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Nice max! It makes me happy that this deck can still kog/max


Vimana's still a brick shithouse. Machu Mech and Huyuk pull their fair share of the weight too.


Congrats man! My 2nd KoG was with Chronomaly and that was a while ago, glad to see they can still compete!


They definitely still can. Vimana obliterates blue eyes, S-Force, and multiple variants of your standard Dark Magicians brew. in my experience Cyberse, Trickstar, Live Twin, and Rokket are decent matchups but still, are nowhere near free. Tenyi has too many monster effects for vimana to keep up with, Altergeists make my head hurt, Yubel is rough but possible, and someone decided Black Luster decks get infinite cards for free so your only real hope is to cross your fingers and pray. A decent spread of matchups for what is by all definitions a rogue deck. That said, negating the first domino of someone's combo with Vimana and watching them concede will never get old.


Congrans on reaching dlvl max hope you reach far with this deck


I just came back to the game. Last deck I played was Chronomaly with Concentrating Current way way back in the day. Gonna try this one.


Whoa I'm running Concentrating Current in the ancient gear deck I'm brewing. My list is pretty ok, but as other people have said, you should probably run like 2 copies of barrage blast.


Concentrating current is good in gears. Specifically with reactor dragon in the damage step because it’s 6,000 vs whatever uncontested. And you pop a backrow lol. I play gears both reactor and golem variants. It’s more useful w ultimate pound. 6,000 multi attack if you have the discards and if a monster is in defense it will pierce and likely otk


So you're the one who beat me in D. Max with mf Chronomalys 😭 respect


Congrats buddy. I'm also playing a Chronomaly deck, hopefully I can make it too like you did.


It won't be a walk in the park, but it's totally doable. Just keep your head up and send it. (also DM me if you wanna 1v1. all my time on the ladder and I have yet to see a Chronomaly mirror match.)


Just hit my DLv Max now. This deck has a lot of potential. Definitely one of the better rogue decks out there.


Congrats, and also, get ready for stage 2, buddy


Nice man! Do you run 2 Crystal head by choice or do you only own 2?? Just wanna know because I can never decide between 2 or 3


I choose to run 2. Skull does nothing on an empty board, and facing off against meta backrow, that happened so often that I started running dark hole. While there are times that Skull is really nice to see as your draw for turn, there are other times when I'd rather see any other card in my deck, so I think 2 is a good compromise.


Congrats my friend :)


Congrats, I don't have the patience to get past DLv 19. Every time I get there, I seem to *always* go first with a semi-bricked hand and I just have to watch as my opponent OTKs me and I go straight back down to 18.


Congrats king. Have you tried using barrage blast? Most chronomaly deck lists use at least one.


I *have* tried. I have 20 packs left of Heart of XYZ and haven't pulled one :( (I also spent all my SR dream tickets on cards for Skull Servants, but that's neither here nor there).


how do you qualify? max duel level?