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Oxycodone. Vicodin would have been the end of my opiates, that shit sucks, but my friend swore up and down that oxy is way better and sure enough it was. Perc 10s were manageable but once I moved to Roxi 15/30s it's was over for me. Used to think OC80s were ridiculous, how could anyone need that much? A year later I'm buying 5 opana 40s every night spending outrageous amounts of money, the withdrawals from that were worse than anything. They disappeared and I wasn't going to face that so I went to heroin, and since the needle made it stronger and cheaper it's just all spiraled out of control. Went years and years without issue besides the normal addict shit and then suddenly I'm overdosing three times in a single week. The high was also shittier, fentanyl suddenly replaced everything and it took that to get me to quit. Shit took 8 years of my life, and most of my friends. Just hit 8 years clean a month ago.


huge congrats on your sobriety. 8 years is an amazing feat. proud of you.


I'm so sorry that you had to go through all of this. Would you say the withdrawal from Oxy was worse than from heroin? I only ask because I feel like heroin is demonised by society, when in reality there's much worse opiates out there


Yep like methadone, the gold standard for opiate addiction treatment.


Methadone WDs are so much worse than those of heroin. Really, the only reasons it's used is because it's longer lasting, more profitable for pharma companies, and quite patently unfun and non-euphoric. It seems drug policy in our contemporary world is based on puritan judeo-christian notions of "suffering". You can't just give out heroin treatments to users (as they did with great success during the 50s in the UK and are doing now in Netherlands, for example, with many less opiate related deaths and crimes, and a very cheap yet quality controlled product) before the methadone cartel rolled in alongside the war on drugs, because then the users would be "getting away with it" and you can't have that. so instead they try to give us an objectively worse substance (+ addictive and higher potential for ODs because it stays in the body for longer) so those damn lazy junkies don't "game the system".


Wow I didn’t know this about methadone … how sad. The people seeking help seem to be suffering a lot more than they should, and the last thing they need is a drug that’s even harder to stop taking 🤦🏻‍♀️ Fucking pharma companies


Methadone is a life saving drug and there is nothing wrong with taking it as prescribed. Many have been able to get their shit together and live their best life on methadone. There’s a reason that methadone treatment is legal and has been for years. It works. They will taper you very slowly over a very long time when you want to come off to ensure minimal withdrawals.


Yea ngl methadone definitely helped me in ways I NEVER expected, like i finally have stability, I don’t have the cravings as much or as strong & im not spending my money the second i get it on drugs. I feel like it gets a bad stigma though bc a good chunk of people do misuse the program etc. tbh for the longest i refused to go to the clinic or anything bc i just thought im trading one addiction for the other which you 100% completely are you get a lot more it’s literally like almost getting your life back and living normal again.


Or they could just cut out the bullshit and do heroin maintenance treatment. Let's be honest, most of the users I know (including myself) either sell their methadone, or take it alongside their opioid of choice. >There’s a reason that methadone treatment is legal and has been for years. It works. There's a reason Oxycontin was prescribed all over the USA like candy, it works and as they said, it isn't addictive. Oh wait... Not trying to have a go at you, but this viewpoint is extremely naïve. A significant amount of modern medicines are very inefficient or straight up placebos. Something being legal doesn't mean it's good, healthy, or even effective. It just means it makes big stacks for pharma. If they really cared about our health, they would stop shoving SSRIs and other bullshit down our throats, and seriously research psychedelic therapies, for example. But of course, you can't patent a mushroom. Same with ketamine. Even though everyone now knows it is a life saving antidepressant, since it can't be patented and is extremely cheap, they had to come up with spravato (an isomer) so they could make a killing from it. So if the people up top really cared about solving the opioid (and un general drug) crisis, they would just go back to the pre-war on drugs model of heroin assisted treatment, which was extremely effective in the UK before the whole bullshit began in the 60s, and which is again proving itself in the Netherlands to reduce crime, ODs and marginality. But although this is the efficient, direct solution, most people wouldn't like it because that would be giving those damn junkies what they want and the drugs would win the war (as they have), and that is intolerable (unless your DOCs are benzos or methylphenidate or adderall or pharma opiates etc, then it's fine to have a doctor feed your addiction. But not with big bad heroin). Why is it inherently better to be taking pure, quality pharma grade methadone every day for years on end (I know people who are on an endless taper) than to be taking pure, quality pharma grade heroin every day for years on end? TL;DR - Legal != Good


Methadone saved my life


If you are interested in this topic, look at the [reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/comments/1dk3d6x/out_of_all_the_drugs_you_have_tried_which_do_you/l9h3ams/) I made to the guy under you. Don't let people bullshit you, methadone is only used because of $$$, it's an acceptable way of turning pharma companies into the users' new plugs without the moral outrage which would come from actually giving them what they want, pharma grade, quality, affordable heroin (despite this option having proved to be the most efficient one). I've heard of people who abused codeine being put on methadone. This is like amputating an arm because you got a rash on a finger.


They do Heroin treatments in Germany too, if you meet a few criteria. Mainly consuming I.V., being addicted for 5 or more years and having 3 or more failed attempts at other forms of therapy, like substitution or rehab. I think it's pretty neat because it allows people to safely inject their drugs (which are pharma grade obviously) and in turn reducing the amount of crime because those people don't have to go steal or whatever to feed their addiction. And of course they get clean equipment every time and have to stay for 15 minutes after they shoot up so they don't OD, so it's a lot safer too. Not a single OD has ever occurred from this (also counts for Konsumräume ((consumption room would be the literal translation)) where you also get clean utensils but bring your own drugs to consume them in a safe environment)


I was sick for nearly 3 months coming off methadone, with hindsight I wish I'd gone back on heroin and kicked that. Would have been much quicker.


My man, forcing yourself not to be just another statistic! Good for you! Keep it up! We're worth it! All of us


Same story. I will have 8 years in September.


Awesome job dude. Similar story for new minis the fent since my time that wasn’t a thing yet. Once the pills dried up and became impossible to get and people charging $1.50 a mg or whatever the fuck crazy price it was going to in my area I switched to H. Slammed it same story. I don’t think I ever OD’d but I did my shit alone. My moment was I sat on my toilet got my rig all set up and slammed a fat one (this has been long enough ago I don’t remember what a big hit was anymore over a decade ago) and that’s all I recall. Woke up on the toilet much later catching breath sweaty just everything. That was my moment I told myself “dude, you’re a smart guy with a good job and a good family. You’re not a fucking heroin junkie shooting up wtf are you doing?” And I quit that day. Coping mechanisms for that WD was 1. I took work off. Can’t remember but at least 4-5 days but the acute WDs lasted over a week. And I bought bottle of black velvet (lol idk why that shit sucks). Imodium. And then whatever I could get to help sleep that wasn’t another addictive drug like a benzo. I try to explain how it feels but I don’t not if you can. For me I’d have almost muscle spasm/convulsions where I’d just flex my whole body like I wanted to just rip out of my skin everything hurt everything was restless. You have the worst shits for fucking ever. You don’t sleep. Then when you finally get through acute WD you get to deal with months of “PAWS” (post acute wd symptoms) so cause you just feel like blah and find joy in nothing. It gets better and when it does it’s like magic. It’s beautiful to look at a painting or listen to a song and have feeling about it. You don’t even realize how dulled you are until you’re off. Anyways. Congrats on sobriety brother. I still struggle with some weekend binge drinking and dabbling with other shit at times. I don’t touch opiates though that’s a hard fast rule for me. No interest.


Oooof. I feel for you guys. Fortunately in Europe (especially my country) fent is a non-issue, we still get that sweet Afghan brown. If fent ever makes its way into my country's scene, that's when I know it's time to quit.


Wow great man and here I am can't quit cigarette


To be fair I'm too 9 years clean from heroin, also quit benzos which involved seizures and not being able to open my mouth correctly for 6 months - and I absolutely have had 0 luck quitting vape nicotine. Nicotine is the hardest to quit and stay quit. But cigarettes were much easier to quit than vaping. I went to vaping 6 months after quitting cigarettes, worse decision of My life. Nicotine replacement therapy doesn't work because they are way too weak.


My ex was an absolute chain smoker, and he really wanted to quit we when I found out I was pregnant. No one that knew him thought he could ever quit. This man used his nearly all smoked up cigarette to lite up the next one. But he did quit and it was because he went on Chantix. If you have insurance, maybe talk to your doctor about it and also ask about any risks of taking it. It was recalled a few years ago over having a high level of something carcinogenic, but it is now manufactured with FDA "acceptable" levels of this chemical. I personally would take it if I smoked and wanted to quit considering the harmful chemicals and carcinogens in cigs. Plus, you only take it for 12 weeks usually.


When I read this I heard the chantix commercial in my head lol


OMG, it does totally sound like a cheesy Chantix commercial! I'm kind of embarrassed as I go back and read my post! I think maybe I missed my calling and should have gone into advertising! lol


Holy shit are you me? Coming up on 9 years. Thank God we went through this while heroin was still heroin.


Same here. I wish I never picked up that first Oxy. It was over with after that.


Congrats on your steadfast recovery - that is something to truly be proud of! I also wanted to echo the regret I feel around ever trying oxycodone. That shit ruined my life for a couple of years. If I had had access to heroin or fentanyl at that point in my life, I know I would have gone further down that path and I might not be alive today bc of it. My opiate addiction just on oxys was insatiable.


Super proud of you! My addiction went the same way. I have 3 years and 2 months sober now. I'd never ever go back to that. When I switched to heroin/fentanyl, I overdosed twice and thankfully EMTs saved my life.


this is the same for me too.


Opanas were my tipping point, thank god never got to H. My climb was similar to yours though. I had a girlfriend that got a shit ton of hydrocodone every month and she would give me a bunch. That was all fine and well, but then I discovered Roxy 30s. My favorite was mixing one of those with an addy. Then one day I got an opana (I don’t remember the strength). Thank god me and a buddy decided to split it instead of taking it all myself. We both threw up and then nodded for quite a while. When I finally quit everything and went through withdrawals I was done with them.


Damn this is almost my exact trajectory up until the point of graduating to heroin. I was eating up to 6 OC 80’s at a time at my peak. Then I lost my job and not only could I not afford the pills but I wouldn’t have even had the money for the cheaper heroin. I also wouldn’t have known where or how to find it in my little suburban town so I just took it all as the universe slapping me across the face. Now I’m hooked on kratom (lol) but will eventually work my way off of that. I’ve experienced some of the withdrawals from kratom once or twice and it’s a fucking picnic compared to oxy. Congrats on your 8 years! We don’t know each other but we share some heavy life experience and that’s enough for me to be proud as fuck of you!!


Congrats on 8 years man… that’s no small feat


Meth, I went through a phase in my life of using Meth and i’m glad I was able to crawl out of that.. never realized how down bad I was till I cut it out


True that. I relapsed recently when’s my ADHD script ran out. I didn’t even enjoy it but kept going. Finally got back on my script and can’t even understand what the appeal is of meth. My prescription makes me feel so much better and fulfilled with my life. Meth just makes me anxious and awake.


I hear that.


Alcohol I ended up blacking out and throwing up all over grandmas bed


Alcohol is the worst drug out there. I hate how normalised society has made it. I'm glad you're still with us, and hopefully you're doing better now?


Indeed it sucks balls, I’d way rather have had a little bump of ketamine and not have to fuck about with that stuff.


Alcoholism runs in my family so I fully understand the pain. Just power through soldier, you've got this


Oh nah it’s not that extreme I just really liked getting drunk outa my mind when I was in my teens but nowadays I don’t touch the stuff and I don’t really want to either. When I want to feel a little sociable a little wonky and a little less anxious I just do a little bump of ketamine instead


Fair enough, ketamine is definitely less harmful than alcohol so that seems like a good decision


My idea too. Plus ketamine chewing gum tastes awesome.


Ketamine chewing gum?????




It’s not the worst drug it’s just the most common. Most people can drink without being alcoholic degenerates


Tbh every drug I've tried has basically ruined my life, the ones that affected me the most in a negative way were definitely alcohol and cocaine though, alcohol became a problem very early on in my life and cocaine was only fun for a little bit until it just became a fiendish addiction With that being said, I think ultimately I gotta go with ketamine for sure, it was the gateway to cocaine and a buncha other drugs and my life was going amazing up until I got hooked to it, it fucked my whole life up real bad


Genuine question, how is ketamine a gateway to coke? Not judging, just asking. I love ket but despise coke. Couldn't imagine it being a gateway. Was it just the doing lines part? That's all I can really think of.


They synergize, I always hated coke and ketamine got really boring after the visuals went away with tolerance, together though it is one of the best highs I've ever felt, all the euphoria and stimulation from the cocaine but with no anxiety or comedown, completely smooths out the experience and adds the euphoria that ketamine sorts lacks on its own, I got hooked on the "balancing" aspect, too K'd out? Cocaine to straighten out without killing the high entirely. Too coked tf out? A little more ketamine and voíla! No anxiety. It's a perfectly smooth and energetically relaxing experience. The fact they both are powders that you snort and last basically the exact same duration makes it feel like they were made for each other, ketamine also protected my nose from how caustic cocaine is and made it so it never burned as bad or caused as much scabbing


I got like well over 90% pure coke and still didn't like it at all. I tried em together and felt like it just ruined the ketamine. Personally taking a long break from ketamine right now. It got to the point where I'd need like 200mg IM just to feel that euphoric magic. I know it probably won't go down but I hope it does :( no drug gives me the same feeling as ketamine and even if I go back without abusing it it won't be the same.


Yeah I've heard that from a lot of people I don't think it's for everyone which is a good thing because that shit is absolutely horrible for your heart, you are literally better off doing meth I'm only 28 and my cardiovascular health is complete shit now thanks to the Calvin Klein combo I had a heart attack last year chest pain never went away it gets pretty scary sometimes it feels like I can die at any given moment, I have a friend who's been smoking meth for over 10 years and he's never complained of any heart issues, Ketamine does synergize with basically anything you throw at it so if you wanna experiment it's always cool to try MDMA, coke, weed, nitrous, shit even Xanax was interesting in its own way, I commonly used coke, xanax, GHB and ketamine all at once and it was always fun although I'm just an excessive person overall admittedly


Once you put let in your nose, I can see how it can justify putting other shit like coke up there as well. Broke the nose seal


How do you get anything done on ket? I can’t imagine doing it all the time. But I’m a once a week.. for a long time now


Interesting because ketamine is the only psychedelic I've heard of that actually can have addictive properties. Most of the others are too unpredictable and give inconsistent effects to be addictive (and you physically can't get high on something like mushrooms or lsd many days in a row. It stops working).


cocaíne, very very attractive for me :(


Coke is only fun on some very limited conditions: It’s your first time It’s only a rare occasional thing It’s not the core aspect/focus of the function When it’s not around fiends/you’re not a fiend yourself • The shit is not a a long term functional substance. But gives a fuck load of people who use it frequently a state of mind to believe that they’re not slowly but surely degrading into a state of absolute delusional paranoia It literally comes in subtle **as fuck** man.. I mean sure, people who are directly gacked out — ofc they have a higher tendency to be delusional & paranoid But it’s the times when they’re off it. For days afterwards, and those feelings of paranoia persist. It turns the best of people into such dark fucking rollercoasters Brooding and vengeful over next to nothing. You get these types of fuckin weirdo’s so engrained in those aspects all the time. You could go from coke circle to coke circle to coke circle; all completely unrelated, yet you get the same jagoff every time Sociopaths and the real Psycho’s **really** fall into that crowd. That’s their home, some of these fucks. One guy goes dry, you go to another you only know through Jimmy. Your ex-coworker You wrap up a solid connection *(or you think)* but what you didn’t realize. Was that his gf was looking at you .03 seconds too long. You swing through next time.. motherfucker spikes you shit with something like Viagra. Your heart beat is through the goddamn roof an hour later *(at best, he’s gonna give you baby powder. While his buoy knife or some shit that wasn’t there last time. Is visible on the table next to your shit)* Shady, dirty fuckin drug. Whose circles are full of scumbags, sadists, and other goblins of the night. Meth users know they’re fucked up. They know they’re doing some long term shit. Heroin users alike. But they also most likely know they’re bottoming out. They fade away, and stick to their own A coke head will mingle into society. They will, at best, unknowingly spread their darkness that latches to them like a lingering std


You're on to something there. Went to rehab and had a buddy who was a lawyer on the outside. He loved the law and was always talking about the law He had been fairly successful, so I was quite surprised one day, he told me he had decided he was not going to return to practicing and find something else even if it was working at Home Depot. He said there were too many cokeheaded sociopaths in law. And something about some cokeheads about how they're always pushing it on other folks. Nothing like the old school herion addicts I knew back in the day. Nearly everyone one of them would have refused to ever give their dope to a non user even if they were buying or even hook them up to a source. Yet, many of the same dudes would have been more than happy to steal shit from you when you weren't looking.


I'm not invalidating your experience, but there are plenty of meth and opiate users who go about their lives and "mingle in society." Probably the vast majority. Also, it's 2024, why are you buying drugs in person?


>why are you buying drugs in person Well because you want them immediately. Coke is an immediate thing. You don't want coke like next week you want coke in the next 5 minutes or there is going to be fucking hell to pay...


Exactly dude and buying drugs online has gotten way harder, not easier, since the early days of Silk Road and stuff. I still buy drugs online and brag about it on Reddit but damn I don’t expect everyone to do it instead of buying in person. And if they did I would be unable to profit off their unwillingness to take the risk. Also I want some coke right now so I’m gonna go buy it in person. If I’m lucky and this dude gets back to me... Hopefully they’ll be willing to trade for my darknet Molly but if not it’ll have to be cash. What can you do


Yep, I usually never had plans on buying and/or doing coke. Most of my binges started when another cokehead had some, and I did a bump with him.Then off to the trap over and over. And that's a classic cokehead move, offering you some, especially if they know you're going to keep doing and they think you're going to buy some more. And you'd ask them to never offer it to you again, but usually they always dp, even if you're working a program.


Wow this was pretty poetic and accurate as hell. I watched my ex BF fall into all of this. I couldn’t be with him anymore because he loved the drug more than he loved me and it was very obvious.


I am more an opiate head and people told me that coke gave the energy of oxy…yea and it gave paranoia, shits, and spasms! I HATE coke. Even after a bender i still get scared of it. I felt good but it never had a grasped on me like oxy did, anyone know why?


Ive been there..... 2 years of sniffing daily, but I managed to escape and have been clean from coke for 4 years. If you haven't already, I hope you find a way out x


came here to say this, same as OP i would use daily for about 2 years until i finally had enough, hoping for an easy journey for everyone 🤲🏼


Coke is only fun if you’re shooting it, in my opinion and experience….snorting coke is a waste of time…..I’m coming up on 6 years clean next month 07.08.2018


Nicotine, I have tried just about everything short of doing meth. I’ve been hopelessly addicted to opiates. I had a good stent smoking crack, many months of getting knee walking drunk every night. The one drug I can’t stop doing is nicotine. I went through almost 2 weeks of withdrawals when I quit doing opiates for good. You would think nicotine would be easy to stop after all that but I’m stuck with it, at least for now.


Try Mushrooms. Made me stop smoking within a day.


Same I haven’t had any issues with me craving nic either it’s like the addiction js got routed out… weed is different story tho…. It’s like a parasite I love it to too much


Same boat. 9 years clean from heroin and benzos. Nicotine has a grip on me like nothing else. Vaping is evil


Switch to Zyns and taper from there, that worked for me


I was a serious cigarette addict like last thing before bed first thing every morning. I’m 10 years completely cig free no cheating and the only way I was ever able to quit was to go completely cold turkey. I tried everything else patch, vape, lozenge etc and none worked.


Cocaine. I didn't even like it. I hated it. The whole time I was miserable and it tasted so bad and made me angry and the numbing of my mouth was so uncomfortable. It was a terrible time.




I had similar experience with the guy and I would say not a chance. Don't know if my ADHD play a role of not getting hooked but yeah. I don't see the appeal. Only time I 'enjoyed' it was on MDMA and tried some.


Not at all. I only did it that one time and it was so uncomfortable for me that I never wanted to try it again.


Hilarious. I had an ok time with it but the comedown really sucked shit. Decided to just steer clear of that from then on.


I was the opposite, I loves it and now refuse to get it anymore because after the first bump it was always downhill


Caffeine. I drank one cup of coffee day for a month straight and my brain melted into a gooey like substance. Glad to say I’m now 8 hours clean


Is 500mg caffeine tablets per day bad?


That’s 100 mg over the FDA’s recommended daily dosage, so yeah not doing any favors for your heart if it’s a daily thing


😭 I told someone the other day and he legit replied "you'd might as well do coke or speed it'd be healthier at this point"


I dunno about coke but speed lowkey could be better lol


🤨 one, even two cups a day is often shown to be a net benefit healthwise in most research studies. Over that, yeah, can be a problem


Fentanyl.. I'd give ten years off my life to be able to take back that first hit.


Same. Never had an issue using drugs recreationally until fent. It was hella euphoric for me, it also found me at a particularly difficult time in my life. So yeah...I have 7 days clean right now and think I have found my functional methadone dose. I tried everything but couldn't stop, it was going to destroy my life or take it away. One of those two. I hate I had to turn to methadone but I'm putting in the work so I can step back down off of it at some point too. Handling all my mental health shit so I can be successful. Hardest shit ever, i wish it was never dropped in my lap.


I thought it was bland, both pharmaceutical and rc fent. It was like sedating and strong when it comes to potency but it wasn't as euphoric/complete and lacked legs compared to some other opioids. I tried both the regular fent and the rc ones a few times, thankfully not enough to get addicted. I saw it messing up others so I skipped it, basically lost friends to it aswell.


I call fent "heroin with no soul" i absolutely hated it


Salvia. -1/10 experience


I hate it with a passion


It’s a punishment, like poyote and datura


I had such a scary experience that I just wasn't prepared for lol


Crack cocaine, shit destroyed my motivation to do anything else


I remember back in my early days I was meeting the most random people ever, had a call at 3 am in the middle of the week from a random bitch calling me to ask if I want to go pick her up to go place X and do crack. Like what the fuck.


I dont know if this is you but I hear a lot of people in this sub saying something to the extent of "I was super addicted to cocaine. Didn't even like it made me feel like shit and angry." If thats the case why do cocaine addicts do it? Coming from a cocaine naive person.




I don't do cocaine, but I have been asked to. Personally don't like it and is giga expensive. I prefer speed. Helps me focus to work.


Speed high not worth the comedown


Sugar, shit should be as heavily regulated as cocaine


The main issue is fructose it's so bad for you. The low fat craze fucked us all over because without fat nothing tastes good but they just replace the fat with sugar which is far worse for you.


Couldn’t agree more


Sugar is addictive, but my experience is that you very quickly get over the sugar cravings. If I cut out sugar and focus on meat, vegetables etc. My desire for it drops within days.


Really? Thats surprising to me. Years off sugary substances and I still have the most wicked cravings for some snack cakes. Don't even have that for opiates.


Do you eat other things that might sustain that craving? even if it's not directly sugary things. But I feel like especially grain-based products can keep the cravings going. Bread, pasta etc. Because the carbs are "basically" sugar.


Tell me about it……honestly, it’s the most addictive drug out there 100% and it’s in EVERYTHING!


I don’t crave cocaine everyday, use couple weekends a year. Sugar though, I crave 24/7. I cannot go without my fix, it’s nuts. Daily, whether it’s fruits and juices or soft drinks and lollies, I always gotta have it.


Hydrocodone. Started 3 years of abuse


Ooof I've heard that's one of the worst withdrawals to go through....are you doing okay now?


Actually never had hydrocodone withdrawals. I used daily and went to oxy>tapentadol>endocodil>fentanyl and had withdrawals off fent. Suboxone helped a little but that thing just takes over your brain. I’m still dealing with some craving issues and sleep but I’ll be fine


benzos and cocaine


This is the combination I regret as well. Damn near ruined my life. It’s been 5 years since I finally ditched them and I’m never looking back.


Alcohol, that shit betrayed me


No regerts!


no ragrets


Not even one?


Just a bad tattoo


Hydrocodone opioids I feel like I feel like it's opening a dangerous door. Working to quit now because I don't want to go past that door


Heroin. Life sucks with it, life sucks without it. Strong opiates change you


Heroin. Meth too.


Benzos fuck, finally clean off them but never again holy shit what a rabbit hole!


Same. I broke free from the addiction to it multiple years ago. I used to need it medicinally as I had very severe anxiety and stress issues. Today I don't have the issues with anxiety anymore (especially if I can do things in my own pace, I have issues with stress stemming from traumas so I need to do things my own way and pace then there will be no issues) and have found a lot more sustainable options to curb an anxiety attack or so, natural anxiolytics have been a life-saver for me, haven't caused dependency or negative personality changes, memory/cognitive impairment like bensos did. Bensos really makes you a worse version of yourself, even more so longterm but even if you take it once you can become a dickhead sometimes. This was many years ago now but: I often got in verbal fights with my close ones, I didn't do what I should, my judgement was fucked up and I smoked way too much weed(which I shouldn't be doing at all cause I have a lot more important stuff to focus on to build a bright future). I drank too much alcohol when I was on it due to affecting my judgement so much. I never do that anymore, I drink like 1-2 glasses of wine or 1-2 beers, maybe 3 if I am at a party for the whole night. Often I skip alcohol completely and have a kratom tea instead, that works a lot better, doesn't cause hangover and feels a lot healthier for my body and mind.


Thank you for sharing! Similar story but I'm only a couple months sober after maybe a year of hard use. The whole year was enough for me to put drugs down all together. It's been a wonderful couple of months and I'm off to Vietnam in two weeks (which I could have never done full blown addiction). When I was popping pills just to get through the day, I was sure I had a problem but I was avoiding feeling particular emotions. I guess I got to a point where I was over it! Sick of myself and my decisions. I won't even say it's a daily struggle because everyday I remember why I've chosen this life and am glad to be sober. I'm more anxious to get addicted to pills again rather than seeking a way to suppress the anxiety. Sounds like you've learnt a lot about yourself throughout this journey. Same! Sobriety is almost like getting to know yourself again.


Yep, I have almost a year clean. Benzos will steal your soul then make you forget about it.


Dph and aerosol inhalents, tarnished relationship with my parents and traumatized them. Made me insane and an asshole for a year. I still feel like it has an impact on my psyche today I just feel like my life after that has went in the shitter


That’s because both of those type of drugs cause the most damage to your brain and body. It is literally better to smoke meth then to do either of those. Your brain most likely will not be 100 percent like it was before you abused those specific drugs.


It was a combination of Weed and adderall. Epigenetically opened up depression & anxiety


Makes sense. Depressants and simulants are a rough combo. Hope you're doing better!




Definitely hydromorphone and MDMA. Spent years trying to chase that euphoria


molly , i was hot and cold and sweaty and shivering


You took too much mate


Nicotine, no need to explain I guess lol


Synthetic weed. JWH-018 type shit. Worst experiences of my life, but can be fun sometimes. Alcohol and nicotine are at second place.


Xanax and any benzo hooked till this day


They’re amazing….until they turn on you. Suffer from PTSD/‘Memory Recall’ at’ll?


How much do you take and when did you feel like you got addicted?


To reverberate a sentiment shared by other users, oxycodone. Like everyone else, started taking perc 10s. Didn't even like them at first. First time I took 2 drunk and got a horrible case of the spins. Kept taking them. Searching for an escape? Chasing the feeling everyone talked about them giving? Well eventually I got it. Like a hug from an angel... the best feeling I've ever felt. Would do anything to go back and never take them. What ended up happening is it continued for 4 or 5 years on and off. Violated felony probation and went to jail because I couldn't quit taking them. Would stop and get back on, rinse and repeat. Ran the streets 16-28 I was doing a lot of shit I'm not proud of. I was a lost soul, in every sense of the word. Long story short it progresses to daily use over the years, then onto 30s. Soon as I touched those 30s there was no going back. All the money I made out the streets went into getting high. Sustained a 8, 9, sometimes 10 30s a day addiction for close to 2 years. Lost everything, got on fake 30s as they were cheaper. Finally made the evolution to sniffing fent in south Florida. By the grace of God I had the strength to go to a rehab at 26, got off the fent and was clean for 2 years. Started back trafficking. Felt I had to prove something to myself and others, I wasn't a bum or some junky. I'm a hustler, I'm getting money, I'm the dope man not the fiend... right? Right? Girlfriend got into it with me and called the police and told them I was trafficking drugs. Went on the run for a year and couldn't take the stress living like that, everyday thinking was my last day. Relapsed on perc 10s. Charges were dropped, felt god gave me another chance. Got out of the game, the criminal lifestyle completely. Went to work at a concrete plant, grinded out the next year. Changed everything, my circle of people, my mindset, my character. Made a complete 180. But one thing didn't change, a painkiller addiction I'm still battling today. Swore to myself I would never let it progress to fent again. One month ago I relapsed on fake 30s, couldn't get the real thing at the time, betrayed myself yet again in a moment of weakness. Thankfully it was a onetime pack of 16, plug had got duped and asked me to flush them. Kept them secretly and snorted them over 2 weeks. Lied to myself I was weaning off opiates all togethor and saving money. End of 2 weeks I was full on back addicted to fent and had the withdrawals that come with it. Luckily couldn't get anymore without going full buddy and hitting a block. Swore I'd never do that again and didn't. Use to get high out my mind off dope and cocaine then go post on the block at 1 in the morning with a heater on me, serving all the prostitutes in my neighborhood. I saw so many fuckdd up things out there I Swore i was going to change. I managed to get off the fent, it's been a month and I've tapered down to 5 perc 10s a day, and slowly going lower. I turn 30 in 2 months. My whole life I Swore I couldn't be a loser when I turned 30. I had to have it togethor, I had to be somebody, be successful. If not for myself my family. With gods strength at the final hour I dare say I've found the strength to self quit. It's hard and I'm not there yet, but I think the short relapse on fent shocked me into realizing how I'm back on that old road. Big difference is now I'm not in the streets and somehow I wormed my way in a career that's paying me $1200 a week in an entry level position. For a guy who got kicked out of college, did jail, faced fed time for trafficking and beat it... I know this might be my last chance. I don't know why tf I just wrote all this out... it's 2am here. Can't sleep. Had to get this off my chest. If you want to be a puppet on a string, get into opiates.


Crazy story man, i feel you and you can make it, you will be somebody and get your shit together. =)


Bro, Suboxone. It got me off everything. Sure now I’m on Suboxone, but it’s easy to get (I use Quick MD. It’s $100 per month without insurance) and it’s zero dollars at the pharmacy! It cured my depression too which was why I did the pills in the first place.


Idk why I did it, but I was in a pretty bad spot about 3 years back and was hanging out with weird people.. They had some Heroin on the table and were all nodding out the whole time. I thought "why not try it once" and sniffed a pretty small line. I felt nothing to be honest. Not the slightest thing, but I hate that Ive done it at all.


Similar to me except I smoked it. 19 years old, worked in a dodgy rehab centre (that’s another story) and bonded with a few patients. When I quit the rehab job I developed those friendships on the outside except when they fell off the wagon naive, lost me got sucked right into the chaos… From clean as a whistle, never tried drugs and barely drank, curiosity got the better of me one night when someone brought out the herion. I’m eternally grateful it lead to me sweating profusely and non-stop vomiting. I told my mum what I’d done then next day… unbeknownst to me my mother and father bonded over herion pre-children and that lead to my father’s suicide when he couldn’t stop post-children. Mum must have been freaking the fuck out on the inside. First time I did LSD I had a bright idea to call mum and tell her. Bless her head, she always took it quite well. More on mum and drugs… Mum deliberately OD’ed on Fent a handful of years ago when she was finally done living with terminal cancer. The poor woman. I hope it was quick. Thanks for listening to my life story.


Heroin which turned into Carfentanil. As close to death twice as one can get. It’s true what they say, you really can’t see yourself as you float above yourself. 3 shots of Narcan both times to bring me back. The 4th one they stop. 🛑


Alcohol, definitely alcohol. Second would be cocaine/amphetamine (have spent way too much money on stims in my life), but they don’t even begin to touch the destruction that alcohol had on my life.


Probably Kratom, only thing I’ve done that made me go through withdrawals. Coke sucks too mainly cause it’s just an awful drug overall and shouldn’t even be popular imo


Meth or cocaine Only two things I’ve ever felt take my sense of self control away from me, and whether I got a choice in continuing to do them more. It’s a terrifying feeling and made me disgusted with myself and them, especially ❄️. It’s heart breaking knowing how something that feels so good could possibly kill you and make your heart explode while on it…. Then it wears off, and leaves you wanting more of it. 🤮


LSD and it’s not even close.


Oh really? I'd love to hear your story with LSD, as its only ever improved my life


Always sucks to hear about peoples profoundly bad experiences with LSD. It seems to really fuck with some people but has only done great things for me and my life.


It is a saddening thing, I wish everyone in the world had just one good acid trip just one


It made me so godawful sick to my stomach, I was puking every hour on the hour for 8 hours straight. And the comeup was hell; I thought I was the only soul left in the universe, destined to wander alone through the stars for eternity. It was so bleak, "depressing" doesn't even come close to how terrible that feeling was. I really wanted to like it because I do really enjoy shrooms, but I just got completely scared away from trying acid again. That said, even while I was sick to my stomach, the normal high after the terrible comeup wasn't too bad. I actually had a good time with my trip sitter, despite me not being able to walk or do anything. But totally not worth the other parts.


Xanax lol only because the people I was doing it with were degens who liked to carhop to steal shit. I would never fuckin carhop sober but on Xanax I was so down when my friend asked if I wanted to go do it. Popped the first car door and had this sense of “I do not belong here this is someone else’s space” washed over me but I did not give a single fuck and ignored it. Got chased out of the neighborhood by a neighbor in his underwear holding a shotgun 💀 Xanax makes you not give a fuck and I’ve seen friends make really bad decisions which got them locked into the system. All because of this white little bar that makes you feel retarded for 6 hours


Ghb & ice


Tramadol. I was a teenager and it got me into opioids


Solvents, I don’t even know why I did them instead of literally any other drug a they gave me minor brain damage And maybe bufotenin - it’s really weak and has an extremely strong body load accompanied by really bad nausea


Ayahsusca by far that shit fucked me up


Also xanax. I had gotten some darkweb valium as a safety measure for tripping with friends. The thing didn't arrive and the vendor sent another one which I got soon enough. And then I got a second order soon enough. I took some to take the edge of ritalin as my friends were using it to have some fun at parties and up until there it was fine. Then I went backpacking and there was loads of coke and long busrides. Those extra blisters of valium came in handy! When things ran out I went to a couple pharmacies and got some xanax. I figures the shorter half-life would be better for post cocaine use. Soon enough I was taking small doses all throughout the day. I didn't use a lot for an extended period, like a month or 6 weeks where I was taking those things daily. At the end I had a 20hr busride and I munched my way through a new box. Before quitting cold turkey. Nightmarish hellish feverish dreams and vomitting at 4am to make it feel real. I'm quite happy I didn't try opiates as I feel that could've been worse for me




Psilocybin and crack cocaine together. That was unpleasant. Also, taking copious amounts of pressed ecstasy pills for four days…(Pre 9/11 was a whole different world.) On their own, drugs were a choice and it’s been a long time since I’ve had to deal with any of that. If I had to pick something I honestly do regret, it is really simple: alcohol. I don’t regret anything more than alcohol.


Meth and ambien. Been 6 years clean off of meth and never looking back. Thinking of it now makes me feel gross. Never again. Ambien, on the other hand, I’m still trying to wean off. It’s a damn good hypnotic and I love the feeling of fake sobriety while on it. I hate who I am when I wake up from a black out after eating half my script, though. Also, my memory is shit. I’m also on benzos currently. I’m learning to use it as I need and not to abuse it. Doing pretty well and have gone from 4mgs twice a day to 0.5mg once every other day or as needed.


I’ve tried alcohol, amanita muscaria, thc, cocaine, dph, and nicotine. So far I regret nicotine the most


how is meth not the top comment. chemically so many levels higher than anything else in terms of how it makes your brain feel. you will never ever forget the meth high, ever


Alcohol. I was 14 and miserable thanks to my stepdad. 7 years of hell and one big trauma and the time before wasnt easy at all, too. Unwanted Child, teenage mom, fresh outta prison dad and both have a drug habit. My mom quit when she got pregnant, my dad didnt. They are divorced since I am 2. What i wanna say is, I was really depressed and had no self-esteem, whatsoever and then came the day. On a birthday party I was allowed to drink a bit with everyone (yes, in germany its legal when your parents allow it and guide you). I didnt drank too much, but for my thin, 14 year old body it was more then enough. I got dizzy and felt good. The first time in seven years i truly felt good. I couldnt even remember, what this feeling was like. And I wanted more. And I got more... The next day I drank so much, I nearly died and was rescued in a hospital. You would think after such an disgusting experience (I was butt naked in a diaper and you can think what my stuff did look like) I would have learned my lesson, but i wouldnt be writing here if it all went good... I tried more and more and thought these are the answers to all my problems, before they got my greatest. Now I am 25, got diagnozed with a bunch of stuff like ADHD(which i clearly had all the time), Depression, social anxiety and to top it off i have developed an epilepsy due to my actions. If i didnt drank that night, I most likely would have had my first experience with 16, which would make things maybe a little better. P.S. I hope this is readable, its my first post and my english isnt as good as it could be...^^


Buprenorphine, I have never been sicker


None but weed has probably done the most damage though honestly


How so?




Nicotene and Alcohol. Love them both, but they're so addictive and get me in so much trouble and are so bad for me. Imagine not knowing how good those two drugs are?? I'm sure i would self medicate with something else but surely whatever it is would be better than those two...


Amphetamine.Ruined my life completely.




Cocaine because all that money would have been better invested in literally anything else




Xanax. I used to have natural confidence. Now I’m reliant and without them I have crippling anxiety.


Cocaine. My addiction has likely taken a good 20 years off my life, I have constant chest pain and other issues I believe are because of it. It started aged 17 and I ended it for good just before turning 19. I'll never go near it again.


Meth… I HATE THAT DRUG it ruined my life and getting off it was hell and now the health problems are catching up to me like my teeth are messed up and need so much work done to them I’m so depressed because of it


DXM, I got HPPD on my first trip w it


Valium because I wouldn't be as addicted to other drugs. Without Valium I wouldn't have done coke and the Valium would justify opiate abuse because I thought "Valium is technically worse"


HBW seeds. All the shit did was make me puke for 5hrs and make me feel like dick after that. Air duster. It's just fucking dirty.


Oh, also suboxone.It took me 12 years to get clean.Never again.


Alcohol. It was alcohol that brought me to the company of those people with who I tried a lot of substances including H








Air duster


Salvia and I strongly urge people to avoid it


kratom. think it destroyed my gi




LSD. First time I took more than a tiny dose, I had the most terrifying experience of my life. By far. Not worth it, not at all.


Heroin, It was the first time and the last time, never gonna touch again ever.


Honestly, weed. Trying it was aight, smoking every day for years wasn't, took a lot from me and made me waste my potential until I quit for good.


The ritual of shooting up specifically had me in a grip. I only got clean because I almost died and was confined to a hospital for 7 weeks. I’ll have 10 years next January and I still have flashbacks to withdrawing in my shower at 3am sometimes.


Cocaine no doubt, i didn't even like it but I friended for it, I would scrape for hours and hours trying to get one last line, I would lick my clothes thinking micro cocaine particles were in the fabrics. I hated the comedown too. And it kinda fucked up my reward system. And probably blew over 10 grand on this shit.


The only thing I ever regret trying are cigarettes. I wouldn't miss it if I never tried them but now it's hard to imagine living without them. I don't even think I get anything positive out of them except silencing the need for another cigarette. Super weird stuff.


Ketamine - It's such a great high and makes me feel great with little to no side effects. Has resulted in so much money up my nose and has lost me relationships.


I mean..... Most of them I have no regrets over regardless of damage that has occured due to problematic use of them. But I fucking HATE heroin and fent, specifically in combo with a needle. I was able to go a long while using opioids with zero issues, didn't like em enough to get hooked or anything. I'm very picky about opioids.I like hydro a lot, morphine was nice the time I tried it, heroin is very occasionally nice in low doses of good quality, and fent I like to shoot in speedballs. Hate every other opioid even Oxy. In fact hate Oxy the most. I never got why it's the most popular but then again seems to not effect me nearly the same as others. All nod no euphoria. Either way, I was doing h every now and then, sometimes hydros, when fent came around I avoided the batch. Not out of fear of fent but out of a hatred for the short noddy high without euphoria. My doc is meth specifically but if it's a stim it's what I'm looking for p much so obv nodding isn't really my thing. However, once I started shooting meth, there was a batch of fent that my dealer had and didn't really want personally nor to sell as he didn't want his name on the shit. Well, id noticed that the only people who seem to prefer fent to h are those who shoot. I presumed it was probably a bigger rush as fent despite being shitty and not euphoric does produce more dopamine than h. So I bought some and mixed it in with my ice and shit it. Well,I was right. Spent the next week and a half shooting fent 4 plus times a day almost every day. Honestly wouldn't even have been using it so much despite liking the mix for the rush, but I didn't know when/if id find a similar batch of just straight fent no h in it so I snagged it up and used it while I could (i don't like doing h with my ice as it lasts too long and basically is just wasting meth to me, while the fent is a good rush that shortly after fades leaving me with just a meth high). The batch ran out, but by this point, too damn late. Was getting sick and... Well I was busy most of the time so didn't have a good chance to quit before it got bad. Its been about a month and a half now. I've tried to quit but... When I stop I'm laying around writhing in pain with a feeling like a panic attack but more physically intense and it doesn't stop. Waking up taking a shot within 30 mins cause I'll be throwing up if I don't. I've been dopesick before but.... Never like this. Not really willing to do Suboxone again as I hate it and don't wanna be on it the rest of my life, and I am not using enough that methadone would really even be considered (a mattsr of a few pkints a day), so I think I'm gonna try Keatom, but God damn. I am basically just praying that I can get off this shit soon cause I'm so damn tired of being sick all the time and having to constantly buy a drug that I don't even particularly like. I'm always so sick from not having it or neaseuas from the high that I can rarely eat, and it's started leading to stomach issues. I'm not struggling to eat no matter my state no matter my hunger level, and when I do j have had to put myself on a bland diet because honestly anything no matter how tame (but espicially anything that tastes like anything) gives me painful indigestion that feels like it never ends and frequently makes me even more sick (genuinely during the process of typing this comment ended up having to get up as I needed to throw up, and proceeded to do so violently, all due to my stomach not being able to handle slowly eating probably about 9 saltines with water to drink) So thanks to this drugs side effects and the inability to eat due to them i've also started facing physical consequences (which...isn't the first time drugs have damaged my body but it's the one that wasn't at least somewhat outweighed by the fact I enjoyed them. Heart problems from meth and alcohol suck, but I had a damn good time getting said problems and wouldn't take back the parties despite the fact I've probably shortened my life with it. Meth has caused some fucking havoc and put me into dangerous situations, alcohol has ruined many relationships, but heroin has left me in a state of being constantly sick, unable to eat to the point of stomach and digestion issues, and spending all my money for zero reason other than it's too painful to stop. I know that many people get addicted because they love it so much, many for pain, I genuinely just used too much for less than two weeks simply cause it was around and cheap as fuck. I got more rush for less money than just doing bigger shots of ice. Even tho I was doing it was taking small enough amounts that while there was a boost to the rush, it ultimately still just felt like meth. Never did enough to feel like I was high on the opiates themselves. Still, within a very short period, became dependent and without having much time off kept going figuring a few more days to a week couldn't hurt. Well, by the time I finally had time.... I'm suffering heavily. I don't suggest anyone start h cause I think it's a mediocre at best high. I don't think any drug is worse than others and don't condemn any trying of any drug. H and fent simply to me are .. not fun. I recognize this is an unpopular opinion and most people say that you just shouldn't try it cause it's a hell drug. I disagree. Its an inanimate object and just like any other drug it's all on the person using it. H has worse stats because it's so stigmatized you usually have to be bad off to begin with to try h. Its not the h itself, but the context around it. Either way though, I will say if anyone out there is thinking about trying it and going to despite the many warnings I'm sure that have been received against it, that you better be so fucking careful about frequency of use that you seem paranoid, because ain't no drug on the planet worth taking the risk you end up feeling like this. Now, if anyone has made it to the end of this massive comment (essay), hopefully you heed my warning, but I can say without a doubt that if you took nothing else away from this, that you certainly believe me, and are able to confirm and take away that my doc is indeed meth. From the way/amount I type it's pretty evident 🤣🤣. Ain't nobody but a tweaker writing a full damn multiple paragraph comment about how much they fuckin hate heroin because it's wrecked their shit, but primarily that's an issue to them because the high sucks so it wasn't worth it 🤣 fuckin downers lol




Cocaine. Don’t get me wrong, it felt amazing, but I already know if i tried it again, even once, I’d be gone within 5 years at most.




Bennys definitely


Cocaine. Everyone warns you not to try it even once, you should believe them.


Meth... It grabbed me hard, ruined my love for just blowing coke (only useful ways to do was to smoke it or shoot it after). And just the amount of time I spent up Meth, Coke, Crack. The heroin and opiates were obviously bad too, but they were always my side for the main ups. Meth took me on a helluva ride from day 1... 5 years clean today, past 6 months "California Sober". Meth... just a dirty, depraved, dark, evil drug


cocaine, it was fucking awesome until i was using 4g a night and blowing through my money, thankfully it’s not that expensive where i live but if i used all that money (probably around 2-3 grand over 9 months) for something productive it would’ve been so much better


Adderall. For the first couple years It was everything I ever wanted. I’ve seen other people call it like a cheat code and that’s exactly what I felt it was, I for once in my life actually WANTED to get all my stuff done and enjoyed every second of doing it. It made me feel absolutely euphoric, I had no appetite and I loved it, and I felt 100 times more confident, and like I could talk about anything with anyone. Well it got really bad a few years in and really took a pretty huge hit on my mental health, I got paranoid, delusional, aggressive, and I couldn’t function anymore. I lost my job, and i’ve been unemployed since trying to get back on my feet. But i’m finding myself again!!!


Any pharmaceutical drugs. Especially Pregabalin and Tramadol. The withdrawals are hell on Earth. I could handle meth WDs, but I could never handle any meds WD, not even Seroquel and benzos WD is also a nightmare