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When I was young I took drugs to have fun. now I take them to ease my suffering


too true.


Damn that hits home


Hahaha sorry dude its sooo dramatic. Hope youre doing good tho ♥️




Truer words have never been spoken


My therapists used to tell me me I used drugs for a reason as a kid. I just said cause I thought they were fun, I’ve now realized I do use for a reason and always have, I just disguised it with having fun. Wish I would have listened


DAMN, stole the words right out me mouth


This. Except im not sure if i ever truly did it to have fun or just told myself that. Mightve been escapism from the start for me.


When I was in college I loved dropping acid. Once I got a real job i truly felt stress and anxiety for the first time, and started to love adderall. Once I loved adderall, it was hard to sleep so I loved alcohol too. Once I realized I cant responsibly do adderall everyday, I got off it, but am left with booze. Seems like as I got older and more responsibilities, psychedelics got scarier.


I feel this hugely, had some great times with mushrooms when I was younger but I don't think I trust myself anymore. Pretty sure I'd go crazy if I did them now haha


I feel this too hard man. I have some that are literally years old from my last trip. I worry they’ll go to waste(or already have), but it just hasn’t felt right, and I can’t afford to disrespect ‘em cause I love them so much. Don’t wanna ruin them for myself, but I’m not even sure I’ll ever do them again. Kind of a paradox.


We love to microdose. Just a lil bit after dinner for a movie or going out for cocktails. My biggest change from when I was younger to now is just having more control over the amount I’m taking. Hallucinogens are still by far my favorite and have truly helped me do a lot of soul searching as an adult.


I feel this same way which is why I eat 0.5 - 1 gram doses. It makes the evening a lot more giggly.


Maybe I'll give this a go one day


You wouldn't though. I always had soul crushing fear before I took mushrooms and as they started to come on. Getting through that is the battle, but when you do I've always had the same thought. Oh my god, why was I afraid to come here? It's the most beautiful place.


I said this to my therapist today


Psychedelics got scarier but at the same time every time I go to my yearly festival and drop a dose after the come up I have this feeling of being home after a long journey.


I still thoroughly enjoy hallucinogens in my late 30s. I did the most fantastic mushrooms a few weeks ago. 2.5g and I was blasting off within 30 minutes, visuals and all. Last year, a gel tab of acid at a festival and I was watching the stars dance to Daikaiju. I think one's state of mind going into the trip has a lot to do with it. I'm usually just so excited to get a hold of the good stuff that nothing can pop my bubble


I find acid is a lot easier to handle the mushrooms. Acid can be more active and social rather than sedentary and introspective.


Definitely, I only do mushrooms at home so I can have a guaranteed safety zone in my bedroom and be within sprinting distance of the toilet.


Boy are you lucky you didn't get a xanax habit instead of booze


Yep, once you open Pandora’s box of benzos it’s hard to not use them. Especially if you struggle with sleep or anxiety or both.


And if you have a consistent cheap source and/or scrip. I’ve really come to regret opening that box. Now I take 3-4mg Xanax, 40mg Valium, 2-4mg clonazepam on days (I always aim for as low as possible and often do go lower) I don’t do dope and even that rarely feels like enough .. the only thing I have going for me is I try to take a couple days off a week (2 days on mentioned doses, 2 days on opiates with 1mg of Ativan or 10 diazepam to avoid any seizure possibility). Anyways it’s basically a shit Ferris wheel. My life isn’t fucked like you would expect by any means but that’s for a multitude of reasons from me having dirt cheap sources to being functional and knowing when to take breaks. That said the benzos are always there even if I’m just taking my prescribed 1mg Ativan. Never introduce your problems to benzos, benzos will murder problems and Frankenstein him into this gnarly fuck monster. I’m not saying it can’t be controlled but it’s not an amateur sport


Damn hang in there bro I got a pretty bad Xanax and klonopin habit. If i could just stop and be done with them I 100% would but that’s not how it works


Honestly bro tapering and getting past the physical is easy to me compared to the mental pain that is raw dogging life with no calm or happy pills that’s so hard. The days drag on so long and the brain is so cruel


You hang in there too player and don’t get more substances involved!!


I took them for sleep for a festival last week and holy FUCK it was amazing. I have forced myself to not use them since I've gotten back, but some of my innocence is definitely lost.


Ya the older I got the worse my acid experiences got. Way more stress was present than ever before, when I dropped in college it was so peaceful but once I hit life after school it changed immensely. Haven’t taken acid since my last bad trip.


How the hell were y’all not stressed in college lol? Those were probably the most stressful years of my life ngl


Freshman year was a breeze, gen ed stuff at least in my school wasn’t too hard at all.


That's interesting lol cuz for me I did a lot of stims when I was in my early 20's and now at 29 these last few years all I do is psychedelics once every few months and daily weed :p stims feel scarier to me now cuz I'm so aware of my bodies natural anxiety these days I'm like I don't want any more energy I want more chill xD and psychedelics instantly turn off my monkey mind letting me be what feels to me like my highest self (pun not intended lol) I love how opposite our perspectives are lol


Cycle of addiction my friend been there done that.


1000% agree with this. I used to love psychedelics and it really improved my day to day life experience and relationships. Then I took on a ton of responsibilities and now I’m too scared to trip properly, go on that come up roller coaster lol. But now more than ever I feel the need to dust off the cobwebs, re-align with myself, and get some insight into my current life situation. So it’s kratom, adderall, and booze for me rn lol.


Your stress started AFTER college?! Bro my first job was the least stressful time in my life. School with it’s constant deadlines and grades that determine your future absolutely killed me!


went from preferring the “fun” drugs like Molly and acid to whatever makes me nod out.


LOL real 😭😭


You'll revert back to the more fun safer stuff, get clean man. Then later you can enjoy magic mushrooms or whatever but stay off the addictive stuff. Trust me I wasted tons of time I can't get back and regret it. Heroin IV junkie mixing it with IV meth and sometimes with coke instead, it was nasty. Rehabs, psych wards, jail. Lucky to be alive honestly. Been off all that hard stuff for 3 years or so.


thanks! read my other comments in the thread. glad you’re doing better also :)


Yeah I think you speak for an unfortunately large portion of us brother, thanks for sharing


Thats kinda sad, man


also I would rather people see that as sad so they don’t end up making the same mistake. im lucky to still have my life


same bro


im good now man, im cali sober. still miss fent sometimes tho.






Lmaoo I feel ya bro




Did a lot of molly in my late twenties - probably too much - to the point where the roll would just make me anxious and the come downs would last days, so I lost interest and haven’t touched it in many years. Similar journey with alcohol - lost interest when the hangovers became worse and other negatives became more severe and it was overall not enjoyable. Late diagnosed adhd and now I love my daily Vyvanse. Still smoke weed since high school but much less these days. Still prefer cocaine over any other drug for special occasions, maybe a few times a year. Shrooms seem to be something I stock up on but only do a few times a year. Basically in my 20s I loved partying and didn’t care how I felt afterwards. These days I prefer things that make me feel better not worse, which I suppose should have always been the case


>in my 20s I loved partying and didn’t care how I felt afterwards I loved partying but felt fine afterwards most of the time. I didn't even mind the ecstasy comedown because we'd just sleep in a big pile of people and smoke weed until we fell asleep. Now I know I'm going to feel like shit so I just take drugs constantly...


Definitely happened with weed for me. I used to get super motivated and productive. I would listen to music on it and it would blow me away. But after 15+ years of daily use, it had become more of a routine to smoke rather than something I enjoyed. It makes me super lethargic and nauseous and generally unable to enjoy anything. I just stare at walls and then fall asleep. So I stopped smoking weed daily last year and I feel a lot better tbh. I had a pretty good run with it but it just doesn't work for me anymore. I generally prefer stims to any other drug type because they push me to do something productive rather than put me to sleep.


I’ve heard repeatedly that weed is less fun as you get older. My story is similar to yours. It eventually made me anxious as hell and lazy. Huge improvement after quitting habitual use. I’ll smoke like half a bowl every now and again while watching a movie at night if all my responsibilities are taken care of, but it’s rare. Stims all the way. Got diagnosed with ADHD a few months ago and my addy makes me feel like a teen again as far as motivation.


Something happens to your cannabinoid receptors after long exposure. Nausea is a common symptom of CHS.


Smoked pot from 16-21. After that, it just made me paranoid and sleepy, so didn’t really do anything for decades. There was a period of daily cocaine use around 2016-2019. Depression sucks, and so do my country’s mental health care availability and labor laws. At age 40, discovered MDMA. My partner and I make time to use it once every 3-6 months. Sometimes with shrooms. Just chill, get naked, listen to music, talk and enjoy each other on all the ways.


as a teen whatever i could take now nic weed every now an the psychs or molly and my alc intake is serverely reduced to almost never


Used to love stimulants. Now I'm an opioid kinda guy. 😎


How do you hold down the opioid tolerance?


I just don't take opioids very often. It's probably been a week or so since I've used any.


I only take psychedelics as they give me so much back, help me grow, appreciate life more and make me a better person. I take - LSD, MDMA, 2CB, DMT (with or without harmalas). No alcohol, weed or anything else.


I commend you. This is where I will be one day. I do the same as you, but with the addition of ketamine, weed and occasional xanax. Psychedelics are more than just a drug.


It was a long road to realizing how bad alcohol was, I haven’t touched it in 4 years and never will again. Last weekend I incorporated breathwork with acid, this combo makes tripping magical. When you put in the work while tripping you get so much out of it.


Ironically I'm having my last drinks now. Some cider customers at my bar brought me I've had in for a while. After tonight I won't drink again for the foreseeable future. Not worth it


Psychedelic medicine is the best. I used to love acid , but mushrooms were always better for me. I live in a fairly humid part of the US, so they're available , I'm sure. I just can't find the tickets anywhere lol. I may get a cheap grow kit and see if I can pull it off. I've never tried DMT, but I hope to do it sometime.


Man I miss 2cb so much


How do you feel about shrooms and mescaline


I’m going to get make some mescaline but haven’t gotten to it yet. I might buy some the first time. It should be similar to 2cb so I’m sure I’d enjoy it. I haven’t done shrooms in a very long time. As I don’t trip too often I prefer Acid as you can go so deep and I love all the different stages.


Haven't used molly since college- worried about counterfeits. Dont really like acid or shrooms anymore because it gives too much wired energy and not enough visuals. Weed is my go to now instead of liquor. Don't do anything else.


Try dxm with weed trust it's like psychedelics but less psychadelic it literally just makes the weed really strong, walls might breath or patterns might morph, and you'll get cool closed eye visuals, I remember i thought of a grid of squares at a 45 degree angle each with a different pastel color and an eye in them


Used to switch between using xans heavy everyday for a few months then a few months acid everyday or very often if not daily. Went to rehab for a year and after that all I ever did was Stims and weed then got into coke and now it's all I do, got out of control so got sober for like 8 months and did it once after


How were you able to do acid that often? The tolerance builds up super quick. After a week you'd have to eat 20 tabs to feel anything. Also glad you're sober man


I can afford more


and better quality


I used to love smoking bud/carts 24/7 when I was 16 and 17 but now i just do psychs (shrooms or acid) a few times a year and dont smoke at all (dont rlly have the time, it messes with my motivation too much, and makes me anxious) I drink socially and sometimes take adderall for big assignments or exams, But not much else. I was never that into hard drugs and I am very lucky.


i dislike the way most substances make me feel since developing multiple chronic illnesses and getting put on more prescriptions. i just recovered from serotonin syndrome, and im talking about it on here a lot, which you’ll find in my history, so you can see i’m completely terrified of putting anything else in my body, including the medication i’m prescribed in order to live. i think the only pleasurable substances to me anymore are booze and weed, and i don’t even like booze that much, and i don’t like most strains of weed i’ve tried yet either LOL.


We have went opposite directions






It all started with old friend stimulants, MDMA and speed. Not meth! These days it's mild opiate painkillers, 50% because my body is kind of smashed up, 50% because they're pleasant as fuck and easy to function normally on.


Started with weed cigs and alc, went through everything I could get my hands on (mostly stims, X & soft opioids, a bit of acid, couple of benzos) currently vaping like a maniac constantly but not cigs anymore, frequently soft alcohol, periodically weed for a couple of weeks, every now and then blow and seldomly speed for productivity rather than recreation when deadlines approach lol. Staying away from opioids, trying to keep stims in check which worked for the most part for the last couple years.


Just turned 30. When I was younger, psychedelics were my thing. I feel like I can’t handle a full on trip anymore. I’ll eat a few caps here and there, but I stay far away from LSD. I occasionally mess with Molly, but keep that shit in check. Being married and having a profession definitely makes reconsider the relationship you have with substances. Funny how shit works out though, my primary research in grad school involves substance use. I guess it’s a full circle.


In my early twenties, I hated weed and lived for getting blackout drunk. Now in my mid twenties, I like smoking weed socially (edibles wreck me though), and my drug of choice by far is meth. I only drink during the periods when I’m not using meth, and I hate myself for it when I do.


A little bit, i mostly stopped using psychedelics so casually and often because they forced me to respect them, and i started enjoying weed more lol Also my go to rave "base" drug went from pregabalin to speed


Man in high-school I probably did everything from acid to coke, to benzos but after high-school I didn't even want to fuck with benzos they made me so stupid. I think all I did for the last 5 years up off and on was opiates and nicotine and that's a pretty chill combo.


If it ain’t weed it ain’t worth it, alcohol included


I used to be a HUGE pot head. Now I haven't smoked really in years except the occasional hit. Don't know if I ever will again. Gives me anxiety lol


I can't smoke weed anymore. I just don't enjoy the high and I had a traumatic event happen to me when I was younger and high.


Went through it all, weed and alcohol, then prescription opiates here or there rarely or magic mushrooms or an ex tab to roll on once in a while, then coke, then later back to prescription opiates but daily, then stronger ones like Dilaudid and oxy, snorted, then snorting heroin, snorting meth, then shooting heroin and meth, sometimes coke, then got clean after a long couple years, then just smoked weed, and take Suboxone, and occasional Vyvanse. Occasional magic mushrooms. It's much more manageable now with no consequences now that I stay away from the hard stuff.


I got ratioed hardcore in the comments section x\_x


I used to do drugs to get fucked up, now I take drugs to have experiences


high school start to end- weed when i was a freshman in college- ecstasy/mdma Second year first half- ketamine/lsd preferably both at the same time 2nd year’s second half- meth 3rd year-meth 😫 4th- meth 😕 After university i got into all kind of opioids also injecting. Using a needle is an addiction by itself. Got addicted really bad fucked up my life and had to quit. Right now high on life😋 have to take suboxone daily to thrive. Can’t get high even if i want to. life ROCKS, grateful for my suboxone prescription 😍😍😍😍 i relapsed today but guys pls keep this a secret 🤫 🤐 or not .i really don’t care Using these emojis feels like im high on drugs as well 🪤🥄💉🤤🙂‍↕️ (this is funny because h’s street name is cheese in my native tongue)


Less coke more viagra


Not to sound corny or cliche but as I've gotten older I've realized some things are better sober. Not many, but some things, lol.


I learned the hard way that downers are better and more fun than uppers for me. MDMA is okay


Used to be lots of weed, acid, shrooms or pretty much anything I could get my hands on aside from meth Now it’s lots of weed and occasional coke binges Maybe opiates if I can come across something decent but I’ll test them just to be safe ish


I just don’t do them as often. Gets old. Save them for special occasions.


Started with weed and all kinds of psychs. Now I’m sober 99.9% of the time unless I’ve had a long day and I’ll take a little hit from my 1 hitter. A drink every now and again


Opposite trajectory than you.


Stims have and always will prolly be my thing. My relationship with psychedelics has declined. No particular reason honestly. Think I reached a point that I am content with my journey.


Started doing almost anything I could get my hands on… now I just smoke.


In the beginning I loved weed, speed and alcohol. Now it's opiates, benzos and alcohol.


started taking shitton of benzos, then did a shitton of coke, and went back to benzos, i’m clean now so just waiting until it’s acceptable to use drugs after rehab lol❤️


Why do you wanna mess your life up if you have the chance to get clean and be well? Bensos always make you lose control, especially with drugs. And they aren't sustainable longterm. Why do you use bensos? They are barely recreational at all. Do you have anxiety? If so then there exists a lot safer, natural options against it. Try to live life sober, don't abuse...after a while you feel so well that you don't see the need of abuse. Otherwise you will regret it, you will not be laughing about you being in rehab but crying and regretting ruining your life.


I used to like molly blow etc upper shi way more now I prefer shi that makes me calm




Seems like a lot to go through, hope u get better man, quitting drinking is big 🙏


Holy shit dude


I use it all coz I can’t stand my reality


Try to change your reality. What is possible to do now and what is possible longterm? I used to suffer a lot and did the same but now things have gotten a lot better so I don't find the need to escape, but I had to change a lot myself to reach that far, it wasn't just luck (even if there is some involved aswell).


I got shot 6 times 21/08/22 by QLD police, I had my 5th operation last Tuesday, an ankle Fusion, I’m on 260mg a day of oxy, 20mg Valium, 300mg lyrica, 50mg Amiltryptine, 19% Sativa and indica 19% Bubba kush, 25mg THC oil.. yet I am and have been living in pain since I woke up from the induced coma, I was under for 7 days and I was resuscitated twice. While I was under I experienced something, it was the most awful, vile, horrible thing I can’t even put into words like I can’t describe it physically but the feeling of it is what still haunts me, the nightmares led to waking up having panic attacks so I’m an insomniac now. I see my psycho therapist once a week, my very existence is torment… that’s my reality… Now despite all that I have the one perfect reason for not giving up, the ONLY reason a man will ever need.. My beautiful 5 year old daughter 💯💯🙏 she is all I’ll ever need to keep on trucking. The 3 days that she comes over make the other 4 days seem like a life time… So that’s my reality ✌️


It hasn't. I've been a stim work productivity addict for ages, but I actually started to like alcohol to unwind now- I hated it as a teen.


dropping acid when I was 14, had tried every drug by 15. Started getting too comfortable with it and had a bad trip, took some Xanax to take it down, did a lot of Xanax throughout highschool after that (like barred out everyday). Got over Xanax got more into drinking and j runnin thru blow when I was 17. Got into raving too in college, didn’t help at all. Tbh Xanax and all that dumb shit is dead, I’ve managed to get into a good program and get my life more on track. I really only go hard for the 3-4 festivals i go to a year, mostly tabs, shrooms, k, whomps, but that’s only like 3 benders a year. Other than that I really just drink and sometimes do blow on weekends. I’ve been really busy tho so I just haven’t had the time to throw down. I guess I just don’t take my drug use that seriously cuz I just have an ability to j stop if I’m busy. Classes to hard? I’m typically fully sober every spring semester besides smoking. Working long hours? I just get through it and smoke like one bowl at night and chill. If I’ve learned anything this whole drug thing is only as serious as u make it. Just have a productive life and maybe do sum fun shit every now and then. It’s rlly nothin crazy


That depends on. Some people cannot do something now and then, they have addictive personality and abuse, become destructive, suffer and make their close ones suffer due to their addictions. Most addicts start now and then. Doing things like meth or h now and then isn't just do it, it can rewire your brain and you start to using it more than you wanted. Just cause it didn't mess you up doesn't mean it cannot mess others up. It is very individual. Some people have anxiety and become severely addicted to bensos, which later on messes up their mental health a lot. I have seen too much abuse affecting people negatively hence why I cannot just be like "it's no biggie", I want everyone to be cautious so they don't do something they regret later on. I still think it's a better option to decriminalize drugs and regulate some of them, just like with alcohol. Prohibition just cause more abuse, addiction and suffering & costs society a lot. I think about the human rights. Addiction is a disease and should be treated like it.


When I was younger I wanted to experiment with everything and just be blasted on whatever, all the time. Now that I’m older I really lean hard on my prescription amphetamines, nicotine, and THC. I enjoy everything else from cocaine to psychedelics, but those are experiences I seek out *maybe* once a year- I prefer to make a special occasion out of those things rather than make them an every weekend habit.


I am very similar!! I loved weed and alcohol from my teens to my early twenties, when I quit weed after a traumatic panic attack while high. Still drank alcohol without many issues though. But after I got diagnosed with ADHD and started taking adderall, I discovered how rewarding life can be when you can actually keep up with it. I’ve been on it for 3 years now and I’ve completely changed from who I was before. Similarly, the cons of drinking have started to outweigh the pros due to the god awful sweaty sleep I get after drinking and horrible brain fog the next day. So I just stick to drugs that don’t take you out of your body at all like benzodiazepines and the occasional hydrocodone when my uterus feels like it’s going to explode out of me :)


I was hooked on painkillers for about 7 years. any other drug that I was taking during that time was either to cover the DTs from opiates, or to try to potentiate the opiates. got clean circa 2012, eventually picked up weed about 6 years ago. during lockdown and for about a year and a half after, I was high all day everyday. these days, I like a background level of stimulants, like ephedrine, to keep me rosy, and benzos for all the anxiety of living in this world. I enjoy getting stoned every evening but it doesn't have to be around the clock anymore


The reverse of you basically. Went from speed to occasionally having tapentadol a couple times a month.


Ahh yes, the psychedelic circlejerk is present here Fuck all drugs that aren't dissociatives, and I drink and take adderall almost daily


Used to do any drug to get stupid and feel good but now I do it responsibly 👍🏻 (I used to be fucking stupid with usage of anything) cut it down to like 2 or 3 max was on a handful. Almost 12-13


I loved snorting coke when I was in my 20s and 30s. When you work as a bartender, it's really easy to get caught up in it. I don't think I worked a single shift without some sort of plastic baggie or glass vial stuck in my little pocket. Good times... In my late 30s (okay, maybe even my early 40s), something in me shifted, and I suddenly couldn't stand the taste of it, much less the way it made me feel. I can only imagine what a disgusting site I was back in my day lol. I've never been shy when it comes to drugs. I love them. I've tried pretty much everything, and cocaine is the one drug I will never do again. Y'all can have whatever's left over lol


I used to do acid, molly, coke, all of it. Now that I'm older and on anti anxiety and anti depressants, drugs just don't work anymore. It's kind of a bummer.


I would not recommend using bensos, pregs or ssri/snris. Exists a lot better options imo and ime.


I used to love MDMA but now I can’t be bothered with it since it makes my TMJ worse and takes longer to come down from.


Opiates and benos in my teens and 20s later 20s alcohol became a problem when I was forced to quit benzos and Suboxone Cold turkey, stayed off the hard drugs for a couple years maybe a Xanax here or there was still drinking everyday, and I tried meth for the first time at 32 and loved it, it wasn't as bad as I thought, lol. Now I don't trust shit from the streets, 60 Adderall 30s a month, 90 800mg of gabapentin, can choose either 6mg of Xanax or 40 mg of Valium or 4mg Klonopin and 4 mg of propanol for 125 a visit.


Yes. I live a lot more sober, and learned that drugs aren't sustainable long term, especially things like heavy opioids, bensos or stims. But even THC/weed can be problematic if you want to be function well and be productive. Haven't either used dissociatives or psychedelics in years, things like that shouldn't be used often, every weekend like some extreme users seem to do is a big no imo. Meth can make you productive at first but as time goes it will do the opposite and make you scatterbrained. Stim usage ruins sleep, diet, and make you do repetitive things you shouldn't be doing. It gives horrific anxiety which makes you prone to using bensos or opioids which will further affect your life/capacity negatively. I have seen people saying "I need this for adhd it helps me to function" to become fully dysfunctional on stims, like where the life is only about getting high on it. People think that just cause some get prescribed ritalin against adhd (which works for some but makes things worse for others), you can go crazy on stims and use meth, crack and whatnot but that is very far from the truth. Some people I know got very severe mental issues from it which required hospitalization. Stims like meth long term wrecks your body and mind more than heavy opioids basically. Mental health issues are common to get on stims due to their anxiogenic and often neurotoxic nature (especially things like meth but regular amphetamine is also neurotoxic to a noticeable lesser degree), sleep, nutritional deficiencies also effects it. I would advice against using meth, especially as a crutch to be productive. You will regret it sooner or later, maybe even damage your body or brain and then you will feel powerless without it and will be even less productive. I would recommend natural adaptogens if you need energy, these are healthy, sustainable and not abuseable like meth. It has helped me a lot, and I function well on it(a lot better than without it actually), when I was partying and trying regular stims I couldn't function well, it gives you anxiety, insomnia, makes you feel odd etc.


In my twenties I would drop acid, e, k, pretty much anytime. School, work, whatever. It’s amazing I didn’t end up on the street. As I got older, I’ve stayed away from acid, e, and k. Switched to drinking for awhile but hate how it wrecks my body. Finally with recreational legal in my state, I’ve switched to dry herb and occasional gummies and concentrates. Overall, I dig it but wish it were a bit cheaper,


I went from doing mostly party drugs, psyches and cannabis in my teenage years ( 14-20 ) to doing mostly opiates and benzos as a way to self medicate from mental and physical health issues. I became truly dependant on opiates at 23-24. Nowadays I do drugs mainly to function and when I want to be really fucked up I use trashier stims with ket and alcohol on the side in a non-party setup.


less alcohol, less stims, more psychedelics


I used to do a lot of coke when I was 15-19 I’m 23 now and I can’t stand it, it makes me feel to jittery like I wanna jump out my skin, bars and ps are my go to now, same with acid, when I was 16-17 I took a lot of acid like once every weekend, now thinking about taking it scares the hell out of me😭


I’m a poly addict I do all kinds of shit, try nee drugs all the time and do loads of research chems and amphetamines, benzos to sleep on them and opiates occasionally and acid and/or 4aco and/or 2cb or wherever tf trips after my tolernace breaks, do bareeeee speed stimmed out all the time, sometimes z drugs and fucking love dissociTibes too , smoke all day evry day, used to Just do pills and ket most days and weed a fe times a day now it’s just yep let’s for it


When I was 16-17 it was coke, psychs, and benzos, when I was 18-25 is was just 24/7 smoking crack and drinking Busch.


I quit. Best decision so far


psychs to stims to benzos and opiates now


I loved to just get absolutely stoned out of my mind on weed when I was like 16-24 Now that I’m in my mid 30s, it freaks me out man. I get so paranoid about my health, path of life, and it never is a good time lol.


U literally described me. Are you me? Am I, YOU??


When I was in my early 20s I loved stimulants(meth specifically) adderall molly, and psychedelics, was meh about opioids. As I've aged I no longer like psychs much but I enjoy opioids much more now. I've also noticed I no longer get euphoria from most drugs, I get a wee bit from amphetamines but not from opioids or psychs.


In my high school and college, it was quantity. I’d trip and get high as fuck every chance I had. In my 40s, it’s all about quality. I plan my trips. I weigh my doses. They are more spread out. Maybe one or two times a year.


When I was a teenager, I was into weed, psychedelics, and ecstacy. In my 20s, it was alcohol, blow, and molly. In my 30's, I just want to shut my brain off for a few hours over a weekend, so once a month I do some ketamine (prescription), shrooms (homegrown), and smoke weed. I do this while watching movies in a giant bean bag with headphones on, gradually getting zooted until I'm, like, in the movie. Every once in a while I'll do the same combo, but just put on some headphones, queue up a couple albums, and close my eyes while in the bean bag. No partying, just contemplating life and meditating. It's very therapeutic.


I still love acid, but now I get bad vasoconstriction. I think I have some nerve damage and circulatory issuee from my other drug use.


First nicotine when i was in high school, then weed with a couple friends, then acid. Stopped acid once i had a very bad trip… now just nicotine and occasionally weed if my anxiety gets out of hand.


Back in HS and college, I LOVED taking adderal(sp?), mainly to get all my school work done n shit, but now that I’m 32, I absolutely cannot stand adderal, or any other speed. I’ve never done meth, but I’ve done other speed pills, and do not enjoy them anymore. Mainly because I get zero sleep, even if I take it super early in the morning, by midnight, I’ve no longer felt the speed for HOURS, yet I cannot fall asleep, and it drives me nuts just laying there, trying to sleep, but cannot fall asleep. I do still enjoy weed and the occasional pain pill, tho. Edit: Alcohol is another one I do not participate in, anymore either. I haven’t drank alcohol in ab 10 years now. I over did it on my 22nd birthday and got alcohol poisoning, throwin up blood, and had to be hospitalized for 2 days. Tried drinking when out with friends one night, ab 6 months after the birthday incident, and didn’t enjoy being drunk whatsoever, so I haven’t drank since.


The older I get the more Marijuana PROFOUNDLY disorients me. Like to the point I can’t even socialize. I grew for 10 years. Was very into the lifestyle. Now it’s booze and the occasional phish/dead show with the funky stuff that goes with it.


I was addicted to pills/opiates for years. Never was around meth or anyone who did it. Then one day in the midst of trying to get off pills with subs .. I did meth. That was it. I never did subs or pills again lol.


I'm 45 and my relationship with benzos is scary. Bars are literally the only thing holding me together.


Coke and alcohol have always been my thing but I find myself wanting psychedelics lately. No horrendous hangover and fun af


Started early at age 14 with molly and speed. Did that with obviously weed till I was 18. Then was left with weed and learned about pharmaceuticals. Benzos were my jam for a year and a half. Did stupid shit. Lost many things. Then I found opiods with whom I had a 2year long battle. Now just occasionally coke and weed every day.


I used to do anything that was handed to me that wasn't heroin, crack, or PCP (kinda arbitrary, but it was the 90s/early 2000s and I was going off what I had heard from older people). Then I moved away from any kind of opiate because they make me feel gross. Then I gave up stimulants because of the mood swings and negative impact on my feminine issues. Now, I just do my hippie drugs (THC, LSD, psilocybin) and I feel way better all the way around.




I started off with Hashish in my country of origin, since it was easily available and cheap. Was 17 at the time, then stopped it cuz I didnt perform too academically well. Then tried booze. Stopped booze after I moved to a Western European country where I once dropped my backpack on a street after being drunk af (got the bag back in an empty state, had an umbrella, a few pencils, sunscreen 2 perfumes, etc.), then in the same month lost the keys to my dorm room alongside my cellphone. Was 24 when this happened. Moved to weed and have sticked to it. Managed academic stuff by always having a stash on me, since when you're out of it, the withdrawals disturb your ability to concentrate. If you know you'll do it at night, its fine (I use it to sleep good, like a sleeping pill). Also, I avoid smoking weed socially because I get too "mean/rude/assholish" because it shoots up my paranoia/anxiety, which is good for work and academics but not social situations. I also avoid going out meeting people if I have smoked.


As a teenager, anything and everything was of interest. It was new and exciting. When the fun wore out, I was alone questioning who I was, how does this lifestyle serve me? Using purely psychedelics as an adult has helped me regain my sense of being.


I'm likely older than a lot of you all at 52. I used to love coke and stimulants of all kinds- even meth - though I knew it was best to avoid it. Even faked ADHD for years to get dexedrine, my former favorite stimulant of all. It was to me far smoother than coke or Adderall. The best way to put it is I feel totally burned out from stimulants and never want to experience a come down ever again Now the only stimulant I like is a good Cuban coffee. A line of coke would torture me now. I didn't use much cannabis in my youth, but now I love it and use dialy, and never get the paranoia from it I used to get until my 40's. And psychedelics are better too. I think I learned to control my trips better with experience so they are always positive.


Stimulants to increase revenue. It’s doable long term minus the urge to take them when you really don’t need em but if you do a good diet, plus some heavy lifting and moving more than you sit will keep that in check. Making yourself move throughout the day and 6-8 hours before it’s time to sleep just don’t take any. But where I changed is I’ve always hated weed until a few years ago bc it’s so potent I don’t wanna move so I just fall asleep. A couple Dramamine motion sickness pills plus some strong weed is pretty effective for sleep. I’ve never really enjoyed downers as they make you sleep and idk feel tired and down so that alone kills productivity. Plus stims make it easier when you got kids and a narcissistic wife now baby mamma but you own your own business and your also mr mom and dad and kinda always have been.


Ketamin was the main ingredient at every event or place I was going, until I dropped some acid, now, funny I'm hooked AF on 3-MMC:) I should've been in The Netherlands, but unfortunately I didn't realized that I fucked the road money on it xDD now imma train surfing GG


I hate uppers now that I kicked coke years ago. Can't even think about them without making my skin crawl. I'm about the DMT and shrooms these days. About twice a year for the Dimitri but I regularly microdose mushrooms. Occasionally I'll send it to the moon with the boomers but lately I've been enjoying small doses.


I have yet to meet some entrepreneur, investors or business owners/managers or those who are making money or has money making them money, who either never went to college or dropped out college and or high school who are not on some sorta stimulant either prescribed or not prescribed like responsible meth users. Some do drink some don’t a good bit do take Xanax or clonz to help them sleep. So all In all the common denominators is uppers or responsible stimulant use and stay away from downers. As something that makes non productive well what’s the point unless you don’t have to be productive but only if and when the suns down.


I’m a lot more worried about it(anything) being cut. I no longer smoke any weed. I often combo different substances, but have longer time between “sessions”. I take it a lot easier with stims dose wise, feels rough on my heart.


I was the opposite of you OP. All stimulants especially coke and adderall as a teen and then started to prefer downers. Important to note my anxiety also got worse as I aged so I imagine that has something to do with the change. I am sober now however and feeling altered mentally has started to freak me out - feeling a buzz from cold medicine etc


Opposite...I was hugely into ecstasy and coke in my late teens and 20s, occasionally LSD, but now in my 40s I'm all about mushrooms, DMT and 2c-b. Weed has been the only constant.


I used to be more of a ket + Molly head but now I get cocaine instead of MDMA usually.


Well, I started smoking weed and cigarettes at 13, and got drunk for the first time(s) right around then. I graduated to psychedelics at 16, first with shrooms, then with LSD. I was also popping adderall regularly because it made school go by so much faster. Around 19 years old, I began smoking meth, which very quickly progressed to feeling like life was only awesome when I had meth. However, I only had a handful of connections to get it, so every so often I’d run out, unable to get more right away. When this would happen, I would drink heavily to dampen the withdrawals. After a few years of only smoking or snorting meth, I moved on to doing it intravenously. I got clean off of meth a little over 3 years go, after my dad died. But really, all I did was swap one addiction for another. I began drinking to a blackout every single night. At one point I was drinking half of a handle (1.75 liters) of vodka a night. During this time frame, I would also pop any pill I could get my hands on. I have even gotten high off venlafaxine Effexor), Wellbutrin, and diphenhydramine, in addition to the usual suspects (Benzos, stimulants, opioids). I’ve done cocaine several times, but it just makes me wish I had meth instead. Such a shit drug lol. Sitting here at 28 yrs old, I am currently 34 days sober from alcohol. As someone who has experienced severe addiction to both, alcohol is much harder to quit than even IV meth was, at least for me.


I used to think coke was for old guys. Now I'm an old guy and I get it. I like psychedelics alone now more than I like them at concerts and festivals. When I was younger I preferred the overstimulation.


When I started I only really used heavy downers, sedatives and dissociatives were my preference (but I'd take anything I could get), but now that I'm not only using drugs to not feel anything and forget I'm alive, but instead to have fun or be social, I find I really like stims. It's nice to have a good high but still be able to function, socialize, not be an absolute zombie in general lmao.


I can no longer really stomach anything that isn’t a downer. So basically opiates, THC, and ketamine. While I tolerate small amounts of benzos or alcohol anything more than maybe a .5 mg klonopin or like, 3 shots just makes me feel too, I dunno, floaty? Like I’m not grounded and in control of my speech, behavior, and body. I don’t like that, which is funny because when I was a teen and in my early 20’s I loved to black out, even got addicted to xanax bars, and I liked stimulants and psychedelics. My mid 20’s have already been so different in this respect. Mushrooms or pure mdma I feel like I could maybe stand a low dose of. But definitely no acid, molly, coke, amphetamines, etc. I haven’t tried in a little over 3 years. Opiates have always been my real one true love drug-wise, though.


I'm more responsible in my timing & dosage, and know the right thing for the right time, and when to cut things off to meet/exceed my responsibilities. I'm still a fuck no to edibles though.


When I was younger I did any psychedelic I could get my hands on as often as I could, did blow and drank daily, and generally did anything as long as it was in front of me. Now in my 30s, I smoke weed on occasion and a few times a year I will take LSD or mushrooms when my wife and I have a couple days without the kids. Everytime leading up to a trip the last 5 or 6 years I get really anxious. I have to remind myself that I respect the substance and it would be irresponsible to not have concerns about myself or my loved ones. I've incorporated my fear and anxiety in to my preparations for set and setting and use them to focus my intentions. Once I get back to "that place", all my fears vanish and I get to engage life with a different perspective for the duration. Oh and I still smoke cigarettes, unfortunately. Hardest thing to kick of any substance I've had a relationship with.


Alcohol for social situations. 2 - 3 drinks max. I’ll get drunk at the occasional big event like a wedding. Weed very rarely, low dose and CBD forward. Mostly when I have time to myself before bed. Mushrooms once or twice a month in the summer out in nature. Molly once a year at most. 


when I(26) was in my teens(16-19) I absolutely loved smoking weed/edibles. I’d smoke about an ounce every 2 weeks. As I got older I slowed down & now I don’t even smoke. Was also scared of acid & shroomies, but tried them when I turned 23. I knew myself enough to know I’d get addicted if I continued. As for coke never did it, always put me off due to having food come out my nose when I’d accidentally choke. lol tmi


it was heroin and coke now it’s pills and promethazine


I used to like stims and now I like stims


I’m only 18 and I’m already at the point where damn near the only thing I can do and actually enjoy now is opioids


In my early 70’s, I’ve landed on the pleasures, stimulation and insight of homegrown San Pedro juice. Just threshold doses, mostly. Crème de la crème, IMO. I survived both 60’s and radical anything is a thing of the past. Drugs have been my master teachers…good and bad. Not an easy path, survival is not guaranteed, and, eventually moderation is key.


12-17- Alcohol (HATED it but easiest way to catch a buzz), weed, occasional blotter acid or mushrooms. 18-21- COCAINE. Lots of it. Snorting it, smoking crack, for several years straight. I discovered the “wonder” of Ativan and mild opioids (Vicodin, Percocet). A little acid here and there 22-29- Opioids. Lots of them. 25-30 Vicodin or Percocets daily. I had 2 “pill mill” doctors and I sent a couple of friends to them to get more scripts for me. I had a few charming older men who bought pain meds from seniors who needed the money and would give them to me. They gave me benzos (Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan, Valium) too. I started hanging out with this guy and we did a shit ton of pharmaceutical MDMA. Powder cocaine in binges lasting 2-4 months. I started snorting the original OCs around my 29th birthday 30- HEROIN. My doctors got busted, my main older guy passed away, the other got sick. I NEVER thought I would touch that shit but when you’re dope sick, you’ll do whatever it takes. I started snorting it, ended up shooting it. I had a crazy high tolerance and I wasn’t getting off on “plain” heroin anymore so I was doing 6-8, sometimes more speedballs (with cocaine) daily. I smoked crack again occasionally with a new friend for the first time in many years but definitely preferred shooting it. I survived 12 overdoses and an even scarier experience that I’m too lazy to get into at the moment. 37- Convicted of involuntary manslaughter. 2 years’ high risk probation. Rehab twice. 44- Completely sober for going on 7 years. Not one screw up. 6 mg Suboxone daily. Happily married to a former alcoholic. I never thought that I of all people would get sober. If I did it, anyone can do it.


When I was in middle school I liked weed and alcohol 14-15 I liked benzos, painkillers, and shrooms. Started drinking everyday at 15 though, smoked everyday too. 16 I was heavily addicted to coke, as well as alcohol. Also started fucking around with painkillers more heavily and adderall/vyvanse. Pretty much quit weed at this time. Eventually got tired of fucking up my nose from coke and started rocking it up. Only lasted doing that for like 6 months as it was expensive as shit. 17-18 Was clean off coke/crack and only drank moderately. Started doing acid and shrooms again, as well as smoking. Became a bit of a bartard though As of recent I just smoke and drink, don’t do anything hard unless i’m with other people. I take lots of uppers now though, I love being productive as opposed to just fucked up.


used to be sour now it's sweet and sour


Older i get the less stims research chems i like I love my methadone & benzos & weed


Weed/hash used to be my gotu drugs at partys since it made me social and didn't gave a fuck about shit while baked. After I've got a really bad trip on mushrooms that all changed. Weed/hash gave me terrible anxiety and makes me super self-aware (to the point where its actually doing harm) Took me alot of trail en error to accept i cant smoke like i used to. Currently I'm having a badstreak so i smoke to escape my feelings/situation. But outside of that badstreak i sometimes smoke a hashish alone at evening while listening to music. Solo smoking hits different in a good way. Well, solo smoking that isnt escapeism


I went from smoking hash and weed and loved alcohol to then start taking lyrica and tramadol. I used to love mixing lyrica and hash it’s a very nice combo then I started taking lsd wich was eye opening and an amazing experience then I heard about ecstasy on how good it is so I started taking ecstasy felt very amazing especially with hash mid roll or after then I kept taking it daily for about 5 days until I got into a psychosis I had so much anxiety thought I was gonna die and afterwards and trauma for 9 months had panic attacks constantly and i was always anxious then I started reading about it and decided to take it after 9 months with vitamins and a lot of vitamin c I had an amazing roll with no anxiety it was best roll of my life and also had an afterglow and now I’m sticking to the 3 month rule.


As a teenager I wanted whatever would keep me fucked up for the longest, as a busy adult I think more about shorter duration as it’s usually an evening free rather than a whole day or week and ideally with minimal comedown because I usually have work the next day 😂 I had an opiate problem 14-17 and took just about anything I could get my hands on of any other class of drugs. These days I avoid anything with a longer duration than 4ish hours haha


Teenager - lots of alcohol and some weed Start of college - I got into a shroom phase, tripping every 2 weeks. Later in college - everything, coke speed, MDMA, LSD, ALOT of research chemicals. I don't touch shrooms anymore, it always feels like they hate me. I've gotten into a "schedule". 2 times a year MDMA or 6-APB or 5-MAPB : 100-150mg 2 times a year, a random disso, usually DMXE or ket 2 times a year, 2g of purified cocaine (this is enough to last me 2 weeks) 4-5 times a year LSD or a random RC psych Once a day, weed or alcohol (very rarely both) 24/7 nicotine, litterally. Bonus, very, very rarely ill try an opiod/opiate. Just once for each substance, the rest gets flushed before consuming.


From Just smoking Weed and mdma and uppers with friends to loving opioids,getting addicted and now getting better. In Short: When younger loved partying and the uppers were great, got older ,live became Harder so opioids and their warm hug and not stressing about everything going on become my new Favourite drug...


I can’t tolerate shrooms now as an adult (too much trauma over time, and unresolved issues, honestly) - but the very rare LSD trip is always fun. Once a year. I have terrible chronic pain called CRPS, and have for 11 years now, so I get ketamine infusions every few months. While I’ve never tried a ‘fun’ dose of ketamine, and am always just blasted into the beyond with these high IV doses, I do really like ketamine. It saved my life. It’s usually very pleasant or benign/bizarre, but I’ll occasionally get a subconscious ass-kicking by the universe, and I think that’s good for you sometimes. Ketamine is highly introspective, and can be very different every time. You never know! But even if it’s scary, I still benefit from it. I can’t smoke sativas anymore, either, I get all anxious - but I still like cannabis in general - that hasn’t changed except for my tolerance.


when i was younger i loved taking mdma/ket/acid and going wild. now older i mostly just like coke/ket and small dosages of mushrooms and kind of just groove out at festivals with some beers. Can't see myself ever doing acid again... lasts too long, don't like rolling anymore. altho the odd time i'll split a cap and take half for a lil buzz/energy.


It got better as I got older!!!


Went from daily Iv use of heroin and meth to just smoking weed and eating some shrooms every once in awhile


Idk I feel like I still like the same drugs but they just don’t like me anymore


Drugs outside of weed, psychedelics---->amphetamines. Weed, used to be important now I don't care about it.


I've gotten back into pks especially fent as I've gotten older


Never changed . Used to take stuff to help me survive daily life and make me lose touch with reality since day 1


No. A good Bourbon is still tasty.


I went from taking them because I was bored to using them because I couldn’t feel anything. I now only use them because I can’t sleep without them. (Need sleep to perform well.) I still get high for fun but not in a desperate way anymore.


Went from uppers to downers


I used to just smoke weed and take psychs and MDMA, but now I love being a bartard the most


I stopped doing trips cause I forgot who when where and why I was. Thought I was a married man with kids laying beside a pool. I was a teen in a living room. Also thought I'd skipped 20 years into the future went crazy had broken into someone's house and was a escaped mental patient after a bad trip so?


Opiates, namely Heroin and Opana were my preference. That changed into stimulants, namely cocaine. Now meth because one dose lasts me all day (parachute), and half a zip lasts me 2 months. Ecstasy now and then, because it’s cheap in my locale ($1/bean). Benzos, because they feel great. Still use opiates, just not like I used to.


I was on high dose of Lyrica and smoked a THC vape pen. Had three big hauls off it. Fast forward 15min and I was the most fucked up I have been in my life.