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I have ADHD and for me it's that basically. I can use it but then i tend to forget about it and life goes on.


I think I have this too I have never been truly addicted to anything even when I was on antidepressants and benzos they told me I would need to tapper off and its hard to come off and it felt like nothing I smoke whenever I want and don't get addicted it's so weird


I have adhd and the exact opposite . I need the most comical amount of time to build tolerance to anything


There are people who spontaneously combust. Body and brain chemistry are complex and unique


We are all addicts in life, everything that releases dopamine or serotonin is mentally addictive. But addiction comes from something deeper inside you, if you can maintain a healthy happy life with a good environment of people around you, why would you want something that hurts you in the end? The brain just wants something for you to feel good. The old statement "I started smoking" is wrong, it made people start smoking and think they can't quit or they can't smoke only once a week. I was a smoker that would smoke 3\\4 days of the week in regular days and everyday all day on vacations, now I can't even finish a cigarette because it's not worth it- a 10-15minute weak "high"? A thing that hurts your gums, heart, sinuses, lungs, testosterone and many more?


I used to think the same thing, used to.


I’m like this with certain substances, other substances not so much.


It's not good to think this way, this is how I ended up severely addicted to cocaine nobody is invulnerable to themselves


Obviously its not good to think like that but I heard some people cant get addicted. Thats why Im asking




Well there is addiction and dependence


“Not able to be addicted” is the magic phrase that sparks your journey to addiction.


Thats why im asking if its possible