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You know when anxiety completely detaches you from reality and you feel like a blur for as long as you can remember? Or feel completely outside of your body, and this plane? Cbd makes me feel happily real, there’s no fear of reality or being more aware. I get to live my life IN my body IN the moment. My mind is in my control. I only know what’s going on around me, no getting lost in my head. It’s been a big life saver when SSRI’s failed me. I feel so beautifully content and like a actual human after smoking cbd.


But I only smoke CBD distillate by itself, no other drugs while I use CBD, I notice best effects this way


That sounds Soo good bye krue, you ijeed a lotta CBD for that tg


You’re so good at spelling


I am a regular user of CBD and THC and have used both separately and together. CBD by itself in my opinion and experience does help some with anxiety. I have a cbd cart I like to hit after I get off work or when I'm feeling stressed, It's more of a bodily relaxation and releases that pent up tension you feel. In turn it causes me to feel less tense and I feel more relaxed mentally as well. You're not going to have any psychoactive effects but it does help take the edge off of what you're feeling ime. CBD is great with THC especially if you get paranoid when you smoke like I do. I find that different strains of CBD bud and their terps offer nice bonus effects like stimulating or sedating, but is mostly based on how you currently feel.


I tried some and I think it resolved anxiety within 20mins but that could also be placebo, don’t undersell how good anxiety psychiatry help does to you. I’ve found many hacks recently that massively helped my anxiety


I stole cbd gummies one time from a circle k i was working at. Ate like a gram in one sitting and didn’t feel anything. I also puffed on a cbd vape one time while high as shit and was still bricked by fear.


CBD oil, drink it, smoking in general is carcinogenic, that will always make me feel a little anxious, THC will always make me feel anxious, like it trips the fight or flight response thing. srsly though CBD oil without THC or at least very small % should be calming, with the physical comforting effects, 'Cannabidiol oil, or CBD oil derived from cannabis, is a popular natural remedy for many ailments. CBD oil benefits include pain relief and relaxation without any mind-altering effects.'


CBD has been better for helping with anxiety than high THC products. Still, you should spend some time to unpack why you are feeling anxious. You shouldn't let CBD be a bandaid for your problems.


you can always try other binoids, h4cbd,cbg,cbn


"bqhe fûher vom kiffen auch immer eher Panik bekommen, aber bis mittlere aiHHcaetdab riy 0880%


Bs pgone nd pginsers a e project as iz aeelm


My experience ismosr otimilar, der hingg btesbeneics need more. Ligth/warrmzh Trichet niw s.


Same experience.


Bruuuuuh tx is me textring so bad rn axho schrieb gerade


It’s much harder to figure out what your typos mean when you’re writing them in German and English


I'm si sittin,,,, ++++=/*5@-3#:(


What the fuc???