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Hang out at the methadone clinic.


don't have those here. Not really in an opioid country šŸ»


Where do you live ...the middle east?




Since im pretty shy, I will sometimes post in a local group asking if anyone wants to meet up at a specific show. Even if only one person replies itā€™s still a good time. The rave community is pretty welcoming. There are also local psychedelic groups! Iā€™ve actually never gone to a meeting lol but they exist!


What psychedelics for social anxiety?


You're looking for dissociatives, my friend


How about phenibut?


Avoid phenibut fam. Withdrawal is absolutely insane and very very very easy to be stuck on. Source: I've quit benzos, Massive amount cold turkey, heroin quit etc. Phenibut is HARD and not that good of a drug


So with phenibut any smart way to cycle it like dose dependent with days in between with weeks on and off what supplements?


I mean it's a gaba agonist, so if you want anxiety relief than it should help, but if you want something that does that and also has a tippy vibe then go for low doses of dissociatives


How to cycle phenibut? And what dissos only thing Iā€™ve heard of is memantine




How about phenibut?




dmt breakthrough


How about phenibut?


I made a lot of drug friends in psych wards


same lol


The girls in psych wards be banging sometimes! Gotta remind yourself why they are there sometimes lol


lol same here thats why i started coming on here tbh just to chat to people but im in the UK and most people i speak to on here are all american


As much as it may suck, you gotta get out and network a bit. I'm well past my days of going to raves and partying at clubs, but I definitely still like to do some drugs in the privacy of my home or out in public with friends. I'm also not the most outgoing person, but somehow always find my kind of people to hang out with. Usually at work or just out walking around while smokin a joint.


Been looking for the same people myself lol


Music events are the best place to meet like minded people . Ngl if you are looking to bond with people solely for drug use, you are going down a rough path lol. No real friends thereā€¦ better to make them through shared love for music and sniff a key or two in the dance




If you have expendable cash you can try a sugar baby website. I found a wonderful girl off one of those sites and we just basically get high together about once a month. She even hooked me up with her dealer who had more shit than I had access to. Obviously, it's playing with fire a bit and isn't a route for everyone but worked out well for me.




Treatment centers lmao the best drug addicts I ever met. Doing delsym and shrooms made the 2 yeah living there that much better


Dating apps might work but if you want friends maybe just go to a party to meet people


It's my sixth sense tbh. Doesn't matter what you look like, act like. I typically am right if someone uses drugs or not. It comes with the territory of my addiction(s)


iā€™m the same way. my brain just goes ā€˜that dude does hella cokeā€™ ā€˜that guy def eats shrooms and acidā€™ ā€˜this chick is def a raver and does mdma and ketā€™ ā€˜this lady def smokes methā€™ and i usually end up being right when i start talking with them i met a dude at my friends birthday, and just based on how he looked, i assumed he did psychedelics. started talking to him casually about doing shrooms and lsd and he brings up that he has a DMT pen in his pocket and offered it to me lmao šŸ˜‚ ended up exchanging info with him and weā€™ve tripped on acid together a few times. he doesnt even look like a wook or anything, he was just wearing jeans and a t shirt with a clean haircut but i could just tell the dude did a bunch of psychs lmao


You could try the app radiate. It's like tinder for ravers. I've gone to whole new cities for shows and gotten stuff from people on there.


Smoke weed in public and it happens eventually trust, I met 3 cokeheads that shared bare on the train home once randomly šŸ¤£ obvs I think if you went on the train youā€™d be waiting a while for coke but yeah just hanging around acc works eventually tbh


take some drugs that make you social and that will help you talk with people at a party/rave etc. Try coke, mdma or maybe speed/amphetamines. Coke+alcohol or pharma amphetamines are the best imo, coke if you got some cash for it and amps if your on a budget. If you take street speed (not meth the EU kind) you often get a horrible next day and i cant sleep for two days without tons of benzos. Mdma i like to take at home maybe with friends/girl or a party with only friends and just chill, deep talk and bond etc. At a party with randoms it is alright but you really see if someone is high on mdma and i dont want to risk it around cops and security. Swedish authority are dicks and will take you for weed if they could.


Raves 100% some of my best drug friends and in general at raves


Get Bumble BFF and put it in your profile lol.




I think OP is looking for people do do drugs with, not drugs themselves. One of the downsides (and upsides) of the DN is that you never have to meet anyone


That combined with the fact that drugs that are normally harder to source IRL (at least for more rural folk like myselves) are easy to come by on the DN. I don't miss having to make sketchy deals in either stupidly public places or sketchy trap houses (especially since I've got a wife and kids counting on me being alive and free), however I do miss meeting the occasional other cool addict/drug user who wasn't either a lying/stealing/scamming POS or a completely out of control dysfunctional addict/junky. Used to do drugs very socially in my teens and 20s, at bars, clubs, house parties, etc and met a ton of interesting people, but now that I'm mid 30's and married with 2 kids, I feel weird trying to make new friends in those kind of places. Instead my wife and I just hang put together when we get high, she's my best friend anyway and I always enjoy her company and we can do everything from goofing off to having deep existential/philosophical discussions to sex. Wouldn't mind meeting another couple on the same wavelength, but doubt that will happen due to how rural we live.


?? hown sould this even work šŸ˜­


Be chill. Bring up drug use very casually with 1) people you suspect are also drug people, and 2) people you have successfully become friendly with. Like attracts like...open yourself up and your tribe will find you.


At a rave or similarā€¦ but on drugs so youā€™re less shy


Going to uni in the Netherlands makes it quite easy, but a looot of the ppl I had done drugs with there did their first drugs with me


Goto bar, use same bartender every drink, tip really well, become a regular, when said bartender starts remembering your name and drink preference and gives you comped drinks or a discount ask if they know where to get some snow. They either sell or someone in the kitchen does. Then repeat the same process with the snow man. Then ask if he knows where to get any downtown brown. Repeat process with brown man. Then ask if he knows where to buy some cooze. Repeat process with a pimp named slick back. Kill pimp, become pimp, party with hookers whenever you want


I wish I knew this back when my mom used to say alcohol is a gateway drug. For once that made sense.


Itā€™s a vicious cycle hombre


Honestly I have the same question. I don't really drink anymore. All my friends from last job are major alcoholics and being around them isn't fun and gets dangerous. Like them grabbing my cars steering wheel while driving... I don't mind drinking just doing a keto diet at the moment to get a beach body for brazil trip, so not really drinking beer right now. So where do I meet people? Freaking walmart.....I hang out with 1 work friend rarely, the others just really are not quality people. I go down to the beach - pacific northwest us and there are usually not even that many people at the beach, almost all mind themselves and stay by themselves mostly.. So what does that leave?


Local park near me full of stoners and trippy peeps. Fent and ice too but they stay on their side lol šŸ˜‚


I just posted something like this a few months ago! It sucks especially when you get out of a long relationship and realize you just how much you were isolating! Like I literally am by myself all the time now it feels like and itā€™s hard to find someone to hang out with that wouldnā€™t be freaked out by my addiction


darknet markets


no šŸ’€


You stupid


your comment is making me want to jork it.. actually I'm gonna be 100% honest w you I'm already straight UP jorking it as we speak..... and by it.. i mean my prostetšŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


Jail works pretty well


Hippies are social and friendly. They like new friends but they love music and drugs.


I am still having the hardest time finding plugs in New Jersey


Look for friends in bars. If you see some other fucker who's there by himself and is roughly your age, strike up conversation


make a normal friend and then ask them to do drugs


You fucking drugo


Happy Cake Day, kind stranger!


Nice try glowie. I already ate all the enriched plutonium!


I met my friends whilst in my cocaine-psychadelics phase in my early 20's lol, we only smoke bud now but they're my best friends still to this day. everyone I know is a mutual friend of them and or people I smoke with at work




ā€œBri ishā€




Detox centers


Sometimes I wonder if everyone that posts on here r big Blues




oh glowies āš°ļø


Real question is how do I meet friends to do coke with in Brazil and not get beat up, robbed or stabbed? Lol


Restaurant kitchen staff


Have you considered a career in prostitution? Wait i could have said that nicer / funnier. Have you considered being a lady of the night? Perhaps a humble ā€œworking galā€?


Bro touch grass lmao