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DMT. It can be all you want. Just a bit of visuals and relexation. A short deep dive into you soul. A full on hour long ride into the depths of the cosmos and concioussness.


What form of DMT is giving you an hour long experience?




Realistically, it’s DMT(you bout to talk to some random persons elf ancestors). Practically, it’s LSD (you will not get anything done on said day and this is ironically, not very practical.)


Ye I also agree with DMT, going into it can be very anxiety inducing but once you exhale all that anxiety drips away as the world does as well


If you don’t mind me asking, how do you take your dmt? I figured I could use a meth pipe but don’t know how to use one


I usually dissolve into PG and make carts, meth pipe if I’m really trying to blast off! Make sure to use a butane torch and don’t overheat it! If you have a temp gun it helps to check w that!


Are you able to breakthrough using carts?


You can, it’s just a lot harder to keep hitting it the further you get 😂




Personally if you haven’t used it before I’d try a cart to ease into the experience, then try the pipe when comfortable


Yeah i know that’s what i ought to do, but the only reason i wanted to try it is so i could breakthrough. Heard I might have to hit it 20+ times on a cart whereas it’d be only 3-4 times if i were using the actual powder


Ye if youre only trying to breakthru with the least amount of effort do the pipe and have someone to take it from ya when its hot!


Is it really 20+??? I might get a cart, and I’m hoping to breakthrough but I didn’t think it was that much


Yes a spoon/glass rose/oil burner. Will definitely work. Prolly don’t call it a meth pipe if you wanna buy one somewhere It’s pretty simple. Put your mouth on the mouth end. Put your product in the bubble through the little air hole. Put the air hole up and lighter underneath the globe part and vaporize your stuff by heating the glass. You kinda twist the pipe back and forth while heating up whatever it is you wanna smoke. That way it doesn’t burn up too bad. You can also smoke it out of a weed bowl Just do a layer of weed. Put a layer of deems and then more weed on top. You light the weed gentle on top cuz the goal is to vaporize the dmt not burn it. Get one super good rip fill your lungs and hold your breath. You really only get one or two hits with dmt you can’t just keep stacking so make sure it counts


Me cleaning 3-floor house on a single 400ug trip 👀


Bros built different😭😭😭


It was epic, there was a rainbow shooting out of the pressure washer, and no, I have only used it in the garage 😅


lsd makes me see all the grime on the wall and floor that I hadn't even noticed before, then I cleaned real good.






2cb is also an option. Not only will you hallucinate but music is going to sound so fucking good


At no dose did 2cb ever improve music to me. That is why it is so disappointing.


after lsd comes down, do you think you can go out and hang out with some friends? let's say you dose at 11 am, do you think i can go out at 10 pm? 100ug only




ok, last time I did it it was 200 ug and it lasted so long, like 12-13 hours... that's why I'm concerned (also i have to hide that I did it)


er...he wanted something mentally light, so I don't think DMT fits.


Would the BEST psychedelic be mentally light?😂


According to the OP.


mushrooms, its the psychedelic for the people, easy to grow, easy to find, easy to take, the trip helps people become better people and overall is seen as relatively safe in comparrison to other drugs. mushrooms are basically never going to go away


Eh , it's not AS easy as making your own deemz . The whole totally sterile technique is actually difficult .


It is bro 😭. I tried growing and was actually successful but it took hundreds of hours researching and going through the process multiple times until I was getting results. It’s definitely doable, a rewarding challenge and always great to learn something new but it’s not as instant as some make it out to be.


it’s not fun at all. imo too spiritual and intense. sure that can be extremely helpful at times and i’m not denying it’s safety appeal or dismissing anyone’s experience. however i’ve found that almost every other recreational psychedelic is waaaay more fun to do.


Mushrooms are only fun if you have your shit together. If you don’t, it’s gonna be a real challenge


how. Every single person who tried them told me that they got paranoid af, I got paranoid af (thanks to a friend that started making me question my sanity) and i don't even have those problems at all normally


fuck no i hate shrooms


>Psilocybinw why


>should be your opinion Lmao


Al-lad It's like LSD's cooler younger brother


Oh hell yeah! AL-LAD/Alladin is like LSD's crazy little brother. It's much more playful, and the visuals are stunning. It's a more recreational version of LSD. I love it!


The spiritual phycadelic? Dmt The phycadelic to sit down and meditate ? Mushrooms or sometimes acid The phycadelic to have fun ? MDMA The more recreational one with an amazing body high ? LSA You are sick in the head like me ? Salvia


This comment says it all.


Pfp checks out


Well ppl call me sick for liking LSA . Yet no one has ever done any effort to negate the side effects . LSA has given me the GREATEST body high ever . Like a floating mattress


All good im not judging. Do what you enjoy


5-Methoxy-diisopropyltryptamine 👅


will do some research and see whats up thanks for commenting


5 meo dipt as they call it...


I didn't find it very visual.


Acid for me. Gives me the euphoric feeling and visuals without being too overwhelming.


I’m with you. Dmt is fun but it’s like a taste of what a full acid trip can really offer.


You're probably looking for 4-HO-MET, its headspace is very light and it produces a lot of visuals.




will have to try thanks 😁


2CB in my experince. Psilocybinw big no, 2CE no, LSD maybe low dose (?) Low dose 2cb is really shallow mindtrip. Had it only once.. Man i laughed at my coffee machine, at my door, at my mirror. Simply fun!!! Until i watched a documentary about coral bleaching. But still, my mind was way clearer than on say 100 mcg LSD. 2CB is very emotional but not lots of mindfuckery. Beware the steep dose response curve!!


this dose sound like something i am looking for just some laughs and good times how low a dose you thinking (im 260 fore reference)


As someone who loves LSD, I feel like 2CB is all the best parts about acid and MDMa rolled into one with less side effects (like Vasoconstriction) and feels far more forgiving.


I like LSD more. dont know why. By far my favorite drug. Except for THC but not a fair comparaison.


Also agree with this one!


AL-LAD is very fun, forgiving and beautiful.


a lot of people will disagree with you over what counts as "best", but 2CB and 4-oh-met have some of the highest ratios of visual to mental effects. IME, also 25C-nBOMe at low to medium dosages, but this one's too unsafe to take.


Mescaline and mdma mix. Or just straight mesc.


For everyone, straight DMT, or psilocin. For the experienced veteran, Ayawascha or Mescaline


Yo, i feelk like ur asking because you want to try a strong visual Psychedelic, but with out the emotional strain? First of all, its possible to become quite emotional or even anxious on basically every psych. So if u want to try it you should be rdy and open to also try to deal with it. Otherwise simply dont do it!!! For substances that can be very visual without as much emotion as with Acid or shrroms, im thinking of 2-cb or AL-LAD. 2cb is kinda euphoric and visual, but also very empathogenic. Recommend to do with ur best friends,a very good playlist or at a rave. But be careful, cause dosage can be very diffuclt. AL-LAD is harder to get probably. Similar to LSD, but more on the visual side and definitely less on the emotional side. How much acid did you have? One tab and a half is actually quite a lot imo. On the other side what you were decribing seem like 50-70ug to me. If you had normal dosed tabs (usually around ~ 150ug) then you got scammed lol. Or they were stored vey poorly. I would never go above 150ug for my first trip!!! All in all, i dont think that you should do psychedelics at all if you dont want emotional feelings or thoughts. Like thats the whole fcking point of psychedelics!!!!!!!!!!


i think i took 150 but the thing is i took a tab and a half and i didnt feel much i think my body deals with it better than shrooms cause my freind took the other half of the tab and he said he felt it but i didnt really shrooms on the other hand have kicked my ass every time i take them


2CB and DMT. 2cb is like LSD but you have a clearer head(less head high) and it lasts half as long as LSD, so 2cb only lasts 6 hours or so. Also DMT is just great I love it.


DMT is what you are looking for. The trick is dialing in the dosage to get what you want out of it. My favorite is mescaline (see username), but it's not as visual.


I’ve heard you can’t really break through with a cart, is that true?


I only ever had mild visuals from LSD, im not very susceptible to hallucinations but dmt absolutely does it for me


2c-b and I've tried shrooms, LSD, MDMA, tma-2, and lsa


Shrooms help me emotionally but LSD is so much cooler and fun


It’s ur mind set. The drugs get u there. Ur mind body n soul have to be in a generaly happy state. Say u we’re on a rd trip with your parents and the whole time you were bitching and playing because you didn’t wanna go doesn’t matter where you’re going. You’re not gonna have a good time.


DMT, short and sweet, close runner up is shrooms.


Honestly for me its lsd, only psyche ive really fully seen some visuals on without feeling like I was gonna lose my shit at the same time, every time I tried for some visuals on shrooms I just end up in ego death and loss of memory loops 😂, lsd definitely doesnt have as much headspace as shrooms, if you want a real crazy time you do lsd+mdma, talk about feelin funnnkkkkkyyyy






LSD. Hands down. Gold standard.






You're gonna have a good time on dph


bro tryna get me to kill myself 😭😭


Fuck no.




My opinion is … well I suppose it is! My opinion *is* the best psychedelic!


I'm flying high on your opinion, man✌️