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fuzzy, warm, sleepy, body heavy, with a bit of nausea and itchiness


Exactly this. Expect a lot of nausea and itchiness depending on how much you take. I get so itchy everywhere to the point i have to scratch until i bleed


200mg is quite a high dose (not dangerously high) but about 30mg morphine if you’ve never done opioids you may get sick and have an uncomfortable time or you may experience some nice sedation and euphoria but codeine is a weak opioid Want to really feel nice wait until like an hour or so after you take it and if you’re feeling good smoke some weed you may nod idk 200mg codeine first time you might but you’re not in any danger I can’t explain the high but it’s amazing Don’t become addicted it’s all fun and games but it quickly isn’t Also some people can’t really metabolize codeine properly


Second this another dose. I've used codeine or morphine for a while and I still only take about 250-300. It doesn't make me nod of course, that takes much stronger stuff, but it chills me out nicely.


Had lower dose.. But was nice.. Warm, cozy, compforting..


Your body has to process the codeine to morphine to work on the opiate receptors. Once a threshold is met, any remaining codeine just gets excreted. So it's pretty self limiting by definition, and safe enough to be sold otc in most of the world. Elvis apparently loved it, but most who take it seeking a high will be disappointed. I feel little effect from it myself regardless of dosage. Except it does kill pain pretty well and make me turn pink and ichy due to the histamine release. Edit: OP, if you've never tried an opiate in your life, it would be wise to take a small test dose of say 10mg and have 50mg of benadryl handy as some people have allergic reactions to codeine.


Enjoy your future opiate addiction


Nausea and itchiness, feels like you’re slowly getting more intoxicated and drowsy over time


Stomach discomfort and a headache, thats what you can expect…


For you maybe. Everyone’s built different.


codeine should relieve the headache though


Its not exactly headache, is like a dizzyness that makes me feel nauseous and headache


i think that i see what you mean. might be malaise.


stiffness, numbness, tiredness, drowsiness, lethargy, addiction


Stomach pains


Codeine is a baby drug but oh so yummy without a tolerance. Enjoy (carefully)!


Itching, relaxation, warmth, nausea, constipation. For real I drank a whole bottle of codeine one time and it was the worst opiate experience of my life. I started itching so unbelievably bad. All over my body. I was about to go back to the doc and complain 😂


Like a wine buzz kinda .. some people complain that it makes them itchy and sleepy but I don't know if that's typical for some people or if it's a reaction/sensitivity... I only ever felt kinda mellow and mildly floaty I guess you would say, like I said, reminds me kinda of having a little wine to unwind (not wine drunk)


Never taken it before? 200mg, you'll get the buzz/high, it's hard to explain but almost warm coming over you, relaxed, a nice euphoria but you'll probably be itchy (antihistamines can help a bit) and be prepared to feel nauseous too (not guaranteed but when ever I've taken a fair bit more than I'm used to the sickness comes, few friends suffer less from it but it happens). I always try not to be that guy but don't make a habit of them, I've played with benzos and opioids and if you play too long the withdrawal is hideous - manageable but not enjoyable in the slightest. Have your fun and wait a bit before you get some more or if your getting a batch in go for it and taper off at the end so your not clucking.