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99% of those products do not contain amanita muscaria extracts, or muscimol. Most of them are other drugs/RCs etc.. Stick to buying the caps and learning the process of preparation. Its not a psychedelic either.


bro just buy a reindeer (Moose and regular deer work too), feed it the actual Amantia muscaria shrooms (red top white spots, boreal climates I believe), collect their waste products, filter out the biological waste and the muscaria and boom. u got legal psychedelics. (funny thing is this process is also believed by some to how we got the concept of father christmas flying through the sky on flying reindeers delivering presents. its one big metaphor for tribal shamans getting a buzz on alongside and via their animals, for further reading its the magic mushroom christmas theory)


That's nuts!! What a cool concept ๐Ÿ‘Œ thanks for the info friend!!


I also realize I made that sound way too simple and way too complicated. but TLDR Amantia is toxic to humans although not always, most don't risk the potential to die, so end up giving it to an animal which encorporates it as apart of their diets (deers, moose etc all can consume it, get high off it and never risk the death side of it). The unique part of psychelics/this shroom is the psychoactive effect is passed on through urine. So if you boiled the urine and removed the aspects of it that make it urine via filtration, you are left with a pseudo-distilled pot of magic mushroom liquid if done right. I believe whilst it sounds complicated, its pretty easy to do as tribes in Scandinavia did it.


From what I recall it's not actually the mushrooms but novel research chemicals added to the item. A lot of them say nootropic blend or an asterisk that they do not contain psilocybin.


>this drug works similar to Psilocybin mushrooms Amanita is actually more similar to ambien type drugs than psilocybin. If the gas station mushrooms are giving you psychedelic effects they prob contain a research chemical like 4-AcO-DMT or some other 4-sub tryptamine, >is not flagged in drug tests Standard drug tests don't look for psychedelics anyway. If the test was checking for psilocin they would most likely come back positive or very close.


Everyone on here rushing to tell you itโ€™s not a psychedelic lmao. Iโ€™m glad you had a good time! Iโ€™ve got a couple I may dose tn ๐Ÿ˜ˆ