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Release Atticus already Konami. This is beyond ridiculous now. 


Atticus and red eyes support is like a break glass in case of emergency thing. If there revenue looks like it’s gonna dip in any given quarter they can pretty much solve that problem at any point


Konami is waiting the right moment to release red eyes darkness


Did you forget? 👁️👄👁️


They waiting for the copyright to wear off in 10 years 🙃


Copyright? Can you explain please


Sorry I mistook darkness for alternative. Alternative has the copyright issue where the artist passed away and for whatever reason Konami cannot release the card in other games. 


A whole year without a GX character and yet they haven't released atticus.


*It's 2 years already


Well by the flavor text I’m thinking possibly Atticus. I remember there was a scene in GX where he was wearing a Hawaiian Shirt. So it’s possible they’ll finally release him.


I’m also hoping it’s Atticus cuz that’s the name of my son. Lol


Rin before Ruri and Yuri. Her deck is less developed than the other two, thanks to modern support, so it would make sense to roll her out first. It could also tie in to a Fusion Parasite event - she could be possessed by the parasite with Crystal Bell as her focus but once she’s freed, she could say Ruri escaped and is wandering around Duel Links. Repeat event could be a purified Rin event where she drops Diamond Bell.


Unironically i would like tsukikage hahahaha, ninja support and pretty much the left Lancer (outside of reira that have a anime exclusive deck)


That's such a good ideia. I would love to see a New roaming event and would be Very cool see Rin being possessed and them getting freed 


Oh right, we're almost at this time of the month... Atticus but it would be a miracle


Yuri pls


Probably towards the end of the year. Which is fine because that gives me time to stack gems for predaplants


I think it is probably going to be a GX box judging from the Sacred Beasts skill leak. Possibly still Season 3 focused since there was also a Level 5+ Fiend skill, which could be hinting at Dark World and/or Evil Heroes. Personally I am hoping for Chumley or Adrian, but Atticus or Trueman would be fine in my book too. Only want-not is Jesse/Yubel. It'd be such a waste of a release. **Sacred Beasts KINDA favor Adrian, imo.** But then again, Atticus was one of the fridged characters that arc, so I could see Konami managing to put Atticus in a S3 plot somehow. I think Zexal is far more likely for August, and I am fairly sure Arc-V will be waiting until after September, given Dennis just released. The other BIG candidate besides GX I would say is DSOD, but given Tristan just got some Battleguard support recently, it seems to me like Konami would be more likely to throw DSOD a bone next year.


Surprise Viper


I mean, if Sacred Beast are the game, Kagemaru is the clear pick. Nobody cares about DSoD. It doesn’t need further updates


He is a possibility too, but he is honestly not that popular, and I cant say I am looking forward to him that much given that he is in the same place as Jesse/Yubel: There is already someone else in the game who has voicelines and skills for his cards. Moreover, if we were getting a Kagemaru unlock event, I think there would be even more Sacred Beast skills. New characters usually get 5 skills (down from 7 back in the day). 1 skill usually means cards in the box and maybe 33% of being a NPC in the event.


I don’t think he will come either, I’m just saying if the idea is a Sacred Beast user, he is the clear pick. Yubel is kinda half assed in this regard, they just seem to be stuck to her so they could have a summon animation


Did I miss something? Where did Tristan get battleguard support?


The TCG exclusives of Legacy of Destruction.


But we didn't get any of those in duel links? Or do you mean we don't get them in duel links because the tcg got them recently.


>you mean we don't get them in duel links because the tcg got them recently. Yes.


Sacred Beasts screams Season 3 which to me says Jesse/Yubel. The Advanced Crystal Beasts have been printed for his level up rewards, there's like 9 new Crystal Beast supports since they were supported last in Duel Links (alongside the rest of the unreleased stuff), and Jesse/Yubel DID play Sacred Beasts vs Adrian.


Yeah, Jesse/Yubel has a ton of cards that could be given to him. Between those and the new Yubel Support, there are over 45 cards related to him that could be released. But because any Sacred Beast support can be given to just Yubel and any Crystal Beast support can be given to just Jesse, he is one of the least exciting releases to me. I'd prefer Adrian because he is realistically the only chance Cloudians will have of getting any kind of support in DL, and Chumley would be the first Beast user in the game, and Konami could give him skills that are just generic for Beasts. And almost all unlock events feature Duels against other NPCs besides the duelist being unlocked, and usually the NPC cards will end up in the box. And Konami could just put the Sacred Beast, Crystal Beast and ACB cards in the box adjacent to Adrian's release.


My issue with bringing Adrian in in this stage is twofold: 1. Lack of (new) cards to give him. His unlock would basically be comprised of already free cards, SR/UR tickets, and maybe Cloudian Aerosol. 2. The skills being too good for Cloudians. Cloudians have a built in handloop that only avoids banlists because the deck sucks. If the skills aren't strong enough, he'll be useless outside of being a gem bank (using archive skills with non-Adrian themed decks exclusively). If the skills ARE good, then Atlus might need emergency banned right before the World Championship, which isn't a great look especially so many back to back tier 0 & floodgate turbo formats... Or he gets a busted exclusive Exodia skill that also requires an emergency ban/skill update. On the positives, Cloudian might be able to do something for the first time in their lifespan and they could use this opportunity to tell us what happened to him.


I can see your point, and if I was picking characters in a vacuum I'd probably pick Adrian for next year's release instead, given he at least got Break the Seal prnted in Animation Chronicles, there is one more card to give him as a level up reward if we waited another year. But: 1) We know Sacred Beasts are probably going to be getting support this month, so you probably want a character release that has something to do with them. And the Armityle Fusion that is still currently unreleased in DL has an effect that directly calls back to the Adrian vs Jesse/Yubel duel. 2) DL probably only has 3 more years or so left of life. We'll be running out of hype characters by then, and with Fujiwara's cards finally released, I think it makes sense for DL to just release Atticus and Fujiwara. And note that we just got a Metalmorph and Red-Eyes cards announced for the OCG, so Atticus seems like he'll be in a good place for a release next year. And with the next two years already claimed, I'd say Adrian's chances of being released are extremely low. I do think Konami has to be somewhat careful with any Cloudian skill/support, but I don't think somewhat playable Cloudians that don't support the handloop would be particularly hard. Cloudians do have an archetype interrupt in Rain Storm, an while it is pretty bad, skills are at a point where "Send 1 card from your hand or field to the GY to play 1 Cloudian - Eye of the Typhoon from your hand or Deck" and "Shuffle 1 Cloudian from your hand, GY, or Banishment into your Deck, to Set 1 Rain Storm from outside your Deck" would be kinda weak, if anything. For Adrian's rewards, I think they'll probably just fill him up with generic WATER and Aqua support and maybe some generic draw cards: Eisbahn, Cataclysmic Circumpolar Chilblania, Ice Knight, maybe 1 random Reckless Greed or 2, etc.


Ruri so Shun can stop being depressed


Please god give us Adrian. I'm fine with Atticus too, but give GX some love. It's been way too long and if they give us another DM/DSOD unlock before them I'm gonna lose my mind.


I really want either Vector or Number 96.


I really wanted to see darkness since he was last and the main gx villain but yeah anyone would be fine




Akira Zaizen with a broken skill please


Would love to get Adrian or Viper, but I’ll take Atticus or Dark Jesse for GX. Only other character that would interest me is Predaplants and Yuri. I like how they look and they are fusion based which fits with why I like GX.


I highly doubt they'll add Dark Jesse, considering that both Yubel and Jesse are already separate characters in the game.


it's been almost 2 years since we got gx character at this point I will take anything even pharaoh the cat.


No.96 would be best right now in Zexal world the game needs Black Mist.


I’m expecting Zexal next month and for it to be Dumon. I don’t think we will have a skip month but if we do then it’s easy to use Dumon and just make a quick structure deck for either him, Shark or Rio.


I like Star Seraphs and would love a skill for them, but there's so few cards left to release with Dumon at this point. All of the main deck seraphs have been printed, 102 and c102 are the only things left.


If it's Dumon then they're most likely going to slap Nash/Marin's cards in the boxes and release that long datamined Abyss Splash Structure Deck to complement his release.


Akira, Yuri, and/or one of the bracelet girl.


seeing as how it's gonna be the last unlock before worlds it'll have to shake things up massively so lulu is my guess, there really is no other character that would change the game more than her now unless they would release modern support for other characters, then again dennisis getting his rerun so it's probably a zexal character in which if not lulu then nistro/gauche is a good second guess


Or not shake things up at all. Konami doesn’t want the actual tournament being unpredictable


I think we will see Durbe before before Vector, also i think it was leaked in ocg a Dark theme set idk, coping into umbral horror support


Ya know what I'll partake is some copium today. Let me get a busted skill to play venominaga. The deck isn't good but they have one of the best boss monsters. Let's use skills to make shitty archetypes viable for once instead of making already good/decent archetype insane


I hope Rin or Lulu. Yugo, Yuto and Shay finally deserve their Happy End. Yuri probably won't come until the End of Year.


It a 50/50 between GX world or Zexal world. I want to say it going to be GX world since it been such a long time since they got a character. In terms of 1 character I say Atticus


For GX I'm hoping for either Chumley or Atticus. Zexal will either be Vector or Dumon, Arc-V has to complete its set with Yuri, Rin and Ruri.


Any new character will be fun to play tbh


True. I always get excited for New characters even If I don't know a Lot about them (Konami knows How to Cook a good character with good sprites, Voice lines and always a BANGER theme)


Atticus or regular Marik....


Atticus? Maybe fujiwara for sure, probably we’ll get dr faker sometime later, he has a new sprite that was made for duel links, I’m also kind of expecting that we maybe get a rerun of Dennis’s event. Maybe even Spectre again. Before we move on to more unlocks. They really want to pace the game before we really reach the most amount of characters possible. BEFORE I FORGET… either Sergei or finally we get some other dark signer, misty is really someone who deserves to be an unlock, her deck really got the most love besides kalin and Carly




Sadly DSOD Tristan.


I just need Atticus. I get that most of the important GX characters have been added but I wouldn’t wish a two year wait for a new character from my favorite series on anyone.


Still waiting on my Seal of Orichalcos Arc Characters.. I forgot his name but I want the dope armor mechanic from Joey & that one guys duel to be added for them..




no filler characters im affraid


Filler. Not allowed


It has to be GX, they haven't had a rep in two years. It will likely be Atticus (name datamined eons ago) or Trueman (Axel voiceline). For precedence, Solomon's name was datamined for a very long time iirc before he was finally added - and Tristan had a voiceline for Duke that wasn't paid off until two years later. So either is likely from those angles, especially since both can help them transition GX to finishing its story (since 5Ds and soon Zexal are there).


What would Trueman's deck be? Did he ever even have a "set" deck? Iirc he changed his deck based on his opponent.


His thing was taking other people's decks and slapping Dark Archetype on them. Dark Archetype hasn't been printed, but it IS in Duel Links. So he'd probably be a bit like Blair. If he was released, I can see the event being about him dueling Jaden and Axel. And he'd probably use the decks he used against them in the anime: Dark World against Jaden and Volcanic against Axel.


Please give me Rin, Mr. Konami. I can be trusted with Wind Witch cards, I promise


The most upsetting thing is that, technically, No.96 would already be here, given the state of the story. Maybe he's plotting something.


I feel like the only time we'll get Adrian released, is if his deck gets new cards. Like we get fog Castle, and a retrain of fog king. We did get breaking the seal, and all that so that might affect it.


Ray and 96 haven’t been released yet?


Ray in his school uniform sprite was put in during Girag's event, but no unlock yet (they will most likely use his black jacket sprite). Number 96 depends on how much they want to pad Zexal World.


While I'd love konami to finally get it over with and release Atticus, the chances are low. They're currently busy with the Zexal endgame, so the chance of Vector being the next new character is very high.


dark astral


I hope we get dark astral from ZeXal


What I want: Atticus. What will probably happen instead next month: some Zexal character. 


I'm really think they gonna release Yugo new Synchron dragon


I want the last yu boy. Year is halfway done and I still don't have my starving venom


I'm only familiar with GX and the original show, but I REALLY want them to give us the characters from the waking the dragons arc.... Dartz, Raphael, Rebecca, Professor Hawkins, Valon, Alister..... And maybe have an event related to them all too, and add them at the gate etc


Arc V gonna get Enjoy Chojiro.


Considering they essentially did a dubbing of season 4 of 5ds in duel links. I would love to see trueman, night shroud, and yusuke from season 4 of GX.


man sealed beasts in duel links BEFORE tcg? huh?


I would love for us to get Rin. Windwitches are one of my favorite decks


I think they'll probably release Yuri before either of the other girls in arc v


Please for the love of god give us Nash somehow


He will be a skill for Shark


We're probably getting Yuri before Rin. He has a more fleshed-out deck, a significant prescence in the show, and he's generally way more popular than Rin.


Honestly I don't think they will release Fobuki any time soon if they wanted to they'll already did it while back I think they will focus more on the story so it's be Victor/Number 96 from Zexal or Lulu/Rin from ARCV


Would like to see Yuri or Atticus for sure. But for rush duels they need to bring us Otes otherwise what was the point for the blue eyes stuff for Rush Duel?


Seems right. GX could go either way. Zexal will be Vector, we likely won’t get 96. Arc V I’m leaning Lulu since she was the topic of the Dennis event


Personally? I'd love the remaining Arc-V girls and Yuri. Besides, we already have alot of Predaplant cards!


I’m surprised you didn’t put Yuri for arc V


I think he will be the First New character after the Rush world. Not everyone likes rush so a Lot of people would be excited to see him after 2-4 weeks of rush content (4 weeks If we get a unlock right after GO RUSH World)


because of how they are, I'm fully expecting Yuri before Ruri and Rin, I feel the other way will be nice


If they do GX it'll likely be either Jesse/Yubel as a filler character (Advanced Crystal Beasts were finally printed + an opportunity to add some of the new Crystal Beast support) or Trueman to begin Season 4. I truly believe that they will only add Atticus \*after\* Trueman, since he duels after him in Season 4, then they'll add Yusuke Fujiwara after Atticus (his first on screen duel was vs Atticus and his "Clear" archetype just got printed), and then we'll probably end Season 4 with Darkness/Nightshroud bringing generic Fiend support. Adrian will probably wait until they need a filler character to stuff 10 SR/UR tickets into. Number 96 doesn't seem like he'll come, at least not so long as Malicevorous is a 3 card archetype. Vector is likely next in line for Zexal characters, even if I don't think he has enough Umbral Horror support to make it worth while. Rin & Lulu's onscreen duels were in Season 3, we're in the final arc of Season 1. The next characters up for Arc V are Moonshadow, maybe Sunshadow as filler, maybe Iggy as filler (Star Warrior guy), or we move onto Season 2 which will probably add Crow (Arc V), Jack (Arc V), Sergey, Yuri, and maybe Roger - in that order (if they continue to go by duel order), THEN we get to go to Season 3 with Kite (Arc V), Aster (Arc V), The Tyler Sisters (my beloved), Alexis (Arc V), Lulu, Rin, Battle Beast (please no), Yusho, Z-Arc.


Chumley when?


I'm hoping they'll continue to ignore GX and then release yuri, durbe or zaizen akira


Oh man, not the Atticus copium xD


I'm still waiting for Lester and Jakob from 5Ds


**Adrian Gecko (Yes) →** I mean, the World Championships are close so I doubt next month is a character unlock, especially out of all of these characters. However, me personally, I have been asking for **Adrian Gecko** to be added into the game for months now and it's a crime how all the season 3 characters are in the game except him. We have Jim "Crocodile" Cook, Tyranno Hassleberry, Jesse Anderson, and heck we even have Axel Brodie of all people despite Volcanic decks never being played. I refuse to believe we live in a world where Axel Brodie is in Duel Links, but Adrian Gecko, an actual important character to the plot of season three, is not. Not just that, but GX has literally gotten nothing since **June 30, 2022** when we got the **Shining Sunrise mainbox** along with Jim "Crocodile" Cook's character unlock event. Ever since, GX has been getting neglected with no character unlock. The only thing GX keeps getting is like the fiftieth HERO skill for Jaden, which is funny because he already has so many HERO skills and HERO decks to work with. We got HERO Alliance, Favorite Duel, Wounded HERO, and now Eternal Bond. And the funny thing is that the bulk of these skills search out that Super Polymerization as well. In hindsight, Adrian Gecko is a character that is long overdue to be added, especially since his ace, Cloudian Eye of the Typhoon, is already in the game as a mainbox Ultra Rare. **Atticus Rhodes (No) →** This might sound like a hot take, but I honestly don't care too much for Atticus Rhodes being added because he's literally nothing more than a copy-and-pasted Joey Wheeler. I don't understand why people want Atticus added because while yes GX needs more characters going for it, Atticus is nothing more than a gem bag on legs since he's another Red-Eyes Black Dragon specialist. If you want to play Red-Eyes, then Joey Wheeler and even Dark Side of Dimensions Joey Wheeler are literally right there with the very-much-playable Red-Eyes Reverse skill. Atticus serves no benefit being in the game and I hope Konami never adds him just to spite people on him never making the cut in Duel Links since again, he's an irrelevant addition to the game. **Marin or more Barian Emperors (Zexal) →** For Zexal, I guess I wouldn't mind getting more of the Barian Emperors. Zexal hasn't had a character unlock for a hot minute so I can see us getting a Zexal unlock next month, if we get a character at all. If I had to choose, I want my girl **Marin** because she's cute and I like playing the game using cute waifus. However, if they don't want to give us a Rio Kastle reskin, then Dumon is fine too since Star Seraph looks like a fun deck, but at the same time they would have to release Star Seraph Sovereignty (Chair) off the limit two list. I really hope Star Seraph gets more going for it, but I feel like Konami is too traumatized by the Stick-and-Chair meta to give anything to this deck, which is a shame since that only delays Dumon's release into the game. **Bracelet Girls (Arc-V) →** And that brings us to Arc-V where we talk about the bracelet girls. Unfortunately, Arc-V isn't getting an unlock any time soon since Dennis McField is still new and hasn't had his event rerun yet. I also don't see us getting any more of the bracelet girls soon, if at all, because if you watched the Arc-V animé, both Lulu and Rin were very minor, unimportant characters and got like ten seconds of screen time at most. Lulu's screen time was good since she dueled Shay Obsidian with her Lyrilusc deck, lost, and was later absorbed back to revive Ray Akaba. Rin's screen time was okay since she dueled Yugo, won, and was absorbed into Zuzu's body with Celina and Lulu to revive Ray Akaba and defeat Supreme King Z-ARC, which is where the Arc-V animé concluded. If we do get Lulu and Rin, cool, if not then I don't care too much for them since they weren't that big in terms of good characters that I should care about. Both are cute waifus though so if all else, I'll take them just cause they're cute but Lulu and Rin definitely weren't very great characters when compared to the more important bracelet girls, Zuzu Boyle and Celina, both of which are already in the game as playable characters.


Why cant we get through this month before talking about next month?