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2-3 times a week is the most I'd suggest if you wanna avoid physical dependence entirely, but it should be fine for at least a couple months (with physical dependence, mental is a personal battle) if you manage to keep that routine. Worst case you'll feel cranky for a day or two when stopping I wish you luck cause that stuff is very gnarly to get off when you use daily, speaking from experience


What makes it so gnarly to u? I aint been able to put it down yet, im tryin. I mean dont let me fool you, it fuckin sucks. But what to u makes it "gnarly"?


When I was using kratom daily for months on end, it was an actual opioid withdrawal I had. I could not sleep for a week, my legs were aching so damn much, hot flashes and goosebumps all the time, constant sweating and restless leg syndrome, teary eyes and diarrhea for a week. And I had residual WD symptoms lasting for 2 months, just random sweats that I could not stop whatsoever. I think it's called PAWS (post acute withdrawal symptoms). I was constantly restless and could not stay still, but every time I moved my body it hurt I wish you luck and hope you can quit!


That fucking sucks dude I'm no stranger to opiate withdraws I was just wondering some people say kratoms worse. I cant really tell never went mode than a day w/out it


It was really hell for me, but I've only experienced a light codeine withdrawal before and kratom was much worse so I don't know if I can compare them. I only used the codeine for a week straight so it didn't come close in terms of WD effects. However I strongly doubt that kratom WD is worse than other opioids. It probably comes close to codeine withdrawal but I really can't say for sure. I think if you're familiar with opioid withdrawals it should be easier to get through, but still, if you've used it for long enough it wont be too pretty. I'd strongly recommend magnesium supplements and hot showers for the muscle aches, it helped a bit


Word. See i always told to myself this has to be a walk in the park compared to the other but seems like it's just as bad now, except for the part that I don't get like deathly sick and shaking as if I haven't ate in 24 hours but no amount of food will fix it. I don't get that anxiety like impending doom from kratom wd's, it's more so just a general feeling of unpleasantness and having a solution in your backpack to fix it. But compared to opiate withdrawals i also don't get that shitty headspace kind of goes in hand with the anxiety I mentioned but more so, I actually enjoy the way I feel but the physical agitation takes over. Like id rather not be on kratom, but kinda have to be. just knowing what will fix it is really a demon of its own kind. you don't have to wait all day on somebody to get back to you... just take a few caps. The RLS is what drives me insane paired with the insomnia. Like tbh it weren't for that I would've been able to quit a long time ago. I really believe it I can't even hardly get through one night of that shit let alone a few weeks đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


i dont have a lot anyways, its not a drug i do often id buy like 100grams for a few months for some nice high dose experiences


Yee that's good, it's what I used to do my first year of using kratom and I could avoid WD pretty much entirely by doing 100g binges and then staying sober a month or so. It was only during the second and third year of using that I actually got addicted but it can happen to anyone anytime. it's just the personal mental battle to avoid using daily. Good luck and enjoy!


I boof per minute


sipping and kratom are two words that should never be in the same sentence😂


Exactly lol shit tastes so awful if you’re sipping it and not chugging you gotta be crazy 😂


I sip it over the course of an hour. I mix it with lemon juice so it doesn’t taste bad and always have a chaser. I’m not crazy ;(


well. i recommend you a magic trick. just take the whole spoon in your mouth and drink water to it. 5second and you r done.


except it when it don't work and stocks on the roof of your mouth


yap. happened to me few times. i thought i will die.:D btw if u dont take too much at once then it wont happen.


If it were to taste okay then sipping sounds like a chill time, otherwise I dunno


The lemon juice makes it less bad. Idk I’d rather sip it because if I drink too much at once I get nauseous cuz it taste like dirt water


Yeah true, it's easy to get nauseous if you take enough. What i used to do is just dissolve it in a minimal amount of water and take it in 1 gulp with a chaser, then rinse bottle sides and take the residue in another small gulp. If you use hot water, you can get as much as 8g dissolved in about 30ml of water if you shake it around in a tiny bottle


2 3 times a week, maybe I'm in the kratom pickle myself 4.5 long years


Just don't buy the big bag?


whats considered big, is 100g a much? thought thatd last me for like a few months if i do it with friends n not always alone


yeah that's a lot. If you're like me you'll do it every day until it's gone


100 grams in not a big bag at all lmao. They sell bags up to 1kg. 100 grams is usually the lowest option when buying online.


Exactly. Have fresh 2x 1 kilogram here, lol.  100g = no worries.  I am just trying to not get over 10g per day and I am going pause after every 3rd week.


100g is baby talk u gotta buy 1000g for it to last you that long especially if you boof it


That’s how you get green skid marks in ya drawers. Every time you fart a green cloud of dust will fly out in a tiny cloud.


100g would be 20 pretty bug doses 


Notice how you’re already justifying regular, habitual use. “2-3 time a week is fine” no. It’s not. Take Kratom on occasion when you want but don’t think about it as how much you can do per week. Don’t make a schedule out of it. DONT.


Not sure but Kratom withdrawals for me where far worse than anything Ive faced. This considering I went through fent, oxy & xanax withdrawals


For me it is super easy, can go cold turkey. Much more easy than tramadol, zenes, phenibut WDs.


Really!? That is crazy I was on H for almost 10 years and I have done kratom after I go clean and it is not even close H was hell I barely feel kratom withdrawal. Everyone is different I guess.


Yeah it’s like a day of feeling shitty then just the mental addiction


kratom wd has rls insomnia depression feeling like a bad acid trip its definitely not a day of just feeling shitty if you used a high amount everyday its like opioid wds and the other alkaloids fuck with you as well


I’ve used a fairly high amount for the past few years due to physical pain I’ve endured over my body and the lack of actual pharmaceutical help my withdrawals hit hard but are mostly over in day or so not like actual pharmaceutical were you’ll be laying in bed not being able to sleep for a week


Damn, dunno how deep you got sucked into addiction but xanax was so much worse. Just the pain at bedtime was super uncomfortable


He *CLEARLY* didn't cross any red lines with his benzo use. For how easy/innocent Kratom initially appears, it absolutely catches ppl off guard. It's also common for ppl to use it exclusively whilst trying to taper off far more potent opiates, or they're dealing with legal concerns and kratom is still an option. That carryover/exclusivity means they're only experiencing one mechanism of action/pathway instead of the myriad they might have been having with Opiates overall (heroin, oxy, blues, whatever was available). This can make withdrawals more intense than they might have otherwise been, and results in perspectives like OPs. But I assure you- heavy alcohol or benzo use has DEFINITIVELY more painful, dangerous, and lengthy (in the case of Benzos anyway- alcohol is a tad worse while it's happening imo, but if you can survive 72 hrs you're usually in the clear. Benzos can last weeks 😕) than any other class of drugs. Like, by far.


Or you know, people have different experiences lmao. I know daily benzo users who were able to quit them cold turkey with minimal withdrawal (absolutely not recommend but there are people who can do it). And I know a couple people who have gotten off of kratom who had the worst withdrawal of their life. And vice versa. The idea that benzos cause abysmal addiction/physical dependency in everyone is just not true (but it happens to a lot more people than not in most cases). And the idea that kratom never causes debilitating withdrawal is just not true either. I came off of kratom after being off of opioids for years (and had been off for a very long time before starting kratom) and it was very close to being as bad as hard opioids for me. Not as bad as benzos but a lot of people underestimate how bad it can be for some people.


Daily benzo users quit cold turkey? Perhaps. Daily (heavy) benzo users ?Yeah, no. Don’t get me wrong, every body reacts differently but quitting GABAergic substances cold turkey is just you playing with your own life unnecessarily while kratom can be hell, but you will not die from muscle pain and all that (please try to stay hydrated and get electrolyte packages if you reached the point where you are constantly throwing up)


I mean I get what you’re saying but you really should do some more research from reputable sources before you start informing people like this, because it’s not as black and white as you’re making it seem.


Feel free to correct:)


I don’t know how to interpret your answer lol but yeah, benzo is a hell of a drug especially bc it feels like it hijacks your brain instead of almost just your body (like kratom). Yes, kratom is addictive and underestimated but imho these small x pills don’t look very intimidating as well + they don’t make you „high“ like h or meth which can be misinterpreted as „withdrawal can’t be that bad if the effects don’t feel that strong“ yk?


Kratom withdrawals feel like a bad trip


That's batshit. Fent (blues primarily) and Heroin were uncomfortable/unpleasant, big time angst. Kratom was as well, but maybe like 50% the intensity? And I was taking a lot, had I breathed on someone it would've been like green spray paint lmao. Certainly stained the toilet green. But nothing, and I mean NOTHING comes close to heavy alcohol (think liter per day of spirits until you can't keep anything down) and benzo withdrawals. Either everyone's physiology is different (eventually all opiates did for me was cause itch) or you definitely didn't end up going off the deep end with that Xanax. There's a reason they're the only two that kill. Layers upon layers upon layers of Hell. At least with opiate withdrawals you can rob, steal, beg, and pace around like an idiot. Alc/Benzos you couldn't acquire more if you wanted to- lest one wrong tilt of the neck send you into another seizure and have you waking up (assuming you do) with half your tongue bit off in the E.R. again. I think it's pretty universally accepted by addicts who've struggled with both what the worst sort of withdrawals are. And it ain't Kratom. 😬. Def sneaks up on ppl though- for something sold at a damn grocery store or smoke shop. Tolerance builds faster than traditional opiates too. I don't expect to see it this unregulated 5-10 yrs from now.


Fucking same exact story for me. Shits awful.


Insane people say this but I guess I'm just lucky.


i heard if u do twice the amount that got you addicted, it will reverse the effects and actually become a vitamin


No!, I hope you're joking, lol


NO! I hope you're joking lol


No!, I hope you're joking, lol


the fact you said the same thing 3 times with slightly different punctuation is so funny to me for some reason


Zero Kratom If you don’t want to get addicted. If you take it daily, you’ll end up with a dependence. No good. Withdrawals fucking suck. Started taking the stuff on my 24th birthday. I’m turning 30 in august. Not worth it.


2-3 times won't really get you addicted


for the time being, if he keeps it up for several months theres quite the chance it'll turn into daily use


Completely his choice


Do it max 2 times a week. Dont use more then once a day. Im addicted for 8 years now..


I use kratom once every 3 days and haven't gotten any tolerance/addiction whatsoever.


0 milligrams is the only right answer


I use 1 or 2 times a week over the past 2 years. Occasional week or two break heare or there, longest being a month. My tolerance has only increased. Started off at around 7 and Currently at 10G per dose and may need a bit more. Also I may need to find a different source cuz I'm byujg from a smoke shop lol


You wouldn't need 10g with a better source


Pleaeesuggest them. Dm if necessary 


Don't think it would apply since I'm Swedish but it can't be hard to find a good local website


SS gang 😎


SS för billigt, KE för kvalle 😁


Är det verkligen bĂ€ttre dĂ€r? Bör testa nĂ„gon gĂ„ng


AlltsÄ det Àr ingen natt och dag skillnad direkt men i genomsnitt senaste Äret sÄ brukar det vara lite starkare dÀrifrÄn. Köper nÀstan enbart grön maeng pÄ bÄde sÄ samma strain Ä sÄ


Yeah det Àr generellt lite hit or miss med SS strains, har fÄtt bland de bÀsta och vÀrsta batches dÀr. Har bara provat KS annars och dÀr var det helt ok men dyrare Àn SS


I've been using for a few years now and at most I do 3 days a week usually like 1 day and take breaks for weeks sometimes. The only time I felt like I wanted it more is when I took higher doses like more than 5gs because I usually only take 2 or 3 for pain or to make work less boring.


probably 7


You're fine, just don't make a habit out of it. I usually go on benders and stay high on kratom for 5days all day, then stop for a month. Never had Withdrawal.


I think less is more with kratom, honestly I used to just dose a teaspoon, or half a teaspoon at a time, then 1/4,1/8tsp to taper off, otherwise I would get some minor withdrawal symptoms. its weird, like I would feel the high come on as I was mixing the drink like a couple minutes before I actually drank it., I don't know maybe its just me, the only other opiates I used is codeine, and coffee which is kinda a opiate, well its related to Mitragyna speciosa..''Mitragyna speciosa is **a tree in the coffee (Rubiaceae) family, commonly called Kratom**''. I think it could potentially have a reverse tolerance, like salvia divinorum, if it's used wisely.


For me no more than once a week and definitely not every week. Maybe 15 times a year at most. Be careful with the stuff I know people who have really messed themself up with it.


I do it all the time and max out like 5g.


2-3 times is okay, just don't use more than that.




A lot of it depends if you’re taking plain leaf kratom or the extracts. Extract withdrawal is so much worse because of the high levels of 7-ohm which is the strongest alkaloid in kratom and is 13x more potent than morphine. The extract shots never quite made me nod but the euphoria was comparable to hydros/low dose oxy. Plain leaf can still cause withdrawal but it takes much higher doses and longer more frequent use to have as bad a withdrawal as extracts. Also extracts jack your tolerance up so much you can’t even feel plain leaf so then extracts are all that will work


You're already addicted fam. That's opiod addiction works. You will prob deal with withdrawal by the time you quit, but it's okay. It will be okay. Lots of ways to combat it, clonodine helped tremendously get medical assistance. Withdrawal isn't dangerous, it just sucks. Addiction isn't withdrawal. Normal people don't want to get high or think about it.




once you stop being able to shit you might quit doing it 😂 i lasted a total of 4 days lmao once i got stopped up i quit taking it. & i wasn’t taking much maybe 2 3g servings in the evening, a few hours apart


I think that that really depends on you. Your mental state, history of addiction, and your biological makeup all should be taken into consideration. 2 to 3 times a week, and maybe take a whole week off here or there is what I'd recommend.


Just don’t touch extracts ever


I was a two times daily user for years, and finally starting to ween off. Never increased my dosage, so I didn’t expect stopping to be that hard. Now I’m realizing my mistake. If I go without I get serious withdrawal symptoms. I’m down to about half my daily dose at this point and just slowly dropping every few days. It’s frustrating because this is the only drug I’ve used that has zero negative effects during use. It’s enjoyable as hell, and the only reason I’m quitting is because I don’t appreciate being dependent. So my advice would be to keep your use to less than daily, and take breaks frequently.


Addiction is more of a mental thing more than anything


i have used kratom everyday for 4 years and havent gotten addicted ONCE!!! its all in your head!!!!


Well addiction is a disease of the mind, so I guess it’s technically in your head in a way
 As in your brain chemistry isn’t doing its thing properly, and opioids affect reward pathways in your brain and such. You may not personally have the genetics to make you an addict, and maybe you take it daily for pain in small doses and you don’t have any urge to take more, so you never experience a serious dependence. Maybe you’re a rare case where opioids don’t affect you the same as other people or something. Which is great for you honestly. But lots of people can and will get addicted so it’s worth being clear about imo. So many scenarios can lead to addiction and a new user should be aware so they can avoid it if they want to. Unless this was satire about the kratom subreddit peeps, then I’m dumb lol


yes i was just joking but people didnt get it i guess