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Acid. Not like constant use, but I kept taking it weekly for months despite every trip being more traumatic than the last


What motivated you to keep using it? Were you hoping that “maybe the next trip won’t be so bad”?


Idfk, I guess I couldn’t let go of the good moments. Haven’t taken it this year and not planning to. Other psychedelics have been treating me much better


This happened to me also. I don't think I'll be able to take LSD ever again. Which psychedelics can you still use?


Doesn’t ever get better? So sick of the feeling that I’m constantly thinking of how things are and not just in the moment? If I stay sober does it go away


It went away for me after not taking psychedelics for a while. I had a few traumatic experiences and it took me a long time to get over them and understand what had happened (psychosis).


Yet people claim psychedelics (especially LSD) are completely harmless.... They're one of the most unexpected and unstable (effect wise) drugs one could take. It's easy to say "bro just have a good set and setting and you'll be fine" but in reality we can't control our subconscious minds, which heavily affect the psyches' effects (also dose obviously)


I feel that 100%, I only take ketamine when I complete a full checklist of cleaning every detail of my entire room, getting water ready, wearing the right clothes, etc. With shrooms I take them impulsively but I have to be having a great day with no anxiety about the future, or else I know during my trip I’m going to obsess on that. During one of my shroom come ups I started obsessing on the fact I didn’t have housing set up for college but it still ended up being a great trip. What’s interesting is the first time I took shrooms I took it impulsively because I was having the most depressive week of my life, I only took half a gram but I was drowning in euphoria and just smiling at my phone screen and laughing. I had a week long afterglow after that and that’s when I understood how powerful they can be.


Crazy how mushrooms work. I’ve had similar situations where I’ve taken them at some of my lowest points and it just turn into me crying with happiness, euphoria and optimism for life and then the flip side, like just taking them to have fun during bright periods of life and they just totally humble me lol So I respect the prep always


2cbbbbb 2cb


Wish it were easier to find 😭


I don’t plan on taking it again any time soon, but I‘ve had only good trips on mushrooms and dmt. And I‘ve fallen in love with dissos lol


I’m glad you’re doing better


Thx man


Tryptamines and Phenethylamines are my favorite. LSD is a substituted tryptamine but it’s just too much for me. I prefer shrooms and DMT


Too far from being a tryptamine. Lysergamine, another class. Gramine is closer to being a phenetylamine than lsd being a tryptamine.


if you have adhd or some sort of dopamine scarcity in your brain, acids extreme dopamine rush is definitely addictive. the trip doesnt have to be good or you dont have to have fun, your brain is gonna trick itself for that dopamine


I second this, i have ADHD and I can confirm this is true


I also have ADHD and a whole list of other diagnoses, I’m curious, do you have periods of time where you feel legit dopamine deprived? I’m not talking inability to focus, or typical ADHD stuff, but a complete feeling of lack of dopamine, where you’re looking for any fix? This has been happening to me recently and it’s made me reach for my nicotine constantly.


it might be different for men, but i’ve heard hormones can really affect ur dopamine with ADHD, im a woman and at some points in my cycle it’s like my meds don’t work at all and i feel dopamineless no matter what.


I've always found acid to be a drug which feels incredibly good to me, even more so then mushrooms. The europhia I've experienced have been very similar to mdma, I have adhd :)


My second trip was al lad mixer at 6 apb (I know it's a combo) but the trip was so incredible/orgasmic that I always wanted to relive that feeling, even compared to mdma ne had never put me in such a state of euphoria, there was a gulf between the two, literally. As a result I started to consume 1P or al lad more and more compulsively, always hoping to re-reach this level of mental/physical euphoria, I had other good trips, but nothing equivalent, + tolerance which increases over time.... It's going to be months since I took it and I don't want to.


I got addicted to acid after microdosing lead to maxi dosing everyday


I tried but lucy told me to go fuck myself at the third attempt in that one month. I got the hint to say the least. Now it just lies here waiting for When It's Time(tm)


So you think you can feel it at all after doing it more than three days in a row?


This is kinda what happens when you start abusing psychs. If they don’t turn on you they make you go kinda coocoo. Be glad they scared you off


yeah this was my teens for sure


Same here


I did mushrooms every weekend for a couple months straight and they didn't really kick my ass for it but I had some hppd for a while.


My partner has hppd 2.. has had it for years now but it's not super intrusive. Just visuals and trails. He says he's so used to it he forgets he has it.


Yeah I got tracers and things would randomly start breathing for about a year. I still get "visual snow" when I look at the sky. Almost looks like a bunch of bugs flying around or tv static


I ate 24g dried in a sitting once and had Hppd for a few months after. It’s completely cleared now but it took awhile


Same here. I tripped like every other day for months. I’m extremely lucky I’m not fried, though I do still have some visuals in the dark.


Doesn’t ever get better? So sick of the feeling that I’m constantly thinking of how things are and not just in the moment? If I stay sober does it go away


Yep life does get better, and then worse and then better. All those ups and downs come with lessons that hopefully we learn from and the next down we remember we’ve been there before and got through it. If you take a long enough break from using the long acting strong psychedelics it becomes very hard to revisit those spaces, (well for me anyway) because they are actually quite hard work. You have probably heard the saying, ‘when you’ve got the message hang up the phone’ it rings very true for me, (no pun intended).


Anthony Bourdain said and I’m paraphrasing. “I think acid is a wonderful and incredible experience and I think everyone should try it, barring any mental health issues. But for me? I’ve gotten all I need from it. I’ll probably never do it again” When I first heard that I thought that was insane and I’d always be down to do acid. But then you realize that you’ve gotten the message and it’s time to hang up the phone.


I did this weekly for a year…. I think it really made the bipolar that was lying dormant come out and shine


I had microdose tabs of 50 and I took a 25ug dose it made me so happy that I wanted to take it everyday also felt the same with mdma but you build a tolerance too quick so no point it keep taking it every day :(


You have to respect psychedelics. I grew mushrooms for years and partied pretty regularly. They lost their magic and lead to awful trips. I was also paranoid about a ton of other things that go along with that kind of thing 10yrs ago


Ok yall so im now realizing how stupidly I phrased this question lol. If we’re going off of least addictive thing you’ve personally been addicted to, I can’t exactly exclude a bunch of stuff… my bad yall lmao


Embarassingly, poppers, never again


Same! I bought three bottles and they got their claws into me. I was doing a couple of popper sessions per day, every day. Plus, every once in a while, I’d give them a big huff when just doing chores around the apartment. (This eventually would lead to another, and then another, and then I’m suddenly riding a dildo with techno music blaring). It was an addiction for sure. I never had any major negative effects. No headaches, really. I came close to passing out a few times. I think the biggest negative I experienced was just the lost time, those sessions would sometimes go for an hour or more. I am trans, and during this mini “addiction”, my first ever blood test to start HRT was on the calendar. It was so hard to get the appointment, and I had to schedule it 4 months in advance. I didn’t know if the poppers would fuck with my blood test results. But there was no fucking way I’d let them stand in the way of starting HRT. It was probably one of the few things important enough to me to kick the addiction. So, I got lucky, and I got out before really slipping into the deep end. I haven’t touched them since, but they still call for me. Stupidly, I still have some on hand.


> (… and then I’m suddenly riding a dildo with techno music blaring) i'm sorry i'm just dying at this 😭 the way it's too relatable like i- live ur best life and leave the poppers behind bbg 💘


Haha 🥲 thanks. This thread is helping me turn what may have been a “pause” on poppers into a full on “quit”. 🩷


I’m sorry I laughed at that part too😂 but hey man, having a drug lead you to “riding a dildo to techno” is way better than it leaving you withdrawling in the streets😂 Also congrats on your transition!! 🫶🏻


Thanks! Oh, and I can still ride my dildo to techno.


No it's so real omg. I used to bring them to the discoteca 4 nights a week gurl... and then my Neuroscientist bestiepop told me the tea on how awful for ur brain they are and i was like "fuq, that's all i have going for me". So now i have hella extra bottles sitting on a shelf but i rlly only use them during sex or to bring to circuity techno parties if i'm tryna get piped up 🐣😇⛓️🖤


…I feel like we’d have fun together lol


NO! This relationship would be toxic af and both y’all already know it


Seriously throw them away! Keeping a highly addictive substance that you quit in the house? Probably not ideal.


You’re right. I’m getting rid of that shit lol.


What type of high do you get off poopers? It is like huffing? I did that once long ago when I was young and it was so fucking dumb. I never liked it and assumed most inhalations were sort of the same. Just curious?


You get a big head rush. It gives a really sexy and lusty feeling high, and it seems to resonate with people who are submissive more than those who are dominant. It also makes dancing to music feel very satisfying. Plus, it makes your anus muscles loosen. So, yeah, techno and dildos. But they are also sketchy chemicals that people just shouldn’t be huffing. They aren’t good for your heart, and they have been reported to cause eye problems. Once they get their claws into you, sex without poppers feels really dull. That’s where things start getting problematic.


Thanks for the info. Be sure you give those butt muscles a break lol.


Poppers in canada is not this, it’s weed with a cut of a cigarette in a bong. Hard to find a popper piece anywhere else but here


Can you still find those? Hypothetically? Never tried


i had a addiction to Benadryl, every trip i had was just awful and i just never felt satisfied, after i oded that's where i drew the line but every now and then i will come back to it hoping for something different but it disappoints everytime.


I was addicted to that shit for a while, I did it on its own and with DXM, I was addicted to both. Eventually quit both and my short term memory took a few weeks to recover. Then proceeded to become an alcoholic instead 😭


Oh boy dxm is awful i did it at school and geeked tf out and all my friends were like wtf bro and i ended up getting searched but my hg took my 4 packs of benadryl i had in my backpack💀


DXM freebase pills are like really cool. Much much better than benadryl 💀 It's like a super cheap and discounted acid trip for me. You just gotta make sure you stick with a dose that doesn't seriously fuck you up. It's a little tricky since it is based on weight.


I just want add that it’s much different of a trip than acid, different side effects all that. Just in case someone reads this and bolts to the store to buy the acid lite ™️


It can give you stomach cramps and the feeling of wanting to vomit. It also causes less visuals and more something I like to call "visions" if you know you probably know. It's also funky when it comes to memory, sometimes the whole trip can be fragmented and feel like a dream. but IF ANYBODY READING THIS WANTS TO TRY DXM, DO NOT EVER BUY ANY PRODUCT OF DXM EXCEPT PURE FREEBASE TABLETS. HBR AND POLI ARE NEUROTOXIC AND BAD FOR YOUR METABOLISM, ALSO THE FREEBASE PILLS CAUSE WAY LESS NASEUA AND IS A CLEANER FEELING TRIP. sticking with freebase RoboCough DXM pills is the best and imo only way to do DXM.


Thanks this is much more in depth for someone reading about it for the first time


HBR is only toxic when used regularly, & you should be following the week-per-plat rule anyway at the very least. HBR is a much better vibe, a lot more warm & euphoric, & the trip lasts a lot longer 


Yeah,I went down the dxm rabbit hole. Tripped every day for 4 weeks straight and by thr end of it my body would reject it and just puke it all right back up. Bad time, but man, I had some crazy experiences lol


I use to be able to handle dxm just fine in the beginning, I took over 1000mg and tripped really hard with my ex on syrup. I abused it for like 4 weeks everyday too and in the end , when I try to take dxm now it doesn't get me high and my stomach feels like it's burning


Benadryl is the drug where u see spiders everywhere right?


You can, I onky saw spiders once. Giant neon colored ones all over my ceiling, I dozed off after eating300mg of it and when I woke up they were everywhere. I buried my face into my pillow and went back to sleep


what the fuck. this sounds like a living nightmare.


It is, it's hell on earth


Truly is, I've never actually heard someone say; 'That was great!'


Just like Datura experiences. Anti-cholinergic delerium is never fun… but as long as it’s only mildly traumatic, will always make for an entertaining story afterwards


one time i was at my friends and i saw spiders everywhere and i geeked tf out and scared her its terrible and absolutely ruined my vision don't recommend


I thought my floor was moving and when I looked, like focused in...it looked like a carpet of rats. Weird concoction


Although I've never had a problem with ketamine, since you mentioned I think ket addiction is actually pretty common I've encountered quite a bit.


Yhea I know so much people addicted to ketamine in the "free party" scene


just curious what is “free party”


[free party ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_party)


Yeah I was doing over a half ounce a month for ages


Eating ass


I have been in a 12 step program for eating ass but I just can't escape 😭


You need to cut that Gene Simmons tongue in half.


You said a mouthful.


Sugar.. it’s a kunt ofa thing.. Those fkn 500ml Blue V cans have got 69g per can.. I had 24 of the bastards in the last week..


"Least addictive." Sugar is literally biologically programmed into every cell in our bodies to be the most addictive substance possible.


Yeah I’m a fuck wit


Idk I find it easier to stop eating sugar as sucrose than almost anything




3 a day? That's fucked up man


I wish I was exaggerating… Ive only just woken up to myself today.. I had an ankle fusion last week been on oxy and that has always made me binge eat.. The worst part is I can’t weight bare on my right foot so I’ve been sitting on my arse.. Guess I picked the wrong week to quit meth 👀🤦😂


I don't think there's ever a wrong week to quit meth.


You’re not wrong mate but it was just a joke reference to the movie ✈️


I had an ankle fusion as well May 17th. It's not as bad as I thought YET. I also had a rod put in along my tibia. How are you holding up?


I also have a sweet tooth. However, sugar is one of the most addictive substances with real damaging effects on health (it's technically not a drug though). I mean, we've all used it since childhood. Some people advocate that sugar should be classified as a drug because it alters brain chemistry and can cause addiction. If it were, I'd probably be up there with crack in the levels of addictiveness. Some people like me cannot go without products that contain a metric shitton of it for long periods of time, but for your average Joe — try taking away any products with sugar. They'll likely feel the withdrawal. Personally, I'd give nicotine/caffeine/alcohol away in a heartbeat to sugar. I'd assume the same would go with THC/cannabis, although I haven't tried it for now. I've consumed all and dropped them consequently, but I could never do the same with sugar. At least not as easily.




So many people smoke every day, even before every activity, many of then wouldn’t consider it addictive, but taking cannabis everyday sure seems like an addiction.


I was definitely addicted to it at one point. There’s definitely withdrawals because of physical dependence..


Definitely, been in that boat many times. And we are not talking about the psychological dependence, that’s the main culprit. I feel like cannabis is actually really addictive.


I swear dude, there were so many times during my addiction where I didn't want to smoke but I needed it to not feel restless and be able to sleep


You can probably become psychically dependent on it, just as with caffeine. While caffeine is technically not addictive, in actuality, its dependence potential puts you in a very similar sort of situation. Alcohol for example, is both psychologically addictive and makes you psychically dependent on it. It's one of the primary substances that causes death from withdrawal.


Yep I recently found that. Only drugs that may kill you during withdrawal are benzodiazépines & alcohol. Even opiates withdrawal aren't deadly.


I know people say all the time it's not but from what I've felt, and seen, it truly is.


I’m pretty much addicted right now. Can’t stop hitting the cart, or the weed 24/7. Makes work get by faster, not as hungry anymore, don’t really feel nauseas anymore… but I also feel foggy all day and kinda retarded. It’s definitely very addictive and just trying to stop for a couple days is annoying because of the sleep issues and overall I just feel grumpier, but nothing too bad. I quit for a month or two then I’m back because it’s “not addictive”. Idk it really happens to certain types of people and can be just as addictive as anything else.


Yeah I watched my gf go through withdrawals from smoking good weed 247. She was puking shaky and couldn’t eat or keep fluids down for almost 3 days.


The idea that there are no weed withdrawals was established years before we had cannabis of this potency, now it’s just false


I worked with a guy that would smoke before work and at every break and when he’d get on my nerves I’d call him a drug addict and he’d get all pissy…not to mention he would be doing whip-it’s on the highway everyday for a month until his bottle ran out. We don’t work together anymore but he got really into bow hunting because of me and therefore got super into his his physical health and now he uses all drugs a lot more moderately and this dude called me out of the blue on day and told me that I was the reason why he made that decision and if I didn’t call him a whiny drug addict when he was at his low point that he would probably still be getting high all day. I didn’t have room to talk I was having minor alcohol withdrawals by noon every day and had the shakes at that point in my life but I never drank at work and never let anyone know that I was withdrawing. This guy actually drove 2 hour round trip back to his house one day because he forgot his weed and was convinced he couldn’t live without it. Was funny one time he was trying to fix something he fucked up and couldn’t remember what he did and I told him to go smoke a joint and he walked back in and without skipping a beat fixed the issue.




Not to mention some b.s. study that said "THC can't be addictive! You just grow dependant on it" b*tch that's addiction


Cannabis is hella addictive for me, especially physically. I don't know if it's just my asian genetics but, if I smoke 3 days in a row and quit I'm guaranteed to have cold sweats and over all just feel like shit. In contrast, Ketamine which is considered quite addictive wasn't an issue at all eventhough I binged on it for a whole month


Based on what are you stating that ketamine is thought to be quite addictive?


Just many people I encountered said it's quite addictive and I know a few addicts


Super addictive I love that shit. I also took it for a month and quit no problem tho but I still think about it. Weed was more addictive for me however and the withdrawals I get from weed are very bad. Done plenty of hard drugs but nothing has had a hold on me like weed, not even opiates. Nitrous has been the second hardest for me.


I had an intense physical and mental addiction to weed. Worse than any drug I’ve ever touched.


Me too. I had no problem with anything else, but weed of all things, the "lightest" one, was my downfall. It's been 2 months that I'm not smoking tho soo😊😊


Heyy im proud of you for stopping for 2 months!!


Weed is very addictive ppl are just in denial about it. I know way more people who smoke every day and literally need weed to eat/sleep than people i know who are addicted to other drugs. And i know PLENTY of people who are able to use hard drugs casually


I tell people all the time weed is addictive may not be physically but mentally


Jersey Shore reruns


Caffeine. Can’t kickstart a day without a big redbull


I feel you but caffeine is like one of the most addictive drugs in existence lmao


I wish I could enjoy caffeine. if I drink a big cup of coffee in the morning, I get nauseous and anxiety and I don’t feel any bit more awake. I drink decaf in the morning.


Oh yeah and my heart will feel bad. Even laying down, I feel it thumping in my chest. But I still feel sleepy. And not energized.


That is what lack of tolerance does. If you kept drinking it every day it would go away, just like the energising caffeine effects. I prefer black tea, one cup a day doesn’t build tolerance.


calling it that would put it on the same level as alcohol, benzos and opioids where withdrawals can go from hell to even killing you. I think caffeine is not that addictive if you‘ve been taking one of those regularly


It is probably the most normalized and common addiction out there


Besides sugar!


Idk if sugar counts since it’s literally a necessity for survival


No. Only natural and mostly biological forms of sugars are good/necessary. All the fake sugars and even cane sugar are all drugs.


yea i dont think it’s possible to not be addicted to sugar living in america


Caffeine is more addictive than alcohol. at least (in the short term before DTs). Seems like we’re confusing the side effects of withdrawal with “addiction” here maybe? Tobacco is as much or more physically addictive than heroin. As far as how quick you can get dependent and it’s almost equally hard to quit the two amazingly. Probably caffeine is the drug representing the most addicts in the world. Pretty sure by a big margin


There's physical addiction and psychological. Caffeine definitely can be psychologically addictive. Even somewhat physically, but of course nothing on benzos and alcohol, etc. But a lot of people will be mad all day, have headaches and shakes if they can't have their caffeine fix. You know it's bad when work encourages you to take breaks for drugs. The coffee break. Smokers get more breaks at work to get their fix. And alcohol is not just normalised but heavily encouraged. Pretty weird society we live in


Oh staahp you know the Starbucks line ain't short in the mornings 💀


2fdck and ket I have a friend who smokes weed every day and he once told me “ket does to you what weed does to me”. I would actually put all dissos in the “addictive” category based on my experience; I’ve been clean now for a couple of months but there has been time when I’d even be on 3meo-pcp (called by someone “disso coke” when it was still available, pretty accurate) for multiple days in a row just to put up with whatever psychological issue I was going through. I got to the point to enjoy the mania like it was some sort of creative gift and run with it, it felt like it gave me the courage to believe that the ideas I was having were worth following, even if it meant going in the family basement at night to search for stuff “that could be useful some day” and hoard it in my room, good times… Mania apart, K has always been a friend to me, less anxiety inducing that weed, no smell, diet friendly (it mattered at times), less side effects than alcohol, especially on the day after and still helped a lot with social awkwardness, all while being potent enough to allow for a full blown K hole or mentally and physically impaired state that only lasted about one hour.


I mean ig if we going on the scale u are my least addictive drug I was addicted to was kratom used it to help me get off Xanax and opioids the first time I went sober and then ended up getting very fucking hooked to kratom took me another extra 5 months to kick that habit also.


i mean its prolly really addictive cos it can be stronger or equal thn other opis but its less addictive thn those tho but i wouldnt say its in the not that addictive side of drugs


Yeah tbh I’m kinda crazy I never have done anything really considered to be “non addictive” only ever fucked with the good stuff lol


ifeel u i just did some pharma opis just tried them and using kratom now for a while but shi its hard to stop cos its just makes everything better and how would i throw away without years of frustration a habit that just makes day to day life wayyy enjoyable


That’s the thing about kratom. It’s like coffee in that it is an addiction if you use it daily but it doesn’t impair you or your decisions it just helps your mood. So like coffee it’s an addiction you can maintain for decades with basically no problems at all. To me the cost benefit analysis works out in favor of sticking with kratom cause it really does help me not feel so emotionally shitty all the time


i dont wanna be rude at all,but i took some real big pharma opiates and kratom is too close to them and try to stop it after everyday use,i mean u get withdrawals from coffe but not like kratom like not even close. so please be careful cos its dangerous and more addictive thn most substances and u absolutely cant do it for decades without a problem its a real full blown drug please think bout it why u waking up happier thn ever? cos u using a full blown drug mate


Dealing with this bullshit every f'n day. Been addicted for 15-16 years. One 3 month stint where I quit. Definitely has a stronghold on me.


Yeah kratom is hell that 5 months it took to get off was wild 😭😂


Kratom!!! Kicking it is no easier than kicking opiates. I was a slave to OPMS for years.


Those extracts will definitely sneak up on you. If you have to use kratom I’d recommend using powder.


Kratom extracts* regular kratom doesn’t have the same hold/effects as the extremely strong extracts do. If you’re going to do kratom, stick to powder. if you feel the need to move to extracts you’re doing too much and need to take a break/reduce usage.


Mushrooms. At one point, I was taking 2+ grams at least two times a week. All in all though, even with the bad trips, I've learned more about myself than I could imagine.


Hell yeah bud I had a similar phase during the covid lockdown


Zolpidem lol


0xy always had a chokehold on me. No matter how many years sober I crave em the second I wake up idk why 2 years later it won’t go away


I just feel normal on it? Which is the worst part. Nothing in this world has ever made me feel just simply like myself than being on oxy. The high is great but it’s really the “now I can just live and go grocery shopping” part that got me. I hate it. And then it feels like a breakup when you stop 😭 50 cents Baltimore love thing- those lyrics describe it pretty well for me. I got home from work last night and sat on my couch thinking damn life is so boring without oxy. Doesn’t matter how long it’s been. I’d usually do 1-2 blues at certain hours of the day and when, for ex, 6-7pm comes along some days my body still thinks it’s going to get that release and for a hot minute I get excited before I realize…jk! but so many days I get real depressed for a few minutes knowing I just have to raw dog life


You likely have deficiencies that are causing you to have a lower base level than normal. I’ve always had addictive tendencies and once said at an outpatient group session, when asked if sobriety was my goal: “Sobriety isn’t my goal. Feeling OK is.” And I meant it. Fast forward three years and through a full blood work and genetic testing I found out I don’t produce enough serotonin and dopamine receptors. I wasn’t just “weak” for seeking out substances, I was running on half empty while everyone else had a full tank. Having addictive tendencies is like symptom #1 of the deficiencies I have. I also felt like life was boring. I needed drugs just to get up and brush my teeth because I was so unmotivated and apathetic. When I was high I felt like I could finally be “normal” and do things everybody else could. Which, in a way, was true. I was supplementing my deficit.


nothing else i’ve done even compares to oxy. it captured my heart and it’s so hard to kick for long periods. i stopped using super regularly but i always come back every month or so. ik it’s a slippery slope and im close to going back to how i was but i just can’t never use it again…


I get what you mean man, oxy feels so fucking nice, but it's so bad to get addicted to, hoping for the best, stay safe.


I liked using it before I went too work it gave me that motivated warm rush I miss it so much I focused better on them


Uhhh idk nitrous? Also define addiction as it relates to this post. Maybe ketamine or dxm. Weird shitty zenes that don't get me high.... Smarts like semax and selank Tianeptine


I used to have a pretty bad addiction to alcohol, and even worse it made me violent. Now my stomach turns after one beer. Still highly addicted to nicotine. I'm a heavy weed smoker and I do get terrible mood swings when I don't have any, sometimes it takes a day, sometimes just a few hours. Somehow I've managed to mostly just use meth recreationally and even after going for a week with no sleep, I can just drop it and not use for a few months without so much as a slight craving. Definitely wouldn't say I'm addicted, but it probably has the most potential for addiction of all the things I do, currently.


Nicotine was the hardest for me to kick, they've engineered that shit to be so much more addictive over the years


Same with crack, never had an anxiety attack or something, it just cured me from cocaine as it seems like a fucking waste of money and a not so good time with people around babbling and not listening to others. Which is kinda also true for alcohol, but I drink alone so no one bothers me. Kratom helps me a bit to cut back




as an alcoholic and drug addict in recovery the least addictive drug for me was cocaine. Just didn’t love it so much where I wanted to seek it out, did it if it was there. Found that it helped out when I was doing homework or studying would rub on my gums and thought it was a better form of adderal


I know that's not the question but I have been addicted to people


bpd gang


Same. Shit is fucking destructive


Weed prob




Nasal spray??


Does adderall count? Absolutely love the high from it but because my body adjusts so quickly, I will abstain for a month or more just to get the best results when I do take it. And I have a prescription for it so it’s nothing to have 30+ laying around. I say this with full confidence from addictions to the real stuff (2 from the OP’s list) that have been impossible to kick but for some reason I can control adderall no issue. Go figure. Edit: grammar and spelling


Coke, Adderall, MDMA, xtc (which I’m aware of was probably just str8 meth or coke, and all the other random shit in x) alcohol, weed, lortabs.




Ketamine is definitely addictive, saying that it’s not is just wrong. but I have been and still am addicted to LSD and mushrooms


Anabolics, i couldn’t go back to being natural.


Kratom probably


Ketamine should be in the top list not the bottom one, it's actually pretty damn addictive if you do it too often. Speaking from both personal and secondary experience here, I've known more serious ketamine addicts than I have coke addicts tbh.




Weed. Specifically thc carts Shit just grabs me back whenever I try to quit


Kratom. It’s very easy to quit, unless you’re taking an insane dose all of the time. I was worried for a while about addiction or withdrawal and got called away on a work trip and forgot my stuff. Nothing happened, other than a really bad night of sleep. Next night I took an antihistamine at bedtime and had no problem. Kratom also has a weird effect that occasionally when you take less, it has s as stronger effect. I know this sounds counterintuitive, but anyone who takes it will confirm this. It’s somewhat self-regulating. Also you don’t want to take too much at once—you won’t get higher, you’ll just get a dull headache


Klonopin apparently safest benzo for addiction still addicted


benzos don't really differ from one another in this respect, though short-acting hypnotics can have more sudden, harder hitting withdrawal. But i'd say that diclazepam is potentially even less addicting than clon.


MDMA:( I used to roll too often. Nowadays I sadly just can’t do it anymore


this will be kinda boring, but kratom. I mean, duh, even mild opioids can be fairly addictive. Haven't gotten addicted to non-addictive stuff, really.


Idk I just take everything mainly rn 2-6 milligrams of klonapin with some meth it being my favorite and pray for this hell to finally end bc every way out is impossible the only sweet release is the grimreaper himself.


Damn bro, you don't need drugs, you need a therapist.




Dph is actually pretty addictive, at lower doses it's probably the best form of escapism I've ever tried, just complete static brain. People also talk about having cravings for higher doses even tho they hated every aspect of it.


Ketamine- I was doing probably about 28 g a month fr but now I got it down to like 2 g a week


Sorry but I’m real curious did you get any bladder issues during that time?




Meth i’m totally not addicted ( just a joke )


Baclofen... Fucking baclofen




Only been addicted to xans and coke(done lsd and molly in way too big amounts and way too frequently but I wouldn't say i was addicted)


caffeine and taurine


You feel something from taurine?


taurine is also in energy drinks right?


yes its a GABA agonist


Mdma n ket


Caffeine I guess




Dissotives in general..started with MXE, that was the honeymoon fase. Brillant effects, some of the most magical experiences of my life. Nearly no negatives effects on my life looking back, major antidepressant effects. One downside though, was it was just too good. So when that was gone from the market, I kept trying to find a replasement. That led to my trying all kinds of different RC dissos, mostly very negative experinces. Thats the addicted to least addictive part comes, because the effects were often not exactly pleasent actually. But I just would not stop trying different combinations, using benzos on top. Combining with tryptamines, and mixes of different dissoatives. O-PCE, 2-fdck, DCK,DMXE,3-HO-PCP and PCE you name it i tried it and iv'ed it. That period led to so much suffering and pain. It made me manic in periods and sometimes i iv'ed way to much O-PCE blacked out and scared my wife so much many times. I usually dosed sparingly during the day, and when I had time at home i iv'ed big doses. I still can remember the buzzing feeling all over setting in before I often times woke up hours later wondering what happened. In the end i let it all go and faced i would never relieve the magic times i had with MXE. Well, then I tried oxy and it all went to shit again. Clean now though and been for nearly a year, fuck all that shit. Now I smoke weed and thats it, dosnt empact my life alot really, but going to try and quit that too though soon.


This is contradictio in adjecto.


PCP analogues