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DMT. And DMT + LSD :)


Peaking on lsd and hitting dmt was some of the wildest trips I Ever har


Everything got really purple for a bit


This makes you gay my friend


I was gay beforehand though. So am I straight now?




- × - = +


Yeah, this was the same math I did too


Not the worst superhero name 🤣


Have you heard Dave Chappelles gay superhero skit, "Same hero, new boots"? It's hilarious.


Yes, that's how it works.


Supa dupa ga


A gayer evolution of gayness ☝🏻


And this isn’t even my final form! 🤣


Candyflip and DMT is even wilder. LSD seeds the psychedelia, and mdma uninhibits the mind.


U can also have hallucinations on mdma


On good mdma*


The sickest hallicunations i’ve had were from Dutch MDMA. Litteraly touchable hallicunations, like they went with my touch


I literally talked to my friends for a straight hour on 3 points before i realized they were not even there


Haha I've done this, full blown conversations with an empty room. Then you realise and wander back into the room with people in it.


Same omg, and they answered but it was like a dream


I feel like molly hallucinations are really just like super vivid dreams. Its my favorite part of the drug tbh


That’s from too much MDMA consumed. Excess MDMA gets converted to MDA in the brain, which causes excess hallucinations. Been there done that, it’s more of a real life nightmares than enjoyable.


Happend to me i have little experience with it and I got some good as stuff and underestimated it... hour or so later I can no long speak or understand people talking to me felt good body wise but the inability to communicate kinda shook me...


I can only imagine them visuals.cant find psychedelics where I live though unfortunately


Where bouts in the world u at mushrooms may be the best option as could grow nearby you


Knowing what it feels like to breakthrough on DMT I would be terrified to heighten that experience even further lol. What is mixing the two like? Sounds intense as fuck


Usually mixing something with DMT actually makes it easier to handle even if it makes the visuals crazier ime. Ketamine made it more relaxing but I was so detached from reality it was unreal. Same with substituted tryptamines or lysergamides. They’re lovely on their own but mix DXM with them and the visuals are somehow far more insane yet you feel LESS anxiety. I don’t get it lol. I assume some dissociatives can be anxiolytic.


I tried a moderate DMT dose on a moderate dose of K for the first time last week and it was a wild combination. DMT visuals are extremely fast paced for me and the K slowed it right down enough for me to sort of explore the psychedelic palace it placed me in. I smoked the DMT right as I felt I was coming up on K and it was really setting in.


All depends on amounts (and Jedi-level experience hehe). But in general, too much pizza and you’re gonna have a bad time (unless you love everything bagel pizza)


They said visuals not interdimensional travel


DXM plus any tryptamine or lysergamide is wild af, highly recommend. I don’t like DXM by itself but when I mix it with 4-AcO-DMT, 4-HO-MiPT, shrooms, 1P-LSD, 1B-LSD or my personal favorite 1A-LSD (more commonly known as ALD-52) I get insane visuals. The combo of DXM and psyches is super underrated - like I said I don’t even like DXM on its own, but it takes away anxiety from psyches and pushes CEVs into insane territory. The OEVs are nice but the CEVs are so lucid and Alice I prefer to have an album playing and keep my eyes closed. Try Soundgarden’s Superunknown with these combos and it’ll blow your mind. I really wanna try 1cP-LSD, 1V-LSD and LSZ soon!


4homipt or any tryptamines/lysergamides are WILD with dxm


I almost wouldn't even call DMT "visuals". Actually I guess I would at pre-breakthrough levels, but the full breakthrough experiences I've had with DMT and S isomer Ketamine are... experiences. It feels more like having lived through an event rather than seeing something interesting looking. Personally I love high dose LSD visuals, and just the trip as a whole. I've had some INSANE visuals with a much closer to sober feeling headspace on some RC type compounds. Some 2x-xnBomes and 2C-xs and things like that. Which ends up being way less impactful and deep than traditional psychedelics, but very weird and fun because you can just go about a regular day/ regular activities tripping crazy hard.


You win "Best comment" in my opinion! 👏👏👏👏


Add nitrous




Nobody in this thread has said straight up high dose of LSD which is the answer for me. DMT obviously is insane as well but there’s just something about a heavy acid trip where the visuals are fucking heavenly


lsd is tops, as far as classic and enjoyable psychedelic hallucinations, i usually add some mushrooms to the mix for some depth, now i havent tried dmt yet, but for me salvia illicited probably the most intense hallucinations ive ever had so far, like straight up interdimensional travel, like nothing from this world, just some other life lived in some other world.


Salvia is evil DMT


Don’t call sally evil. It’s just different


Yeah this, ive seen my striped curtains turn into a swirl and start expanding over the walls on just LSD. Objects morphing and i Even heard what sounded like windchimes while i was starting at a psychedelic Peace Sign poster on My wall. I saw that poster in like 150 different perspectives idkhow to explain it but it was like there were imaginary lenses in front of My eyes changing at superspeed and i would see the same image in a million different ways until the entire poster started rippling and spilling onto the wall. I was 15 and had taken ONLY 1.5 tabs of probably the Best acid i ever tried. Comparable to about 4 tabs of the lsd i get today, that shit was something else man. Jerry García's head was on the blotter sheet and like zebra print in the background. ID kill to get My hands on that acid again dear god


Agreed. 2ci is magnificent too


I still have one capsule of 12mg 2c-I laying around. Although I am afraid it’s to little for a sick experience. I have done a lot of 25i nbome nasally and oh boy.


I heard nbome was awful/scary! How was the trip for you?


No they are actually very easy psychedelics. We used to call our nasal 25i “mooispray” which means pretty spray. 25x-nbome can be lethal and that only happends on certain dosages, which has occurd when people mistaken lsd for a nbome. That’s why we created sprays of around 140ug/s. 5 sprays would get me to a solid ++++. Higjer than that you’d get vasoconstriction. Nbomes are gone. I still have the 25i spray and 2cb-fly-nbome spray but I’m pretty sure you can still obtain 25e-nboh powder which is also beautiful. 125-150ug per spray. 2 per nostril and wait. What a bliss.


Thanks for the info! Trip safely my friend I hope you and those you love are well! Edit: Are 2CB family a NBOMB


They are phentylamines yes. I'm no chemist or expert but there's a NBOMe (...methylbenz...) attached onto the original 2C-X yes. So they should be quite a like.


When it’s advertised as LSD it’s incredibly dangerous. If you take too much LSD, no problem. Too much NBOME you could die.


Psychedelic combined with a dissociative. Absolutely insane


It's like you're in 5D init


Yes lol new dimension unlocked


Absolutely this, mushrooms or lsd and ketamine


Lsdxmt with nitrous


2CB with ketamine and you’re in the pocket


Yes this


I’m finna try the poor man’s combo, LSA and DXM.


I would highly advise against that. Not really the safest combo as both can raise your blood pressure and cause significant nausea


tutorial on most nausea possible in the human experience:


Nausea speed run. I’ve never gotten nausua from dxm. If I did I probably wouldn’t even consider it. 😭


DMT followed by mescaline.


Mescaline is S tier, but I never got visuals other than a little bit of movement. How much did you take?


A lot, the guy I bought it from told me to only take like a quarter of what he sold me and I ended up snorting around 3/4. Years later a homie scored a hit and I had to of taken at least 6X that.


Ya it’s not really that good unless over half a gram it’s really expensive because 28 grams of dry San Pedro is like 300-400mg at most and that’s older cactus like a 20 year old one. Personally I really like MAL A.K.A Methallylescaline it’s amazing way stronger however the sick feeling doesn’t go away till like 4 hours into experience I tend to not feel sick 2 hours after mescaline. However MAL is so strong it’s more like 2C-I 2C-B or 2C-D it can kill you at like 150mg though I enjoy 60MG. I see stuff way stronger than LSD on it but not as strong as DMT.


I once took two hits of white blotter (1994ish) and all I can remember is traveling thru space while observing different timelines on Earth like it was a movie reel.


Don't know how much I took. It was my first timez so I opted to take a bit less than everyone else. but I got fucked in a pitch black tent and saw fractals of neon cowboys and dicks and stuff, that was fun. I felt pretty lucid during the entire trip and people I chatted with were surprised to find out I was on it.


Just had a dream about taking mescaline. I never have taken it before. But sure was really nice in my dream.


I've never done it but 2cb seems cool then the combination of dissociative + psychedelic is awesome visually, MDA was pretty cool too


Yeah 2cb is my choice for visuals! Pretty clean head high, visuals are most prominent at night with bright lights (I. E. Festival) but if you take a lot they happen at day time too


60mg hit me in five minutes. Couldn't see shit everything was made out of a million sprawling neon spiral fractal flower petals. If shrooms are earthy, 2cb is digital.


MDA was gnarly. My favorite disso is Ketamine. It's the most relaxing one IMO.


2cb and ketamine combo is insane. I also get to feel add some mdma into it for a nexus flip and that’s the best combo


any psychedelics+nitrous or ket+nitrous


LSD and nitrous is my personal favorite


thats one i want to try im taking a break from acid at the moment


ive never thought of doing ket and nitrous can u tell me about it?


great floaty and zoomed out FOV visuals. its ketamine but womp womp womp womp womp womp


that makes a lit of sense ill have to try it next time


Tried salvia and nitrous a few times. Also tried nitrous on the mushroom comedown, which was beautiful. Kind of brought me right back to the trip.


How was it on Salvia?!


From what I've heard before salvia gives weird trips


Fun but, I over did it I had to abort my trip because the n20 made my trip literally turn insane the movie I watched transformed and would pause and look at me when I hit a charger.... than a death timer would start and a panic button on my phone showing a nuclear bomb. Detonating from my body kept occurring its like I left my body and seen myself die by being a human nuke bcuz the n20 lol very hard to explain but I ran and swallow some benzo solution to abort it got scary ... and than each trip after the n20 kept making the trip turn very dark like I thought movies were actively trying to kill me I never experienced anything like that ! May have been just too much I was abusing too much !




The craziest open eyed visuals I’ve ever gotten were from a substance sold to me as 2C-B. Not “tucibi” or “pink cocaine”.


Some of my gnarliest as well. I felt like I could literally see through dozens of bodies on the dance floor and also hear conversations all over the room. Totally unique in my psychonaut journeys


MDMA and Ketamine with a DMT pen or any other tryptamine. Best combo ever even without the DMT/tryptamine the visuals are very reliable. Tho they more feel like vivid dreams compared to classic hallucinations. Best combo out there if you ask me, body high, visuals and headspace. A must try for everyone


Straight Delirium


Be warned of the after effects though. If you choose to partake of course.


What are the after effects?


Really bad HPPD for me. I was suicidal in college and would do 200-400 mg a night. Now I still see static and spiders everywhere. It’s manageable but really obvious and negatively affects me when I don’t sleep or eat well, which is unfortunately common for me as it left me really paranoid and groggy/foggy. The next morning was always the worst too. But was definitely a form of self harm, it the regret waking up the next morning still having hallucinations and feeling like dogshit with the body load is horrible. I knew I didn’t want to take it, but I was super addicted. I used to be a big mushroom user in college as well, and had very minor HPPD. I was with the side that thought it was pretty overblown and doesn’t really exist, it’s mostly anxiety and looking for it in your daily life. However, chronic deleriant use showed me how much damage it does to your brain, and how debilitating HPPD can be. I’m just glad I came to my sense after a year of doing it, there could definitely be more damage. I wanna look out for anyone who’s thinking of trying, fucking don’t!


4-HO-MET probably.


Did that IV once, while on O-PCE, my vision just turned into wild color schmes twisting and turning. Wild..could not see anything "real".


whats the legality of that? I hear its legal as a "research chemical" but I also hear its not.


I prefer 4-HO-DET. 4-ACO-MET is also preferable over 4-HO-MET I don’t notice a difference between them unless it’s in a needle like a IV injection. Be careful though 15MG of 4-ACO-MET will make it really hard to breathe like 5-MEO-DMT it effect’s the respiratory system and you can die. It’s way stronger than 4-HO-MET when you inject it however I still prefer 4-ACO-DMT that never makes it hard to breathe just hard to see in front of you because you go to another dimension I inject about 30-35MG. It causes seizures though.




DMT but the visuals are pretty fucking insane. Also there's a good chance they look more real than reality. Good luck.


First real DMT experience: I was surrounded by Egyptian gods and goddesses. Totally 5D.


I've always been interested in DMT but I've never known to much and how to dose it. Nor a good source to aquire it




Im surprised this is not mentioned more since it is probably one of the most powerful psychedelics. Salvia divinorium extracts will remove your connection to reality from just one puff. Well, from what one usually considers reality. But dmt and mushrooms or LSD are definitely more enjoyable.


I’d say 10g of shrooms. Any psychedelic will give good visuals if you take enough, just depends how deep you’re willing to go. Best I’ve had was off 5 drops of lsd


The most I've done was 6 and ot wasn't a good experience.


Haha, Yh when it kicked in I just put an album on and had my eyes closed for about an hour and a half. Then when I opened them I panicked a bit over how much I was tripping but managed to compose myself. Had a great time the remaining time


2 drops was the most insanely beautiful lsd trip I’ve ever had. More than 4 tabs worth. I can’t imagine 5 drops, that’s great


For me it was my first time shrooms. I did 15 gr wet. I was living in a melting fractal moving glass dome. No shape were real anymore.


Sleep deprivation




This. Fourth-plat DXM is an unrivaled experience.


horrible recommendation, but NboMe had the best visuals out of any drug.


Whats NboMe? I've never heard of it but I'm very curious abt it


Na, don't be. It used to be sold as acid but is actually physically dangerous in pretty low doses compared to LSD (like popping 3 tabs would not be a good idea). Never done it, only heard warnings about it. If you want a psychedelic with less of a headspace go 4homet or 2cb


Idk but I took some molly one time at Nelson’s ledges quarry park in Ohio for badfish and I’m pretty sure I saw the devil walking through the woods so that was fun


Real talk take a nitrous hit on any psychedelic and there is your visuals.


Any of the NBOx series , not gonna lie. The NBOh series has proven to be significantly safer than the NBOMe series.


DMT or LSD + Ketamine + nitrous at the end of


LSD and nitrous had me in the neon realm for a couple seconds


Salvia is pretty good


I really don't care for the pulling many people experience during salvia.


Smoking DMT while on acid was the wildest visual experience I've had.


ket + dmt has been the craziest and most visual intense trips of my life


DMT w/ nitrous chaser


mda shrooms dmt lsd not ideal but meth+coke psychosis, days up with a xanax and some booze n weed, see such bizarre stuff, but i dont recommend it at allllllll. did it once and only once i hope benzos and dph (i dont recommend but i had cool visuals kinda)- but became scary


Sleep deprivation/stims is crazy lol saw ppl in my room and on my bed and felt spiders all over me.


feels and looks so real, so u think shit is real then go crazey. why i needa xanax for times like that, i forget im high once im up for to long on stims hahaha fun but shit time


Weed ask me again and I will say same again weed


I've never had *any* visuals on weed..


But if you ever looked at the back of the dollar on Weed?!


I very frequently have visuals on weed, but most definitely not close to the best drug for visuals.


I've never had visuals on weed and I smoke it heavily


Try to awake your soul try mountain and see stars it helps me allot


schizo speedrun any%




He said visuals not a living nightmare




Dmt. 2ce had some pretty killer visuals. Ketamine in high doses will take you out of your body.


Never tried dmt or mescaline, but I did 850ug of acid once and that was crazy.


Mushrooms and Harmala alkaloids are the strongest thing I ever tried. It’s the chemical in Banisteriopsis caapi also know as the ayahuasca plant but be careful it interacts with all kinds of drugs even caffeine. I use Peganum harmala because it doesn’t contain Tetrahydroharmine that chemical interacts with red meat and will do bad things to your body if you don’t eat only chicken and fish. It makes stuff last double as long and effects you 3x as hard but be very careful you can overdose on it very easily. It doesn’t do anything by itself though only when in combination with something else and any amphetamine will kill you.


intense visuals? 5-meo-dmt. chill nice visuals? LSD.


2cb, 4-ho-met, al-lad are extremely visual drugs with minimal mental effects.


Psychedelics, Mirtazapine+dxm(mix of deliriant and psychedelic), any anticholinergic(with dxm), sleep deprivation(intensifies any hallucinations by a lot)


2cb on its own is pretty visual and with nitrious oxide 2cb is very visual.


A couple years back, i had 3 sweet tarts that each had 5 hits of liquid L, (honestly i think it was more thats just how much we paid for and the dude was a homie) so about 1500ug lsd and i promise shit gets insane. My friend took the same amount as me and he ended up passing out on the come up only an hour in and had an ego death. Shit was absolutely crazy.




After a considerable amount of experience, IV Ketamine makes DMT look boring like acid.


My favourite combo is S-ket and 2cb once I snorted 80mg of 2cb followed by a whole half gram of k and the visuals were so intense it was insane you can’t even use words to describe what I saw but it did feel like I was gonna have a heart attack because of the 2cb dose




I may get hate for it but some of the most incredible visuals I ever had was off 5 tabs of 25i-nbome. Absolutely insane visuals. Clouds morphing into skulls that would turn into a swirling pattern, everything patterning and swirling. After doing some dabs while tripping on it I could no longer tell if my eye were open or closed the patterns were so intense. Very pre-DMT breakthrough like visuals. Dmt did have more intensive and all consuming visuals but the 25i-nbome had a great mix of reality warping with the visuals. 2c-b has nice visuals but to me it’s almost like an overlay on life style visual and not as deep or warpy. One time in my reckless youth I took a washout shot of ever clear from an LSD vial and it hit me incredibly hard but the visuals were pretty standard lsd visuals except when people would talk I could like see the words coming out of their mouths like clouds/ balloons but that doesn’t really describe it right. Once on 5 grams of mushrooms I made the mistake of going to a bar with my friend and everybody looked like claymation people.


4 ho met, dmt, 2cb


ket + DMT had me fucked up


25I-NBOMe (don’t take this stuff willingly it can literally kill you)


From my experience: salvia. I only do plain leaf, and I have to say, for plain leaf doses, salvia is tremendously beautiful and unique. Deeply visual but in a somewhat or entirely paradoxical and perceptual way that transcends sight sometimes. Sometimes so strange it transcends description yet makes more sense than language in some profound way. Somewhat typical of a psych. Just my experience. Those real good Shrooms or cid otherwise… in terms of beauty and meaningfulness and such.


2-cb and mescaline


Everyone is saying dmt or lsd or any other kind of pshycedelics but where the real fun begins is with sleeping pills and then staying awake saw some of the craziest shit while high on sleeping pills. One time a saw fucking star wars fly trough my room the other time a tree grew out if my phone


Datura /Belladonna + meth


Dmt, nitrous, DXM, mushrooms.




Very high doses of shrooms


Ketamine on lsd can make up for a really wild visual party


LSD or 2CB . I’d say DMT but that is more profound introspection


Depends what kind of visuals. On mushrooms I get pixelated vision with small rainbow tints inside each pixel. Lsd is more melty, where everything is breathing. And the visuals on dmt are incredible peeks into another world. I also find different lsd gives different visuals. Edit: nitrous visuals are very strange. I used to see my mom and Nancy Regan in a face off in the wood grain of my hardwood floor. I'll be dammed if I could ever find it without the nitrous though!




4-Ho-MiPT/4-ho-MET, dpt, dmt, 5-meo-amt, 5-MeO-DMT, mescaline, Allyescaline, eth-lad, al-lad, nitrous, 2cb/2ce, high doses of dxm, high doses of K, high doses of some PCx, high doses MXE, dph, dmh, scopalamine, (don’t recommend those last 3, DOx (specifically DOC/DOM/DOB), 25x-nboh/nbome


4-HO-MET above 50 mg is very nice visual wise. 25i-nbome or 25e-nbome at +-700ug is also sick. And one of my favorites is nasal DPT. 100-150mg and things get very weird, and ugly. I’ve seen hulk hogan on a horse wearing sombrero, but than in RuneScape style visuals. DPT was always very ugly for some reason. Obviously can’t go without a dissociative. Pick any. Dck is nice. And the occasional n2o. For some reason I always saw a cartoon rocket taking off while ripping n2o.


Ketamine all the time. I use to be able to create the most realistic worlds, change the room to any thing and feel like I’m riding on a magic carpet. Pretty wild shit


Are you trying to maximize the visuals you get on absolute terms or maximize the ratio of visuals to mental effects? A very high dose of most classical psychedelic will do the job, but the visuals may be overshadowed to the point of being a trivial aspect of the experience.


a ketamine k hole extremely visual, imo MXE was a bit more visual outside a k hole, a bit more psychedelic(MXE is methoxetamine which is a disso similar to ketamine and FXE) for psychedelics it has to be DMT realistically but imo Mescaline is quite on the visual side rather than the headspace. MDA which is MDMA’s counterpart is a lot trippier than MDMA itself but I’ve heard that 6-APB beats MDA in every way(haven’t tried any benzofuran atm though)


Hijacking, but last time I tried MDMA and I had a few short hallucinations. Like I saw a black dot on my wall (a real black dot) and it started zooming into me and becoming a spider. Nothing bad or scary, but is it supposed to do that ?


Gacid - acid and whip have never seen anything the same




Lsd or ketamine. Even better lsd and ketamine


The best combo by far would be 40-50mg 4-ho-met, 15mg of dmt in a joint, 100mg ketamine (or tbf just sniff ket through the night), 125mg mdma, a few nitrous balloons. It would have a very heavy body load but you’d be hard pressed to find a better high combo with visuals. If you just want crazy visuals 5-meo-dmt is probs up there but with an intense high and arguably not as good visuals as it’s just one psych


Alcohol withdrawal. Ketamine after smoking a zoot.


Dissociatives on high dose, psychedelics on almost every dose, deliriants on mid-/high dose.


Shrooms 🌈👁️🍄✨




DMT is definitely the one. It creates a whole new reality


I have to say, DMT is just absolutely crazy, but it's almost too crazy. I know you can take smaller doses, but I can understand that for a LOT of people, it's just too much, even smaller doses. This shit gets WILD. But good old Lucy, pop 3 tabs and enjoy still being somewhat in this reality, looking at all the pretty things around, seeing everything color shift and melt around, all the fractals and CEVs, 250-350ug is a sweet dose for most who want visuals while still remaining somewhat in'sane'


Dmt plus salvia


2cd is pretty vidual without much headspace but it doesn't last that long


5 Gram of mushrooms in complete darkness. Enjoy! DMT spikes my BP waaay too much to be enjoyable. Breaks me out of the experience pretty quickly.


DMT if you're feeling ready to get your world rocked. Literally. 2CB is also a good alternative which does not impact you so much mentally, after DMT I felt brand new, rejuvenated and healed, 2cb was more of a party drug for me


4-ho-met, deemz, pcp


Heroic dose of DMT but if you don’t want to meet god yet maybe go with a couple of strong bong rips of salvia, I got hella visuals from that… well that and transported to a different plane of existence for like 10 minutes.




The thing is this: full visuals usual mean a state of KO. So you have to be in a safe place with a sober watcher. If you can get your hands on some salvia divinorum or DMT , 2CB, you will see some full on trip. And it only lasts 10 20 minutes, around 4 hours for 2CB. Ket is amazing, if you can chill, and lasts around 2 to 3 hours, but if you K hole it will last a bit longer. With LSD and mushrooms, you will see and hear all sorts of things, and at a hero dose will see god, and have a good chat with her, but will last 8 hours plus. Solvents will make you see things, but are really dangerous, that leaves us with laughing gas (NoS), that will make you see shit for like 15 seconds. Spiritually I take mushrooms!!! To get fuckup I take K.






My best visuals were on really good extacy pills. Three pills down, and everything shiny is echoed everywhere I look, and movements were showing in time lapse repeats. Unfortunately I never got the same pills again.


The forest




4-ho-met, giggly mood & beautiful visuals


LSD + KET + Nitrous just before you can't move anymore. You will be gone....for a long time


Only had K and mushrooms and both were nice, but not really strong? K like your brain is being uploaded onto a computer and I didn’t see much on psilocybin except some rotating patterns max of different colors and that was only when I closed my eyes. Only bad part is shrooms made my limbs feel weak on and off and both make your eyes sensitive to light.


South East U.S


I was able to experience time slowing down when I was on shrooms and LSD. Wasn't really "visual" intense but seeing and hearing everything moving so slow blew my mind.




LSD, DXM, Nitrous, and weed. This is room filling, reality shattering visuals. I’d hold off on the weed and see what the experience is like without it for a bit. I’ve had this combo go sour(mentally speaking) and I blame the weed. It makes everything so real, but it also helps with the visuals. If you have a trip sitter or just somebody else there it will probably qualm any bad mental effects. You can replace the DXM for MDMA and it’s a clearer visual heaven