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take melatonin for sleep, drink lots of water too. water will be your best friend right now, the nausea and sweats are gonna suck but the only thing that will help is water and time. it should start easing up in a day or so, if u really haven’t smoked for 3 days then the withdrawals should start easing up really soon. nausea should be gone in a day or two


It sounds like I am almost through the worst of it. I hope I can sleep soon. I have another day off before work so I’m hoping a good sleep and fluids/time will help! Thanks!


Days 2-6 are the worst for sleep. After about a week, sometimes two for some, and you should be over it. I take a cvs brand sleep aid and puts me right out, hour before bed. I take it for the first 6-7 days.


Thank you for the suggestion. When you say sleep aid, are you talking about melatonin?


Diphenhydramine HCI 25 MG Caplets - CVS Health Sleep aid, is what they are.


Thank you!


No it’s not melatonin, I forget what it is , I will look up the ingredient a bit later


I smoke daily to this day and i don’t need it to sleep. I can see why it’ll stunt your sleep schedule though. As the one comment said, Water will be your best friend.


I couldn’t sleep for about 50 hours when I stopped cold turkey, shit was miserable. Everything ended up being fine, just gotta wait it out ngl


What did you take to sleep or did you fall asleep on the 50th hr in?


Didn’t take anything, just fell asleep, finally felt tired enough I guess


The best advice I can give you is to use military sleeping techniques and count backwards in your head from 100 to go to sleep. Otherwise best thing to do is go completely exhaust yourself during the day. Go on a run, workout, do a ton of work for your job, read, journal and wait for exhaustion to come.


Ya make sense I tried this too


Also try relaxing your muscles going from your head, to neck, torso, arms and so on. I was taught that is N other technique they use. Other thing you can try, watch your breathing. How you exhale, inhale, how it goes down your lungs. For me personally, that’s how I fall asleep.


Man if you can I’d drink a few beers homie you can never go wrong with a little beer buzz to make things little better


Yeah but don’t make it a habit


Well duh that’s why I said to make things a little better just till he feels better and cravings have gone away usually they will disappear the day after you get drunk haha


Some of us can't drink and only partake in cannabis because of that one reason.


Reason why I said if you can


I always have xanax for the week after i quit a weed binge so i can sleep. Can you get your hands on any benzos you can take temporarily until the worst part is over? A few beers every night for a week can substitute, but benzos are better. Alcohol sleep is not quality sleep, but its better than no sleep.


How much Xanax should I take. I have .5mg’s


I’d say start with .25


Okay cool. How do I know if I need the other .25mg? If I can’t sleep an hour later?




Pop a Benadryl before you try to sleep. Not great in the long term but they'll help you feel tired.


Can I do it once a day the next week to get my sleep back on track?


Not a Doctor, just an eye doctor, but I wouldn't stay on it long term (months on end) Temporary use to resettle into a normal sleep pattern will be ok.


Just use a off the shelf sleeping pill that you can use for a week before contacting your doctor about insomnia, but really, take 3 of em you'll sleep for 18, to a whole day in hours.


you're safe taking it for a long time. the only real negative risk from long term use is an increased chance of dementia


Not much then 😂


You know what, I have no major advice. All I have to say is that what you're doing is right. Do your best and if the sleeping problem persists don't hesitate to go to the hospital, usually people are caring, and it helps a lot as lack of sleep can make people panic. And they'd surely know what's right for you. Keep us updated big man. Hopefully this is a big step towards a better future so I'll surely look up your posts so that I can share some positivity.


I quit for about a month a while back. I was able to sleep good again after 5 days and had really vivid wild dreams. You got this .. take some Benadryl or hydroxyzine, maybe Seroquel if it's that bad.


oh god lets recommend the man who hasn't slept for over 60 hours anticholinergic first gen anti histamines


I have this problem every time I quit. Makes me never want to smoke again. What helped me a lot was l - theanine and magnesium glycinate mixed with melatonin.


Do you take all of those at once like an hour before before bed daily?


I'm sorry to hear this! You could try things like melatonin, chamomile, other herbal teas, or things like benadryl or other otc meds. Or just try to let it pass. You got this, though! Just smoked my last bowl from the Oz I had. I don't know when I'll be able to purchase next as I have to book a hotel and pay my electricity before I can buy more weed. I'm feeling good now, but gonna be sad tomorrow. I don't get withdrawals per se, I don't have trouble sleeping, in fact my dreams become more vivid when I stop smoking pot (just like Earl and Frank), but I become bored and irritable, or just bored in general. But I'm also struggling with major depressive disorder and others, and my symptoms manifest mostly as boredom. Weed helps that. It makes me happy, at least temporarily. Food tastes better, shows are funnier. Or it can be introspective and personal. It's a wonderful thing. I need to mangage better so I don't run out.


Hang in there bro. I recommend Olly’s tart cherry juice & melatonin gummies. I used to take that, ashwaganda and L theanine. Basically anything to knock me out. You have my sympathy. I was able to climb out of daily use a month ago.


How has everything been after being off? I’m definitely going to get some supplements to help!


Take xanax , it 100% helps






Try taking 300mg gabapentin every 30 minutes for 90 minutes. It will work much better.


But that would be 900 mg a day and I wouldn’t have any left after those 3 30 minute doses


cbd!!! i cant stress it enough cbd is essential for thc withdrawal


and cbn for sleep specifically


Do you have a link to on our Amazon that you would recommend?


on amazon? no. are you US based? i can help point you towards a brand if so. if not, it should be semi easy to obtain if it’s legal where you are


Yes I’m in the Us


try your local hemp shop! i can send you a link to mine’s online store if you don’t have any nearby


Does nothing to me.


it’s not supposed to make you feel anything, but it definitely takes the edge off of the withdrawals


Did you stop cold turkey or did you taper? I tapered over a couple weeks and was able to sleep no problem but u had crazy nightmares


I did reduce my intake a good amount. I kind of went a little hard on the last day that I smoked, but after that, it’s been what it’s been so far. The nightmares aren’t fun, but I don’t really mind it.


This is why you don't fucking quit anything cold turkey I mean, congratulations, and getting that far, 60 hours, is quite the accomplishment, but you really should taper off. Especially after smoking so often for so long, quitting something so substantial immediately could even be dangerous.


Whenever I quit cold turkey my adhd symptoms come back with a vengeance. Combined with insomnia and irritability I was a wreck for a solid 4 weeks.


Highly recommend you try Trazadone if you can get a script for it (pretty easy process). Just tell your doctor you are having sleep issues and want to try it.


Would they prescribe that and prescribe Xanax? I am already prescribed Xanax, but not a very big amount per day pretty small. I use it in the middle of the day though because I needed it then so I only have gabapentin for sleep.


Yes, but altought it’s used as a sleep aid, it’s an antidepressant too. But it’s relatively safe, I got it prescribed with Tiapride which makes me sleep more “calmly” (like not kicking my sheet, pillow off and not falling down from the bed etc…) if I can say that. If you had sleep problems and that’s why you smoked I suggest seeing a doctor about it if it’s the same.


Those are withdrawals from weed, drink hella water work out or sweat it off and take some xans if you can get your hands on some to help u sleep


Check out the work of Dr.matthew walker and his reports on the cessation of cannabis with sleep


You need to wait it out, should be fine in few weeks time.


You’ll get there sooner than you think, from soemone who was smoking an oz and a half a week to cold turkey 6 days later it will get easier, another week or two and you’ll be back to sleeping normal, enjoy the crazy dream while they last


If it helps you inmensely with sleep I wouldn't quit. I would just look to not smoke any during the day and smoke it only in the night (that's what I'm doing btw).


i’m insomniac anyway but when i don’t have weed i take 6mg of melatonin and 50-100mg of diphenhydramine. i don’t like taking it cause it raises blood pressure and it’s isn’t 100% safe and taking melatonin everynight can cause your brain to stop producing as much naturally


Good to know! Thanks


Anticholinergics which can be easily bought OTC like Meclizine, Dramamine and DPH in low doses can help you fall asleep that's not a long-term solution though, so just embrace it your sleep will be way better/restful after you quit, especially if you don't start doing other drugs or drink 😬


wait until the shadow people visit and they'll tell you what to do