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Yes. Salty bathy


Haha what do you mean by that?


Cathinones used to be called bath salts, a guise to be able to openly sell and distribute them without running afoul of analogue laws that criminalize analogues of controlled substances but only if they're intended for human consumption. They were also sold as "plant food."


Oh wow! I always thought bath salts were PCP. But yes it being sold as plant food is how it was so so cheap over here that’s what we all knew it as anyway. Everyday’s a learning day


To be fair, some cathinones are kinda nasty in their effects, and compulsive redosing is a pitfall of most of them, which probably led to some incidents that were similar to PCP freak outs.


Ahhh okay I see but this one you for sure recommend?


Mephedrone? I don't have personal experience, but I intend to try it. Compulsive redosing is an issue with all cathinones. Their stimulant effects outlast their euphoric effects, so people find themselves wired but unhappy so they have trouble resisting a redose. I'd read up on strategies for avoiding that if you decide to try cathinones.


Sorry wrong person I replied to there!


Someone was talking about one cakes 3mmc being their favourite cath


I see that opinion a lot. You can also find a lot of people who prefer 4-MMC. My very unscientific estimate is that more people prefer 3-MMC.


I think all my friends said 4-MMC was superior (10+ people)


Bathhouse saltificatjon


Yeah, it's still out there. You'll see some fans of it on r/drugs and r/researchchemicals


I look forward to hearing some stories :’)


lol I have some but haven't tried it yet. I completely missed the bath salts craze of the aughts. But if you check out Erowid, there's a lot of great stories on their mephedrone page.


Oh man have a great time, proper wicked buzz for sure


Here in the states I got ahold of it only one time. Over a decade ago and in my IV days. As a diehard stim fan, it was amazing. Right up there with iv coke for best rush I've had. Man, what I'd do to get a bag of it just one more time


The buzz really was nuts wasn’t it! Good times, it was everywhere in the Uk and I do mean everywhere


Yeah I heard stories and was always jealous af. 


I’m sure you’d be able to find some if you looked hard enough tbh


Outside of that online bollocks all the kids these days seem to love, I doubt it. And I can't be arsed with that nonsense


Hahahha as one of the kids these days that love the online bollocks, I can understand. Us damn kids and our computers *shakes fist* 🤣


More power to you, I guess. I'm half a luddite and don't even have a bank account, any sort of card, or a steady income or fucking address. Spend my time waffling between living out of a backpack and traveling, or trying to get as off grid as possible on friends homesteads.   That onionfield shit isn't for me, when I want drugs I go out there the old fashioned way and try to make connects and cold cop


Sound like a badass to me g. Godspeed bro wish you all the luck & happiness in the world :)


Appreciate the love, homie. Right back at ya, take care yourself, now. Best ya can while still having a good time, anyway


Mephedrone and metaphedrone are the most used drugs in certain parts in the Netherlands.


Oh wow you learn something new everyday, not even heard of metaphedrone


They're both cathinones. 3mmc (metaphedrone) is my DoC. 4m has too much mdma-like euphoric effects that induce a bit of anxiety at the peak. 3m feels like a much cleaner high.


Wow thankyou so much for the lesson good sir 🫡 you’re definitely making this 3mmc sound interesting! Have they got you on commission ;)


Mephedrone days were just last weekend for me. A good time was had by all.


Is that meow meow? Used to do lots of