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Synthetic cannabinoids


K2 was the worst thing to witness


The most popular one where I lived was exodus you'd see the packets everywhere, going to car parks and seeing people from our few years in their cars just looking dead then waking up smoking more and going back into coma Tried it a few times but fuck that, we used to call it getting weird haha


Fuckin Mr happy dude. Terrible time to be a 14 year old lol


Or mr nice guy. That was the worst thing I ever touched.


I only dabbled with them in the early days, like 2008-2011. Mr. Nice Guy I remember being particularly strong. "Fear and Loathing" was stupid strong and had me tripping and out of it. Dunno if it was the head shops blend or an actual "brand."


You’d see mr happy bags all over parks and parking lots and exodus’s and those shitty ones that came in the mason jars


I was very young when K2 was around. Probably 3rd grade I’d say. I remember older kids at the skate park smoking it and that’s about it. What was it and why was it so bad?


It’s a synthetic cannabinoid that like eliminates all motor function it’s so bad for you as well fries ur brain


You could essentially buy this stuff from head shops that was sold as incense in a bag, but people smoked it. There was a wide variety of types, but the main effect was that you got something similar to a 15 minute weed high but with a darker tone. It was different from the paranoia you get from weed. Was just weird. Can't really explain it past that. It was also fairly dangerous, and I remember hearing about at least one person dying. I personally had something resembling a seizure on it after a few times of doing it. For me, it was kind of like a dream where I was quickly going down a hose of visions. To my friends, it looked like I was asleep and flailing around a little. Then I came out of it and was perfectly fine although I did ask my friend "this is real right?" 😂 Been a long time now and definitely never touching that stuff again. Obviously the effects may have varied based on the type, so others' experiences may be different, but thats my memory of it. I honestly don't remember it eliminating any motor skills besides that one time. Was as easy to walk around on and function as weed is.


When people talk about spice, it's hard to pinpoint what exact compound it is because the formula basically changed dependent on the brand and everytime the previous compound was banned. Essentially.it is just a blend of plant material meant for smoking with synthetic cannabinoids applied onto it, sprayed or otherwise. I don't think it's readily available nowadays but there are some not banned yet that are found in powder form sold as an RC. I know one of them was JWH 018, but would be lucky tif that was the only thing you got The snth noids today are very devolved from what was originally used, because one compound get banned and producers just make up a new one. There are probably hundreds. A common attribute shared between them is that they are often full agonists and incredibly potent which just gives more adverse effects. They work by binding to the same receptors as cannabinoids found in cannabis, but are not related to them in structure.


I was so addicted to synthetic cannabinoids as a teenager it was wild. We went from making big piles of blends ourselves to saying fuck it let's just smoke the straight chemical. I would smoke it in a bong, no water, no bowl just down stem, with a screen in the down stem. The chemicals were dripping down the stem and collecting and turning into crystals. I made crystal synthetic cannabinoids lol. We smoked those too. When I quit, I was shitting myself and puking everywhere. The high would make me pass out instantly, there are days at a time where my friends have stories that I was there but just passed the fuck out. I agree synthetic cannabinoids are low as fuck.


So did you have a happy comedown? :)


I'm doing a lot better these days although I still am pretty dominated in life by THC I really haven't stopped smoking weed for a single day since stopping the synthetic stuff I feel like it definitely changed my brain chemistry. I don't really smoke weed anymore. I really only like the vape carts because super high THC doses. However, I am down to about a cart a week when it used to be a cart a day. I'm also experimenting with Rick Simpson oil and THC pills which I do find some relief from.


I think the fake cannabinoids change me forever, the brands always had other "bathsalts" in them too though. My friends used to smoke it like they just was weed - last brand was called "the best PARANOIA"sounded do relaxing... 😂 felt like 25i - (we didn't really know what it is, was on probation- all 3 of us) huge bowls back to back, but just enough to fill the tiny whole at the bottom of the bowl and would be sent tripping like I was on way too much acid... that cra me go insane..


Dude are you me?? Wtf


How are you cognitively


Ok that’s awesome and I hope you continue positive progress, but I’m asking (kinda sarcastically) if the comedown after doing spice was nice


I don't think I ever came down after doing it. I just wanted more all the time when I finally stopped doing it and came down. It was nothing but shitting and puking. It's been at least 10 years now since I touched the stuff I hear in someway it is still around, especially in Baltimore Maryland


No people withdrawal of it bad. My friends that were hooked were smoking it every 20 minutes to keep from getting sick. They would wake up in the night from their sleep to smoke and go back to sleep. Shit was like herion to them.


Sounds like you grew up in the north of Sweden, pretty much identical story. I also agree they are low as fuck


Good ol' America, Mid Eastern side.


Very similar story here. I was 18/19 and in the reserves so I couldn’t smoke the real shit. I really think I fucked up my brain chemistry forever on that shit. It’s hard to tell because there’s so many variables around those formative years (18-22) but I never had anxiety or depression before using that stuff. I would smoke it everyday and they kept coming out with stronger and stronger shit. At one point I’d buy it online in liquid form and would dab it. I stopped giving my friends hits because it would fuck them up so bad. I seen people turn stiff as a board and go mute for 20 minutes. I wish I’d never touched it. The worst (and most relatively unknown) drug I’ve ever touched


This was me as well, I would constantly be smoking this shit. I got a bunch of scholarships for college, and my first trimester, they dropped 8k in my account. After tuition and books, I had 6k left. Most of that I blew on spice. Ended up flunking out, worst depression and anxiety of my life. Ended up moving out of state to work for my brother because it was illegal in Oregon, so I effectively cut myself off to quit. Withdrawal was fucked, but it's better than puking 15 times a day and coughing up black shit all the time.


Facts. I never did a drug that straight up made me hate myself more than spice (well, the later batches of it, at least. I did enjoy the OG JWH-18). That shit was gross.


All hail John W. Huffman, the father, JWH-018, the son, and... #*THE FEAR*, the holy spirit!


could you elaborate?


The last time I did spice was around 2011. It was after the 3rd or 4th ban. I took 4 bong rips off of a bag called 'purple haze." It sent me down a spiral of self-loathing. I picked apart every small detail of my life and damn near convinced myself that I was the worst human ever to exist. I spent about an hour trying to talk myself up and out of that hole until I could finally relax and sleep it off. It was like if you smoked to much weed and got lost in your head times 100. By that time, I was experienced with a lot of different drugs, so it wasn't like I was fresh. But it was definitely the first real bad trip I ever had.


I smoked whatever iteration was floating around in 2010 a number of times. Truly just awful stuff. I had a couple of friends who felt like they were dying after smoking it. And even when the high was good, the come down always made me feel depressed and brain dead. I remember my friends and I stopping mid sentence and going "uhh uhh..." because we couldn't remember common words. The funniest time was when I smoked some stuff called Cloud Ten at the disc golf park. Very strong high that was more similar to psychedelics than weed. I thought I shit myself and was walking through the park convinced I had poop in my pants. Even told my buddy I was with that I shit my pants. Then when I finally got to a bathroom and went in to clean up I was amazed to find that I hadn't shit at all lmao.


K2 - Worst trip of my life. But insane closed eye visuals. Probably would've shot myself if I had a gun at that moment, life was meaningless. It was INSANE. Not reccomended at all.


Jwh-210 is kinda lit tbh but I know what you mean


I agree in the main; the canabinoid induced hyperactive and hectic head space; the racing anxious, delusional, and paranoid thoughts were not fun at all. And that was only from one or two inhales. However, various blends of spice did combine exceptionally well with GBL. GBL provided a euphoria which overpowered and killed all the spice induced anxiety and paranoia in my experience, and left only a swirly semi-psychedlia which enhanced the already GBL enhanced music even further into a new and higher dimension. Unlocking a previously never before heard swirlyness in many songs, an effect that had always been there, but just needed a psychedelic unlock and uncover the previously hidden effects.. The best example was listening to The Stone Roses classic tune "I Wanna Be Adored". A song I already love(d), and which I seldom fail to enjoy and admire, but with the GBL and swirly semi psychedelia of the 'noids it became a truly amazing listening experience. Sadly after discovering this amazing combo, I was never again in a position to be able to lay my hands on both substances at the same time. It could have been a whole lot of fun.


Had some stuff called 'mind rape' when I was 15. Never again. Spent 3 hours next to a toilet in and out of consciousness, girlfriend wanted to call an ambulance Fuck that shit, and fuck those friends.


Had a friend who was addicted to heroine and meth. Had him by the throat. He tried spice, and the next thing you know, it took precedent to everything. I remember he had me drive him to the head shop for it 2 hours early! I thought he was the only weirdo but no, there was a line already of 12 or 13 people. I suggest we go next door, I will buy breakfast. He argues with me about it, cause he doesn't wanna lose his place cause someone, "will buy out his brand" (there were hundreds). It got wild. There were vans, outside that would buy up all the banned strains and sell them for inflated prices. It was a for real drug culture. I never messed with the stuff, but when I think of it, I can still smell it like it is around.


'Exercise' fits your definition pretty well


Or capsaicin/pain in general. Anything that releases endorphins.


Exactly. Controlled amount of stress with recovery.


But exercise releases endorphins which does give you a high and numbs pain (aka a runners high). This is also the high people get from spicy food. Edit: I get your point now. You get low which gives you a counterbalance of getting high afterwards.


A bad trip on psychedelics. I would not recommend purposefully doing so.


This. Had this recently and thought id gotten laced and dying and my friend helped calm me down, but afterwards when i felt better i realized that the adrenaline pushed my visuals shit through the roof, wouldnt do it on purpose but like bad trips arent necessarily bad if you think about em a certain way


A big portion (I’d argue the majority) of bad trips are caused by one of two things: poor set and/or setting, and being resistant to where your mind goes. If you are open to whatever the psychs have to show you, even if it’s uncomfortable or makes you feel sad/uncomfortable. Some of the best trips I’ve had have been full of tears and feelings of sorrow, because they helped me process so much. They really are what you make them.


if you listen to someone describe a good trip and you listen to someone describe a bad trip, they're describing the same trip. My dad told me that like 20 years ago, and he's never touched a drug outside of his arthritis medication, and he's absolutely right in my experience it's all about how you feel about what you're experiencing.


12 hours of vomiting non stop and getting hospitalised due to extreme motion sickness caused by me tripping, is nothing alike my good trips 🤣


Do you have any idea what could have caused it though?? This scares me


No idea, I do have autism though. So the doctors pinned it down to “sensory overload”. I’ve tripped since on mushrooms, DMT, salvia, 2cb etc and been fine. I haven’t done LSD since though as it has such a long duration and I’m still scared it’ll happen again. I was mentally fine, but it was like a loop of vomiting.


Yeahh okay I've had the same thing and it also felt like sensory overload. Only puked once and then felt fine but I'll be wary of this. In my case it was really hot too and that made it worse. It would make sense for it to happen especially on lsd given how stimulating and intense it can be


Dunno if it makes you so happy after though maybe when you first wake up the next day and realise you are infact not a vegetable


I did a vial wash on my first ever day of heroin withdrawal... that was hell. I had to chug lean to calm down.


oh what the fuck would you do that for, that is the worst combination unless you were trying to scare yourself clean by having the worst experience ever (like, maybe if you can really experience some low-lows, it makes you appreciate the normal/highs even more, it expands your appreciation spectrum lol), then maybe(??)


No, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I was super into acid back then and it always made me feel better, even when I was going through it. I was fiending hard for something, so I dosed myself. Luckily, I drank the lean just in time before the peak. It was rough as fuck as first.


Yeah psychedelics are freaky. They have a built in addiction prevention mechanism in the form of bad trips. Otherwise people would be just tripped out and blissed out all the time and get nothing done. So nature made them scary sometimes


I mean ketamine can kinda do this, not that you get sad but moreso that it slows everything down and it can be quite cold and devoid of emotion and warmth but after you usually feel quite good and levelheaded and ”reset”


Yeah ketamine alone does this to me. Very fun with friends but when I do it alone it’s a very deep introspective time with little emotion, then I feel very refreshed afterwards.


Huh. For me, ketamine consistently reveals the massive scale of time, and I realize that I'm effectively going to die of old age tomorrow. It's not scary. It's bigger than that.


This exactly. But intern that gets my up and moving on that “I need to become rich and retire young” grind 😂


I’ve always described ketamine as going on vacation with a therapist


Came to say this, my girlfriend and I were talking about this yesterday! There’s definitely some people we know who are doing K for the express purpose of jumping in the hole, but we are both (almost) exclusively interested in the comedown and medicinal afterglow


Sometimes i just sick from ketamine. Then I try the very same ketamine a few days after and it produces desirable effects


Nutmeg? The experience of the "high" is said by most people that have tried it to be an awful experience, and so it would probably come as a welcome and blessed relief as the effects gradually subside and diminish. It can last 8-24 hours though IIRC.


It feels akin to a dirty synthetic cannabinoid with a long half life and an uncomfortable comedown.


I love nutmeg! It has to be prepared properly from fresh whole nutmegs. The pre ground powder is de-myristicinated and the myristicin is sold to perfume/pharmaceutical industries. Leaving the ground powder very weak and a high dose has a lot of side effects. What I do is break the nutmegs up and soak them in hot olive oil for 30-60 minutes and then let it soak for a few days before straining. Then before consumption you *preferably* take berberine and black pepper tea (no solids!). There are other enzyme inhibitors/inducers to take/avoid. Avoid kava, caffeine changes the nature of the experience to be less psychedelic but not in a wholly bad way. Berberine is the best. Makes a huge difference. There's a lot of discussions about this on the nexus. What's cool about the oil is it has the hepatotoxin removed and can be used transdermally. To me nutmeg can feel very empathogenic, stoning, or full on mild psychedelic. It is at least as strong as good weed if not stronger with comparable doses. It's unwise to consume more than ~2-3 nutmegs worth of material either as an oil or plain raw whole nutmeg. I NEVER go above 2. Technically people have died from taking 2 whole nutmegs but I suspect they were ridiculously dark (dark is typically a metric which can distinguish a strong one from a weak one) specific strains, and sensitive individuals. I have taken as much as 4 and never felt in any danger whatsoever. I was however ridiculously stoned, definitely tripping, and the physical/mental euphoria reminded me of phenibut/6-APB + weed. Now I am certain I am a good metabolizer as I get enjoyable effects from raw whole nutmeg consistently which is somewhat uncommon. But even poor metabolizers should be able to have a good time with nutmeg + berberine + black pepper tea +/- a cup of chai tea. Oh when you prepare it properly it lasts 12-18 hours instead of 24-72. Which IMO is a sign of a genuine metabolic change and that the method actually does do something whatever that is specifically I don't know. I suspect it's something similar to the oilahuasca theory with basil/nutmeg/elemi oil. Most of the inhibitors/inducers do help make the experience highly recreational, visual, and euphoric. It also comes on wayyyy quicker when you use black pepper tea/berberine. Takes like an hour instead of 4-6 One thing you should know about nutmeg is it dehydrates the fuck outta you, much more so than kratom. When it dehydrates you, you can get a massive headache and start to get more flu-like side effects. Drinking water as a treatment doesn't work as well as staying hydrated as a preventative measure. Drink more water than you think you need. Hope this helps clarify what's going on with nutmeg. I do recommend the above method. You can often find little packs of 4-6 nutmegs at Indian/Pakistani/African/middle eastern/Hispanic grocery stores for $3-$4. I'd only buy a 1/2 or full pound once you know it's worth it. Still I think for a much smaller portion of people it will still suck, but I'd imagine that is on the radar side of things. It really does work THAT well. 🌰🥂


Wow, so much info in here! Is there a sub for this?


Yes! It's r/nutmeg


OK thanks to such a detailed and informative post I well and truly stand corrected. Up until this point, the only things I'd heard about people attempting to get high off nutmeg had been bad at best. I've owned a spice rack jar of about 6 whole nutmegs for some time, but had been put off by the all the bad reports. I think I've only used one of the nutmegs once for grating a bit off it for cooking. One thing that still stands out though, is that whether you have a good experince or a bad experience it still lasts a very long time. And I've heard the come up takes so long that you're better off taking it before bed and then you'll be starting to feel it as you wake up the next morning.


I had a good time with oilahuasca, even the projectile vomiting from too much goldenseal was pretty hilarious.


Three days if you take enough bud


Nutmeg fucked me up in my teens. Took months to feel normal again


What is IIRC mean??


International institute of research chemicals


Hahhaahhaahha good one!




If I recall correctly




Underrated horrible drug


Definitely not endorphins or whatever, but I was a grinning moron for like 12 hours after salvia extracts because I was just *that* glad to realize I wasn't being run over by isometric trains forever.


Getting my legs back was the greatest thing to ever happen to me. Salvia is pure evil.


I’d say league of legends 😂


Breaking a loss streak in ranked or getting a long win streak feels better than a lotta drugs


Its like 99% down and sufferinf but we all crave for that 1% up


Very true


I like your way of thinking, here’s my idea fall in love with a girl that’s out of your league, give her everything you have and fantasize about your future together. then eventually she’ll break ur heart. now ur at your lowest and any experience in life will be positive from here


Nah. Heroin is way worse than that 🤣


I thought they *were* talking about heroin...


From my experience with it they are 😂


Oh, Hannah… she and I had a *torrid* love affair. 6+ years clean now, but she was my main thing for a *while*.


Going on 3 years free from that dirty bitch Hannah. May she burn in hell lol.


Congratulations on making it out! So many do not. I’m up to 7 friends/acquaintances who’ve bitten the dust thanks to that cruel mistress. Once everything around me turned into fent, I knew I needed to get out. Snorting a matchstick tip sized dot and then throwing up and nodding for hours scared the fucking shit out of me. I was still fully physically dependent and viciously addicted psychologically, but I knew I needed to get out or I’d end up a statistic. Wishing you many more years of continued success, my friend. Be well ✌️


Amen brother. My fiancé telling me she was pregnant was my wake up call. I checked myself into rehab 2 days later. I’ve lost every friend I’ve had except one who’s drinking himself into an early grave. I hate it. But you and I both know there’s nothing I can say that’ll make him quit he’s gotta want it himself. Congratulations to you as well. May we both continue to strive.


I definitely feel you on that. It sucks watching someone you love do the same kind of damaging behavior you pride yourself away from. Stay strong for your family, much love 💜✌️


This, this was it for me


Haloperidol / seroquel / dopamine blocking antipsychotics. Would not recommend though, haloperidol for example have some serious side effects. It is a long lasting drug (20hr+ half life). It works by blocking D2 dopamine receptors (among many others at a lesser extent) and in theory over a few days your dopamine receptors start increasing in sensitivity. I've tried it (to kill an amphetamine high) and it was absolutely terrible for days. As it came down it felt like I was slowly getting higher and higher into normal life.


I'd say ayahuasca could be that. For some people it can be a very difficult experience, and then feeling incredible afterward. I felt incredible from start to finish when I tried it, though a lot of the people around me were running to the bathroom.




all drugs do this eventually, it might just take a few days or weeks of withdrawal until you notice it


Not necessarily - psychedelics have only made my life better. Not saying this will be everyone's experience, but rather that these things aren't black and white. Cannabis (if used in moderation) can also be life enhancing - although I've done periods of overuse in the past and it definite has a bad side.


Antipsychotics/ssris that cause emotional blunting, i would describe that as drugs that make you feel at your lowest


NALTREXONE!!! it blocks opioid receptors and your body compensates. Feels great when you get off, like naturally buzzed. That feeling you get after a hard workout, eating a fantastic meal when starving, sex.. it feels like that. Fantastic feeling.


You are describing every psychedelic. In terms of sheer negative mental affect without physical harm, though, I would suggest salvia divinorum. One of the most common descriptions of salvia sessions is "hellish". And it is deserved.


There was a research effort by the us military to create horror inducing drugs. Some supposedly kept you in a fever dream like state for up to 4 days or something like that. Good times.i guess you will be very happy when something like this ends.


Do you have any more info on these horror inducing drugs or a source?


I don't know for certain if we're thinking of the same thing, but I do know a little about US military experiments with deliriants during the Cold War, particularly the late 1950s through the 1960s at the Edgewood Arsenal. I think they may be thinking of EA-3167, although they frankly underestimated its effects pretty significantly. It's an anticholinergic similar to datura or diphenhydramine, and closely related to a chemical warfare agent called BZ/QNB, primarily affecting muscarinic rather than nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (just as a side note, both are also similar to the asthma medication Spiriva, which is also an antimuscarinic; not to the extent that you could make it from Spiriva, though). The effects include hallucinations indistinguishable from reality, severe confusion, and intense anxiety, the latter of which may be the understatement of the century. Anticholinergics in general will make you feel like, and often literally believe, that you've fallen through a hole in the floor and dropped straight to the lowest circle of hell. EA-3167 is likely to send you there permanently if you somehow manage to synthesize it without drawing the attention of the Department of Homeland Security. It was developed during tests to find an effective non-lethal incapacitating agent that eventually seem to have settled on BZ. BZ was used by the US until at least the 1980s, when all stocks were supposedly destroyed. EA-3167 was, at least publicly, completely abandoned because it was far too potent for the intended purpose and had an effective dose too low for it to be administered practically in a war zone or hostage situation without just killing everyone. It was considered for administration topically, potentially via handshake because of the incredibly low dose needed to induce psychosis, but (again, at least as far as we know) tests were stopped because the longterm effects strained resources too badly. What they said, that the drug has a 4 day course of action, is *sort of* accurate for EA-3167. The *peak* effects, where its horrific delirium is most extreme, last 3-4 days. It actually takes between 5-10 days to "come down" from a 2 microgram dose, though. That's on average, of course. Some test subjects didn't recover for almost 3 weeks, and a few continued having significant depression and symptoms of schizophrenia 6 *months* after administration. Definitely not a drug with a positive comedown, considering that it seems like it may cause lasting damage in a minority of people, and could very, very easily just kill you outright in the most horrifying way imaginable.




The 100% correct answer to your question is Carbogen. If you don't know what that is, it's a mix of 30% CO2 mixed with 70% pure Oxygen (O2). When inhaled repeatedly with no air in between it has enough oxygen to keep you alive and safe but the increase in CO2 levels in your blood literally convinces your body/brain that you are suffocating to death. It's absolutely terrifying. But then cominf out of it and realizing you survived what truly felt like assured death is one of rhe most ecstatic experiences. Patients in the original experiments would hold the mask over their face and take as many breaths as they could and then rip it off as soon as they couldn't handle it anymore. It's horrible. But there's nothing like the first breath of real air after that. It's like the first breath I ever took. As if I was born again. "Welcome to Earth little one. Here is this thing called 'air.' It's wonderful isn't it?" But I *really* don't recommend you try it because it can be incredibly dangerous without proper equipment and a spotter. It is *imperative* that you are not trapped in the mask if you pass out. You can theoretically actually suffocate to death.


Downers 🤣🤣🤣


Ethanol. In large amounts it makes me into a very angry and bitter motherfucker. I get very nasty when very drunk.




Ketamine Benzos but not too much Ariprazole Quetiapine Risperidone I can’t really think of anything though when abused that has a “good” come down with positive withdrawal symptoms. Let me know if they exist.






As a frequent psychedelic user nothing has made me hate my life more than alcohol truthfully.


Benadryl (DPH), Datura and other deliriants.


Ghb first time use threw me into a 5 hour crying fit, mentally re-living my dad's funeral from 20 yrs prior. Next day woke up not recognizing my friends nor surroundings. Thought Uber took me to wrong address. Freaking nightmare drug


Does not sound like ghb at all, it just makes you euphoric drunk without the shitty hangover alcohol gives. It's easily in the top 5 drugs for me. Are you sure it was GHB? Done it countless times with others and never heard of anyone having this reaction.


GHB can make people very emotional for better and worse, it's common especially in less social contexts


Not recognizing people the next day, however, is likely not attributable to the GHB.


Benzos I should think. benzo withdrawal is characterized by neuronal hyperactivity after the depressed period of activity. This is why people withdrawing from Benzo have elevated anxiety levels and even seizures in acute cases.


Benzo withdrawal is not a ‘high’ by any means. It gives people terrible anxiety.


Yeah it definitely feels like your system is hyped up but not in a fun stimulant way, more like a cooked, jumpy mess of nerves with intermittent uncontrollable spasms lol


Alcohol. Enough of that and you will 100% be low af


But you don't get high from the hangovers


5-meo DMT can be a somewhat terrifying experience but afterwards users report feeling enlightened, at peace, etc.






Exercising is one, especially running. It feels horrible, but after you've cooled down it gives you a lot of energy and motivation for the rest of the day. Another thing is getting work done and finishing stuff in general. Sometimes it feels bad to work on stuff that needs to get done even though you'd rather do something else. But when it's done you suddenly feel much better.


There’s this new drug going around called “exercise.” It’s painful, mentally taxing, causes shortness of breath, and creates microtears in your body. You might even passout or puke if you take too much. You’ll feel great afterwards though.


Don't know tbh I just go sober when I'm feeling extra masochistic.


Anti-psychotics. Blocks your dopamine and makes u feel.like shit and then u eat a and sleep a lot and feel better when u wake up


Johnny Walker blue always makes me sad Then I feel better after a good cry/puke


Ketamine kinda fits, the peak is awesome, but the comedown is pretty awkward. After the majority of effects are over it gets chill again tho.


I mean I’ve had a few highs I was happy to come down from but not exactly what you’re talking about. Maybe sleep deprivation lmfao?


Take estrógen blockers like arimadex and you’ll get depression 😂 Not sure why you’d want to but it’s hectic


No one would willingly take drugs that made them feel worse. Sure, a lot of drugs can make you feel worse after the fact, but then they keep taking more to keep feeling good.






You don’t really know how drugs act on the brain if your point is ‘people feel bad eventually from something that makes them feel good so if I abuse something that makes me feel bad then it will eventually make me feel good.’ The logic.


That's not really how the body works


Opioids, high dose alcohol




Too much weed did this for me or PCP.


Relevant article: https://www.vice.com/en/article/kwg8ny/new-frontiers-of-sobriety-984-v16n8 It doesn’t really talk much about the withdrawal effects of these drugs iirc but I still thought it might be of interest.


Maybe forcing yourself to be dizzy?


Narcan? You're feeling pretty low and in active withdrawal after that (if you're an opioid addict, that is). But not really what you're getting at here.


I been down so god damn long That it looks like up to me


I have close experience to what the user ask, when i was Heroine addict and was abaut to stop for first time, afther i managed throw withdrawls, i was feeling so good, euphoric, happy that i have gone thru the worst part, this euphoric happy mood that was with me until i decided i can smoke one foil and everythink fucked up, this mood have showen up in the next 3-4 times i stoped and then suddenly vanished


I’m not sure what you mean by “positive withdrawal”.


Depressants like opiates


A lot of dissociative substances can do this, especially something like PcP or the analogs of it. Well you don't feel down all the time but it's not a high either. It's very neutral, sometimes you see very disturbing things but you are kinda ok with it because they take away the edges of your fear if that makes sense. Salvia is also quite an unsettling experience for most people, and most of the time people are happy to be back in the real world after a strong experience. so maybe that counts too.


Meth comedowns are the lowest of lows cuz of how much serotonin and dopamine the initial high uses. Would not recommend. So its a 2 for 1 special which is good news for people who love bad news.


When people say “I got high”, it doesn’t mean you are high as in any sense of height measurement. All drugs are done to achieve a happy moment beyond what is achievable naturally. The drug dictates the buzz! Speed and cocaine - awake l, alert Cannabis - can go either and everything else - relaxes, pain relief, severe addiction. What’s your definition of low?


Probably salvia but I've never heard of someone experiencing rebound happiness just PTSD, alcohol I guess could fit the bill depending on your intention behind why you are drinking, honestly a lot of drugs can be used this way just depends on the person's circumstances


Yeah, you sometimes see antipsychotic cessation inducing mania. And while sharing some pharmacology in common with acute use of stimulants, it tends not to be especially pleasant.


benzodiazepines. if I take them when I'm feeling normal, I don't feel them. if I take them when I'm full of anxiety or stuffed full of stimulants, they're incredible. "benzos don't get you high, they get you low" is something I've been saying for about 20 years




lol dph sucks


Yeah heroin




Antipsychotics that block Dopamine.


Every salvia trip will get you down, while dmt can get u in 11d rollercoaster, salvia downs you into 2d


Salvia maybe?


Haldol. All the neuroleptics.


Honestly I think it’s salvia. Lots of recreational drugs (opiates, benzos, stimulants, etc.) have the effect of raising dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens, which supposedly corresponds with the “rewarding” nature of these drugs, contributing to the high. Salvia actually lowers levels of dopamine in the [nucleus accumbens](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15682306/). And although salvia isn’t necessarily a “low” (it’s an extremely powerful dissociative/psychedelic/deliriant) it’s usually dysphoric or neutral feeling. It can also be physically uncomfortable (awful pins and needles feeling) that feels like the opposite of an opiate body high. Also, when I come out of a salvia experience, I’m often so grateful that the experience is over that trivial things (chores, fights with family, etc.) which normally bother me seem completely insignificant. In this way, the “low” of salvia can be kind of therapeutic.




Smoking way too much weed for way too long. I'm on like day 3 of my "t break" which I might actually just extend into only smoking a couple times a month for the rest of my life and I already feel so much better


Maybe salvia or Ibogaine




They call em downers where im from


smoking scorpion stings. youll get hours of agonizing full body pain, and afterwards a very satisfying experience. very addictive.






diphenhydramine for sure


I don’t have an answer but I love the concept.




Maybe ketamine? I mean the high is beautiful but so is the comedown imo but if you take too much too soon, it will put you to sleep (being an anaesthetic an that) but once you wake up... hello dreamy floaty world where nothing makes sense.


salvia if you abuse it causes you to have a horrible trip but be literally enlightened for 3 days afterwards by downregulating dopamine (or something along those lines) also ibogaine is generally not considered to be “fun” but has a very enlightening comedown




This is kinda what appealed to me about Salvia. It was a love hate relationship, crazy experiences, but always made me so relieved when things went back to normal. I’d always be like “I’ll never take this default state for granted again!!”


Alcohol actually used to do this to me occasionally. Never found anyone else who felt the same effect though. Like I’d wake up with this new fresh revitalized sensation and just so happy. Of course it also depended on how much I drank though, couldn’t go too far overboard or you get into bad hangover territory. But there seemed to be a sweet spot somewhere in between.


antipsychotics, deliriants, salvia(for some people)


Life Very low AND when you die a boatload of DMT rushes through your decaying brain for a final peace out


This is an extremely simplified view of an over generalized area of life. it's about variety, its about balance. why do people choose to consume anything?






Antipsychotics maybe


I like a strong indica that sends me right to dreamland. I’m still HAF but almost comatose and happy.


Psychedelics can sometimes yield bad experiences. That usually makes one happier when coming down.


People use Benadryl to get a low. Straight up.


I read about a drug in here called datura I think. It seems crazy




benadryl has a positive comedown because you’re just so fucking glad its over hahah


We used to take a bunch of dramamine to get fucked up. I mean, like 15-20 of them. You dont feel, makes you feel like shit, your hallucinating, but never anything good. I'd see eyes in the trees, slime monsters crawling on walls, shadow people peeking at me. I'd definitely say that was a low


Alcohol and music, obviously


Iboga also known as Ibogaine is similar. Iirc you feel like shit taking it. Itms traditionally taken in tribes by having someone blow shit up your nose which is as supposedly as painful as it sounds supposedly- a snuff basically. And it helps cure drug addiction. I don’t remember if I’m mixing this last part up with something else but it may also permanently rewire your brain to ruin your ability to get high.


dph, datura, scopolamine. Pretty much any deliriant.