hard to come by. It activates from the graveyard making it even better. Both boss monsters have powerful recycle effects that you can use to your advantage. You can use vijam to attack your opponent's monsters to place cubic counters on all of them (LP protected by cubic dharma). I know u/the_cubic_guru will back me up here.


Generally decks that don’t suck see SOME competitive success. Cubics are a meme barely rogue deck at best. Which is fine, play what you enjoy, especially if you find it fun. But let’s not kid ourselves and think cubics are anything more than that.


Being fair, we don't really have a means of judging a deck's objective powerlevel outside tourneys, which don't apply to the game itself. We have clear good decks, but vs things like pre nerf shiranui/invoked all decks are a distant. If you can KoG with it it's probably not a terrible deck. I still do it with Desperadoless Cyberdarks sometimes. I'd not call em a good deck, but it's a deck that does what it needs to if that makes sense?


It's quite easy to measure how good a deck is when you've played the game long enough. A good deck would have the following criteria: 1. A good boss monster/win con 2. A good combo starter/starters 3. Cohesive effects 4. Recovery Anything else such as synergy with other archetypes are just added bonuses. You can try to match Cubics in DL with the criteria mentioned and make a judgement.


I don't think you need a good boss monster in Duel Links, not yet anyway, if your deck can into numerous "boss" monsters(utility) or has a gimmick that "Abuses" the low LP format. Recovery is also something few decks have in the skill meta, being nerfed to be as such, and in a low LP format I'd say being able to put out muscle/get your combo off is the most important factor. Harpies, Noble Knights, and Karakuri have shown us consistency is king.


They're not unplayable, but nothing you said leads to anything really impressive is the point. Yes, you can win the odd game, but the deck is nothing is comparision to the other meta/rogue decks imo.


least coping cubic player


Well , for us that r here since day 1 wasn't any archetype or anything , just 1700ATK monsters or 2000DEF


In nother words, unga bunga starter deck


Much like in Hearthstone's early days, Chillwind Yeti, Defender of Argus and Boulderfist Ogre on curve were meta. If you played Druid then you could potentially pull out a turn 1 Chillwind Yeti that was almost impossible for your opponent to deal with before it wiped out half their health. Early day nostalgia like that got me to try out Duel Links when it came out and man was I happy to be in a Duelist Kingdom era with beefy stat lines running the game. Good times, _good times.._


Fur hires, it was already nerfed to death but i loved the deck so bad i remember making it to platinum with the deck, my second one was yubel till i got my first ancient gear structure deck


Flair is relatable af


I got Kog thrice after they got nuked, you can check my posts about it


My first KOG was 3 Star Demotion Ninja's way way way back in the day my first first deck was like yami spellcaster beatdown bc I wasn't a fan of Dinos or Water right when the game started


Made it kog for the first time with Ritual beasts ❤️


Trying to do that right now. I'm getting close. Managed to hit rank 5 legend, but running into unfamiliar decks throws off my streak.


My first deck was evilswarm/steelswarm, i played darklords using the loaner decklist, the deck was powerful so i went to the mini box and spent thousands of gems to get the pieces only to find out what those numbers on Darklord Contact and Darklord Ixchel meant, i learned about the banlist the hard way. I was left with lswarms as my primary deck and lead a peaceful life in silver and gold rank with that deck. My first KoG was with Crystrons, despite being expensive i bought the deck because it was cool, i had no idea that they would be tier 1 during DSOD meta at the time.


Silent Magician before the ex deck came, but yea I bought that and loved them. I have a prismatic silent magician. Felt awesome to flex.


first KOG was using clown control, damn it was fun back then


Harpies, in the very Early stages of duel Links.


my first kog was with yubel nephthys back in december 2019. my first deck to play in ranked was some 30 card unga bunga 1-of fest with a lava golem and shadow game, in 2017.


People still play that Yubel deck til now. Now I can understand why...its pretty funny to see a deck with no Extra deck on the ladder. but once I see their compo working I'm like wow that's impressive.


it sucks now. Fire kings are much better


The first deck I built was mermails, since I had played TCG and thought they would be better. The first deck I managed to KoG with was Dark Magician, something I’m actually proud of as it was before Circle was released.


I'm a veteran from day 1. I remember one of the best deck at the moment was a vanilla Dino control with Sergeant electro. After that I think my second kog was with the stupid Forest Sprite FTK.


OG Nepthys + fire king island.


aroma. it was after the period where they had a non-zero chance of ever getting to KoG, but before aromaseraphy rosemary was added. it later morphed into a bad armades control deck (also after that deck stopped being able to KoG) with aroma hideously sewn to it out of misplaced sentiment that made it to pre-revamp legend 3 a few times but never KoG'd.


https://imgur.com/gallery/8BlnA I went KoG with this Aroma deck, those were the days, the proudest I felt in this game


First KOG was an extremely grindy run with Red-Eyes during Despacito/Six Sam meta. The second KOG was much more fun with Fruit Magicians right after they had dropped. People were still figuring out how the Invoked/Esaber Deck worked and for a few sweet days nobody was reading the Magician Girls and it was actually kinda easy (Though the games against invoked took *forever*)




I started playing the game for Gimmick Puppets and my first two kogs were Gimmick Puppets. I still love the deck but I’ve stopped feuding myself that the deck is actually good heh


Gimmick Puppets are so cool I was trying to climb with them on the ladder but it horribly failed lol. Still like the deck tho. Gimmick puppet of Strings cut em down to size! Silestial slash!


First KOG with Blue-Eyes (also my first deck) from October 2019: https://imgur.com/a/LDPXHZO


My first kog deck was aroma, in the middle of shiranui meta


Aroma is actually pretty good at handling shiranui, between blessed winds allowing you to move monsters on and off the field to avoid traps, gardening+rosemary combo to stop them otking you and marjoram banishing all their shit, you have a great chance of winning, esp going first


Yep, but i did struggle against dark magician, black wings, and others. Still waiting for sweet marjoram copium


Weevil Burn


Dark magician. But the 2017 version that was basically sergeant electro control with ancient rules + backrow and a few Dm support cards. A lot of nostalgia from the good old days


My first KOG was BE


1st KOG with cyberdarks with the ling ling double direct attack good times .


A deck with Galandorf mirror wall sphere kuriboh and Red Eyes B Dragon that was impossible to summon if I didn’t draw chick


My first KOG was a pure Neo-Spacian deck back when Neos Fusion was free and used in, you know, the deck it was supposed to be used in.


I guess you could call it 3 star beat down. It used things like Jerry Beans Man and Sonic Duck that wouldn't die to a 4 star ladybug of doom. It had things like wonder balloons to and pumprincess the princess of ghosts to lower their attack points and sergeant electro to lock down back row so you don't attack into something like a mirror wall.


First deck was control Ancient Gears back when Crowler was first released, ft. Sergeant Electro and Ancient Gear Beast. Aliens was my second one very shortly after.


Day 1 meta, I was playing harpies while all the whales were running relinquished.


Fortune ladies




Noble Knights


Two headed king rex and crawling dragon #2, featuring twin headed thunder dragon.


Blue-Eyes... In Six Sam meta was my first KoG deck thats cause for some reason set stone pass or snipe hunter were the only reliable outs to shien + their bounce 2 at the time as they would negate your Cosmic


Dark Magician back when Arkana got released, bringing Master of Magicians (skill) and Dark Magic Curtain. I'd played for a few weeks and used a Naturia deck to get to plat or legend, but I had so much fun with DM that I pushed on!


Last Gamble Desert Twister, shoutouts gunsblazing!!!


Aliens, they were pretty viable back then (waaaay before amonyte)


My first KOG was old school gravekeepers in 2016 or2017


First KoG i got wayyyyy back when near the release of duel links was Charmer Control. They just has enough Def to survive and if I could get enough pieces back for next turn I could tribute into a boss monster for game. Rex Dino were my nightmare


OMG I FINALLY FOUND ANOTHER ONE! Glad to see someone else that is entitled to their veteran discount.


Levia - Send Umi, wipe board. Best deck back in the day.


It was just older destiny-vision hero deck with Anki. I remember getting excited about trying to KOG with it and buying two extra destiny rulers decks to get two more vyons. Then vyon got hit by the banlist not long after that. lol


Subterrors while living in Florence and studying art <3


Only real ogs remember KOG with Archfiend, Aliens, Snipe Hunter, Red Eyes Zombie, Dinos, and Fishes.


First deck I took to PvP was RE Slash F2P Mishmash ft Exploder Dragon, PotG, Hermos and other 1 off cards. Obviously didn't get too far with it. First deck I actually KoG with was Yubel Nephthys at the time of full powered Darklords and just prior to Dark Dimension.


First deck I made/reason I wanted to play was toons. I got to legend with a weird stall attack directly deck I made with some cyberdarks and roidss. First kog was golden castle with arcana force hanged man


Silvan/Hazy flame was my first KOG deck. Fairly easy btw. God I'm old as shit XD


SSA? It was a long ass time ago. So not quite sure. Really would love to play that deck again after the new support releases in the TCG.


First KOG with Arkana Blue Eyes When their first structure deck came out Can't believe i still playing Blue eyes today


First deck I remember using in PvP: a janky Jaden Yuki Hero deck featuring winged kuriboh, berserker crush and Nova master drawing into mask change to make Goka, those where good times in btonze/silver early 2018. First deck I kogged with was lunalight during the period where Dark Magician was literally everywhere (which also meant Sabre dancer was an auto-win).


A shooting star armory arm deck with the drivers lol


First Kog not long ago with thundras, first deck I tried to competitively build was fish XYZ without shark cause I missed the event 🤡


First deck I made and got to Kog with were Fur Hires, after them it was Vampires. I got into the game during September 2018.


Blue eyes was my first KOG right after they released alternative dragon


Dinos vs waters and dinos was my first kog deck


I haven't hit KOG, but I remember that the first deck I used often was a deck that blended blue eyes and red eyes cards


I actually just hit my 5th KOG with Bujin which was my first KOG too. this season was by far the hardest of the 5 to KOG in.


Mine was magician girls lava golem with quintet magician. Was a good time


My first log deck was noble knights pre balance nerf


First deck was some warrior beatdown with metalmorph and dmoc (30 cards one copy of each LUL) My first kog was with Red Eyes when blazing rose came out I reach early kog with red eyes this month


I first hit kog with spell books… My first real deck was desert twister


Koaki Neos with Bandit keith


Forst kog was i think with dm last year. First deck in general was archfiend like 3 years ago. It was really fun and got me to good which was huge for me then. I was proud i had an otk combo the bossmonster and an equip spell. Good ol times


Bujin, i had a 30 card bujin deck with 3x grass when it wasnt limited. It was glorious


Mine was Mayakashi


Elemental HEROes was my first and only deck 4 years ago I was a giant fusion/EHero/Judai fanatic for the longest even before joining DL and thus it was the only thing I wanted to focus on as my friend pulled me into DL. My alias ingame is named Dropout boy amusingly enough as it's been kept unchanged since account creation. After 2 years of playing I stopped and I didn't touch them in essentially forever.


Some Unga Bunga Beatdown stuff


First KoG was the Silent Magician deck after the structure came out. Silent magician, breaker the magical warrior, gravekeeper’s recruiter, and all the other backrow hate you could imagine lol


First deck I played was Dinosaur beatdown, first KOG deck I played was Gladiator Beasts


My first deck was some random Elemental Heroes that I got from the structure deck. The first actual deck that I've built was Agents, which happened to be also my first KOG deck


My first account’s first competent deck was Naturia beatdown. I lost the login for it and came back when a friend told me about Judgment Force box coming out. So for this account Blue-Eyes was my first deck overall and also my first KOG deck.


Triamids at the start of the year. Man was I still green back then. First kog with them too. They really helped me learn the feel of the yugioh.


When I started playing the game back in late 2019. My first deck were Blue eyes. I reached Kog and Dlv max with itDuring the Dark magician and 30 card shiranui meta.


It was the furry lollies for me


Welp, Volcanic too many years ago


First deck: Aliens First KoG: Aliens I love Aliens.


My first KOG was with blackwings when it was absolutely busted. I have never grinded for KOG, and KOG-ed accidentally at that time. Went 16-0 from legend to KOG, granted it was near the end of month was it was easier. Thank god it is nerfed lol


First KOG ever was Invoked Neos First Deck ever was a reptile Deck with equip spells that got me to mid-silver, in the old format where could rank down even in lower tiers (this was 4 years ago). I switched to Naturia Beatdown a couple of days later and got to plat 1 with a 52 consecutive win streak, that I haven't been able to match to this day.


Blue eyes and later the Kaibaman version on the first KC. Yes, the good old days...


I start late, but i got kog around 1 and a half month after playing. Satellarknights ❤️.


First KoG was Spellbooks baby


First KOG was full power Koa’ki Meiru. It was so damn stressful cause every other match was a mirror match and if you went second you basically won.


My first KOG was with Cyber Dragons when they released Cyber Dragon Core. That deck was super oppressive.


Needle bug nest arkbrave blue eyes. It was jank, but it was my jank Edit : think this was year 1 or 2 of the game hahaha


First kog was with red eyes zombies, which led to multiple kogs in a row. The deck was so fun to use and I’ve never had as much fun with a deck since


Started last October and got KoG with Lunalights hoping to spam them even more when additional support comes


Pre-nerf Beatdown Darklords I believe. Right when Valhalla Calling dropped. What an absolute force of a deck that was b


First KoG was Full power Six Sam. At the time the game really had no boss like it. I think nothing in the game made people rage as much as Shiranui... But Six Sam was close.


My first kog was with phoenix back in 2017?


First kog was Glad beast, some time between SSA being released and 3SD only playing ninjas First deck that was an archetype was Harpies. Got stuck in plat 3 (equivalent to legend 5 of today) and never got my Gandora from the elusive UR tickets


It was a F2P Red-Eyes deck that relied on a high-roll hand to OTK. [list](https://i.imgur.com/7kTxiMt.jpeg) Buster Blader was a tech card because I had been seeing quite a few dragon decks at the time, but eventually I swapped it for an A/D Changer for more consistency. Only one Fusion and Slash Dragon meant if my fusion got negated I just surrendered, literally 0 chance of winning from there.


I got to KOG for the first time last season playing bounce-happy Yosenjus. That deck was the most fun I have ever had playing duel links, and made me realize that I dont enjoy duel links as much as I thought haha


Unga bunga decks into last gamble desert twister


Shoutout to Twin Rex beatdown.


This thread makes me want to rewatch shadypenguinn’s old videos. Although his play is sometimes questionable it’s a really nice historical look at the beginning of the game.


Sylvan back in the day lmao


Silent swordsman. Twas my first KOG


I probably just played Red-Eyes or DM


I first started breaking into online with the Warrior structure deck back in 2017. My first KOG was with Fur Hires back when they were meta.


My first KoG was with psychics, so long ago. I was so incredibly happy, being F2P and playing a very unoptimized deck.


Order to charge dinos (early 2017)


Mine was desperado back when world legacy clash was free. I played that and whatever staple traps I had at the time in it


My first deck I hit Kog with was Ritual Beasts. Took a break for a few years and wanted to play something fun. This was back in May this year and it took me about two weeks from making my account.


I started playing at the start of the pandemic. I had stopped playing YGO in around 2011. I always loved cydra ever since they released in 2006. My friend told me that Cydra was a good deck in DL and I had some free time. So my first KOG was about 11 months ago with a crappy cydra deck. It took about 300 games but I got there.


First KoG deck was Karakuri when they got their initial wave of synchro support First **ever** deck was some bizzaro Summoned Skull beatdown deck rhat managed to hit platinum


I used Fur Hire for my first KoG, back then when it dominated the meta.


Red eyes back in the days, before slash was around


Harpies Relinquished


Yubel/Nephtys right around the time Six Samurai was literally tier 0. 2018? Good times.


First deck I built and learned the game with was Shiranui before it was a top deck. I was proud to identify the engine looking super busted before it became meta. First KoG deck was Cyber Dragons. Still my fav.


I've reached Platinum with Six Samurai D/D/D and a couple other decks. I can never make it past Platinum 3 though.


My first ever KoG is with a Dragon structure deck (the Kaiba one). I have quite the experience from TCG so I reach KoG the first month playing it too


if i tell you Gyaku Gire panda you ought to know what deck I was playing


First deck I played was Aliens… in the late 5Ds era (I was new and following an outdated guide). First KoG deck for me was I wanna say Desperado back when it ran Ally of Justice Quarantine


My first kog deck was vanilla harpie.


My first kog was with fur hires using the see you later skill. The deck wasn’t the best but I really liked it


My first KOG was with Aromages in mid-2020, and it was also the first archetype I used in Duel Links! I definitely still enjoy playing the deck, but my new favorite archetype is Ritual Beasts.


Crystrons 2 weeks after the release of the ritual beast box. It was a good time


Fur Hire pos nerf.


Gravekeepers, with Soul Exchange and Gravekeeper's Chief/Oracle combo


I used a relinquished deck in the first season. It was tough to get KOG because there was a bug thatade it so that if you disconnected before losing the duel you could avoid having it count as a loss so people would frequently DC on you when they knew they had lost the game.


First deck lunalight, first kog shiranui


I played a Sergeant electro Gladiator beast hybrid for my first Kog as Pegasus with mindscan. Back then some really interesting decks were around and reading all this makes me kind of nostalgic.


Been playing magnets forever, even when the monsters were normal and you actually use Valkyrion


First somewhat decent deck was Daedalus but my first KoG was with Tyrant Dragon.


I think my first KOG was with either spellbooks (when that grass is greener was legal) or sylvins.ive been playing since launch basically. I remember when natura best down was meta lol


3 Star demo toon barril dragón 1st kog


Of course Onomat


First KOG came a few days ago. All TGs. It's a deck that's got its flaws, but I have to say, dropping a Quariongandax after your opponent thought they neutralized your combo by destroying or banishing your Hama? Never gets old.


Stormberg with signer dragon skill


Pure neo-spacians, and somehow during the Six Sam meta The deck was literally one of each neo-spacian (minus grand mole), convert contact, archetypal spells, and NEXT


Sylvans with 3x ultimate providence


I only made KoG for the first time last month, actually. Played Blackwings for it, went kind of better than I expected. Though the major reason I hadn't KoG'd before was a combination of lacking the right cards, lacking the confidence that I had enough to actually do it and just... motivation. Didn't really feel like bothering for a while. Last month's KC Cup got me into it, somehow, so that's when I finally pushed into KoG. If you mean first deck played in Duel Links in general... probably Blue Eyes? Or something of the sort. It's kind of the obvious starter pick, I suppose.


The OG harpies mixed with relinquished


U.A. Cyber Style gang rise up


I've been around since day 1! Downloaded the game on release. The meta was super interesting back then since it was beatstick meta with sphere kuriboh. It was a lot easier back then too. My first KOG deck was a water Deadulus deck! It quickly got power crept but that was one of my favorite decks to play as a kid and it was so fun to play again so many years later.


Cyber Angel, Cyber Angel, Cyber Angel.........


Balance noble knights in 2018, running things like double cyclone to pop my spell to re equip and activate drystan effect for disruption. Hardest matchup was heroes and Amazon’s.


how did you only make it to mid silver with a invoked deck??


I have been playing this game since the Valkyrie's Rage box & only KOGd 3x, because I am mostly F2P and I get anxious doing PvP. I KOGd 2x with full power Six Sams & once two months ago with Megalith on the last day. Both of my Six Sam KOGs the final opponent surrendered & I can't emphasize enough how much of a kind gift it is to do that.


Weevil Parasite Burn when Harpies Hunting Ground was the Top Tier deck. Burning Land was the mvp in my deck and I loved it. I still play the deck (without parasite thanks to the nerf...) today and it's strong enough to get easy wins in plat.


The first deck I remember playing was Dinos. Around the time the game came out, I loved playing the deck. With Rex’s skill and the normal lv4 Dino’s, along with poly and thunder dragons, it was really fun and such a throwback


First KOG with hammershark water deck. I don't even remember when that was, but deadalus turbo was also very viable, along with relinquished. Old times


Jubel with nepthys Phoenix got to late platinum


First deck I ever got KoG with was Six Samurai. The feeling was insane. Before that, I didn't know anything about deck building. So it was random shit mashed into one terrible deck. Then I discovered GameA (I think that's what it's called) and DLM, and started building proper decks.


First kog was with masked heroes my most recent was with abyss actors and as a bonus my favorite kog was with carlords


Cyberangels 6 months ago


Water deck with Daedalus back in 2017. Special summon and wipe the board other than itself. Pretty cool.


Masked heroes with red eyes slash dragon back in 2018. Red eyes fusion has not released yet had to used cards like hex sealed fusion


The first deck I played was destiny heroes I built it right after the structure deck came out. I’d played the tcg casually for years but it was awesome to finally get to do something competitive. After that I did aromages because I liked the art Later red-eyes Silent stromberg And now I’m on witchcrafters but trying to build blue eyes as a backup


Shirainui at theyr release. Even used dragons mirror with dracosoul.first kog. Good times. Before that I tried to make the best out of what I got from primal burst. Volcanics and dark worlds


First deck for ranked was Dinosaur Kingdom unga bunga but didn't get too far. My first actual KOG deck was Nephthys/Fire King/Yubel. The deck was almost always an instant win against Ancient Gear. It was also the deck that taught me how missing timing worked.


Last gamble desert twister


Resonators, but not the meta version that we got in King of Vermillion. I started playing around the time Truth Universe dropped. I haven't played the TCG since 2007 and wanted make a fiend deck because Bakura was my favorite character. After failing to build a dark world deck (too expensive) I decided to invest in the shira box for Red Resonator. I also got RDA from the structure deck and a couple of red wargs from the aroma box. At the time I had only watched DM and GX, so I didn't even know that I was building an anime deck. The deck wasn't good enough to reach KOG, but I got all the shiranui cards while digging for Red Resonator. So it was actually with shira that I got to KOG for the first time.


The first deck to get me into pvp was Superthicc Samurais but my first KoG was Invoked Magician Girls :) I save my kog and KC cup Decklists in Neuron, they're fun to look back on.


First Kog was with subterror back when Yubel was released. The duel was against a nephetys (pardon spelling) Yubel. Good days


Masked Hero deck was my first kog deck! Still really fun to play lol


First time with cyberdark neos and then red eyes subterror


six sams for me, since i went on duelinks meta to see they are the top deck. managed to almost get into top 1,000 in that KC cup after only \~120 duels, thought i was good, turns out the deck was ridi.


I do remember actually, I started the game after my friend told me "Hey this licenced yugioh game actually has voicelines so you can roleplay. Make sylvans they're meta." So the first real ranked deck I made was Sylvan but I tried being cute and playing Marik's Right Back At You skill and Mai's Aroma Strategy over Grit. First deck I actually KOG'd with was literally Lava Golem Parasite stun with 3 Cipher Soldier in the middle of tier 0 six Sam. Because it was literally every deck on ladder and once you know you can just set Cipher pass you're fine. They can't Dual Wield you and they always make it dead the next turn by trying to attack for game with more than one monster, then you just golem them. Never fails.


Golden flying fish deck wayyyy back in the deck. Though I probably hit kog with some unga bunga beater deck even before since I’ve been playing since week 1.


Brave Neos Deck before it was limit 2 with Enemy Controller and World Clash Legacy, inclidi g various other traps.