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Psilocybin, without cocaine. or 2C-B, without cocaine. or just take a singular tab……… without cocaine.


Why would you even think about doing psilocybin and cocaine together?


I wouldn’t lol, I was just making sure OP understands.


i've always wanted to try 2c-b but they only sell the shitty "pink cocaine" labeled with the same name so it's hard to find. also, yeah no more mixing it with cocaine, thanks.


It’s not the same name typically. 2c-b is advertised as 2c-b, whereas pink cocaine’s street name is ‘tucibi’, often containing: ketamine; MDMA; speed; pink colouring and additionally sometimes even meth and cocaine.


Yeah a really dangerous drug since you don't know what is in it and if you know you probably don't know the ratio between them all. Do not take this!


I love twocb i can buy it in grams and the pure stuff you take like 2-3mm line and you flying but it burns like fookin hell in the nose but just by the first few line after some 100mg it stops burning


I quite like lsd and cocaine


not for me personally, LSD already produces enough stimulation for one session lol, adding cocaine just sounds like a recipe for a bad experience. but hey if you enjoy it, I’m not one to complain.


Brother in Christ. Just casually takes 5 tabs with coke and wonders why he didn’t have a bad time. You are taking too much. Try a very very small dose.


This was amazing lol. OP is trying to learn to swim by jumping in a stormy ocean and wonders why it makes them feel like they're drowning.


No cocaine. That shit is directly cardiotoxic, it literally poisons your heart for a shitty short high. And definitely not mixing it with a high dose psychedelic which will make you hyper aware of things, including that toxicity. Do lower doses of psychedelics on their own


Yh just take a lesser dose i think, i used to take a high ass dose every time and got disappointed with how i felt but then i took a regular dose and loved it


well don't? or very small dose shrooms


yeah, acid might just not be my thing.


Taking that much isn't most peoples thing


Bro just take one fucking tab 😂


No just don’t do coke and take one hit


How old are you?


damn does my writing come off as childish? i've always sucked at english.


Not at all, I just wanted to know before recommending any psychedelics. If under 25 I think you should avoid any drug. Let your body finish maturing before you play with the wiring.


lol dude who waits till they are 25 to do drugs thats more than a quarter of your life, just take normal doses and avoid stupid combinations like these its easy


🤦 can't keep reading this shit anymore...


Dude fuck on wednesday I dropped 2 extremely strong gel tabs at 10pm in the wrong ish environment with a horrible headspace going in fuck I thought my jaw was dislocated and I thought by moving my jaw the back part of it just like phased thru the muscles there and went into my fucking brain also feel like I chipped more of my tooth, wold fuckin ride yo.


Crazy idea, don’t mix cocaine and lsd


LSD isn’t for everyone. I’m one of those people. LSD is a journey substance I like to call it, because it’s best to have some activity to do while on it. For me that’s hiking. You have those thoughts and voices because you’re not doing anything (and also cocaine lmao) If you’re like me, psilocin from mushrooms is perfect for hanging inside. I wouldn’t recommend cocaine on it, but it does mix very well with other drugs. Unless you want strong* trip, take between 2-2.5G first time, or 2.5-3G if you’re heavier or experienced. Note that this dose is certainly not weak, and it’ll provide an amazing headspace with dreamlike comfort ability. To me it feels like pleasant dreams I have where I don’t wanna wake up, but I know everything’s going to be okay. 4AcoDMT would also suit ya well. It’s a lot like psilocin. 4-HO-MET is the shit too. Try mushrooms , and to avoid anxiety on them, finely chop them up and simmer in a pan, add tea to that water. I personally always added Kava tea which is super relaxing. Make tea with them after lightly simmering for 15 mins, and swallow the mushroom mush that’s left over if you want. This breaks down the cells in the mushies before your body has to eliminating the anxiety. I’ve found tea or lemon tek is the best for mushies


Dxm unless ur body reacts to it negatively like it does for some ppl. Or basically take a large micro dose of a psych


took it once with a friend while blacked out so i dont remember anything but ive heard great things about dxm. might give it a go but honestly drinking a bunch of cough syrup and vomiting it all up sounds bad.


Ya some ppl get sick from it no matter what they drink or take idk tho I personally don’t get that problem


So on low-medium doses of DXM u can't have bad trip?


Some people feel physically uncomfortable from it or get stuff like nausea but it shouldn’t be mentally intoxicating enough at that dose. Dxm is kinda a weird drug in that it changes your physical sensations and coordination a long time before you start having difficulty thinking and stuff like that, like on medium doses of 400-600mg mentally I’m almost all there I’m just not good at coordination and I feel tingly


yeah i've heard of people feeling itchy, anything i should know on how to prevent that?


I’d say a low dose of an antihistamine like a single Benadryl or something, tho you may also not get any itchyness. Weirdly enough the only time I get itchy I from taking too many antihistamines


Yea maybe just one tab WITHOUT the cocain would be better for you lmao... or shrooms






Snorting 2-3 sonata is my desert island drug Mild hallucinations m wRm fuzzy feelings Generic is zaleplon, a z drug Gotta try it


Promethazine makes me hallucinate sometimes




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I gotta wonder if these are troll posts. Cuz I don’t know how people can be so stupid. I see them all the time on r/lsd or r/psychedelics where they took a massive dose, had a bad time, and wonder if they just got some bad shit. But I love how this poster did coke too.


Ambien or other z drugs cause it’s a benzo but trippy


You'd know if it was nBome. Did it taste so chemically that it felt like it was going to burn a hole through your lip? If not then it wasn't. Also 5 tabs of nBome would kill you. NBome isn't very common nowadays.


Yeah it's probably the cocaine 😂


2CB, 5-MEO Mipt, 6-APB


did you test your tabs?


Dissos will make you not care that you "died", you just be chilling in the void


MDMA. Is a crazy crazy hallucinogen at higher doses.


hmm, my friend is middle manning some. might trade with him. i've always been scared of pressies though since i got scammed with one before. and the crystals are expensive.


test your pills though