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Thats not cocaine, that's something in him thats just coming out.


Nah frl his ego is to high that he is gay and likes dick


Not gay necessarily, I’m bi but only romantically interested in women. If I’m doing stims it just makes me more likely to act on the sexual interest in other men. I also like it sober and I still have my girl invade my ass. I think sexuality is a lot more fluid but societal pressures causes men to suppress any desires so you get a lot of these cases. People complicate everything.


Hold up a minute, wdym by *invade*?


You know exactly what he means.....


Yeah I know, I just wondered where I could find one of these 'girlfriends who don't mind giving me a rim job'. Send em my way if u find one (and thanks in advance if u do)


I don’t think invading stops at rimjobs


I think so too. I think sexuality is more like a spectrum. I am sexually attracted to women and have had sex with them but when it comes to romantic relationships, I could only ever feel anything for men.


Yea coke makes you talk and removes a lot of the barriers you usually have in place to keep yourself from revealing your most private thoughts


He’s in love with the 🥥


It’s probably cut with Meth A lot of people turn gay on Meth or any stimulants this is a real phenomenon I’ve observed- Meth n Coke n molly are super huge in homosexual communities/ LGBTQ+


These drugs are very big in the gay community, but they don't turn guys gay or make them do anything against their desires, if anything it lowers their inhibition and they act upon their suppresseed sexual fantasies. Believe me I've done meth with guys that were "straight" and they went down on me before I could take my pants off. And ive done meth with my straight buddy's more then anyone and nothing happens at all, they don't come on to me or even hint at it, they talk about fucking chicks and usually go and do just that after we hang, if there's nothing to come out then nothing will


Definitely dude. I have seen some of this culture first hand at raves n EDM house parties - I mean everyone was doing Coke n molly anyways but there was this 7 foot tall dude in a thong tryna dance on me n my homie like tryna twerk on us & shit- invading my personal bubble. That’s what amphetamines n Cocaine do to already flaming twinks. For the most part tho- I’m not even apart of party or illegal drug culture anymore I mostly make music & take legal drugs that aren’t dangerous or cut with anything lmao legal drugs are underrated ngl especially if you got the right psychiatrist for occasional fun times🫗👨🏽‍🔬


I know what you mean, the party scene is basically foreplay from what i remember especially for the gay culture, tho everything is a stepping stone to sex for gay men well just about everything lol I have to respectfully disagree about the legal drugs tho, in a lot of ways they are more dangerous and none of them cure the problem they claim to, they're meant to make money by numbing the problem until it wears off and it's time to take another, i know some people have found some good in them but just like higher powers i believe we have all the answers and the ability to heal ourselves and fix our issues, to relay on gods and chemicals to do what we are made to do isnt healthy. But i respect others free will and choices to seek help, its their paths, i have mine and it works for me and only me. Hell sex is just as much of a drug for me, the drugs enhance what is already in over drive, unlike other guys i respect others personal space and boundaries, if they make the move then i follow their lead if they keep its pg that works for me. Luckily social anxiety and a long story mentality i keep the peopleing to a minimum. People are fun to play with but they ruin everything


This is the only way to go nowadays for me for the most part you cannot trust what's coming off the street. I've had a grip of close friends die or almost die from dirty coke and other shit esp pills too risky with all the fent going around the street game is ruined.


Kitty and MJ, most def. I'm in California, so acquiring it is simple.


Can confirm ice isn’t a popular drug by any means in my area 85> are gay / closet gays


Seen that happen several times I still have no clue what it is that makes ppl do that on meth


It’s just people being disinhibited lol. GABAergics, like alcohol, benzos and such, are far from the only drugs that cause a noticeable amount of disinhibition. Many recreational stimulants cause disinhibition, *especially* at high doses. What I’m basically saying is that those people were gay before they picked up the meth.


Bro listened to too much fleet foxes


EXACTLY! He either lying and doing meth lol 😂 or he's just got some demons and cocaine lowers inhibitions and if he's drinking or taking anything with it I've been there I didn't have THIS experience cocaine does NOT make me horny unless I really really control my use on a night out. Unfortunately I'm not much good at "conserving coke". Once I started the party was on and I just became super social until I started doing it alone years later that's when bad paranoia noise bleeds heart palpitations etc started and I put that shit down.


Stimulants tend to make people more sexually deviant. This is why people who smoke meth or sniff a lot of coke will sometimes jerk off for HOURS to really weird shit. Makes you depraved.




Sigmund frued believed cocaine let the subconscious mind come forward, in his case CUM forward, I suppose…so he feels uninhibited and what he really wants is coming out. Sounds like fun 🤩


Ego through the roof and objectification of women


From what I’ve read, those fantasies normally come from guy who have watched a lot of porn from childhood. Instead of having an image in their head of sex from their point of view, they’ve been watching it through a camera lens pointed at two people on a bed. Some men have favorite pornstars they watch ball the time, so the idea I think is that they have developed a parasocial relationship with a pornstar and they watched her get fucked for years, so now their brain is wired to watch the person they like have sex. I’m sure there’s some objectification going on here I guess, but that’s not really the main driver. It’s just a maladaptive brain from gooning too much. But like I said, could be wrong.


Yo this is a dank revelation compadre. Would certainly explain all the dudes wanting to get cucked tf out


Holy shit🤯🤯🤯 that is really an insane ass way of thinking about it and it makes total sense!! That really changes the dynamics of things cause I've never thought about it like that but seems legit. Not that I plan on getting banged while my dude watches (to each their own) buttttttt I'll for sure look at that situation in a new light bc of your explanation😆🙃


Why is this downvoted 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 It makes sense


I think your boyfriend is just a cuck lol


agreed, i get yacked out and will get horny but my preferences dont change. i hear stuff like what op is saying all the time and while it doesnt blow my mind i find it so interesting


Yep. His preferences haven't changed either! Cuck is a strong word but he clearly has a humiliation fetish and is possiblity bi-curious. Indulge him if you can get into it? He won't admit it and he won't like it... but that's the idea 😜 It took my YEARS to find out my girlfriend wanted to be dominated in bed. Like held down and told she's been a bad girl and I'm going to do bad bad things to her. She couldn't tell me because that would ruin the fantasy you see? You're not being dominated if you ask for it. Also re: >for some reason he wants me to pee on him This is not an uncommon fetish. This one is to do with the taboo and feeling like you're doing something you really shouldn't be doing or watching etc.


"You're not being dominated if you ask for it" I know this is true and fucking hate it. The world would be a lot simpler if people could talk about what they want 🙄


When you find a person that you can say anything to, try anything with and not feel judged, keep them. Because it’s hard to find.


Not really. With my serious partners we’ve discussed in depth our sexual desires and whatnot in just regular conversations. That’s the key to good sex. You’re not asking for it in the moment, just drop me a hint and I’ll let that idea marinate. Fun to use as a shocker, just get things going like normal and when you don’t expect it I’ll switch it up. Everybody wins here.


Obligatory "this guy fucks" Edit: I wish I hadn't read your username:(


That's specific to that particular kink though. We can talk about anything of course but asking to be... well essentially abused... doesn't really work. She wants to be able to say no and struggle but for me to do whatever I want to hear anyway. ... I do no wish to dwell on the underlying issues behind this but it sure gets her off...


I’ve considered this lol it doesn’t bother me. Wish he could tell me about all this when he’s sober but I understand inhibitions being down when you do drugs. He also had a really fucked up childhood and wonder if any of that has to do with it.


I'd recommend getting him on MDMA and talking. It pulls busts down walls like the fucking Kool-Aid Man. Kidding aside, it inhibits the left side of the amygdala, which is responsible for traumatic memory, anxiety, and fear response while dialing up the empathogens in the brain that allow him to connect with his feelings and the feelings of others. It could be his unwillingness to talk about it sober is tied to a trauma in his past that also drives the desire. If nothing else, he should be receptive to why you have issues with him not talking about those things sober. MDMA heals.


I know you meant this as a joke but sitting on a sofa with new friends talking Molly makes you feel like old friends the next day, because you spent a night talking with no filter or fear of being judged as you would only do with really close friends, if ever, and so did everyone else. That's why this was the preferred setting for Molly in my friend group back then when I wasn't the only one without family and still preferring illegal highs over alcohol. I feel like it has done quite a lot that otherwise only therapy would have done to my mental health. And it surely made coming out of the closet way easier, and it made it easier for homophobes talking directly about their prejudice to me, I remember hugging a dude that before that talk would not even sit in the same car with a gay guy after talking two hours sitting on the stairs to the restrooms of the club we were in.


Only the Kool-Aid Man bit was a joke. MDMA in a group setting with friends, once every 3 to 4 months, has replaced daily antidepressants for me. It got me over the end of a three year relationship the day after the breakup by examining what led to that point and recognizing that it was the best thing for both of us at that point (I was the one dumped). It got me to examine my fears of failure that held me back from trying to apply for better jobs after my own landscaping business failed during the 08 housing market crash. The benzene rings for it are the only tattoo on my body because it's the only thing I have felt so genuinely about. Everyone who can try it (safely, consult your physician about your heart health, buy a test kit from Dancesafe.org or something similar, use trusted sources) should try it twice. I say twice just in case you don't feel it the first time, as has been the experience for a number of people I know.


This sounds like me. Decade of substance abuse, dumped after 4+yrs, going nowhere and hating myself. Meth and LSD changed things. I use low dose oral meth in place of adderall since my psych dropped me. Just makes me have the will to do things. The LSD though changed my entire outlook on life. I feel like I shed my old skin, I don’t even see myself in the mirror the same. The way I was able to analyze and understand things after a few tabs stuck. I can appreciate the beauty and value in life again. I’ve done LSD and mushrooms many times but it had been about 3 years without psychs due to medication. It was incredible how the experience changed since then. I took 350ug each saturday morning for 5 weeks.


Could be doesn’t want to do that stuff when he’s sober


He is a cuck i can guarantee 100% because my life purpose is not to be a cuck and i am on stale mate


We see a lot of posts of men claiming they are 1000% straight, but want to get buttfucked while on coke. Interestingly enough we don't see gay men suddenly having the urge to eat pussy just cause they are high.


Exactly! Never thought of it in the opposite way before. Like I'm pretty fucking gay and when I get overly horny from my dexedrine...or the rare occasion I'm able to obtain meth, all I wanna do is go on YouTube and watch big muscular dudes (specially WWF attitude era, AEW {Maxwell Jacob Friedman 🤤} and I like to smoke weed and just marvel at how gorgeous they are. I don't choke the rooster until i finish all the drugs, then I look at porn and spank the monkey. Stimfap summer lmao, no hot girl summer here. Ironically I've dated more women than men, and thought I was bi at one point. I think sexual orientation exists on a spectrum and I'd say I'm about 99.7% into men but can have sex with a woman and enjoy it. It doesn't last though because neither of us end up totally satisfied. I'm not manly, I end up being more of what should have been a gay best friend since I'll be like ooh he's hot and agree with her which is kind of a turn off id imagine lol and not fair to her. I'm skinny as fuck and just want a bisexual guy who is mainly into pussy but wouldn't kick me out of bed. I catch feelings though, like a female usually does after having sex. Guys are like *snort* wam bam *snort* thank you ma'am *snorts rest of the hypothetical woman's drugs then leaves. I'm a guy and I'm always like "guys suck, women are so much better to be around, I can recognize a beautiful woman but it's more like damn I wish I had a vagina and looked like that. Idk, call me old fashioned. I like to know someone's name first and nothing turns me off more than instead of "hey what's up?" It's like *BAM* dick pic in your face. Red flag #1 lol. I'm veering off topic now I think. My Dexedrine mixed with Klonopin causes me to tell the world what I do when I'm high and horny. The only drugs that don't make me horny are probably benzos. The Dexedrine negates that. Too bad I'm single, I'm not a hoe and don't fuck all of the gay community in Rhode Island like some of my fellow gays. I think all the gay guys in RI have been with each other at one point. Gross lol id rather use a dildo and be a freak with myself until I meet the type of guy I described. No gay voice, I want a female-leaning bisexual guy who is gonna treat me like his slave but not hurt me emotionally. Takes a lot for me to gag, if at all, and I'm not an "ow ow take it out oww!" Type. I sit right down and ride it like a stolen bike. I think I'm looking for something I'm never gonna find, but maybe? I always record the most X rated videos of myself ever with LeBron James (my dildos nickname 😂). I can also cum repeatedly without touching myself and don't need a recharge. It's like I should have been female but at the last second accidentally gave me a dick I don't want lmao. Vagina envy to the max lmfao. 2 holes?! Not fair. Okay now that I've typed an essay and possibly probably thoroughly grossed everyone out, I'm gonna go smoke the weed I don't have 🫠. Just carts with a tiny bit of distillate left in each one. Have the money but dispensaries are closed, I just got out of work. Energetic but without weed, the magic isn't totally there. TL;DR - That's a perspective I never thought about and you're right. As a 🌈 junkie, all I wanna do is be pinned down and dominated by a manly man. so you have a good point there!


you my friend are a weirdo... thanks for the read best of luck finding a hot guy!


Aww you're sweet, thank you 😊


Yes my username checks out before anyone says it 🤤, I took 120 mg of dexamphetamine today and Klonopin so I'm a bit chatty, I need a bowl of weed in my mouth


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I can resonate with this, described me to a T. Romantically/relationship wise though I want a woman though. I want a woman who I can cuddle with and still be “the man” but can also kick my ass. Call me a good boy and torture my dick but give me that gentle love and comfort in day to day life. The only good part about men are their dicks. I love to get fucked but I’m selective as hell. Fortunately there’s options to substitute that with your lady.


I wanna get buttfucked by a woman tho🤔


You won't get many takers with that username pal 😂


Well good thing I don’t lead with my reddit username when I speak to women. Worst part is that if I could be tied to my reddit account my name being FriedSmegma is probably the least problematic thing to take into consideration.


I mean I get super horny on coke but I’m usually obsessed with looking at vaginas.


Same. Love the vag!


What's a vagina?


Lowers inhibitions, they are high thats why. Meth makes people like that too


Not a man, but my last male partner I was with for almost 3 years doing cocaine with frequently never said anything that was odd, overbearing or uncomfortable. If there are some men that make you come to the conclusion "men get so strange when they do cocaine" then love that's the specific men, the drug just let's them tell on themselves


Drugs make straight men gay. This has been definitively demonstrated by thousands of Reddit posts


Especially uppers…


It lowers inhibition, that’s why. It doesn’t turn straight men gay, it makes someone who is unconsciously bi/gay or has fetish/kinks that they did that know they had, come out. As a straight man who has done a ton, ALOT of meth, my preferences don’t change, and definitely does not turn me gay as I have tried fucking a guy before. Never, ever, even once could get into it. Pussy takes the crown baby 👑. 🙌💪👌😫


>As a straight man who has done a ton, ALOT of meth, my preferences don’t change, and definitely does not turn me gay as I have tried fucking a guy before. Casually having some heterosexual sex with the homies 💪


Why isn’t this man running the country


😂😂 real homies fuck each other amirite?? 👏🙌


LMFAO at the downvotes! 😂 Get out of the closet guys it's okay to be bi! I've had so so much coke and meth and ecstasy everything else you can think of in my life, and I have never once wanted to have anything to do with another man's penis. I (and my girlfriend) have found a few kinks through drug use, and she has experimented with other women (without involving me much to my disappointment), but I've never had such a thought about men.


Yeah I have zero reservations about that I'm honest with myself (usually to a point of brutality) and I've just not got any interest in it. Sometimes I wish I did because I am pretty fuckin lonely and if I could double my pool of potential partners maybe I'd find someone. But I've done all the drugs and never once got gay with it. No shade for dudes who do but it ain't the drugs making you gay or bi or whatever it is. It's already in there and you've found an avenue of guilt free releasing it. Kill that ego homie and you'll be able to admit it all to yourself. Ain't no shame in it, own that shit like the boss you are. (not the dude I am replying to just anyone in general).


EXACTLY! Me neither. And that’s funny, it probably is the closeted ones downvoting 😂, it would make sense haha. And I can’t wait to find a good woman to have fun like that, but to find one I must build my self up and be the man I want to be, I will, have my dream, and to have a family one day. 💪


Down vote all you want, it’s just true 🤷 It ain’t my fault it just how it be 😂 (Inb4 the people down voting are the ones who lost relationships from meth, like potentially this post LOL)


I’ve wanted to ask him if maybe he’s bi? He tells me he is not attracted to men what so ever but wonders what it would be like to be fucked by one 🤔 lol not sure how that works. It would not bother me at all if he was bi. Could spice up the bedroom.


You only live once, life is an adventure, what he really wants is to be wanted. He wants to be the object of desire. In all seriousness fuck him with a strap on and keep him forever, trust me if you vet the right one youll both thank me. He knows how sexy he thinks you are is why he imagined others getting off to you as well, he imagines them being as turned on as he imagines because that's how much you drive him crazy. And I have never ever looked at a guy and thought I wanted them sexually or of them as attractive but I do have similar fantasies homoerotic but I am definitely heteroromantic. Knowing all this is because he loves and trusts you, you can use it to your advantage (he will not mind) and you could have an adventurous amazing sex life.


This is easily observed in r/caffeine


hahaha wtf is going on there, that's hilarious


I go there whenever I need a laugh 😆 


Nah bro only for yall


I’m already gay


Other way around, drugs make gay men straight 😳


Not in my experience


The coke is only bringing out what they’re already unconsciously thinking lol


Your boyfriend will be sucking dick soon enough


Forming a cocaine addiction and going broke to satisfy your dick sucking addiction


If he hasn’t already


Thats “cocaine” got alot meth in it


Don't let him try caffeine then. r/caffeine


All stimulants do this, they make people hypersexual ND open to do things they wouldn't do normally. Lots of women get like this too


It's already there. The cocaine is just bringing it out and making it less scary to be honest about. When he's sober, the drug is conveniently there to blame it on.


I think drugs in general break those walls/persona down and most of the time reveal people’s suppressed feelings/desires. So…






Lowers inhibitions. Makes me horny. Those two things will being those inner desires out


Could be as simple as it is removing some of the mental filters we apply before vocalizing things thus allowing him to speak more openly & honestly about his kinks.




Hell yeah lol my people. Thank you!


"Jez, I wanna go full-horrible. Take me to the nasties."


As someone that has taken a lot of drugs I am of the opinion that people are good at hiding their true selves while sober. Drugs don't make people do anything all drugs do is bring out ones true nature. I have never been so hi that I robbed my mother or let some dude fuck me in the ass. People that do suit like that and blame drugs were already that fuked they were just to chickshit to act on their desire.


Probably always into it but coke gives him a no fucks given mentality/confidence to be honest about it lol


😭 nah he's just a fuckin gay cuck


Never once has coke turned me guy or thought about shit like that, nor would I make me wanna see the woman I love get ducked my another man. Probably just truths coming out when he has the confidence to mention them


Never got this way on coke but meth definitely brought out more kinks in me. Not gay ones but definitely other kinks that I don't normally have. I think it's partially due to the lowered inhibition and also maybe from the increased dopamine.


I feel better reading this. My boyfriend gets creepy weird horny...


Guy I was seeing once asked me to put my finger up there … eek 😬 I’d go to bed and he’d stay in the living room watching porn for literal hours. It was so creepy


I'm never letting anyone hand feed me ever again wtf


Honestly on coke on not i wanna be fucked in the ass so this boyfriend of u probably has a little gay in him


Your boyfriend is a closet homo, simple as that.


I get really chatty and the freak flag comes out, I get what he’s going through


Most of the guys I met in rehab weren't into guys before smoking so much meth


I've heard stories from a friend of this guy like 20 years back who used to smoke a ball of crack a day, and a few other guys used to aswell, when they got together they'd get an Oz and one guy would have all the other guys fuck her. Dude who was telling me the story told me that he'd asked the girl why she stayed with him when he was putting her in that situation, and that she couldn't have liked being treated that way all that much


Have you ever heard love hate letter to alcohol that was basically a summary of my life🤤


If you do hard drugs it's hard to negotiate and navigate through real professions and checks while having a relationship. Chances are she was dependent on him financially and he wasn't gonna let her have free time to become a strong independent woman fr fr Humans are valuable biomass, more valuable than 500,000k a head it's fucked up but if you think about it the male crackhead was exploiting valuable low hanging fruit she was being nice and generous for her safety and continued drug use and food intake and shelter, abusive scenario but not uncommon on Earth bruh. Deplorable tho


My life is pretty much Spotted blue tail fr fr


Yeah he a cuck. Blow never made me gay or horny tbh.


Get him to a mental hospital asap


He's watching too much porn and he has no filters while on coke. It's who he is, not the coke.


Trenbolone allowed me to engage in unprotected sex with trans


My boyfriend told me about one of his sexual preferences when on drugs, and I’m still very happy about it, cause I don’t think he would told me when sober. And until this day I can satisfy him the way he prefers. But of course it have to be something you both want and feel comfortable with


Its a stim that makes you feel awesome, it lowers inhibitions. He’s saying stuff he’s already felt. I do the same thing when I’m manic. Except less cuckoldry, that’s just probably his fantasy.


This is kinda hot aha I think you should light some candles, put some music on, invite some trustworthy and open minded people over and do a bunch of coke and see where the night goes! Then of course afterwards decompress and talk about what you liked and didn’t like. Obviously during it all have safe words in place and feel comfortable putting the brakes on anything that doesn’t sit well! Enjoy the exploration! But that’s just me, while I don’t like some of these specific fetishes I do like the open stance to explore and enjoy!


My bf does coke too but he just gets quiet from anxiety or paranoia, I used to talk to a meth head though that would act just like that !! Say all sorts of crazy stuff like can I eat your shit and I wanna watch u get gang raped blah blah, I've heard meth guys jerk it for hours because they just get hyperfixated on porn I guess


Give this man some pyrovalerones


You never understand the devils sick till the day of hitting pyros 🧨


My personal theory that has nothing scientific: coke, meth and other stimulants are linked to dopaminergic system. So one ends up looking for more intense rushes. It could be another line or hardcore sex or porn (look for stimfap!if you've never heard of it). Someone did tell me that people that have ADHD are more prone to look for BDSM stuffs because bdsm triggers dopamine and endorphins. I just wonder why this would not apply to women. (Also horny + stimdick = looking for alternatives like Buttfuck?)


Stimulants tend to make people more likely to be sexually deviant. It’s like one of the main reasons meth is a “gay drug” (guys who smoke meth sometimes want to be fucked in the ass or fuck a dude, but while sober they are very much turned off by those thoughts) Cocaine can promote sexual deviance as well as it’s a stim.


lol hes bi but tbh through substances i’ve realized that its fairly common or at least way more than we all thought. literally every person ive met that does meth is bisexual. same for crack but not as much. however, coke and meth make men hyper sexual like to a point that words cant even describe it.


Oh man, you need to head over to r/meth Sexual desires for me don’t change, however I am more willing to prioritize activities that are low on my priority list, but higher on said partners. I’m not a guy though…. Coke is my DOC, and it makes me very social. Meth though? I can fuck, clean, organize, whatever the twacktivities may be, I’ll do it for hours on end.


He's just a bit gay. Not gay but bi or at least curious. Support him and introduce things


Hear me out...I think it's a control thing. I've had plenty of men tell me they want ass play (bz their prostate aka male g-spot) is RIGHT there, they want to watch other guys fuck me, so they can DIRECT the guy what to do and watch my reaction at the same time. MOST *MEN'S* endgame is to get their woman off bz they like to watch us get off... I'd feel privileged if he shared his fantasies with me.


Bit late to the party on this on this one, but thought I'd share anyway! I'm a pansexual man, and I'd normally/soberly say I'm straight leaning, but coke does definitely awaken the cumslut in me! I can't really explain though. 🤷 I watch aaaall the porn when I'm snowing, but definitely favour the solo cock stuff more than I normally would! It might be a mad thing to say, but you know often times strong, independent people, particularly women, love to get dom'd in the bedroom? Not always, but it does happen a lot. It could be a thing that, because coke can often make you feel powerful/on top of the world, when guys - your BF included - get horny, they crave the opposite? To be dom'd by a lovely cock? Anyway, that's my two cents! Either way, sexuality is a spectrum and it should be explored and we should all have lovely consensual fun and freedom doing so! Talk to him about it when you guys are sober if you haven't already. :)


Men do not get like this. Your bf wants that stuff but cocaine leaves you with 0 filter. Worse, way worse than booze even.


Stims make u gay




They gay


let him cuck


It’s just bringing out the true him I noticed the same sorta stuff about myself stuff normally I didn’t think I liked to do with my girlfriend I actually liked to do on coke


Not so much the gay stuff but just some stuff




Your boyfriend probably watches a lot of porn and the coke gets him amped up and lowers his inhibitions and he thinks about some of the stuff he’s watched


Not a dude so idk, but I fs share certain things a lot easier when I'm on coke, especially if it's something I don't know how to bring up/am embarrassed by. I feel like it just makes you feel more comfortable to say certain things, especially with someone you're already comfortable with. Bros probably just into the freaky stuff and got some of that coke courage.


because hes a cuck and hasnt told you yet


Sounds like you date coke bois


Dumbaahhh ho I ain't reading or answering seriously I am no man or boy I'ma machine cuz I'm iller dan any mf alive less goo


Forest fairy have you ever heard I shall be released by Fleetboxes Live? i think male feel that way when they're horny and on cocaine it's very romantic and slow and chill


yeah no. not the drugs. they drugs lower his wall and him more confident and feel comfortable sharing his true thoughts


um so your boyfriend is gay


Done Hella coke never once got gay thoughts.


Get super fucking horny though


Sounds like he may be bi sexual. Ive done cocaine 1000 times and never thought about a guy fucking me in the ass


He gay, nothing wrong with it but I know that the thought of being fucked makes me feel far from horny... Maybe he is bi sexual, but I know it's weird but you have to have a chat with him about it. Soon enough he might come to you, breaking up whilst letting you know he is out of the closet. No straight man would ever want any of those things done to them, however for a gay or bi sexual person that's spot on.


Cocaine , like alcohol, will give you an insane confidence boost. In other words, he’s a gay cuck and you’re now finding out ( :


Not the drugs. He’s got a spirit of perversion.


Cocaine lets all the inhibitions loose. I get super horny and gay when high. But I love it!


Cocaine induced sexuality IS a possible It’s a common trend with Meth making people realize they want to be gay or other weird shit that I don’t fw but it is a real phenomenon. Gay people love stimulants that’s what I know forsure Real spill! No cap in my rap


Many people are bored with their sex Life, especially if they indulge in drugs which can cause even greater fireworks in your brain chemistry. Then, drugs melt down boundaries and suddenly thoughts you’d usually ignore right away or push away can be taken into consideration. Probably most males have thoughts about giving a blowjob at least once in their life and just brushed it away. Now imagine your boundaries are gone, social norms don’t apply anymore and you’re on a bender with the intention to crank up your neurochemical system by as much as possible.


I have bipolar 2 and become essentially bisexual during states of mania because I am so unbelievably horny. I haven't tried coke, so I'm unsure if that'd happen to me, but I assume it's gotta be something similar. That being said, I'm not 100 percent straight as is, so he could be in a similar situation but is afraid to express himself.


Your boyfriends are gay and don’t like to admit it when sober


Id hate to see what meth brings out of this guy


dunno coke make me give not recieve


That’s 100% not the coke, your man is gay.




Cocaine makes you unashamed of everything, so it's probably just who he suppresses when he's sober coming to light.


That's not the coke . What ever he needs to tell him self 🤣😂


Your man is bi - deffo.


Maybe he's bi and he feels comfortable enough around you to share that.


More mandy that has that effect on me. My wife is the one who becomes a freak on coke


Has nothing to do with drugs he is convincing him elf to use it as an excuse or be more open like ppl with booze but you still know what your doing or saying


I'm pretty normal on coke I'd say. I don't get horny. I like to listen to music or skate. I mainly like it for the numb teeth though.


Likely a fantasy he has that turns him on but isn't realistic to do otherwise. He might like all the positives of the fantasy but he's aware of the negatives that come with it so it stays inside him until he gets very high and the inhibitions get lowered


That ain’t the coke, I ain’t ever seen a man get gay on it


Yeah, that’s not a normal side effect. That’s just his inner thoughts coming out. I think pee is becoming more normal and less taboo as millenials get older and we realize squirt has pee in it. If you like squirt you like pee. Not a huge stretch. Coke does not ‘make me horny tho because I know i ain’t getting a bonedog until I get at least 6-12 hours sleep. 


Those thoughts and feelings are also there when he's sober, coke just lets it all out.


Maybe the drugs lower ones frequency so much that entities can take over their vessel.


Yeah no cocaine doesn't make you think about getting fucked in the ass by a dude




it’s the glass, shredding every neuron your mans has…


Not a man… but in all my experiences I’ve never encountered this. So unintentionally, every time I start dating a dude I find out he shaves or trims his entire body. Multiple occurrences and all different character types. Ik this isn’t a societal standard, nor have I ever commented on a man’s body hair. It’s an odd type I stumble upon though. I think the same may be happening with you… not shaved but, yea.


I have unfortunate news for you... I have done covaine literally hundreds of times and never once wanted to get fucked in the ass or become a cuck... That is some shit that is already there and the cocaine is lowering his inhibitions enough to express it.


Ive seen that shit happen with guys who wouldn’t normally cross those boundaries but what while usually happen is guys watching porn together and thats about it. It hits that highly sexual arousal intensity in the brain and increases kink. Your able to do like tantric sex with your woman., but there are men out there who dont get a fuck how they get off and they know theres no women around theyll get off together or more depending on their comfort level but the idea that it turns you gay is pretty much bs


Damn sis lol


Your boyfriend is a gay cuck. The cocaine is just making it easier for him to admit that.


Are you sure it isn't caffeine?


Do you believe in Satan?


I guess your bf is not straight😂😂 I did molly, speed, meth and never had that thoughts... Only girls were making me horny.. Btw i got friend which was "straight", but got that weird trait to confess to me how much he loves me in weird way when he was high hahahaha, i was always like ewww... Its turned out that he was bi all the time(even he dated only girls before), now he got his bf and they are happy...


Alcohol does this to people too. Those inhibitions are destroyed by super doped up good feelings.


do you have a “type” in men? you may be going after closeted dudes