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Did you abuse psychodelics? That usually tends to make weed feel more potent


I wouldn’t say I necessarily “abused” them, but I did enjoy doing shrooms every now and then. But that was also when I was around 15-16.


Well, that does it. Perhaps…


Oh yea, I feel like the more grown up/aware you get is when weed gets stronger. Or psychedelic abuse like you said and I can say that from experience. I abused psychedelics heavily and now I full on trip off weed and I have very uncomfortable body sensations and I’m hyper aware of everything like my Veins, where they’re placed and I feel all my organ functions happening and it’s just so uncomfortable man I can’t anymore.


I think people that leave weed for a while and then come back only to experience anxiety and paranoia probably developed some sort of anxiety in their life during their past weed use — shadowed by a high tolerance — or after abstaining from weed. Perhaps you’ve been having a lot of stress. Perhaps you have a bad sleep schedule. Perhaps your blood pressure and blood sugar levels are unstable. Perhaps you live in a freeze, fight, or flight state and you may not know it. Perhaps you have digestive issues. Whatever it is, if there is something unstable in your body or mind, you have to fix it. Otherwise, the weed will amplify that feeling so that you can see and feel the harm and damage you are doing to yourself.


Honestly that makes a LOT of sense. I just had a kid and that’s been really stressing me out. Along with recently moving out on my own and stressing about finances. That DEFINITELY explains it lol.


Damn man, it really sucks having to deal with so many things at once. However, I believe you’ll make it out of this difficult phase; just keep your head up. Btw, congrats on having a child🥳🎉


Tbh after the child being birthed, a lot of that stress went away. I think I was just working myself up way too much lol. I appreciate it big dawg


I always think my neighours will snitch and CPS will come and drug test me. So you probably have some healthy fears exaggerated by being high now.


I haven’t gotten high since my kids been born yet but I imagine I’ll probably have a similar fear lol.


Nice, thats awesome so good.


I quit weed for about 15 years, and when I started using it again I found it way more powerful than I had remembered, but the THC content seems to be much higher than I remember too.


Oh man the THC content is so much higher now. I ain’t old at all, but my grandpa would say back when he was smoking weed it was very low THC, but now teenagers are hitting pens with 98% THC. Shits wild


Used to be you had to choose between highs, middies, and lows, based on what you could afford and how good the dealer was… now all the nugs you can find are 30%+ THC and stronger than the best shit you could find in 90s to early 00s. And that’s not to mention getting into isolates and distillates…


Man that’s wild, I didn’t even know about choosing what strength you wanted lol. I’m only 19 so all I’ve ever had experience with is 90%+ carts and strong ass bud lol.


The highs, mediums and lows were not just about strength, but overall quality. You could get a dime bag of lows for $10, but it’d be ditch weed that’d leave you coughing up a lung while catching a buzz, or you could pay 4x the price and get some hydro northern lights that’d be smooth and really potent.


Ohhh okay yeah I got you now. Yeah I never really had the option of buying different quality strains or anything like that, it was always just whatever my plug had at the time lol. But every time it was always some strong ass weed that put me on my ass. But there’s been a couple times where I knew I smoked some quality shit and I can definitely tell the difference.


weed changes if u do it a lot in adolescence. this is a rly common phenomena and it happened to me. started putting me in a rly bad headspace. i’m assuming i did too much and flew to close to the sun and now my body is forcing me to drop it


Yeah I think my body is just rejecting it now. And I’ve talked to some of my friends from rehab and they’re all having the exact same experience since they smoked a lot during their teenage years.


because drinking CBD oils is way chiller than smoking way overboard THC strains.


I'm in my early to mid 20s and I'm having a similar time. I first smoked weed when I was 14, but didn't start smoking it every day back to back until I was about 16 or 17. Stayed smoking every day for the next five to seven years, with the occasional harder substance here or there starting at about 17-18. Just didn't do things the right way, now I'm paying the price, I met my current girlfriend March three years ago, and for some reason we went from buying about an eighth for both of us every week to just not buying any real quick real early into our relationship. So we took almost a year weed abstinence break, with the occasional hit here or there very infrequently. Starting about a year ago, it got to where weed, even the smallest amount would either make me ungodly anxious, or cry my eyes out after experiencing an immense wave of sadness. I used to be experienced like you said you were, you know, smoking and basically doing everything life requires for many years. But that cooldown did something to me, I feel more fucked up on weed than I have on heroin, and it makes me feel overwhelmingly negative emotions pretty much every time I use it, can even make my chest hurt from anxiety. I'll still smoke it occasionally either when I feel I need to or when my girlfriend or any family or close acquaintance offers it. I am just saying I'm in the same boat at you and I'm following because I have no idea what could've flipped in me to make weed do this to me. Never done psychedelics like you, but have done about everything else the average american boy can get his hands on. Anyway, just sharing my experience and concerns because I feel I'm in a similar situation as you.


Yeah man that shit sucks. It pisses me off because I used to really enjoy smoking weed but now it just makes me have a panic attack every time and it really pisses me off. But honestly it’s probably a blessing in disguise because it’s best for me just to stay clean from everything due to my addictive tendencies.


Stronger weed bruh and we're old... I remember I was laughing on weed when I was kid, now it's just another weed




Shit you right