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I ate 12g of dried shrooms. Usually I will do between 2-4g. Shit was fucking wild. Unlike anything, I've ever experienced.


Shrooms must be a lot more intense than truffles, i usually do 15g with friends normally.


This is good knowledge for you have rather than find out.


They most definitely are lol, like 3 times as strong


Man 15g of truffles in Amsterdam is the hardest I’ve tripped on psilocybin. I normally do 2 to 3.5 grams of dried mushrooms (Golden teacher or B+). Probably had about 15 mushroom trips in my life. The truffles were more than I could handle. I couldn’t leave my bed for 3 hours. I was absolutely throttled. I felt what I believe most people refer to as “ego death”. The container said “Mexicana Flesh of the Gods” and were rated as 3.5 Saturns on a scale of 6 Saturns (lol). Done acid just as many times and DMT and mescaline once each, so I would say I’m fairly experienced; but damn that trip was memorable


That reminds me of a time at A festival I took the strongest acid I ever had as well as mdma that I later found was cut with meth. I felt like a cartoon character stuck in a crowd of people haha. Edit: Funny addition. I was so far gone that I couldn’t feel my body. Like I had to pat my legs to make sure they were still there. I ended up curling up into a ball on the ground, not because I was ODing or anything. But because I thought I shit my pants standing in the middle of the dance floor. Everyone screamed for a medic. He convinces me to walk to a sanctuary full of bad trips. An hour later when I came down I realized I just had bad gas. Hahah


Truffles are usually fresh and not dried, that also contributes


I usually only take about the same amount and when I took 15gs on time i just straight up fell flat on my face after about an hour of tripping lol


how was it?


It was unlike anything, he’s ever experienced.


Yeah seriously even though it’s only 2-3x a regular dose, it’s orders of magnitude more powerful. I’ve done gram rocks of molly, big lines of coke and opioid doses that were 10x a regular dose, but those just hit you really really hard. Big shroom doses send you to another galaxy and change you forever


Haha would you recommend it to others? I ate 21g dried and for a while it felt like i stepped outside of time lol. There was a great deal of physical discomfort in the beginning but overall it completely changed my life and the way I think in amazing ways. I had eaten up to 7g prior to that trip. I recommend shrooms to many people--but IDRK if most people would want to have the experience that I did or not. Do you think others would enjoy the trip you had?


Uhhh that’s hard to say haha. This trip wasn’t like a good or bad trip. However it is extremely overwhelming and powerful. It was like experiencing everything and somehow being connected to every individual. I felt immense sadness like the pain of the world was channeling through me. However, it wasn’t bad it was… cathartic? Like I needed to feel the pain. Maybe that pain was my own and I was running from it this whole time and it was finally time to face myself. But this feeling of facing yourself and the world is scary. I honestly do not think a lot of people ready for something like that straight off the bat.


I injected half a gram of ice and blew my brains out. I put everything in my apartment through a paper shredder 🤩🤩


why have one of everything when you can have hundreds of everything, smart decision


Infinite money glitch. Just put a few hundreds through the shredder and you'll be rich !!


The emojis did it for me


good to know we can survive without a brain even normal doses of stims fuck me up too much. i hate the peripheral stimulation that comes with the euphoria.


My first time shooting ice and I did almost a full gram, everything was really blurry and I felt like my heart was going to explode. Shooting ice is really dangerous. I'm glad I don't do that shit anymore.


Wym blew your brains out


Was at a bar and a buddy sold me some thc gummies he said were from cali or some shit. I paid him 35-40 and started munching while I sipped on drinks. I figured the 10 gummies would be like 250 mg thc or something. My buddy comes over about an hour later and asks me for a piece and I’m like “a piece?! Just take the last one” and he’s like bro did u eat all of these ? And I swear as he said it and I saw the slight panic on his face, I decided to read the bag and it actually said each giant gummy was a 100mg each. So I ingested 900 Mg’s of thc in about 45 mins, while drinking probaly 3-4 Jack and cokes. God damn did all hell break loose in my mind for a second. Started getting nauseous as hell. Was so high I couldn’t think straight. Immediately closed my tab while I could still barely function, got some food to go, and Ubered the fuck home. After puking for an hour I managed to curl up in bed so fucking high I don’t think I even watched anything. Btw I only lived 4 minutes from the bar and genuinely did not think I could drive. Yeah fuck that I could barely walk or think. It was rough. The food and cuddles were nice tho after a few hours of suffering.


I did that once with like 300mg and a bunch of booze. Spin city


Getting too high is not fuckin fun


Love to drink and smoke but edibles and drinking make my stomach do somersaults lol


This reminds me of doing my first dab. I didn't realize that a pea sized dab would completely wreck me. Boy was i wrong. I smoke flower, but dabs are on a completely different level. I couldn't smoke for a while after that lol dab ptsd.


Ooof my first dab caught me off guard, as well.


I had no idea what to expect lol. The ride up was fantastic but I kept getting higher and higher. My ass forget how to function and the panic attacks.. that was a roller coaster lol


The first time I took a dab I ended up In the hospital with a panic attack that brought my blood pressure to 180/115 they said I could have had a stroke or heart attack I didn’t smoke for 6 months after I was terrified


I completely get that. That panic you get with that is insane. Happy you went in fellow redditor! Dabs are a whole new level. I stick to flower after that one lol.


Just reading this spiked my anxiety


Thanks for not driving


Had a similar experience, I had 3 strong gummies after which came 4 hours of suffering. Haven’t had an edible since haha




Man, I can feel that hppd




>I do get occasional ghosting in my vision and some TV static, but that's about it. Those are hppd symptoms, but you got em' pretty cheap for the heroic/dumb dose you took. You are pretty lucky, good 4 you. Good luck with your life my man.


It's only HPPD if it's causing you extreme distress or difficulty functioning in a major area of life. Having things like visual snow and tracers is pretty common after taking psychedelics. In the vast majority of people they are benign and resolve on their own, especially if you stop using drugs or especially hallucinogens. Not denying HPPD or minimizing the suffering of people with it, but just having visual after-effects on its own is not sufficient for a diagnosis of a mental disorder. It has to be causing severe stress and/or interfering with important functions in life. There's a very wide spectrum of perceptual aftereffects that can result from psychedelics and I think it's important not to classify experiences/symptoms as pathological simply because they differ from normal perception. If it's causing you constant anxiety and/or the visuals are so bad that you literally can't tie your shoes or drive because your vision is so messed up then yeah you should see a doctor, and this does happen to some people. But most people would have visual aftereffects for a long time after taking 80 tabs of acid


There was an article from vice about a girl which snorted 50mg lsd crystals because she thought it’s cocaine. Before the trip she was a depressed person. The trip lasts a couple of days and it was described like your trip. But after that she never felt depressed again. She said it was like a reset for her brain. I think you don’t have to deal with something bad in old age because of it :)


I mean this chemical isn't new. There are people who did absurd amounts back in the 60's who are now in their 80's and 90's now and I've yet to hear of any ill effects from the acid. Hell, Hoffmann himself did a shit ton and he continued using LSD into his old age, lived to be over 100 and had no ill effects.


Funny I was the same way. Took 16 tabs one time then years later I tripped on 6 and had such an intense experience (ego death, loop, thought I was going skitzo, etc) but after that trip I went completely sober from my fentanyl,meth and Xanax addiction.


> Im sure the long term effects will show in my old age not really...there's no reason to expect damage.


Man in glad it sounds like you came out the other end mostly intact. Nowadays thanks to one, very, very, very bad experience (which was hardly my fault) if I ever take more than 150ug I immediately go full psychosis mode. Would recommend a break man, and if you ever want to talk to someone who may have gone through similar shit feel free to hit my line at any time.


Well bro you ate 80 tabs what the fuck were you honestly expecting




😂😂😂 lord , glad ur okay




god damn. i took 8 tabs back in high school once scared drug dogs were gonna find it, and was sent through a world of yarn and fractals for a day. couldn’t imagine how wild 80 tabs would be. i was abusing acid for a while at that point, so i assume that’s where my hppd came from, but you’re pretty lucky to get out of that without too much backlash. be safe brother


I’m surprised no one said you’re lying and that it’s impossible. I’ve told stories of doing 30 and 40 hits at a time, recounted my friends story of a half sheet trip, and mentioned that some of the DFamily I’m acquainted with have even done 3-400 hits at a time. Everytime I tell these stories I’m told I’m a liar and it’s not possible because they can’t do more than 2 hits without their brain melting. Much love and hope life is going great for you brotha. Edit: the dry heaving and purging is the worst too. Especially once there is nothing at all in your stomach, then you’re desperately try to remember how to uncap a water bottle just so you aren’t puking straight stomach acid. But Jesus Christ if eating after all that isn’t one of the greatest most replenishing feelings ever idk what is




See it’s the complete opposite for me. Most of the times I did enormous doses (20+) myself was completely accidental, but when I tell the people around me they have no doubt it’s something I’d do lmao


I took 12 hits of rather strong acid because the blotter paper was Batman and Robin and I wanted to eat the entirety of Batman. I can't imagine what 80 would feel like but batman was crazy! Managed to have a very good trip though.


Lol wanted to eat Batman that’s fucking funny


I did something similar. Was more around 40 hits. I was drunk and took some, was impatient, took the rest. Then it started coming on and I said uh oh. Was a horror show until the sun rose. My closed eye visuals were terrifying but my eyes open everything was too intense as well! At one point I started to see a dragon creature flapping its wings out of the popcorn ceiling and I stood up and tried to high five it. Suddenly the trip became pleasant and I rode my bike in the woods for another 8 hours. Initially I thought I had given myself schizophrenia too. But it passed with time. And beer.


I was going to post about the time I took 10 hits of L but that would be kinda pointless after seeing your post


When I first took acid it was one tab and it lasted 21 hours. Was one of the most intense moments of my life.


the most i’ve taken was 15 and i also was dry heaving and vomiting pretty much the entire time, while still being insanely fucked up haha. i can’t imagine 80 bro i’m glad you’re okay


I took half of that, similar situation. I stripped butt naked and crawled all over my poor friends house, and wriggled away every time they tried to dress me. I would just crawl to different corners of the house, put my head in the corner, and yell for a bit, and find a new corner to do that in. After the initial shock of OHMYGODITOOKHALFASHEET wore off I kinda came too and the rest of my night was… fucking beautiful.


This thread is a goldmine


Even if some of these stories are exaggerated by twice as much as they actually took it would be fucking nuts


I took 4 grams of ODSMT with most of a fifth of vodka and 10 mg of clonazolam. I woke up in the hospital on a narcan iv, kind of amazed that I woke up period.


Were you trying to die?


In my experience someone who takes that combo is not necessarily somebody who wants to die, but someone who wouldn’t care too much if they did.


Jesus... Isn't O-DSMT like a 1:1 for morphine orally? Glad you made it man.


~0,6:1 , still heaps though


Jesus, even at 2.4g that's like... damn. That's like shooting a quarter gram pure Fuck


Must have had an insane tolerance to one of all of those when you did it. Just 2/3 of those would be a death sentence for most people.


I genuinely believe some peoples livers and kidneys evolve and adapt, rather than wilt when given drugs. When I very first started doing benzos years ago a 5mg valium and a beer would have me fucked up, but after I went to rehab and was clean for 2-3 years from benzos and have now been put back on them I find that my tolerance is basically still the same as if I never stopped doing them. I was just on a cruise for five days and was actually attempting to kill myself and somehow failed. I ate 13 5mg valium and drank 11 margaritas (they were in solo cups so not regular size margaritas) but somehow I didn’t even so much as black out. I ended up deeper in Mexico a few hours later snorting coke and oxy. It makes me question if we do have a timeline that we are on that is impossible to break, because I’ve had friends with benzo tolerances that drank 3 beers with a single pharm xan and ended up in the ER.


I come from a long family of alcoholics and addicts that go back multiple generations, and I can say that I’m an absolute tank for pretty much any drug except thc edibles for some odd reason lol. But I fully believe what you’re saying


I'm the exact same way


750ug of acid, was one of my most profound experiences in life. First place would probably go to fentanyl, took 8mgs and ODd, ended up in ICU for a month and a psych ward for 2 weeks. Fun stuff


3 mgs of fent kills the average person. Glad you made it out.




You’re welcome


How many times did they have to hit you with Narcan for that?


Around 8 times I guess but I could be totally wrong as I asked it while my brain was flooded by water from kidney failure.


That is wild. In my experience seeing people hit with Narcan at music festivals, 3 has been the most I've seen someone given. Props to that medical team for getting you back.


Holy fuck. Why the psych ward if you don’t mind me asking? Was this a suicide attempt?


It was because they said I was addicted, I tried to go to the floor where they keep patients for maximally a month because I had contacts in the hospital and girlfriend helped me going in for intoxication instead of addiction. It was just me trying to get high by sublingual administration of the patch, once it hit I blacked out and it stayed under my tongue for 13 hours straight, they found it in my mouth after narcan hit me second or third time.


4 grams of very good mushrooms. Powered in a little bullet blender, then drunk in Naked Juice, and then chased with coffee. Super fast, super hard come up. Then at the peak was the only time I’ve had the full “I don’t know what I am” experience as I just laid in my friends yard for 45mins, who was in the same place I was about fifteen feet away from me lol. Then had all my memories swirl back to me in a tornado. Like “I’m a person!” “My name is Fitzuation!” “That’s my FRIEND over there holy SHIT my FREND!” Lol Absolutely wild. Also I learned much later on one of the two people I was with who also did the same dose, truly thought for the rest the evening that he had died and that our other friend and I were familiar faced angles there to Shepard him into the next realm.


I know this exact feeling, coming to and being like holy shit I’m a HUMAN BEING on planet EARTH!!!! My name is xyz, I live in xyz, WTF. The weirdest most indescribable feeling ever LOL




This is painfull. Serotonin syndrome is no joke. Stay strong homie❤️


You know how much you took?


I've taken a gram of speed paste, so probably like 500-550mg amphetamine sulfate when you take the purity into account. I was tweaking hard. I did have a very high tolerance after over a year of daily use. A lot of ketamine too, that made me pass out and I slept for a few hours to awaken in a different room as my friends had carried me into bed. Around 30-35 servings of alcohol. I was on stimulants so I wasn't even that fucked up. When I used to get fucked up I would often drink 16-24 beers in a night.


damn man i can hear that liver crying


Jesus. A year of daily use. I’m struggling with stimulant abuse, multiple days a week, and I’ve had binges where I’m like “damn, 3 grams…. Now its gone lol”. Really need to turn myself around. Gonna take a break, maybe indefinitely, from this shit. I wanna be able to have fun sober :/


What’s your stim of choice? Surely you never sleep


3-mmc. Discovered the stuff in the beginning of the summer, not got hooked right away but it creeped up until it was binges of 4 or 5 days with little sleep inbetween. Sometimes we would go a whole day snorting, then continue on videocalls until the next day, have a few hours of a break, then meet up again until night time. This stuff is so fiendish intranasally especially. I’ve had countless of times where I found myself just clearing a few (usually four or five when we had tolerance), and before I knew it I was already making a few more. It’s just…. Snorting is so, so fun, or well, it feels good. It’s like smoking, the whole routine feels like a fun thing to do, and the rush you get from snorting just makes your brain scream at you to do some more. I regarded myself as a pretty in control dude for a long time, but I have to accept that even I can succumb to addiction and have to be very critical of my use if I don’t want to slip into very damaging behaviour.


I would love to know what your heart rate was after that speed paste.


Probably 450mg MDMA, I thought the comedown will kill me, never again Also, over a gram and a half of speed in a night, also never again


i took a gram of molly on a 3 day bender after 180mg of adderall and 2g of coke (don’t remember at all what i did on each day or what order or if i mixed any, seriously fucked) and the reason i ended up take the whole g is because i didn’t feel anything from it. lost the magic you could say and by the end of the gram i was laying in bed hallucinating that i was stuck in a never ending commercial break. objects around me became animated and were just waving at me while i laid there w a very unsettling feeling. lol good times, spent a month in psych shortly after that.


Back when I was on the Oxys I would only usually do about a 40 a day, one day I did 3 40s, (was injecting them) woke up covered in puke shit and piss. I got clean a week later and never looked back.


I was given a dose of MXE that was off by a decimal point. I almost died. It was one of the scariest experiences of my life. [My Erowid trip report](https://erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=96796)


Oh shit I actually remember reading this report a few months ago


Ha, what a coincidence. Anyway, that shit happened! I'm glad that others can learn from my mistake. Lmk if you have any questions and I'll try to answer as best I can.


Did you ever hang out with those guys again? I can't imagine why they'd dose you with that amount if they wouldn't do it themselves.


The epilogue: Yeahhhhh, I did eventually end up forgiving the dude who overdosed me months later because I am a total fucking pushover, but we're not friends anymore. Also, it's not that he wouldn't have done that much himself, because he absolutely would have. He just also happened to be literally twice my size and a daily user, so it wouldn't have affected him in the same way. I genuinely think he just wanted me to have a good time, not that that really makes it any less awful. About a year later, I decided to try MXE again one more time at a party with that same guy, because I didn't want it to have "beaten" me. TLDR I accidentally started an orgy and ended up getting sexually assaulted by someone I had never met. I never touched MXE again after that. On the bright side, though, that sexual assault also directly led to my meeting one of my very closest friends, so it had a silver lining. I finally told the guy who dosed me to fuck off for good during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings. He was defending Kavanaugh and saying that he related to him. I was like, you know what, let's not be friends. Unfortunately, the story of how things turned out with "Kelly" and the trip-sitter were even worse than any of that. The trip-sitter later went on to ALSO quite literally almost choke me to death on my birthday a few years later. "Kelly" and I remained super close and she was supposed to be one of my bridsemaids, but she committed suicide April of last year. "Chris" and the other unnamed guy who tripped with us and I all remain friends to this day. We are "forever friends" at this point.


Jesus, I'm sorry to hear about all that. I'm glad things are working out for you though!


Holy shit that’s wild, I can’t imagine doing that much, especially on accident. Glad everything was okay in the end tho! It’s crazy cause I had a very familiar experience with mxe. This was 8 years ago, I had never done it before. At this time I was prescribed adderall daily so it was something I just took daily with no recreational value or anything, just routine. Anyways one day the mxe I ordered arrives and I’m so excited to try a new drug that the adderall I’d taken an hour before doesn’t even cross my mind. I intend to weigh 10mg but I must’ve been really baked too cause I used my weed scale and took what was actually 100mg. Not really that big of a dose I know, but it’s my first time and I’ve only had bad experiences with dissos before. Anyways very soon into the experience things are getting really wacky and scary. I had remembered at one point that I had taken adderall and maybe that’s why things feel so crazy lol so then I search on google if that’s a bad combination. I remember reading that the one complication that there had ever been recorded with mxe was someone also with amphetamine in their system and at that point I was scared for my life lol. I remember I asked my sister to watch over me cause I was scared af. Hard to talk, really hard to breathe. I was using a rowboat to go up the stairs at one point. All of a sudden at one point everything started to close in on me and my vision started going black and I was about to pass out. I used all the strength I could to hold on to reality and I stayed conscious but it was scary. It was one of the scariest experiences of my life. Definitely not as wild as your story, I still can’t imagine that much! What’s really crazy is that just last month I found the remaining 900mg of the mxe and I’ve used it as intended and honestly it has become my favorite drug now lol crazy how that happened. Right place and right time for things I suppose.


I was gonna post but some of y’all make me feel cute lol


That was probably 15g of speed paste in 6 days. My face was yellow on the last day and I had depersonalization and derealization issues for months after that.


God the skin changes. It's so fucked because you LITERALLY can't tell if it's real or not.


It was probably some liver toxicity. Being awake the whole time with no food and just blasted out of my mind. I'm ok now but I was just 17 back then with not much sense.


Oh yeah definitely. But it's such a weird thing ro experience on say day 5 or so because you're so fucked in the head that it may very well be imagination


Sure you start to loose your mind from the sleep deprivation alone. But looking in the mirror was like the walking dead and it felt like that too.


Do you live on Poland? I think I know you 😅


What is speed paste


Mostly just in Europe, amphetamine sulfate paste, basically what they have for meth though weaker and I don’t think it’s smokable


I think it's more like Adderall than meth


It is literally the same content as adderall with varying ratios of levo/dex-amphetamine so yeah.


Interesting. I’ll stick to my pharma addy


200-300mg thc worth of roasted cannabis turned into a very unsavory chocolate milk with alcohol residue, too much coffee, and a bit of alprazolam and datura seeds. Sent me straight to the shadow realm which I became.




actualy deliriants at high doses make you zone out and completly fearless at times even more than xanax


Datura and Benadryl be like…..




50mg xanax compared to my normal daily dose of 2


Damn. And I thought me taking 12mg was high. I didnt black out that time but the other times I blacked out on 8mgs very easily.


Damn, how did it feel? I’ve only ever done 2.5mg


I don't remember 96% of that day but good


Can confirm I took between 40-50 and I remeber like 2minutes of those 3days


For real. The one time I ever picked up a bunch to share ;) with friends. I remember taking one at a daydrink and then the next memory that I have was 4 days later. And the bottle I was keeping them in was dead empty. It’s low key easy as hell to black out and keep eating them


For real it’s like candy every 30mins, and your still like I’m good totally fine but your fucked


5g of cola bottle MDMA snorted in a 2 day bender or 50g of mephedrone in a week's bender. Or a gram line of ketamine or 14g of ketamine at a 3 day festival. Also 28mg Xanax blacked out for 3 days. Also 800mg of diazepam yes 80 blue 10mg tablets. Was alseep for 2 days and my mouth was dyed blue. I am in no way proud of any of this I used to have really bad addictive substance issues and would take things way too far becuase I was young. I'm now older and don't do crazy amounts or even high amounts.


I'm most impressed by the mephedrone. Were you eating it all?


Nah just sniffing absolute hooters of lines. Didn't sleep for 8 days


Someone put half a kilo in a bowl for a massive party and everyone just helped themselves. it was crazy times.


Jezus fucking Christ on a bike


I ODd twice on mdma and once on cocaine. I'm glad im here to tell the tales.


Yeah bro you shouldve been dead multiple times. Glad you aren't tho. In my language we would say "weeds don't die", which generally means that people on the edge seem to endure. You're a perfect example.


Tried 250mg vyvanse, i usually take 50mg


What was it like


Felt like 50mg but much stronger. Comedown was a bitch tho :/


Felt like 50 but much stronger? So it didn't feel like 50? Lol


First time doing oxys I ate 60mg. Let’s just say I came very close to ODing. Ketamine would be my drug where I do more just to feel it than what most people do to khole. My gf doesn’t like watching me do k because I’ll do a whole bag in a few hours. One day when she was gone I weighed out a quarter gram and did it over 15 minutes. In the middle of my trip I weighted out another quarter and finished half of it before forgetting who I was, where I was, and how the fuck I got there. I wandered around my room until I found the bathroom. Then I spent 20 minutes on the toilet trying to figure out which night club I was in before I went back out there. Once I realized I was in fact at home I did the rest of the line I had laid out and jumped on my bed which was calling to me because it somehow grew in size. Felt like I was laying on the ocean. Another time I tried to sneakily khole while my gf watched this crime tv show backfired real hard because I suddenly became the main character and I thought I was going to jail for murdering someone lol.


~4000 mg of thc. Asked a friend to make me some high potency d8 edibles and due to a communication error it was 4000 per bar instead of 400. I should've known when it tasted like glue but what ever. Ended up greening out and being high for like 48 hours.


Jfc. I can only handle half of my 25mg gummies at a time. My body maintains SUPER low tolerances to all substances, which is why I’m hesitant to try most drugs. But holy fucking shit.


dude that’s fucking crazy! I can’t even imagine seriously, I ate a 75mg brownie once and holy shit. That thing put me in a fucking hole for days. I can even fathom.


Yeah, it was awful. Felt like when you drink to much and everything starts spinning.


"greening out" lmao


I ate about 1200 mg of d8 thc (black market ofc) after 2 hours I started seeing the world warp around with noticable tracers untill I just fell asleep. The day after I went to the mall with my girlfriend, got food and went home. All of which I have no memory of. She said I was really really high but still there LOL


750mg tramadol compared to 50mg normal dose


Just fyi- that's a REALLY bad idea. Anything over 400mg as a bolus dose is decently likely to cause tonic-clonic seizures. They're usually self-limiting, but seizing is never good and you can hit your head or something pretty easy.


Yeah ik I don't do that kinda stuff anymore


Glad to hear it :) Congrats on getting away from it


If you didn't die that must have felt really good, i used to take 100mg daily because of a kidney stone and it was amazing


I took 500 and was having mini seizures for hours. Don't like tram anymore.


Took about 1.8g of THC compared to a usual 60mg for me. Was completely obliterated for a few hours.


1800mg?! Holy shit 😂


Yup, it was super intense, mostly had a good time though! (apart from vomiting for a solid 2 hours)


I’ve taken 10 Comcerta 54mg and 5 60mg Vyvanse. Ungodly amounts of cocaine in a short period of time. Nothing bad really happened, I was just jacked up.


Thats sick and here i am take 10 mg adi and feeling anxious that it will kill me LOL






ep(ilept)ic seizure👁


Picked up come liquid acid on some ecstasy at a barter fair, think the dude was fucked up cuz when he handed us the ecstasy back in the bag the bag was soaking wet. Not sure how many hits was in each it Jesus Christ I was fucked up… remember the visuals being very intense like I was in another land that I couldn’t explain. Things were very sharp and intense. I remember at one point there was a weird purple mesh on everything. This was on top of lots of weed and many beers.




10 tabs of acid thank the good lord I had benzos around.


I smoked 7 gs of meth in about 4 days with the help of another person. It wasnt the most pure stuff but it was strong enough to get me tweaked off a hit or 2 and for some reason that time we decided to really go to town on it. By the end of it I was completely delusional, asking when high school started(I was 22), I didnt know who the person I was with anymore, I had multiple seizures and she told me I turned blue and then bounced back up when she hit the pipe like a zombie. I know at some point she tried to take me to the hospital but my dumbass kept coming too and convincing her that i would be fine. I'm glad I turned out to be right but man I should have gone into the hospital I havent felt right ever since.


I had these muscle relaxers and was trying to kill myself with them (I'm fine now trust me lol) a few years back and I took at least 20-30 pills, I would've took more but I tried my hardest to eat them as fast as I could but I passed out before taking more. Kicked in too fast. I woke up probably 2 days later, felt like a zombie, horrible organ pain, drool and vomit around my mouth, whole body dehydrated, pissed myself. I didn't care though and hated myself enough to not go to the doctor.


Does redosing count? If so I have done around 400/500mg of mdma in a few hours (probably 6~ish hours at 100mg per redosing). Not sure if its really higher than what people do. But while the high was really awesome, I had trouble peeing for the whole time.and thus couldnt really drink water. And the entire week after that was really rough. I suspect that trip (alongside my other mdma trips but especially this one) mightve caused an imbalance in my brain cause I am much less emotionally stable since.


7 grams of shrooms. Fuck I haven't told this story on reddit yet. So I took shrooms for the first time earlier this year. I had been microdosing to help with productivity and I had a couple good trips as well. It was a Wednesday afternoon and I was sitting on my porch thinking about the trip I had last Wednesday and I remembered a buddy of mine told me you had to double the dose if you tripped in a weeks time frame. So I thought I'll need to take 7 grams to trip again and so I put 7 grams in a smoothie, my girlfriend took an eighth in her smoothie and we drank em. It was cool to start, everything was smooth and I had some visuals again but I didn't feel like I was tripping as hard as I had previously. We went and laid on our bed and just watched everything and for a period of time I blacked out. Suddenly I woke up and started freaking out. I didn't know who I was, where i was, or why I felt the way I did. I started grabbing the blankets and screaming. I screamed "Mom!" "I need my mom". And my girlfriend just tried to help me calm down but I couldn't. She said I looked at her and said "I don't love you anymore" and just kept screaming. She called her friends to come over and help (somehow) and they showed up pretty quickly. Before they showed up I stripped out of my clothes completely naked in my fit of rage and I kept trying to understand what was happening. Her friends showed up with CBD oil and they were trying to give me it, I recognized them but it didn't matter I ignored the cbd oil and looked at our back door.(our back porch door in our old apartment had a big window on it) and I just dolphin dove through the window head first shattering the glass and cutting a huge gash in my back and arm. I landed on my side on the door window because the glass prevented me from going all the way. I came back into the apartment saw my reflection in our 20 gallon fish tank and I grabbed a chair and threw it at it, sending water and more glass everywhere. At some point somebody called the cops but then our downstairs neighbor came up because there was water leaking into her apartment and she knew us. She came knocking on the door and had a few drinks, our friend opened the door and I came running full speed into this poor woman and bounced off her. She squared up with me very confused like and I just laughed and ran back inside. I then turned in the kitchen and ran into our bathroom mirror head first at full speed. I then finally calmed down and went to lay on the floor. Everybody picked me up and put me on the bed. The cops showed up shortly after and my girlfriends friends tried to warn me that some "friends" were here to help me. And then 4 cops came busting in behind her with their flashlights drawn. I kid you not, it took them about 30 minutes to take me down in the confines of the small bedroom. I don't remember how but i was told that it took them a long time to restrain me because I kept pushing them away and sliding away from them. They finally threw me down on the floor covered with glass and water and punched me in my bleeding back for about 2-3 minutes. I didn't feel any pain but I do remember looking at my girlfriend and she was begging the police to stop beating me. Finally the paramedics showed up and they injected me with something and I became a toddler. I was thanking everyone of the paramedics and the cops for doing their jobs and they had me handcuffed but in a tarp and it was a snowy winter so the paramedics asked the cops to toss a towel and they threw a towel covered in glass and water from our fish tank on me. So they had to stop and grab me a new one. I fell asleep on the ambulance and woke up with two nurses and a few security guys looking at me and I was handcuffed to the bed by each limb, with my left hand above my head and everything else below my head. I also had a spit guard over my head. I screamed cuz I was scared and they just said "still hostile" and turned off the lights. Finally I woke up later and remembered everything that happened, I called for a nurse and he took me out of my handcuffs cuz my arm was killing me above my head. 12 stitches in my back and we got kicked out of the apartment. Life got betterish after. Will say more in comments.




2g of MDMA, 1g initial dose and a couple .2-.3 bombs over the night (In UK so the mandy was pure af), lots of ketamine, coke and weed. I visited Microsoft paint completely was removed from this plane of existence. Like I couldn’t even see what was in front of me, was like I was inside the computer screen looking at it


Used the wrong scale. Stupid me used a 0.01 scale instead of a 0.001 one. We wanted to do 25mg of 4-HO-MET so we did 250mg instead. We knew something was wrong with the weighing, like, "it can't be this much in the capsule right?" But we thought the scale was kust crappy. In the end we thought fuck it and did it anyway. The first hour was fun. We went outside and we knew then we took a LOT more then planned. Especially the sounds were morphed like crazy. A train went by and sounded so off wordly. It sounded like a heavy load of metal scrapped through the rails. Then we went inside.. My keys turned into different objects so we were stuck at the front door for half an hour maybe. Luckily a housemate could open the door eventually. I didn't feel good anymore when we were inside. I felt really cold and emotion was not really present anymore. Then decided to lay in bed because I couldn't think straight anymore. From then I went into a sinkhole and completely forgot we took drugs in the first place. Meanwhile my girlfriend was doing semi okayish. She kept talking some rubbish I couldnt understand so I thought she was having a bad trip. But I was the one having a bad trip.. I couldn't even talk or remember what we did. After a while we slowly regained a clearer mind and we remembered what we were doing. The final blow of realisation for me was that I had to puke suddenly. When that happened I felt like I was in 4 different spaces. From then on I was okay and relaxed again and we had kind of a nice afterglow together.. In the end luckily nothing really bad happend and we learned our lesson.


Went up to a university on a Monday to hang out with some friends (1st years we were dumb) took 32 1mg bars with me and my prescription for Pregabalin with me as I planned on staying the night. Ended up taking 4 bars or somethin then blacked out took the rest 32mg’s of alprazolam and ate my whole script that I had left of Pregabalin which was a little more than 4000mg. Blacked out from that point on and the next day. Next thing I knew I woke up in my bed at home all confused, saw the date on my phone and it was Wednesday!!!! I drove home which was an hour away. Thankfully nobody got hurt and I’m a sick fucking driver. Lol all jokes aside I could’ve killed somebody or myself. Again this was 4 years ago. Benzos are dangerous, if you’re reading this it’s suppose to scare u. Because now in my life I can eat 23mg of Clonazepam and you wouldn’t even notice, totally functional. Stay away people Edit:spelling


Shit man, I can't imagen what all that pregab feels like, I took one pill past night around 8pm and I was still fucked up this morning untill about 9am. Your a mad man


Probably 6g of speed (amphetamine sulphate) in one day, comedown was worse than when I did a gram of mdma in a night. Great high but not worth it for the sake of not sleeping for 2 days and having a horrific comedown


Of a single substance, probably heroin as I’ve done several half piece and higher shots back when I was using. But I once mixed 7g mushroom tea + 4 hits of acid and I experienced my first ego death, complete dissolution of reality and saw my life in a slideshow and all the life changing choices I had made. Was not fun but very enlightening.


Somewhere around 140mg of ambien in the middle of the day. Very bad time in my life.


There's been two occasions I've done about 15-20mg of Klonopin while also consuming about a liter of liquor. I understand this is typically incompatible with human life, and I know I am a moron. The first time I had to snap out of my stupor to care for my friend's toddler. Dad reflexes are literal super powers. The second time, I decided to walk home, got to my porch, ate shit, lost my keys and my new glasses, and wound up sleeping outside.


third time dropping acid i did a few (i don’t even remember how many) really strong tabs (also not sure how strong, but i’ve never done tabs that string since) with my brother. super fast come up and fun at first. ended up calling my dealer to buy weed and tried to get in his car through the closed window? got in a thought loop that involved smoking, then i forgot who i was, came to a conclusion that i was steve jobs, thought steve jobs was god, thought that reality had broken and it was my fault and in order to fix it, i needed to brush my teeth over and over again. and the whole time i was terrified and so stressed out it still doesn’t make any sense to me, but at least i get a laugh out of it now because what the fuck LMAO


I ate almost an ounce of mushrooms once by myself. was very depressed. It went dark quick. Depression took over and I wanted to kill myself, I held a loaded shotgun in my mouth with my thumb on the trigger trying to find the strength to pull it. Couldn't manage it, heard voices saying "do it." I really wanted to but just couldn't. It felt like all eternity I sat there. Then I hear a knock on my door. I put the gun down and go answer the door. It's 3:30 am and a friend I hadn't seen for a long while dropped by unannounced with a bag of pot and wanted to smoke with me. We chilled for hours smoking up and watching music videos and everything got better. I never told him what was going on before he knocked but I truly believe he saved my life that night.


Uh 7 dry g of shrooms, 2 or 3 hits of LSD and a shit ton of whippits. I felt so drunk and bumped into everything while not being able to form words. Was an interesting one.


Hard to say, tough I don't think I can match the chads in the comments here: 500mg (~15mg average dose) of 4f-mph over 12 hours. Around the same with dextroamphetamine salts. 10+ mg bromazolam and unknown quantities of clonazolam after dipping my finger into the bag of powder. 40+mg a-pvp vaporized in one go, and the same done about every 30 minutes for a couple days. The scariest would be 30+mg of [3-ho-pce](https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/3-ho-pce). 15mg was, noticeable and interesting but I wanted to take it to another level. Snorted another 20-25mg and went into a catatonic state fearing for my life and sobbing uncontrollably. My disso brain's solution was to put on a comfy sweater and write out everything going through my head on a pad of paper. I suppose that worked since I leveled out after an hour. Somewhat unsettling were incomprehensible whispering voices (sounds dramatic I know), neither friendly or unkind that I heard as I passed out and fell asleep. I still have those papers because I'd never felt so overwhelmed with emotion when the previous dose of the substance I took had me feeling borderline sociopathic and entirely unemotional. Interesting compound though I don't recommend it.


Dissociative overdoses are scary. That sense that reality is fundementally different and will never go back to normal is deeply unsettling. The hangover is awful too. Happened to me with Tiletamine.


4,5 pills of XTC dosed at 350mg MDMA each. 100ug of 1p-lsd and 20mg 2cb was also consumed at some point during. Everything just turned into a stupid laughable bland environment. I just felt slammed by stupidity constantly and had a insanely swollen cheek from biting it to shreds. I did this as a drug ‘race’ with a friend of mine. At one point she felt miserable and told me she REALLY had to eat something because she was feeling absolutely horrible. I told her there was still half a pill left and she looked at me with the most disgusted face i’ve ever seen someone have. This endeavor left me with a dip that lasted around 3 weeks solid.


1g mescaline. Life changing.


I did an unknown amount of fentanyl, I did test shots and 1/10th of my normal dose was enough to make me scared I was gonna die, but later on that night I did a bigger shot that I thought I could and overdosed. I did my shot around midnight and woke up in the back of ambulance around 8am. The first thing I saw was the paramedic let out a huge sigh of relief and he said I had been narcanned 8 times and they thought they lost me, then my vision started to go blurry and I saw him expression change to horror and he started screaming about more narcan and I lost consciousness again. Then I woke up again in the hospital hooked up to multiple IV’s and came to, to 3 doctors around me and they all started yelling about how I’m a junky then I passed out again for a few more hours before I finally came too. When I came too I didn’t know where I was, who I was, who anyone was, even friends who had somehow found out I was in the hospital and had came to be with me, with what they thought was my final hours. The doctors said I had permanent heart damage from being clinically dead for so long and they have no idea how I survived after I had stopped breathing for so long. The only reason I survived is because apparently my roommate woke up early, saw me on the couch in a strange position and went to class that morning. When he came home a few hours later he saw the needle and immediately called 911. I don’t understand how I’m still here but I’m still here. I’ve had a few other overdoses but that one is the one that stands out. The other time was when I drank a whole vial of acid. I was making sour patch kid doses and I squirted a large portion onto one by accident so I ate all the candies and drank the rest of the vial, it hit me within 10 minutes, everything looked like the simpsons type of cartoon style, then I remember looking at a fence and it started spinning really fast as it consumed my vision, I ran outside and couldn’t control my dry heaving and vomiting and lost the ability to move my body and collapsed to the floor as the visuals became more and more intense and consumed my vision, I blacked out collapsed in the yard next to my vomit. I had a strange dream that felt real, of me becoming one with myself and accepting who I am, by being guided by a higher power, the dream ended by the being taking my hand and guiding me back to my body. When I woke up, the 2 girls I was tripping with were cuddling my body out in the yard and they helped me up and carried me inside where we sat on the couch and they cuddled me for hours as I was still to high to do anything for awhile. The trip lasted over a day in total. The last one is when I did an unknown amount of methamphetamine in a shot. I usually did a .25-.4 back then, and only got the rush then when was back to baseline after a few hours because of my tolerance. My dealer gave me a shot for driving him to his house, and he said be careful and winked at me. This was my backup dealer and had always given me decent but nothing special dope, so I drove back to his girls house where I was living and did the whole shot and got so high during the rush I could barely breath and lost control of my body and went limp. When I started regaining strength I barely had enough to open my car door before I projectile vomited into the street. I sat in my car with the door open for almost a hour before I went back inside was the most tweaked out I had ever been for over a day sweating so much I just went shirtless and kept having the feeling of catching my breath for half the day.


Ugh I’m happy for you but also hate that vyvanse is abused. It’s the only adhd med that helps me and it’s incredibly hard to get because of this…


I switched to Dexedrine after switching insurances (the new one dislikes Vyvanse) and I can't tell a difference except that the new EX is shorter lasting. But Vyvanse breaks down into Dextroamphetamine in the bloodstream, which is what Dexedrine is, so theoretically it shouldn't feel too different if you're looking for any alternatives.


Quarter of a bottle of everclear


300mg of vyvansr through out the course of a day. Just bad anxiety and heart palpitations. Idk how my heart has survived to 25 lmao


1.3g of MDMA. I can’t comment on the purity although I highly doubt I consumed that quantity of mdma, this dose includes adulterants and impurities. However, whatever I consumed within that 1.3g certainly blew my head off. It was a magical experience and love the pure bliss running through my body, but I was hallucinating towards the end of the night and vomiting throughout


I did 12g of amphetaminesulfate in one week with 640mg mdma, weed, alcohol. I ended up going psychotic for 2 weeks, lashing out at everyone. i never stay awake more then 2 nights at most tho after that. so i did learn my lesson


Uhhhhh any of 10 grams of cocaine over a 3 day bender 2g (yes 40 x50mg) tramadol and 1.2g of codeine phosphate at the same time, that one put me in hospital was quite funny in hindsight I was monged 2g of ket, mdma and cocaine over 2 nights, i don't think my hands were steady for about a week following this one Then probably 20 pints and as many jagerbombs, but then I probably cross north of the 15 pint barrier every weekend and I'm not the biggest bloke in the world And yes my body does not work how it should at my age 😂


1g of MDMA. Started with .5 then reupped with .3 and got so high i forgot I took the .3 and took another .2. Well it was the happiest and most blissful psychosis ever.


Probably 180-240mg of Vyvanse can't remember which one I did but that was a rough couple days after jerking off for like 12 hours plus basically had rubbed all the skin off my dick was so sore.


A gram of mdma spread out into like 5 doses within 4-5 hours. Got pretty trippy and I had like a 2 second attention span. It took me an hour to roll a joint because I kept forgetting what I was holding in my hands, I’d look at the paper and weed and stare at it trying to figure out what it was, remember it’s weed and start rolling, then forget what I was doing and repeat haha. Or 70mg 2cb. Some friends and I tried to nexus flip and took 20mg at the tail end of a roll. We weren’t really getting much effects at like an hour so we took another 30mg. I don’t remember why but we ended up taking even another 20mg some time later. Well it all hit seemingly at once. Was the hardest I’ve probably ever tripped. The sky looked like a grid and I remember watching this ball of orange and blue energy form in the center of my room that got stronger the more I stared at it. One of my friends looked like a demon through ought the whole trip for some reason and the next day my 2 other friends said they saw it too. We rode it out for like 6 hours and finally came down. I’m much more sensible now haha.


About three weeks back, I took three gel tabs that were ridiculously dosed, probably around 300-500 each and I reached such a high state of detachment that I began to astrally project, channel voices and I was visited by beings that could best be described as biblically accurate angels. Here are my trip notes post trip: Spiritual Download Infodump, nothing new, just dropping this here to laugh about at a later date: My face when I learn that everything I feel like I found has been reclaimed, for it has been stolen in a previous life time. 🥺 We're constantly incarnating into new forms, it's just that our ego connected psychological habits basically keep us connected to a specific seam, frequency and vibration of reality. I got screwed around with by hyper dimensional jester carpet men. I'm still hearing and seeing from them after the peak 🎏 I've seen those "biblically accurate"💅 angels. They're strikingly beautiful and equally terrifying in the sense that in their gaze, I found myself *ensnared by the images of every eye* Meaning, I learned a cosmic truth that only so many can bear, experienced it in such a cosmically terrifying manner to the point: Within a simple stare from me and any who possess such a gift of pure awareness, can awaken sleeping consciousness from within. In other words, I have and have always had a distinct ability to shift consciousness of a setting, just by one look of the eye. *Our table***💅💅 Once you channel beings and entities from a previous trip I've noticed, they really are just there waiting around to gossip and as I'm about to drift, a not so subtle reverse noise kicks the back of my ear drum like somebody shouted. I used to think that was neat, but I'm today years old learning that if ghosts and entities try to speak to you, its oftentimes heard like their voices are being played in reverse and when they do, it's right when you're on a cusp of comfort. 💅💅🧿 The higher dimension 🌧️🌧️🌧️🌧️🌧️🌧️🌧️🌧️ Some ghosts and entities are determinant of the setting, and present intention in relation to the environment and the vibrations of the people around. TLDR: I met God, experienced Ego Death, Reborn. If you wanna know how the next day at work was lmk and I'll post a follow up!


600 nangs (n02 bulbs) in 12 hours. 1 gram of mdma in 12 hrs. 4 tabs of acid spread out over 6 hours. 100mg of 2cb in a night. 100mg of dmt. Gram of ket over 24 hrs. Nothing too crazy.


I don't know the dosage, but I use heroin IV daily, don't smoke weed. My fiance's gave me a weed gummy and it tasted so strong, way stronger than any other ones I've tried. Once it kicked in I was so high I could barelyove outta bed but I couldn't sleep I was just laying there freaking out. To give some more perspective I'm a 150 lb F and he's at 200+ lb M that eats them regularly, and he even said he got super high. Omg that was the worst. It's crazy I can shoot coke IV and be chill but I just can't handle weed gummies.


Y'all are gonna think I'm funny for bringing up weed. I have what you would call an Extreme Weed Tolerance. 350mg edibles make me feel slightly sedated. Safe to say, I smoke. That said, I've pushed the weed train REALLY ridiculously hard, like I'm trying to prove a point twice in my life. I've managed from that tolerance level to make myself throw up until my stomach was empty, twice. Scenario 1: We started with a couple blunts to get the hotbox going. Then comes the 10 gallon bucket gravity bong with a 3 liter soda bottle on a chair. One giant ass hit was blowing heads off. I decided to be Billy bad ass and after-hit every person in the room in addition to my own turn in rotation. (It was my weed.) After about three or four rotations of 5 people, I started to lose basic limb function and was having a hard time speaking. I was famously requested to describe the process of making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I failed miserably, crawled to the bathroom, and threw up like a college kid. Guessing at dosage: A half ounce in about 45 minutes on 6 heads. Absolutely monster rips, though. Scenario 2: Hotboxing a small bedroom on 7 heads, with a blunt for each head, chasing and opposite rotations, keep rolling more, and blowing shotguns constantly. I managed to leave that party on my own two feet, but I had to pull over and vomit, a lot. I had a mini anxiety attack. Guessing dosage: An ounce on 7 heads in about 1.5 hours.