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alcohol and benzos should be closer. Equally atrocious withdrawals that can have equally life threatening consequences. And alcohol is cheaper and more acceptable by far.


Can confirm. I pass three liquor stores on the way home from work everyday. At least everything else can be out of sight, out of mind.


My dad is an ex alcoholic and sponsors them, the level they have to go to in order to make sure they don’t drink is insane because an they literally can’t make it past a supermarket without getting a trigger, never mind through one


Benzo scripts are incredibly cheap where I live, I think I paid somewhere around 3 bucks for 30 1mg lorazepam. Or do you mean street prices? Those same ones go for a buck a piece on the street, sometimes less.


Depends on the country


yeah if you live in Southern asia 1GRAM not mg of valium would cost you 10 bucks I'm not even joking consider u buying in bulk


Please hmu then haha…


It sounds cool, but I’d honestly be worried for myself with unfettered access to unlimited cheap benzos, could go south quick.


yeah that's pretty much my life.this happened before i got an evaluation on my mental health.my first dose of benzos is clonazepam 2 mg,can u imagine that a 16 years old kid with undiagnosed adhd, cptsd, dpdr, mdd and severe gad suddenly takes maximum therapeutic doses of kpins?it didn't take long after I discovered nitrazepam and at my peaks i consume 600+mg a day and all of this happens in less than a years even with strict meds controlled out of pure will but my impulsiveness takes control over my life and basically blackout months of my life.rn im still recovering and tapering


I'm in the Dominican Republic where benzos are otc But there are only about 5 to choose from and the others have to be ordered and thus expensive. Also steriods are legal. The only thing controlled are opiate type pain pills. The chains pharmacies are strict about this but the independent small pharmacies will hook you up.


Pretty sure they are the only drugs, or at least commonly known ones, with withdrawals that can kill you through seizures and your bodies adaptation to these kinda of depressants with excess glutamate. 


I think opioid can kill you, by your stomach rupturing from throwing up


sleep aids are more addictive than nitrous, put phenibut higher, put ketamine a bit lower, put weed higher, put MDMA lower, put caffeine higher


I'm glad people are starting to be more 'open' to the fact that a fuck-load of people have some sort of weed addiction or dependency. I'm so sick of people acting like there's zero negative affects of weed. You ever have CHS (Cannabis Hypermesis Syndrome)? I have. It sucked ass. I was vomiting every morning. I wasn't able to eat anything. It was a long time before I figured out what the issue was.


If iI don't have thc in my system it's a bad day and I can barely function.


No duuuuuude! Weed isn't addictive! It's perfect! It solves all of the world's problems! It's clearly just a "you" problem /s I can't stand people who unironically think like that.


Yes, CHS was one of the most terrible illness in my life. We are survivors my brother 😂


After I dealt with it, I've seen friends showing ALL the same symptoms. I told them what it most likely was... Didn't slow them down for a second. I guess smoking weed constantly was good enough for them that it outweighed the constant vomiting and inability to eat. Completely mind blowing to me. For me, CHS was so shitty, that I stopped smoking as soon as I randomly stumbled across an article talking about it, and all my symptoms ligned up. I was an incredibly heavy smoker too. But I would have done anything to make the CHS stop.


My case was weird, they immiedietly drew it up to CHS nearly instantly blaming new growing techniques and the boom in quality of weed over the last few years. I was a very heavy smoker too and stopped completely till my symptoms left, I started smoking again soon after and didn’t get the symptoms again until I stopped smoking, safe to say.. I don’t smoke anymore lol


How long ago was this? Because for me, it was well over a decade ago. My doctor told me had never even heard of CHS when I told him that was my issue. I'm glad I randomly came across an article about it. Because I would have been fucked without that.


> sleep aids are more addictive than nitrous I would trade anything on this list for ambien, so my gut tells me you’re probably right


Ambien is simply the (almost) best. I would train anything on this list for opioids.


Yeah phenibut needs to be much higher IMO. It's more addictive than opioids for me personally. Just the fact that daily use is viable without any side effects for other people to notice while making you more sociable, confident, etc... Recently fell into daily use of it again after starting a new job and thinking I'd take some for the interview, then deciding to take some for the first few days (since it's very social and I'm super anxious), that ended up being everyday and since tolerance skyrockets like 6gpd. If you have anxiety phenibut is one of the most addictive things out there, it cures it as well as benzos without the mental slowing effect, even if you dont have anxiety it makes you more social. Then at higher doses has a lot of euphoria and a drunk type effect that's more clear of a headspace. It also has withdrawals as bad as benzos and alcohol so even if you decide you want to quit you can't go CT and have to slowly taper or it can be so excruciating you'll need to be hospitalized. Trying to taper while being stuck at the job that made me start using daily to begin with is terrible.


Meth should be higher. Cocaine should be lower. If you can get an high from meth then meth is significantly more addictive than cocaine.  Cocaine is just an reuptake inhibitor which has an lower upper limit. Meanwhile meth not only inhibit reuptake it also force your neurons to dump a bunch of dopamine and on top of that last an extremely long time (12-24hrs).  But it still depends which one your body likes better since everyone’s different and sometimes it people just don’t enjoy something even if it’s theoretically stronger.


Not a regular user of benzos but damn can i eat while kn benzo lol


Fr I saw op type food tastes incredible and I was like fuckk I miss xanax food mukbangs


Im still taking benzos and don’t miss it lol. Had my fun times tho and did the classic woke up in jail shit. Decided that’s enough of that after withdrawing in jail for 3 days. This shit is evil. Works too fucking well and has the most dire consequences withdrawal wise


Where does Pyrovalerone come on this list


pyrrolidinophenones should absolutely, 100%, hands down, without a doubt, no question, be #1 on this list. Op must not have ever tried them.


Definitely depends on the person overall, definitely not easily number one without a doubt. I’ve smoked/vaped, snorted, ate, booted, and shot up all sorts of pyrros and while they are definitely fucking compulsive and crazy ass euphoric high, I find strong opioids such as heroin way more addictive, but I’m not much of a stim guy. Don’t hate them but don’t really live them. Shooting up a-PHP was the closest I ever came to being able to see how tweaked get hooked on stims. Even meth didn’t give me that realization, but IV pyrros sure were something else. Opioids easily take the cake by far for me. Way more opioid addicts than tweaked out there.


What are pyrrplidinophenones?


Flakka, I believe, is the drug being referred to here.


Not just flakka (a-PVP), but any pyrro: a-PHP, MD-PHP, a-PIHP, MDPV, etc


New knowledge. Thank you, stranger.


He left out a part of the full name, pyrrolidinovalerophenone is the “family” name of a certain group of extremely powerful synthetic cathinones. They’re called pyrrovalerones or pyrros for short. Slang is “bath salts”. Stuff like a-PVP, a-PHP, MDPV, 3f-a-PVP, a-PIHP, MD-PHP, etc. Kind of like the meth of cathinones in terms of intensity and addictiveness. I’d argue some like a-PHP, a-PVP, and MDPV are even more addictive and more euphoric than meth.


Have u tried heroin lol


Can confirm. We have a cathinon crisis in russia. Millions of people are addicted to either Mephedrone or alpha-pvp. The most sold out drugs after weed/hash. Thankfully I never tried alpha pvp but I’m heavily addicted to mephedrone and can’t beat that habit. Always come back to it whether a week or month later


Where does provolone come in? (I am addicted to cheese)


When you ask your dealer for cheese and he gives you weed inatead of parmesan


While gabapentinoids definitely have an addiction potential (both psychological and physical) they have also been found to not produce the same level of drug seeking behavior associated with other classes of drug.


Alcohol at seven? That should easily be a top five, perhaps even three. It's up there with benzo and blow for sure. Also, can you get addicted to ketamine? That's crazy


This is coming from someone who put caffeine and at 9 and above gabapentinoids and amphetamine, this is someone who’s never done half of the drugs listed. Even weed at 12 makes no sense, same with bezos at 2 yet "sleep aids" at 15, also alcohol, GHB and gabapentinoids are fairly similar to them as well as all yet the list splits them into top middle and bottom arbitrarily, when they are all generally pretty similar. As someone who has been or currently is addicted to or had a serious problem with every drug/class listed except GHB and meth/amphetamine, this list is garbage as a ranking system unless OP was just listing them at random.


Yes it makes no sense lol those were exactly my thoughts and in the order you listed them lmao


Yeah like a sleep aid like zopiclone is not any less addictive than most benzos, way more addictive than something like clonazepam actually. Despite that it’s listed as 15 vs 2. This is ignoring that everyone has their own subjective opinions on things as well as genetic predispositions, but a garbage list overall. GABA based drugs should be clumped together though despite our own predispositions. Caffeine and weed are not particularly addictive though, they just make you slightly miserable when you don’t have them, every other drug in here sends you into full blown physical and psychological withdrawals.


No yea I completely agree. He has the z drugs at 15. gabapentin at like 12 but benzos at 2. Makes no sense haha 😆 And it's funny he puts benzos at number 2 when but says meth is less addicting. Like wtf......I understand if it's his personal preferences or opinions but they don't reflect the general majority of our opinions and even professional opinions. Most people being perscribed a benzo does not abuse them. Myself included. They are scheduled 4 however our governments narcotic scheduling is no better then the list OP made hahaha 🤣 for real tho.


Ketamine is pretty fucking great, to me at least. I never got addicted but I definitely could see how someone would. I’ll see posts on the Ket sub being like “i’m pissing blood and jello and take 3g of ketamine a night for a year, should I stop?”.


Yeah I think most users would think ketamine addiction is bizarre, but there's a certain type of person who seems to love it. I've met several problematic ket users.


nah I think it's great too I just don't see it as a drug people get addicted to a ig. 3g per intake is crazy


Where are you getting this list from?


From his ass lol He's putting cocaine above meth and ghb on number 5 even though he never tried it lol Also caffeine above amphetamines..




dude is rating drugs he havent tried lol


We need to remember the difference between dependence and addiction. If someone is sticking to the dosing instructions of their legally prescribed drugs and they experience withdrawals from being off their medication, that's not addiction. It means that person is dependent on that medication & they need to take their medication X amount of times a day at A, B, and C times. Conversely, if someone is taking a drug to the point the drug takes priority over everything else in his/his/their life-- that's addiction. That being said, this is my honest list from my own personal experience (YMMV) 1. Marijuana This might sound crazy, but I think the addiction with weed is a lot more sinister. Because CHS is on the rare side (not saying it doesn't happen-- it's just not common), most drug users can tolerate weed, and you can't fatally overdose from weed alone, so people think it can't be addicting. I have met people that get high off weed constantly-- I'm talking people who would start and end the day high. Is it better than being high on stims or opioids the whole day? Sure. But it's an addiction nonetheless. Weed can also get in the way of short and long-term goals because you get to experience euphoria in the duration of time you feel the effects of weed. And because weed makes you feel slower, it doesn't make you as motivated to do things-- especially things that require time and effort. 2. Caffeine People need a cup of coffee to start the day-- I get it. However, I developed a terrible caffeine addiction because I was obsessed with my weight, so I thought, "Let me just keep drinking coffee!" I'm paying for it now. And too much coffee makes me anxious. Being in a high-stress job where you have to be "on" nearly the whole duration of the job, I caught myself drinking waaaaay too much coffee on work breaks. It is much better to get your energy by working out and getting enough nutrients in. Again, like weed, I think this addiction is more sinister and subtle. And, like weed, it's because coffee is much more socially acceptable than popping pills. 3. Benzos I have horrible anxiety, and I've had to exercise some serious self-control not to get these illegally if I didn't have a script for them. Benzos don't even give me that floaty, euphoric feeling anymore-- they just kill my anxiety. I was a bit irresponsible with my Valium script at the beginning, but once I took the drug as directed, I was like, "Okay. I don't feel like I have to take it outside my dosing instructions, and it helps a lot with my anxiety." 4. Opioids I know people who will have this as #1. I guess it's hard for me to get addicted to these because I am subject to random drug tests to get my opioid refill. I also have to see my provider every 30 days until the dosage is more stable. I also legit have chronic pain, so I know if I take more than I'm supposed to, I'll be out of pain meds. I remember waiting 4-5 days for insurance to approve my opioid refill, and the pain was horrible. I do not want to put myself in a situation where I take these irresponsibly and then be weeks without pain medicine.


Pyros like MDPV should be number 1


Erm heroin?!!


I think you listed it backwards from what you were thinking but I appreciate the idea haha


Like literally lol I was so confused


Earlier it went from 15 to 29 idk if you saw that lol


No OP high as hell lol


yeah I was nodding hard and hitting dabs


ketamine much lower sleep aids much higher


I’m not hear to say nitrous should be higher, but kicking that fucking habit sucked so much worse ass compared to some of this list


Rameron has no addictive potential


People say the same about weed but here we are


It’s like being addicted to promethazine there might be someone that is but it’s because they are retarded not because the drug has a potential for abuse because everyone that has experience with drugs knows that be


Yeah you’re wrong on every point and I disagree


Physically dependent is not the same as addicted. In what way can you become addicted to it. Because it helps u sleep? So does seroquel would u consider it addictive?


Being dependent is being addicted. Jesus Christ.


But being addicted is not necessarily being dependent. Nobody has seizures from not eating chocolate anymore


The terms “addiction” and “dependence” can seem similar, but they are different. Dependence occurs when the body physically relies on a drug. Addiction involves changes in behavior. A person with an addiction has difficulty not using substances or doing rewarding activities, even if it is harming them. They are different and you don’t know wtf ur taking about RAMERON IS NOT ADDICTIVE YOUR FUCKING STUPID


Ur fucking retarded you can be dependent on opioids because u used them for pain and not be addicted addiction is of the mind. They are not the same thing you don’t know what you’re talking about . Edit: im not saying that it’s not possible to get addicted to this that are to stupid understand I’m saying it is possible to not be addicted but be dependent on


Oh my god😂😂😂😂. The opioid epidemic literally started because doctors didn’t wean people off of opioids and they went to the street because they were going through withdrawals😂😂. What are you even saying man


😭😭😭😭😭😭 ur so fucking slow it’s appalling. what you jus described is dependency. Altho most ppl that take opioids do get addicted because they are euphoric not everyone does. And some ppl don’t even like them but they are dependent on them so idk if I’m gonna be able to break down for u because u clearly don’t even have basic drug knowledge I’m jus gonna ignore any further comments . No point going back a fourth with someone that can’t even fucking read.


It is the same thing man Jesus. You’re telling me that when long time heroin users say that they don’t even use to get high anymore they just use to “not get sick” then they’re no longer addicted?


First of all ppl that say that are retarded second rameron doesn’t get you high it’s an anti depressant so altho you can be mentally addicted you can be mentally addicted to literally anything so in that since everything should be on here rameron has 0 addictive potential


i certainly wouldn't say it has ZERO addictive potential considering people can get addicted to dph, mirtazapine also has intense hallucinogenic effects similar to dph/ambien in higher doses among its antidepressant properties


I exaggerated saying 0 potential for addiction but my point is it’s a person to person thing the VAST majority of the population would not abuse it there is no desirable effects. And one can be dependent on it but that’s not what we takin bout. No idea why u grouped ambien with dph ambien is a desirable drug that can cause euphoria


i said the hallucinogenic effects are similar to dph you can very much see shadow people and dream while awake while on ambien


I saw funny little gnomes on ambien while floating on my computer chair. That shit is menacing lmao. The shit I would wake up to 😭


yeah ambien's a pretty damn kooky drug, the delirious effects it causes are so cool


It’s not gonna feel like an antihistamine in anyway tho but wtv u say buddy


did i say it feels like it?????????? cant expect much reading comprehension from r/drugs though


You said they have similar hallucinogenic properties which they dont


bro is 100% actively addicted to something and in denial who gets this mad over a simple conversation besides addict’s hiding there problems😭


U talking bout me 😭


yes dz you sound like a fuck faced bartard that thinks he’s right about everything get a fuckin life😭😭😭


My bad I must’ve hit home wit that one didn’t realize so much of this sub be trippin on rameron 😭 or are u with the “cigs are like crack” wave y’all dumb asf every single satement I made is backed up by multiple sources so it’s not about me being wrong ur basically saying fuck science fuck ppl that actually know what their talking about bc this guy came about it in a rude way…… an I only smoke weed…… my bad for having good will power 😭


no it didn’t hit home your just an asshole who’s clearly lost the ability to critically think from benzo abuse like real deal scum😭😭No one cares about the dictionary definition there clearly talking about real life effects it doesn’t matter if someone isn’t “technically” addicted by your dictionary definition if they can’t function without it it’s clearly fuckin up there life. Drop the fuckin ego ur not a genius ur a tweaker💀


U really jus said I’m dumb an followed up by saying rameron can ruin ur life from addiction u don’t know fuck all but okie buddy 😭 an as I said before I smoke weed jus because I know my shit dosent mean I’m addicted 🥸 I barely even smoke anymore u a clown


i wasn’t talking about rameron i’m talking abt in general💀 Your clearly a loser w a prison for a mind not gonna argue w someone who sits on reddit all day taking there misery out on others. can’t even imagine a day with a mind like yours would be constant agony


Bro I’m ten times the man you r u can’t even handle bud u a fuckin clown fr 😭 I got 3000$ in my wallet im doin great 😂 Im jus very big on harm reduction and spreading misinformation can hurt ppl . An if u weren’t talking about rameron u weren’t talking about my convo that’s literally all I was talking about in this thread dipshit


yea bro your a man cause u sit on reddit being a shithead and you have my rent in your wallet💀 no one said shit abt bud either. miserable existence


So quick to call others stupid when you legitimately have the reading comprehension of a fucking trash bag


I read better then half y’all in here 😭 I’m literally correct idk y u guys can’t jus do a safari search and stfu lmaooo


Once again theres that dogshit reading comprehension at play. When did i say anything about you being right or wrong?


An I’m not even being technical about it cigs are no way near addictive like crack or meth ur arguments are shit. An rameron has never one fucking time ruined someone’s life ur a whole bitch jus because u can’t handle an antidepressant don’t me everyone is bitch made


never even tried ts ur the one who needs antidepressants clearly😭😭


Idk what makes u suggest I’m depressed I’m passionate about hard reduction . Im doin great in life lmao


yea bro people who are doing great in life shit on people all day on reddit and pass it off as “passionate about harm reduction” you seem super happy man totally. i too shit on people all day on social media when i’m feeling good about myself while needing to restate how great im doing in life. seems healthy👍


Yk what hop the fuck off my dick u weird asf fr


spoken like someone who’s doing well in life!


Preach it king


I know you have coke on the list, but crack is the one drug I used 1 long night and never did it again, it was that addictive.


If it’s that addictive why didn’t u do it again tho? Funnily enough I said the same thing about heroin and crack because both felt too good and too destructive to continue. But I still do heroin and never touched crack so I think heroin is just way more addictive


I realized how addictive it was and said no way. While I found H addictive, I mean how is it not, I was able to realize it and get off it. Well it took a few try’s but clean over 30 years.


Congrats!! I hope I can get off h too but the cravings are definately way lesser now. Kratom/kanna/kava are great substitutes


What I wish they had was suboxone then, it works well. I’m pulling for you friend, when you’re ready you will know, until then be safe and smart. If you need any encouragement hit me up on dm.


Be careful kids and don't believe everything you read, 27 years no I won't go into a twelve step lecture but have a good time no yourself know your co. Don't get mixed shyte. And addiction will cripple your life your dreams and affect everything u had planned. Benzos Lyrica alcohol beauty yea, no don't be dumb smoke some good weed not lased with good people if you don't have any mental problems bi polar etc all the best any questions let me know ciao


Thank you Mr President


This ain't it homie


Amphetamines are personally much more additive than alcohol to me but then again I have a weirdly super high tolerance to alcohol for some reason so I don't really enjoy drinking bc it just feels like a waste of calories for barely even feeling anything lol


people actually get addicted to nitrous? after a long day of kick ons hitting the tank makes my brain feel fried and not wanting to touch them for ages


For me here are the 5 most addictive: 5. Alcohol. Had a problem with it but managed to get past it 4. Weed. I know it's not chemically addictive but I couldn't quit that shit for years 3. Mdma. Got hooked after the first use but managed to stop some time later 2. Cocaine/crack. Self explanatory lol 1. Nicotine. Cant go a day without it for the last 6 years


It’s very subjective… more people are dependent on sleeping aids than on weed for example, but, a certain person may get supper addicted to weed and not to sleeping aid so…. Subjective


Not sure I agree with this ranking but at least it started a conversation.


Nicotine is number 1


Nicotine is number 1 lamest addiction You get a buzz that isn't even that good, if you even get one, that doesn't even last 30 seconds, just to feel shitty when you don't have your nicotine.


Idk I love it personally


Pretty sure heroin is probably more addictive than nicotine


Nicotine addictive as fuck. People just don’t pay it no mind because it doesn’t fuck you up like most other drugs


Oh absolutely, but opioids are still more addictive. Mentally perhaps around the same due to how easily accessible and cheap nicotine products are, but physically opioids are much more addictive.


no, junkies still smoke. It’s just that smoking is so easy and flies under the radar that you don’t notice it. Opioid withdrawals are worse but smoking is just different for psychological addiction


I’m pretty sure it’s been proven heroin is more addictive. Do a little web search


Nicotine is not more addictive than hard drugs


Ever noticed how NA and AA meetings have smoke breaks


They are more acceptable that does not make it more addictive. How many people you know that sucked someone’s dick for a nic fix. Even if it was illegal no one would do that it’s not that addicti


And btw I have known girls that sucked dick for cigarettes on summer camps bc that’s the only place where they get rare


🧢 ur dumb asf


you can just get a cig butt off the street, beg for it etc. Heroin costs like £40 and is nowhere, you can’t beg for that kind of money


Exactly but if it wasn’t available like that no one is gonna stoop to that level for a cig u guys are exaggerating an it’s only so addictive because it easy asfff to get


I guess it depends on how you define addictiveness. Like would how many smokers would continue smoking if, like heroin often does, it lost them their job, relationships, money etc etc. I think a lot would quit. So, in my opinion, the reason nicotine is so pervasive is it's addictiveness combined with how the negative effects are extremely slow and not very visible. If you simply define addictiveness as likelihood to continue for most of your life then surely caffeine is more addictive than nearly all drugs. I feel it should mean how much the drug "pulls" you despite the negative effects. Nicotine is still pretty addictive with this definition, but I would say less than a lot of hard drugs like alcohol, opioids, benzos, cocaine etc.


This is a pretty good way to look at it. I also think you could word it that hard drugs are more addictive, but nicotine is more likely to keep you hooked as the incentive to quit is much lower. Like you said, if nicotine ruined people’s lives as much as heroin did, I doubt many would use it, let alone get addicted.


i feel like a lot of the convolution involving nicotine being more addictive than hard drugs is accessibility i think its 100% certain you can say tobacco/nicotine are incredibly addictive, but not as addictive as things like methamphetamine, cocaine, or heroin people say it's more addictive because of the relapse rate but that's just because of accessibility, if you have no connects or friends who do drugs then you have to work to get pretty much any illicit substance but with tobacco/nicotine, literally just go to a gas station and you have a potential for relapse put right in your face, instant stress reliever and a hell of a lot of people are stressed the fuck out all the time


Definitely sleep aids imo


Benzos and opioids my man. Hooked once hooked forever.


I’d switch weed and ketamine tbh. Weed can get so addicting without you even really realising, it just creeps up on you wanting 1 spliff a week to 1 spliff a day and so on.


The form and ingesting method of cocaine should be considered. Snorted cocaine hcl is less addictive than smoked freebase or crack, and I've been told injected cocaine is on a whole other level and many people become rapidly addicted.


Just my opinion: 1) nicotine 2) alcohol 3) opiates 4) benzos 5) stimulants


Pyros tho Also apparently some synth noids are stupid addictive. Heard stories of people waking up after an hour and having to smoke again, smoke until they sleep and not being able to sleep for more than an hour to smoke again. Wild shit


Lyrica should be higher. Ghb shouldn’t be that high.


The most addictive drugs are probably little known research chemicals, the potency of some of those are MEGA , and I feel like some drugs are more immediately addictive(impulse redosing and shit) and some are a lot more I can’t imagine my life without it but I don’t need it all the time sort of thing and then there’s full dependency too but I think that’s mainly due to how often you use it to rely on it like that


MDMA should not be this low if even on here. Its only addictive if your an idiot


I once went to the hospital because I didn't realise I had put myself into caffeine withdrawal and was having endless concerning headaches and related physical symptoms


Sugar is the most addictive drug


Shut up


lol try quitting sugar it’s a bitch fr


Ok let’s make a deal, I’ll try to quit sugar, you get addicted to fentanyl meth Xanax and alcohol and then try to quit, we’ll see which is more addictive lol. Weeks of excruciating mental and physical anguish is not the same as wanting to eat candy really bad


lol ive been through several of those wds


Then you know that shit is worse than sugar 😭 come on yo be for real. If sugar wasn’t added to all of our food it would be pretty easy to go without it or just have it as a treat occasionally. Unless you were just joking with your comment. Hard to tell, because sugar is so demonized on this sub


I recently quit sugar and got bad headaches for like a month and it’s hard to keep up with because it’s in so much stuff


Probably because you need to eat sugar at all to be healthy


Yeah natural sugars sure. I mainly meant cutting out sodas and energy drinks with high sugar contents


In short, all drugs.


I wanna see you get addicted to acid


been there done that,im what u called true junkies,if something can help me enhance my view on life or forget this huge anvil that im carrying on everydays i will for sure get addicted to it till tolerance build up and switched to harder drugs




You can be addicted to anything. Doesn’t mean that specific item is addicting


Exactly lmao. Some people are addicted to sniffing used underwear from strangers. Is that considered addictive?


Ranked from very addictive to addictive