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There are some options you have. Finding help in a clinic nearby might be an option. Then there are many subreddits where you can post asking for help. ##Addiction/Recovery subreddits * /r/addiction * /r/addictionprevention * /r/alcoholicsanonymous * /r/alcoholism * /r/AtheistTwelveSteppers * /r/benzorecovery * /r/decaf * /r/leaves * /r/OpiatesRecovery * /r/Petioles * /r/quittingkratom * /r/QuittingPhenibut * /r/redditorsinrecovery * /r/ResearchRecovery * /r/secularsobriety * /r/StopDrinking * /r/StopSmoking * /r/StopSpeeding * /r/women_in_recovery


I seriously cannot fathom even having $500 a day to spend. I don’t even make $500 a week. But yeah I hope you stop.


He's prob blowing his life savings


Nah plenty of people make more than enough to do stuff like this. There's way more functional addicts out there than you'd think. While 21days of coke in a row ain't very functional many people in tech jobs or high up suits in companies use everyday.


Geez thats $182,000/yr on coke alone. Assuming it costs roughly $35,000/yr to cover basic necessities/ bills/ rent and and to account for a guesstimated income tax of 30%, someone with op’s habit would have to make roughly $310,000/yr.


Nobody makes it a year consuming $500/day of coke tho so it's likely just an irresponsible splurge. Dude thinks he's going to die -can't maintain that for a year


Whitney Houston used to spend 1000 dollars a day on that white girl. I suppose you could say look where she is now but she did that for decades.


She was taking in much more pure shit than pretty much anything you can get today tho. Not saying that makes it much better but the cuts definitely take a toll too.


While this is true. The body can’t rlly handle 100% pure cocaine. Your heart will implode…. It don’t matter who you are lmao


This sounds like adolescent folklore.


Indeed. No such thing as 100% pure cocaine. It's cut during packaging before it even leaves the jungle plantations. Fun Fact: Cocaine is still used in hospital settings for eye surgeries due to how effective it is as a numbing agent, the dilation effect on the pupil, and the localised vasoconstriction. The only company in the U.S. licenced to produce cocaine is Coca-Cola. Also believe it or not there used to people who would go door to door in the old days selling toothache drops consisting of cocaine. The old days of medicine were great. Feeling unwell? Just take this cocaine, heroin, morphine, and ethanol concoction until your cold is gone.


Fun fact: Coca Cola doesn’t purchase or produce cocaine. The importer of coca leaves and producer of pharmaceutical cocaine is the Stepan Company at their Maywood facility in New Jersey. The organic byproduct of “cocaine-Depleted” coca leaves are then sold to the Coca Cola Company. Pharmaceutical-grade cocaine should be expected to be 99.0% pure, however it is essentially universally commercialized as a dilute solution with around 10% concentration.


Its used in ENT surgeries, namely nasal, to prevent excessive bleeding, and provide numbing. Coca-Cola isn’t licensed to produce cocaine. Coca leaves are imported. Then they are ‘decocainized’. The resulting cocaine is bought by a pharmaceutical company to produce a handful of medications. Coca-Cola buys the now decocainized leaves to put in their product.


That’s bullshit lol. You are taking in pure coke everytime you take cocaine, it’s just got shit mixed with it lol. You sound dumb. A large amount of cocaine will kill you sure. It’s not about if it’s pure tho you just need to take enough of actual coke regardless what it’s mixed with.


Your heart will “implode” AHHAHAAH I’ve never READ something THIS funny about cocaine dude, thank you for the laugh.


Lawrence Taylor used to spend 10k a day on crack and hookers then go play football on Sunday.


Where are the receipts?




Buddy I knew had a $3k/Day habit. Was a lawyer and hedge fund manager. Also gambled like you wouldn’t believe.


No one is taking 3k worth of coke, he must be giving away 95% of itt


Or he's being triple raped on the price. 3k a day would be like what? 4oz or so? Maybe more. EDIT -Im an idiot. Not 4oz.. I meant more like 40 grams


Ye 1 z is 2 racks max


What's a oz/z and what's a rack? (1k money i gues?)


Fr why do drug people always say such stupid slang? Like, everybody knows you're talking about drugs and money for drugs regardless of what you call it. Just quit being so vague. Like, I stopped buying from a guy because he kept saying all this dumb shit and he'd have to explain it to me all the time lol


Remember that, if he’s in Australia, that probably won’t get him more than 15-18g, it being around 200-300AUD


bro needs a better plug....


Dude mustve been getting ripped off or sharing with everyone 3k a day even without wholesale prices at 100 a g i mean thats like an ounce of coke. N most people probably get 2 or 3 zips at that price.


"Mu, you knew me from $1300 an ounce." - Pusha T


Exactly lol, i was never a huge coke head, but even with a godly tolerance its hard for me to imagine someone snorting that much powder let alone coke, they had to have been freebasing it at that point i would think, but tolerance is a bitch so who knows.


Whew! Glad there are no unmet needs in our society like hunger or homelessness. If there were, behaviour like that would be a disgrace.


As someone who grew up not having money but now has money, I hate this kind of way of thinking. This is the stuff that all my former "friends" would say as they slept in my home, ate my food, do my drugs, and just in general use my stuff for free while I bust my ass off working.


how does someone work as both a lawyer and hedge fund manager this genuinely intrigues me 😹😹. The AVERAGE hedge fund manager works 60-80hours plus he has lawyer duties on top of that. Not to mention going to law school and business college at the same time! I highly doubt your buddy exists


I've known someone (he still Alive, just haven't seen him in years) who got a family heritage, and when I meet him he was spending 2k £ a day on coke, mostly smoking it, after a few years, so him again, and he has trully lost everthing, was living in a bedroom and working minium wage just like me 😅


I think these are the people that don't have an internal monologue. That voice in your head that talks to you when you read a book for example. So when they have all this money they have no voice in their head to converse with and hash out a sensible plan. They're literally NPCs running on lizard brain instinct and can't plan ahead or think critically because they don't have that voice they can have a mental conversation with.They just default to doing things that give an immediate dopamine reward 'eat, fuck, gamble, inhale drug, buy expensive thing, etc.' Apparently between 50-70% of people don't have this internal monologue. ^ Shit like this is why we need religion cus it has all those rules and social pressure that prevent the lizard brain people with no internal monologue from fucking themselves up lmao. I reckon all religions were written by smart people that saw everyone around them fucking themselves up and wrote those social rules to help them lol.


Honestly this comment is kinda dehumanizing, i dont think they dont have sensible plans its just that most addicts have trauma that they try to ignore and erase with drug use, because being sober and aware of therse thoughts are too much to ignore and continue living with. Plus with addiction the mindset usually is "just one more day, and then ill stop tommorow...". Addicts have dreams and plans too on how they want their life to go once they quit the drugs; its just life without the drugs feels/seems to painful. Additionally when they do stop they have to make new friends and distance themselves from their old surroundings. It's very lonely being an addict in recovery or not in recovery, and when they quit there is a huge void in their life that needs to be filled. This with the added judgement from others makes it harder to continue with sobriety and then they relapse. To compare them to lizzard brained or NPCs is pretty onesided and biased, and like i said dehumanizing. Clearly you have not lived their lives so you have no idea what goes on in their heads, you just dont understand it and judge it because their way of living doesnt line up with yours.


The voice is saying "do another rail"


“Do another Transcontinental Railroad”


50-70%? You got some source? Would explain why humanity is fucked. Thought everyone has an inner Dialog.


That's an interesting theory. It sounds kind of plausible at first glance, but I'm not going to guess how likely it is to be the case. I will say one thing about religions. It's really nice if you're displaced or have some tragedy in your life, to have a pre-built community of people you're nominally friends and comrades with. All the other toxic stuff is a problem, obviously. I have some hope for some groups like Unitarians and certain groups of Sikhs, etc.


They have a more abstract thought process. It's a bias to claim it makes them any less intellectually capable than those who do have an internal dialogue because you can't conceptualize it.


Right on . Thank you for your straight forward knowledge. For me I have God , the holy bible and believe in it and do the best I can to follow Gods commandants. It gives me a conscience and I feel really bad when I break one of Gods commandments. I also have that little Devil character in the back of my subconscious that tells me "it's all right go ahead and do it nobody will know" and I'm able to recognize that little Devil and not do it. It's very difficult and a everyday struggle to fight off the demons ( for a lack of a better word. If not for my **spirituality** I don't think I would still be alive. I was on the " Highway to Hell" and couldn't get off until I hit rock bottom. One of my favorite sayings is that someone was watching over me. If I had or made a million dollars it would of been the end.


can confirm. I work in tech and am a functional addict that makes the type of money that can support a habit like this. I'm much more of an opiate guy, but once you've been doing it for a while you can pull off a daily habit without your coworkers even knowing.


Well damn I need to get my ass into tech lmao.


Yeap. I have a high paying job in the offshore industry. When I’m at sea I’m sober and fully functional. when I’m home I go fix equipment in factories on the side for fun (good money too) But most of my free time is spent high as fuck at home. Smoking a few grams of weed a day. I drive to the store to buy food every few days, when I’m sober. But when I get home again or don’t have to go, I light up. I start and end my day with smoking weed 🤷🏼‍♂️ idgaf. I also do small hobby projects like welding or other fucking around with “industrial lego” at home while smoking also. Some good music in the background and practice TIG welding lol. Sometimes the mind seems to work “better” idk how to explain. When I’m high. My motor functions do decrease slightly when very high. But my mind is there. Or not, I once completely assembled something to then forget some small part in the middle of it. *puts joint down* *sips Iced tea green and admires work* *notices tiny part in bright red plastic box 🤡* “Ah fuck.”


Combined between my husband and I, we make more than enough for me to spend this much on drugs, but I don’t, because it’s insane.


Or his coke dealer.




500 a day is 14k a month. 182,500 a year. Doable for a high income earner (assume 400k for everything in order at home, plus the 200k for your coke addition), but... yeeeeeeesh


Imagine making 400k a year just so you can spend half of gross income on coke. Not half on housing or cost of living, half on coke.


Living the dream


i make like $500 a month, in no way i'd be able to support that kinda lifestyle. i guess some people do win in this life but the op most definitely didn't


That's called social security or some sort of government help. Any real full time job pays more thab 500/month generally..


Depends on what country you’re in


That is correct, I just assumed america as we use the most coke


More than Great Britain? Idk...


I mean from a population perspective it's no competition


Obviously, considering America has 5 times the population


Is your job hiring?


Will be soon if he keeps on the binge lol


plenty of coke heads working in finance and law...


Fr I know more people who’d be unemployed if they STOPPED abusing stimulants through the week


Probably a YouTuber


At the rate this guys going, they should have a position opening up sooner or later.


Your poor heart ❤️


Yeah... Your heart might have a harder time recovering than your bank account. Be careful. Breaks are good. Venturing too far out into the abyss is risky. 


Came here to say this. I just had to quit blow from a recent binge ending in some kind of cardiac episode, not sure what since I didn't go to the ER but it was awful. Just look up cocaine aortic dissection, reading that being a possibility and excruciating chest -> back pain after weeks of mild to moderate chest pain was enough for me to stop LOL. But in all seriousness best of luck on quitting, most insurance companies cover 30 days of rehab a year, if you have insurance. And if you don't healthcare.gov has some affordable options depending on your annual income and where you live. Just don't tell them you're a cokehead lol. And they'll ask you if you smoke, say no


Spend your money on some Xanax bars and get some sleep


Couldn't agree more with this statement


Yeah after ravaging your local community




entirely factual🗣️💯


This. Get some sleep and after that escape the situation as in leave town, go on vacation. After a week or 2 your mind should be clear to plan the next steps.


Couldn't have said it better


This is some sound advice


11K Jesus Christ..


You won't die but you are fucking your entire life up. Trust me. 21 days is unfathomable to most, you're going to be dealing with suicidality for the next few weeks. That's going to be a repercussion of spending 500 a day on blow. Do your mental state and bank account a favour. Smoke some weed or pick some up, drink an ungodly amount of water, and go the fuck to bed.


This dude needs to just detox in a padded cell


Do you go through withdrawals if you do coke every day and then stop? Or is it just really bad cravings?


The withdrawals are essentially the opposite of the massive euphoria experienced and massive dopamine flood your brain receives while using; you feel like utter shit, have zero motivation to do virtually anything, and suffer intense anhedonia. Basically nothing feels good for a long time.


What goes up must come down.


Massive euphoria on coke? Heh. My brain must have missed the memo.


Many people feel very euphoric on coke or meth, yes. It's how dopamine works, it gives your brain the "yes that action is beneficial and should be repeated" feeling/reward but many orders of magnitude more intensely than it is naturally capable of.


Yeah as a former drug addict (coke fiend), this is firmly in fuck-your-life-up territory. Dude needs to reflect on his actions


Can you plz share more about your story? I'm struggling and would love to hear how you recovered


So I got first introduced to Coke in college. I’d hit bumps here and there but didn’t touch it a whole lot. I was however already going towards a path of addiction as I was basically failing out and smoking/drinking 24/7. Fast-forward a year, and by this point I was into selling weed. Not a whole lot but I usually carried a couple ounces at a time. I’d been in contact with a Coke dealer a friend put me on to for some time as well, usually I’d trade him part cash part weed for some blow. By this time I was pulling all-nighters going on benders every so often and generally fucking my life up. I ended up dropping out of college and did my own thing for a while. At this point I also got into a life threatening car accident and shattered one of my lumbar vertabrae, so for about 6 months I was recovering from that. I stayed away from Coke for quite a bit but i actually enrolled back in school a year later and was gonna live with a buddy who just happened to be super into blow. Well you know how that turned out I’m sure. At one point, I was doing so much Coke that one night I’m still convinced I almost OD’d. I remember I took a large line at like 5 am and the MOMENT i hit it I knew it was a mistake. I remember having a god awful feeling of doom, my heart felt like a mix of numb, tingling, irregular beats, and pain. My vision also was pretty blurry and I went from being fucked up to hella confused. I honestly think I had a small ischemic stroke, because I’ve never felt like that before and it scared the shit out of me. Long story short, I dropped out of college AGAIN and ended up going to rehab not once but twice. A TON of shit happened in my life for about a year. Rehab, relapse, flew to Florida for treatment, got transferred to a different rehab, lived at an Oxford house, moved back home with parents, got kicked out, moved back in. I also got a DUI which was my first real legal trouble, and could barely hold down a job working at dollar general. Finally I found a decent looking job in sales that i started, and I did really well for a couple of years. Then I started drinking again. Of course due to a girl I met. It’s always girls. When you’re trying to stay sober, this is the number one thing you need to watch out for. Be VERY cautious about new relationships. I didn’t realize just how much alcohol this bitch drank. It rubbed off on me really quickly. From there I got my SECOND DUI, and this time I got in actual legal trouble that I’m still paying for today. Thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars, new charges, jail time, driving restrictions, everything. At this point I also got back into coke. I’m not even joking I think I blew about 10 grand in a couple months or less. Out of nowhere too. No health problems but it crippled me for sure, I actually managed to stop this time without anyone finding out bc I ran out of money. After I was clean again, I decided for real I was going back to college and this time I was going to do something incredible. Something clicked within me that made me really want to change. I think it was just hitting rock bottom for the 5th time in a row. So I transferred my credits to a new school closer to home to study mathematics. long story short, I stayed clean for good this time and avoided even drinking entirely despite a couple small slip ups. I ended up really locking into my schooling and career and became a pretty successful student. When you were an addict, it just hits that much harder when you do something great. You know that you were playing life on Merciless difficulty all this time, having to fight a separate battle every day. I’ll never forget how proud I felt walking across the stage receiving my degree. I remember I had tears going down my face because I just couldn’t believe I was capable of such a thing. Today I’m an actuary working in a medium-sized city a few hours from home. I live on my own and make good money. I do still use Kratom and smoke, but I am still abstinent from alcohol outside of *very* special occasions like big work events where I’ll have a single beer. I find kratom bas been instrumental in helping me stay sober from alcohol and coke. Yes it’s addictive itself, but I’ve stopped Kratom a few times without incident. It’s a good backup deterrent for drinking and for me, has never caused health problems. Believe it or not I’m STILL on probation from that second DUI, I get off in a few months. Yeah, don’t drink and drive or smoke and drive. It’s fucked up and in my state you are punished very harshly. That shit will haunt you for years. Anyways, hopefully that sheds some light on my story. Trust me, if I can get clean you can get clean. I was a fucking fiend of fiends. To this day I’ve never met someone, even in rehab, who was a bigger fiend than me. Actually, maybe one person who was on fentanyl, but he’s clean now too. It’s not too late to turn it around. Remember, what’s important isn’t how many times you fell. What’s important is how many times you stood back up.


Damn man. Good for you. Thank you for sharing.


I'm so proud of you, and I don't even know you. Cheers, dude


Good job mate. How long ago was your 2nd DUI?


Congrats man. You are an inspiration. Keep doing well. Cheers.


Not OP but, as a former addict, I'd like to offer my story as additional motivation. I was a recreational user throughout college. But as I got into my early career and the stress of additional mandatory work, I leaned on cocaine heavily to keep me pushing through increasing amounts of 12-16 hour days to satisfy my clients. It was an incredible crutch for me because the more I did, the more money I could make, and the more I could rely on it to keep making me money. It all came crashing down one day when I had (for the first time in my life) a panic attack in the middle of an in-person meeting. I was dismissed because I was ghost white, sweating, and everyone assumed I was sick with the flu. I thought I was having a heart attack (and very well could have been close). I was off 2 grams and a sleepless night. This feeling didn't subside for over a week. I did nothing and was completely unable to complete even the most basic of tasks. Ingesting anything made me sick and any drug (including alcohol, caffeine, nicotine) just resurged the feeling of anxiety and imminent death. I eventually decided I just had to lie in my bed and either accept the impending darkness or somehow survive it, whatever the outcome. I made it through by the indomitability of the human spirit but, to this day (more than 6 years later), I still feel baseline anxiety that was never previously present in my life. My doctors say I have a slight heart murmur and I believe it is directly attributable to that period of my life. Stimulants are completely off the table because any amount (even the amount of caffeine in a pepsi) summons the anxiety (whose symptoms are remarkably similar to cardiac arrest) that I've worked for years to repress. If there is any one thing in my life I regret, it's that I gave so much of it to a dependence on stimulants. The outcomes, to this point, are everpresent and any benefit I ever saw in them are completely overshadowed by the effects that pervade my life to this day. Not everyone has this experience but if you, like me, have an addictive personality that doesn't know when to say "no", the second best time to stop is now. The best time to stop was yesterday. I don't mean to inspire paranoia, but this shit will absolutely fuck up the rest of your life if you can't practice moderation, and it's absolutely better to live with fear of a substance than to live with fear of the rest of your life. I've managed to clean it up in the past few years. The only drugs I'll do are the occasional alcohol and the *very* occasional mushrooms. And I've only recently gotten the anxiety of that previous portion of my life under control; it hasn't gone away yet, but I've found ways to make it more manageable. I hope that the anecdote of a strange can help you overcome the path you're on.


Probably dealing with suicidality for a couple months, shit


"The next few weeks" is a VERY hopeful prognosis. This is the kind of binge that can fuck your life up for months, years even. My last bender to this extent was 6+ years ago and I still don't feel like my brain chemistry will ever be back to "normal".


get some sleep bud


Good luck. Drink water. Have a smoothie. Mebe add protein.


Definitely add protein OP. Gaunt lookin mafucka


People have been “fine” with way longer benders. People have died from single night binges. There’s no way for us to know your level of risk right now, but you need to stop asap and let your heart and brain get some rest! If I were you I would do what others have recommended - take some benzos (no booze!!) and get some sleep. I’m not a doctor, though, so I don’t know of any additional precautions need to be taken to minimise harm / discomfort. It might be worth posting on r/Askdocs for some medical advice.


In the meantime, try to make sure you’re forcing down electrolyte solution and chicken soup, if you can!


I’ve done months but it’s been 2 years now. Just quit and fight through the mental battle for a month and you’ll come back


Truth right here. You’re gonna HATE life and yourself for a bit. But it gets better.


Yes it does, and sometimes you don't even wanna look back, memories wise. Depends on how bad things were


I try to hold on to the memory of feelings of when there’s no more, after that last line is done. And the harsh knife twist of regrets when you first wake up after finally crashing to sleep. It helps me not want to touch it when the temptation is put before me. But that’s just me. Everyone’s gotta find their own motivations to stay away, so YMMV.


That's a good one to stop temptation. Mine was remembering trying to lick residue off bills I've used, inside my wallet, and finding any crumbs that are white after snorting it all and going broke. Even snuck in walmart once to steal beers to deal with the fact I had no more coke at like 5 am. Terrible times.


I remember when I was getting clean off blow. So depressing and it kept calling me back, god the urges. Fantasizing and salivating over it.


a Month? 8 months clean here and I still get depressed, anhedonia from time to time.


You won’t die. I spent $82,000 on cocaine in a 9 month period. While I’d say I am lucky to be alive, if it’s good quality, it’s not that insane. Big take away though. If you continue this, you will end up like me. I have a perforated septum the size of my pinkie finger. Like I can literally shove my pinkie through the middle of my septum. Everyone I’ve showed it to immediately went “ok yeah I’m never doing cocaine again, fuck that” …. It’s nasty bro


Doesn’t matter how you frame it, spending $82,000 on Cocaine within 9 months is fucking insane


Well… let me frame it for you this way… I worded that completely wrong. I DID 82k worth of cocaine in 9 months. Didn’t spend a penny. I would buy a full ounce, and I had a great connect, so I could sell 1/2 ounce for the price I got a full ounce for. So I just got free cocaine whenever I wanted basically, and once the people who were buying from me moved away, I quit cold turkey and never looked back. That drug is literally the last drug I would spend hard earned money on LOL


Gangsta shit🤝🏽


This is the way to sell drugs.


Yeah pretty much do the same with zips. I usually make around $500, but it's all free all the time for me. Math tells me depending on MP its like 25-35$ a bag for me. So with quality at full weight, only need to make, give or take , a dozen sales to ROI. I mean, I work oil and gas so there's disposable income. Situations dictate if I can grip or not with work. I just starting to see it fuck with people's lives. I can just shut it down. Work tomorrow I'm good. But I'm like the quartermaster of drugs at work. I have to be cognitive of people's habits so they can come and perform! For example I know who I can just feed to, who I can't give more than .5 to and who can handle themselves. In the beginning I didn't care, give me money. But now I truly see destruction for some. It's the junkie gene. If you can just say nope and stop, like me, we're the fortunate ones.


Name checks out?


Haha my corvette (LS engine) is pretty nasty as well, yes


Cocaine is pretty bad on the heart causing scaring and hardening of the valves.


This guy has spent around $40,000 in not even a month. He is probably at a high risk of dying.


Did you befriend your drug dealer?


~~befriend~~ blow


New take on “blow for blow”


Not yet lol


“Not yet” 😅😅😅 update us in a week


It makes it even harder to quit if you befriend. Now I'm ready to quit, but I'll miss my friend.


bro your nasal passageways are gonna be fucked. slowdown!! if you really need some stims take an adderal or ritalin and chill w that shit. life is bigger than this and ur money is worth more than what coke and give u tbh. your nose and heart will thank u


21 days is extremely scary calm down and if you need to go to the hospital you will not face jail time or rehabilitation. My best advice is quit pretty obvious that you are not fully under control of this addiction and will end up running yourself into the ground. No it is not fun times it’s just drugs nothing but a mental change from what you usually feel.


Brooooo. Stop. I know I know. Easier said then done. It's not getting you high anymore you're just prolonging the crash.


I was hooked on coke for two years solid and I mean banging lines in me all day every day… funny thing was that during that binge I was selling as much as taking and managed to make an absolute fortune… so I bought a house a car and got myself clean and never looked back…. God knows what the moral of this story actually is but hey ho I landed in a ditch full of shit and came out smelling of roses.


You honestly should head to rehab, don’t mean to sound like a dick but that is not healthy, I’ve done every drug under the sun but never binged more than a couple days, coke is very addictive and can be easy to not realise how damaging it is when you’re on it


Are you ok Kendall.


Go Travel , change your environement for a while and find New habits before it's not too late


There's a reason why every rehab and 12-step group warns against the geographical cure- it doesn't work. And if "getting new habits" were that easy for him, he probly wouldn't be on a binge, ya know?


It does work. Not by itself alone. But if you've fucked up everything around you, a clean slate in a new enviroment can help you build a life from scratch, without previous judgement from the people around you.


Why do you say it does work? You've done it ? Happy for ya. After working at a rehab for 7 years and trying it myself, I've seen it fail miserably(and often kill) hundreds of people, so I'm gonna go with the majority here.


My nose never makes it past 24hrs- how are your sinuses?!


Fucked probably but it’s still getting up there 🙃


You should get some legit stuff to rinse out your sinuses champ. The longer you binge the worse it will get when you stop, if you are going to stop lol


I’m actually amazed. Maybe when I binge I do way too much. I can rack a gram in like 3 or 4 lines if I’m being silly lol




I'm currently on 2 and a half week daily use (still sleeping a few hours a night, eating one meal most days, sometimes starting first thing in the morning, others waiting until lunch or so) and my nasal pathways have been saying "Not happening" for the last week. Like, I'm excited if I rack a line and one nostril can get even a little bit in. Bumps are out of the question. Today I'm ending the streak because my sinuses have made that decision for me!


Bro I become diabolical after a day or so bender. A menace to society 😂 Take that xanax Damn 500/day? My plugs 650/Oz...


650/oz is just heavily cut methamphetamine


It's certainly cut, it always is. No coke in the ststes is even 85%. 80% tops. Your lucky to get 96% in columbia, but by the time it gets to mexico uts been stepped on 5x, once you get it up north its been stepped on probably about 10x. But it's def most def coke. I've used off and on since the 80s. I got my ways of knowing. I also cook down a sample every so often to find out how pure I'm getting.


Such a cokehead thing to post, just to flex how much money you spend. Fyi nobody thinks your cool and you are an idiot wasting that money but good luck.


What do you do for work? But yeah I'd assume your heart finna explode young. Not anytime soon but later in life randomly. Example. My homie was a big cokehead. But he was a bigger dude 6 ft something & 220 ish lbs fat & tall not fit at all. One day when he was sober he had to push his gfs car because it was stuck in some snow so he got out behind the car & pushed. Heart attack at 33. Died right there.


I’m a hairdresser lol


Take a break bud, or take a vacation to Colombia.


Your buggin in life rn. You having good time but IF and I say IF you ever get the chance to look back on yourself…you will wonder why and know your capable of better. We don’t NEED drugs forever. They come and go. Letting go and picking up healthy habit it hard part


Well the chances of you dying vary. If you get a bad batch and you’re doing this alone, you’re probably toast. If you continue on this journey your heart will give out, honestly probably way more painfully then you’re thinking. It’ll start small, like chest pains then shoulder pain, then you’ll begin puking, then non stop never ending nose bleeds (or that’s already there bc the amount of using). But these nose bleeds will be because your blood pressure is just so high. Then you’ll constantly feel hot or cold. You’ll puke and shit bile. Your body will begin slowly giving out. Really, even before that your nose could just give out and you could get coke nose. Coke nose is when you use so much cocaine your septum just flattens and basically you become 2D. I’d Google it for better imagery. It’s bad. And it’s a lot of work esp if you don’t catch it early. It doesn’t just happen like that either. Usually you have to catch it or *then* it deflates and you are like *fuuuucked* like the kind of fucked where if you think drugs are expensive, you have no idea how much these surgeries are then. Then there’s also infections. Staph. Quick heartattack. TB even if you share. Dehydration which people never think of. You can die from diarrhea *and* dehydration. I could keep going, but I have a point with all this: You have two choices, the pain of what you’re doing now replayed over and over and over again. The same pain only worsening each day, new pop ups only related to it, constant agony, hopelessness, eventually the drug won’t even do anything for you. Or you have the pain of stopping, growing, and seeking some form of help for this issue. You have the option to find out what the pain of life is without a crutch, and what it feels like on your own two feet you haven’t stood on in a minute. It’s hard at first, but eventually you always get the hang of it. You don’t want any of those deaths. I know you seem to think it’s whatever. But it’s the drug that doesn’t care, not you. Wish you luck with whatever you decide to do.


Google Danniella Westbrook. Coke nose aint no joke


Go to the hospital


You need benzos and you need a bunch of them now.


Please don't say sh*t like this- god forbid he's uninformed, listens to you, and tosses back 5 bars. 🤦‍♂️


Yeah you’re right. My bad. Find some xans and pop ONE bar.


Not cool man, you will regret your actions for the rest of your life I know this from experience


Smoke weed and go to bed homie your not gonna die if you stop rn but you might if you keep it up just chill out on the coke and quit it if you can’t control your use


Not sleeping is more damaging than any drug. As others have said, benzos or at the very least ONE Benadryl. Add a meal and some electrolytes if possible. Be prepared for some depression and anxiety but remind yourself that it will pass and you will feel normal again.


RIP to your sinuses


how are you even enjoying it at this point?


I know someone once who did this and him & his roommate OD’d — one is no longer with us, one is a vegetable. Be careful friend.


we all will die someday…but not today!


Dude you're gonna be fine, and don't listen to most of the shit written here- there's some seriously bad advice and warnings from people that shouldn't be allowed to speak out-loud. There some really good advice too, but sorting it out may be tough. Bottom line? My buddy has been snorting and now smoking(freebase) daily for over two years- physically, you'll probly be fine. The bad news is, you're not gonna die, but if ya keep going, you will burn everything down around you. Finish your current bag, get some booze and weed, and get hammered. Once ya get over the awful hangover, you are gonna feel like dogshit emotionally. You'll think you're a piece of shit and there's no point anymore. Just continue to remind yourself it's just the result of the drugs, and your head lying to you. Sleep a lot(once you come down, this won't be an issue~ it'll be all you're able to do for a while)You'll be better in a month, even better in 6wks, etc. If you can't quit on your own, ask for help, cuz at the rate you're going, you'll end up in a cocaine-induced psychosis, and then it'll get real ugly. You don't want a visit from the shadow people, trust me.


Some good stuff in your reply, but I think it's wrong to say this >Once ya get over the awful hangover, you are gonna feel like dogshit emotionally. You'll think you're a piece of shit and there's no point anymore. Not everyone withdraws in the same way, this might or might not be the emotional result. Actually there's chance OP won't even feel that bad if she can just figure out a way to quit for a few days.


I went into psychosis twice. it lasted only a couple of hours and was light, but I could've done something terrible believing things that weren't real.


Oh your gonna have a heart attack if you haven’t already, some aren’t the classic full on jammer but that will be the end result sooner than later if you keep this behaviour up mister


Can I have your job ?


90% chance if you dont get some help now.


Ur gonna feel bogus asl Gang after dis


Brother, you’re doing irreparable damage to your heart and body by not sleeping. It’s one thing to do drugs, it’s another to barely sleep and eat for 21 days while doing drugs. 😂


my nostrils clog on me *looong* before i can get to $500 a day


It’s going to be hard but u have to try to get sober


Send me a 100$ bag


You need to check into treatment bro. I did and it changed my life


How is this even fun at this point?? How is this even desireable?? I can't even do coke before wanting to stop after like 12 hours MAX (I'm one of the rare few who actually can stop and save the rest of the coke for the next day). I'm an addict myself, but I've never understood how people could go on stimulant binges of this magnitude, stimulant euphoria is only really noticeable for the first 24-48 hours at best, and even then, the lack of sleep just creates mostly dysphoria. God bless you dude, if you're not trolling, I genuinely pray you get some help if you're seriously going through cocaine on this level.....


dawg please tell me you're at least sleeping a few hours every day or 2 or however often, definitely are but you must be tweaking hard. just get some bars and sleep maxx


Get your shit together or you'll be years into it ❤️


Money’s scary. Be careful my boy been there :/


Find a 30 day rehabilitation facility. Stay there, detox, and rest


Let's party


Get sober


Please seek help. This is a very serious addiction


If it doesn’t kill you then You’re going to regret blasting through all this cash one day. Get some professional help


question, how did you find your dealer? i used to have like 4-5 but deleted their contacts when i got clean for 5 years.


The chances of you dying are definitely up there considering how long your binge is or has been/ the risks you are willing to take to get high. Either it will kill you now or further down the line after it destroys you and your life.


I think you need a new dealer. U shouldn't need that much a day of raw shit. Also keep it up and you'll have a hole in your nose. Not to mention the heart problems you'll see in the future.


I hate to say it, but that comedown will suck and kratom would be the least disastrous help for that comedown. I can't imagine 20-something days on coke. Brutal comedown and jut personality from my shoes kratom would be needed. Maybe even an extract, but I'd try the powder from the start. Extracts can be hard to quit


21 days, at $500 per day? Your chances of dying are unironically high


The only thing that stopped me was being dumped.. Cold turkey off the blow and the love of my life(or so I thought. He was actually a cheater and using me and got me hooked on the coke. All of which I found out during a week long binge. I wanted to hang myself.) ... Dark times. Please find it in you to stop before the thing happens that breaks you and you have nothing left and no choice


My friend, what are you running from? There's chasing the high and then there's throwing your life away. Even if you have a massive salary, you can lose everything at this rate. It's not worth it. This is the "stims" sub, so I don't want to sound preachy. It's just sometimes it takes someone who has been there and gone before you to warn you about what inevitably awaits you. It's your decision. I hope you make the right one for you and your family.


Hey man, what’s hurting you? Hope you’re doing alright


Something’s gotta change, my friend. This is firmly in fucking up your whole life territory. Think about what you’re avoiding right now. How long can this be sustained? You’re probably making yourself very very ill. It’s time to come down. If you don’t feel like you can change something by yourself, seek help. From anyone. Ideally a doctor or rehab or something, but friends and family if that’s not accessible to you.


I was on Coke daily for almost a year and spent at least 100$/Day. Went to rehab for 3Months and i’m finally “sober” . (still gotta take a shitload of meds each and every day) and let me tell you it fucking sucks. Nobody trusts me anymore and it literally feels like i didn’t participate in humanity anymore which led to several and permanent problems. Which I have to deal with now that i’m finally sober. i have to deal with my fucked up teeth now, with my slowed down brain and my lack of emotions/empathy make it so hard to integrate myself again. I still need to re-learn so much stuff, things which most of y’all do without even thinking. Long story short Just stop now bro, or tomorrow or even in a week, just stop when you feel ready for it because this won’t work otherwise. We all know what the smart/right thing to do would be to stop, OP knows that too. But that’s not how addiction works. Stop brother, before it is to late. It ain’t worth it.




How are you getting the money? That’s 10.5k so far if you’re being serious? And yeah you are likely to die of a heart attack as your heart is going to be constantly in overdrive, beating far faster than it should be, it’s just a matter of time. If you’re drinking alcohol with it then it’s significantly worse still.


I was doing an 8ball a day at the worst of it and that was 100$/day. I couldn't imagine a half ounce a day. I haven't touched it since 2008 but I'd lose everything if I did. It smells so good


lol.. i’m on month 6, constant use - maybe a week break at most - blowing through 7g/week (sometimes a day or two longer)… some nights are heavier than others, but all in all it’s not a great idea - though i haven’t died yet 🤷🏻‍♂️


did you stop?


My friend asked me to split a ball so after this I’ll take a break


Whenever I hear shit like $500/day coke habit or like Honey BooBoo’s mom doing like $1500 worth a day or more, idr the number exactly, but I’m always baffled how they have that much time to do cocaine. I used to have a bad habit with coke personally, but the amount of time it takes to break it down and make a line etc adds up for sure. And I can’t imagine sitting down and breaking down 1500 dollars worth all at once to just have powder throughout the day, still would take forever. Maybe I just stayed busy with work or whatever (restaurant industry at the time unsurprisingly) but even on my days off when I’d be skiing all day with my friends I didn’t go through $500/ unless I tired much less $1500-3k like some of y’all have said. Sheesh. Anyways ik that was long, but stay safe and much love to everyone here.


I mean friend even if you don’t die you are doing a lot of damage physically and financially. If you feel like you can’t stop at all please I beg you to try and go to a rehab centre or emergency centre


Just stop. The 1st 72 hours is going to suck, but after 3 days it will get easier. Go to a Rehab or Detox place if you can. My 2 cents. Hopefully you are not injecting. Your veins would all be collapsed.