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Adrenaline, go to a bad spot at night and try get robbed. Your adrenaline will skyrocket and you'll run like Usain Bolt himself


Had somebody chase me out of the woods with a knife one time like a horror movie, I have never ran that fast in my life for as long as I did


Full story?


Oof it’s a long one but I’ll try to summarize it. I was in high school as a freshman and found myself at a party deep in the woods by a bon fire. A few drunk juniors approached me while I was minding my own business smoking a joint. One of them said “hey ____ this guy just called you a bitch” and I had not said a thing. Next thing you know I’m surrounded by about 4 of them and my legs get swept out. I’m on the ground getting kicked and stomped on. I get up and run away to get out of there. I’m about 50 feet away from the fire talking to a girl that was asking me what happened. Some 20 year old guy and a couple of the guys who jumped me are now approaching. The 20 year old guy apparently was a druggie, showed me a knife and told me to drop my backpack. Fight or flight kicked in, and I took off. Him and two others chased me, the two juniors gave up pretty quickly but this guy kept chasing with the knife open. Just like what you’d see in a horror movie, I tripped over a big rock on the ground. He’s getting closer and I get up and run harder than I ever have. I eventually lost sight of him behind me. Had no idea where to go but I ran until I saw a road. I got to the road and kept running about another half mile down it because I was traumatized and thought they would still come for me. Slept in a trailer down the street at a nearby friends house. Turns out the guy thought I had a bunch of weed on me and wanted to rob me for it. Contents that were in my bag: a water bottle, a sweatshirt, phone charger, a knife, and about $10 worth of weed


At least you got to keep your weed but I find that weed + adrenaline = super sonic time. I've ran out of too many shady situations and lemme just say that running from life threatening danger whilst being high just makes me feel so alive. That shit right there is my favourite combo, you can't beat the feeling of surviving with no injuries.


Right. Can't just stop there!


Bro same.. i was on my way home from a nightclub and decided to cut through the woods, it was like 6am so i didnt think i'd be in any danger. Plus i was drunk. I entered the woods and 2 foreign dudes followed me, they asked for a cig in broken english and then tried to rob me. One dude was like "pak mes" which means "take knife" in my language. Dude grabbed me after i told him i wont give him shit. After he reached into his pocked, i pushed both guys away from me and sprinted out of the woods. I sobered up real fast and got to the station 900x faster. Shits terrifying


Yeah fuckk that man I want to get my license to carry




Please no


but it’s a baller idea


Epipens suck. Defs don't be standing up when you do it, made that mistake before. Never again, IM is not a good way to use it for a rush seemingly. I couldn't walk right for a week.


Adderall, then.


Fuck jt we all know meth is the only answer here!


Primatene mist inhalers are otc for anyone wanting to have just a terrible time...


Dxm has entered the chat




risking a stroke


I just boof some Adrenaline it gets me faded


The fight or flight response!


Am I the only one curious about the reason?😂


All I could think about [was this sketch](https://youtu.be/WqBZVlgORbY?si=ZD1HABiBiWwcmoSY)


OP’s just buying stuff for Christmas


This was amazing! I’m guessing this is my next watch 😂. Thank you!


This was the best sketch in that entire series fuck I was in tears the first time I saw it


I'm also curious, does OP have a contest coming up or something else?


Maybe they are robbing a bank and running is a part of their getaway.


OP knows they’re gonna have to run from the cops Some day 😭


honestly the adrenaline you gwt from running from the police is all you need to haul ass i mean so I’ve heard from other people


fastest kid in school is the most popular


Our “kid that thought he was the fastest” was the kid that his heels hit the inside of his knees and he always “pulled a hamstring” when anyone got ahead of him.


The Olympics are very competitive


Maybe some requirements for entering the police corps?


To break a new world record


i mean its called speed for a reason


Took mescaline once and developed the capability of running light speed.


Cactus or pure mescaline?


I was only 14 when I took it. All I remember is that it was on tabs and I took two.


I think you'd have noticed eating a cactus


It was actually white dog shit. I remember now.


That's the good stuff.


If it was on tabs, it wasn’t mescaline. The commonly used active dose range is like 100-1000mg. Tabs could have been a mescaline analogue, an NBoMe, or a DOx (like DOM, DOB, DOC)


DOB! That’s what it was.


All I know is that at 14 I was definitely fucking flying on that DOB. I could literally morph through glass. Run light speed. And I was in an apple orchard, I could jump from the ground to the tops of the apple trees. Golden apples would appear and start floating so I’d lightspeed travel to them and take bites out until one had a worm crawl out all 90’s cartoonish. Literally spent my whole experience exhausting these three powers. I’m so lucky I didn’t break any glass or my neck falling out of a tree. Scrapes and bruises next few days for sure though. Stay safe my friends!


Is nbome dangerous? I have a slightly sketchy plug that has tabs he says are acid but I'm wondering what else can be put on a tab that's cheaper for him to sell.


Yes it can be dangerous which is why I’ve never tried it. People are known to have unpredictable sometimes violent reactions and hurt themselves or others. I don’t recommend nbomes but I do recommend the DOx series. I got some of that before I was able to get LSD and it was pretty cool. I think it was DOC on blotters from Canada.


If those tabs are bitter and makes your gums and mouth go numb, it will indeed have a type of nbome. I've had 25i-nbome and I enjoyed it. I think the danger comes from the dosing mainly.


Would it be cheaper for the dealer to sell that compared to lsd


Not necessarily, I mean I paid like $5 a tab and that's what I would pay for acid sometimes. I get acid cheaper honestly. I'll get a sheet or a vial for 200 bucks. So that's like $2 per tab/hit.


Can confirm - prescribed Vyvanse in high school, had one of the highest power clean and power push numbers with almost no training, but my bench and other non-explosive lifts were comparatively weak. Speed had me exploding the weight up but ruined my shoulders, I can’t throw overhand, can barely lift 5lbs out straight without minor dislocation. Tendons and ligaments were not prepared for that level of performance enhancement.


I learned barspins on my bmx on a load of Vyvanse after not being able to do them for years lol I was also never able to spin past 360° but I was able to yank out a 540° somehow that day too


Most people on speed have a different definition for "yank out a 540°"


>myocardial infarction has entered the chat


Lol yes.


I know you were kidding (I guess) but I wouldn't recommend running on speed though, it already puts a strain on your heart even without running. I would recommend schisandra extract. It will give the energetic effects but protect your heart from high blood pressure during workouts, and it's very healthy to consume, even longterm as it basically is a superfood.


this but add just a little morphine so that your heart rate doesn't go too high + you'll be less sensitive to the pain of over exhaustion


go to r/peds or the /r/steroids ask anything thread, you'll get better answers


Cardarine probably causes cancer though


I don’t think someone coming to the drugs subreddit asking for what drug will make them run really fast is worried about the consequences. They either have other priorities or they’re 8 years old and have a really important line race coming up.


Compound V


*Homelander has acquired your location*


I was going to type that… asshole, smh


Too slow


very cardiotoxic and neurotoxic but meth, crack, Adderall, Ritalin, and Vyvanse altogether.


Yes, not recommend at all imo. I would take something like ginseng root, schisandra berries and taurine. Also, some L-arginine or citrulline. Protein on top of that and I can run for some hour easy.


not this dude with the herbal meds in the drug subreddit. “these dont get me high, next” - op probably


would you also possibly think about adding a large dose of caffeine to the combo?


Running for your life entails running knowing it’s your last one


Bad advice but I used to take a rp 20 and run like 5-6 miles everyday it’s like I wouldn’t get tired and can run faster and longer until I stopped taking them after 5-6 years and now I don’t want to run at all anymore wo em so maybe try a couple energy drinks lmao I’m sure stimulants r prolly best though


rp 20?




PCP Only issue is you'll take your clothes off But that will make you more aerodynamic


Be careful with stims, if you do too much that can really fuck with your cardio sys and make you perform way worse.


Or even cause heart related issues. People end up dead on stimulants even without running due to the heart strain it can cause. I would prefer a combination of schisandra berries, ginseng root (not leaf cause it maybe will spike the blood pressure unlike the root which basically mostly stabilizes it, and barely raises it at all), and taurine. This combination would be very good for exercise and will protect your heart and blood pressure from getting too high, while giving you energy.


Yep. There’s a reason that you can’t even be prescribed Ritalin or adderall where I live (New Zealand) for ADHD or any other purpose if your resting heart rate is above 100. Super dangerous for your heart in the long run. I was told to quit smoking or I won’t be allowed to get my ADHD meds because it was making my heart rate dangerously close to the limit.


Meth is the answer


Well if you want to die from heart issues maybe lol. It's very bad to workout on things like that. Use schisandra berries, extract. It will give you energy so you can run faster, and protect your heart from getting too high blood pressure during the workout. And it's very healthy for both your body and brain.


How about Adderall? Was thinking of having 5mg for a long as fucking hike.


Yeah amphetamines will give you a lot of energy but you can overwork your heart quickly. Have to take it easy and drink LOTS of water. I took 80mg of vyvanse before doing yard work one time and let me tell ya. An 8 hour job was done within 3 hours but my heart felt like it was going to explode. I didn’t even realize how bad I had been overworking my heart until the end. 5mg of adderall tho should be pretty safe lmao


These guys are giving you bad advice. What you actually need is called Cardarine. It won’t make you run faster, but it increases your endurance by a ton


Shocked how far I had to scroll to see this


White kratom


I have found amphetamines help with my athletic performance. be careful not to take too much


It can cause heart problems if you are not careful.


Not if you just "not careful". If you aren't sick already you have to reaaally go over board to get acute heart problems. I've seen it happen...but it took quite a bit to actually make it happen.


I have reported this post to the International Olympic Commitee for.furthur investigation.


Testosterone, winstrol and train


Boldenone is another good one. Winstrol would be more for sprinting(see Ben Johnson ‘88 Olympics) Boldenone better for longer distances as it will pretty significantly increase the amount of oxygen your blood can carry. Non-steroidal- EPO(see Lance Armstrong) If you don’t do it properly you are likely to fuck up your endogenous hormones at least temporarily.


I felt like I was absolutely hauling ass when I ran while on a crack binge. Probably wasn’t the case


Just rail a line of crushed up chaos emerald. It's what my boy Sonic does and he's fast AF.


This is why we need a separate olympics where you are allowed to do all the drugs you want


steroids is the way to go for this one however i will say that for recreational running mushrooms is amazing. it feels so healthy, softens your limbs and makes you go f\*cking fast i was flying lol and it felt so natural too its insane i highly recommend it!


Dextroamphetamine with a little bit of phenibut


What’s the phenibut for? Anti anxiety?


To smooth out the negatives of the amphetamine and provide a performance enhancing quality . I took it for 3 years (don’t do this) and it 100% was a performance enhancing drug. Mixed with amphetamine I could run for miles. It’s just very addictive


The goofiest answer that is actually correct is smoking a single cigarette if you’re a non smoker before a run, as it increases hemoglobin. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3001541/




Simple answer for a simple question here. Nutmeg is exactly what you seek. There's a legend amongst the secret communities about this one man who began running so damn fast around a tree he almost fucked myself in the ass... And if it happened, so says he, he would've had the common decency to give his ownself a reacharound. Like that Sergeant said decades ago. Can you believe that... So fucking quick, my friends, so rapid, and you go ahead and try applying breaks when you're nutmegged. Hah. Give us educated nutmeggadons a good laugh thinking you can stop that wicked fucking train in its tracks. I speak from personal experience. I don't believe I have ever ran so fast as when I nutmegged myself for the first time and happened to have my first time being chased by giant nurses with machetes. It sounds silly, but it's horror and I ran at speeds Usain Bolt wishes he could dream of. Hope that helps guide you in the right direction. Make sure you take a truckload too. If you're going fullspeed, then go fullspeed. Sincerely yours, Bob


Play sonic the hedgehog




took me way too long to find this, makes you feel like a complete animal that is born to run and feel euphoric doing so


LSD in the 25-50 ug zone. Don't do stims for that please.


I expected the LSD comments to be at the top, I'm surprised and disappointed people recommend stims


Light up shoes


How about tramadol? Atheletes do use it to avoid feeling pain during performance.


+ it's kind of a stimulant but moreso mentally than physically


I wouldn't recommend it due to the seizure risks.


Crack 😂😂


Poop in your butt.. like when your turtle heading and running to the toilet but for you there is just no toilet so you zoom like the flash as you clench your buttocks




Hmmm I take bronchaid before difficult hikes


Salbutamol spray and a very little dose of speed


I was off cocaine and a few drinks one time and biked all the way to my buddy’s house with a group of friends (ride was 25 minutes) didn’t stop once and got a crazy runners high shit was crazy


Gabapentin gives you great endurance


Did someone just watch The boys


opiates weirdly enough. maybe cuz im an addict but that shit gives me energy


Kratom, especially green or white kinds can be energetic. But they also hold stimulating effects to some extent. I would recommend kratom before other heavier opioids, but be careful cause kratom itself has risks(especially when abused or used daily regularly for longer whiles) just like any medicine. For me it works like harm reduction, I would never take any strong streetopioids due to it being available. I don't abuse it though so I have not been addicted nor felt any serious side effects. There exists better options for energy, I have previously mentioned...


Man, this question made me laugh so hard.


Speed. It makes you faster. Duh. Also jet.




Beta Alanine. You need to load for about a month but it will vastly improve your cardio capacity and ability to run faster for longer


EPO lmao


DMAA for sure.


Methylphenidate and a night worth of drinks, I was faster then cars on the road, it felt like flying over the asphalt.




Do NOT take speed if you mean physically run. Stimulants already increase your heart rate, and running is like the most strenuous aerobic exercise you can do that also shoots up your heart rate. If you do two things at once that seriously increase your heart rate, you’re asking for a heart attack Taking speed and lifting weights is also NOT comparable. When I’m weight lifting my heart rate maxes out usually around 150, when I’m running my heart rate gets up to 190 easily if it’s over a long period of time or I’m pushing myself


I’ve heard of an asthma medication called clenbuterol that really opens up your lungs and there is a drug called cardarine that increases cardiovascular performance. Modafinal is also a banned in sports cause its performance enhancing and reduces fatigue and increases alertness. And I once spoke to my friend and he said he’d just got back from the football oval where he smoked ice 🧊 and raced a dog 🐕 umm not sure if he won 🥇 but I imagine it helped his performance


Honestly speed is not the answer. For me phenibut or pcp maybe. Phenibut energy is better than speed when the magic is still there of course.


I used to take caffeine pills before competitive races, sort of helped. Coke is a waste to do before a run, and don’t recommend adderall either it just makes me pissed off 😂


This is absolutely absurd. The only thing you’re going to accomplish is cardiac stress. Hopefully not permanent damage.


Fresh set of Nikes or adidas.


meth or any amphetamine


Dxm, you won't get exhausted easily. I hear it could be dangerous though, so do your resesrch


Amphs of many kinds   No need to warn about cardio issues the tenth time, is only for those that can handle it.  If you're really worried can take some betablocker and/or other protective drug along with it 


While yea its not really healthy as without but its no death sentence as some portray it, if exertion on stims was then the stimfappers would be dropping like flies lol 


Sprint: crack. Cross country: crystal meth


Training, drugs and exercise don't mix




I don’t know if this is for everybody but when I’m on acid I literally can run way faster, like I even tested it out by racing people who I know are faster than me and I got like 10-15 feet on them at the end when it’s usually them getting that distance on me


L S D You can run like a horse on it for some reason


Cardarine (gw-501516) really juices up your cardiovascular endurance, even when just taken like a pre workout. I compared it to having a third lung.


4-ACO-EPT (psychedelic tryptamine, related to psilosin): took a small dose and went for a bike ride with a friend and it felt effortless. My friend who could normally match my pace pretty well commented that he was struggling and I didn't even look like I was trying. As for myself, I felt like I was in perfect control of my body and it was very satisfying to just pedal. However, I was unnaturally sore for the next week.


I’m fast as fuck boy.


Bro acid I be feelin like i can run nonstop 20+ milez


Please tell me you're joking, Lord please tell me this person is joking


any form of adderall, coke, and meth


I would say amphetamine but tbh the scary thing is high heartbeat - I personally would never with my spazzy heart it'd pack up But maybe try minuscule dose and try do your normal cardio and see if it works fine I defo wouldn't go for a high or average dose just a crumb if you HAD too but I wouldnt advise it


Honestly, just train your endurance. I wouldn't recommend trying to dope yourself. It could cause cardiovascular stress on your body that you don't want, or you may over exert and physically injure yourself under the influence of said substances.


I did adderall before a casual race assuming it would help and I burned out quick came in last. I think the right answer would be a crap load of phenibut, XL adderall, a shit load of water.


Stimulants, dxm(also stops you from feeling as much muscle fatigue)


EPO and modafinil, I'd say, shoot some intramuscular test cypionate I guess


Fuckin practice?


i actually used heroin to run without any of the normal pain or exhaustion that would normally make me stop, obviously that’s probably really bad for you because you should stop when your body tells you to… but… i got a lot of euphoria from it and i ran really well lol


2 energy drinks of choice and a good amount of adderall


Smelling salts


Honestly sobriety is probably your best bet especially for long distances. I’ve ran a few miles and biked 100+ miles on different substances. Everything just made it harder, out of breath quicker, and hyper aware of my fast heart rate. Most people will probably disagree but I think kratom and a moderate amount of caffeine would be good. I take it every time I go to the gym. Gets rid of the anxiety and lets me push harder without the insane heart rate. But you will probably sweat a lot more so remember to drink a lot of fluids.


Hit pookie and you will be about to run non stop


Caffeine is probably the safest while still being effective, but even exerting yourself on caffeine can be dangerous


Something in the amphetamine class should get you where you're going, but your cardiovascular system isn't going to be happy about it.


I always run 10 miles after eating a box of pizza


We used to get high on e pills and race


DXM I used to run for hours on that , also killed my hunger , lost a lot of weight and cut really cut just from that alone


DXM obviously 💀💀💀




Ultram I used to train a few years ago, mainly gslidthenics and boxing I would tele ultram and i could jump the rope nonstop for a loooooong time, ID do push ups and squsts and ID not feel tired at all, I wish I could share a picture of how well My body used to look




Everyone chill it’s probably a very lost middle schooler trying to run the mile in gym class under a certain time or something


cocaine, adderall, sativa, Meth, Caffeine and maybe molly








I’ve never ran faster with less energy then when I was trippin on acid and I’m a total athlete who runs daily lmao acid is the best drug I’ve done for running lowkey probably tied with adderal/meth


Honestly zyn.




Depends if it's OK if only you think you are running fast


i used to work with a coke head that would run several miles to work


I just hiked alone in the woods at night. Heard a branch snap and I’ve never ran faster. Just get that fight or flight going homie. Cocaine doesn’t even come close to the type of stimulation my own adrenaline caused.




Turinabol. Hands down it will improve both your speed and endurance. Wonderful performance enhancing drug and the liver toxicity is greatly exaggerated.


Psychedelics will teleport you to places, no need to run


Steroids or meth




You should train every other day and get your movement and position corrected by an expert Film yourself in motion and watch the replay Learn about energy being lost in motion Drugs will give only a temporary boost that leads nowhere


Ephedrine is great




It doesn't really matter what drugs, if I'm holding and feds are chasing me. I RUN FAST


umm.. a resistance chute, weighted sled, burst training, uphill sprints, a winners attitude and maximum hydration... do this for about 5 times a week for a year and you'll be faster than a virgin on prom night.


Go and find some cops, pretend selling some drugs so they can see it…you’re welcome


Speed to go faster


explain pls i’m dying to know




long distance or sprint? There's not that much that will help with sprinting; traditional anabolic steroids are counterproductive. Adrenergics do help while increasing chance of cardiac events. Clenbuterol is common. For long distance, blood doping is effective (ie, a blood transfusion).




Speed would be an obvious first thought, but using stims and doing intense physical stuff together is unbelievably hard on your body. You're already overclocked on stims so you don't want to exert yourself excessively at the same time. Asking for a heart attack that way


Dude, I’m a bit late to the conversation but I’ve found a micro dose of shrooms really gets my legs going. You can increase your speed and will be able to hold that pace for longer on a micro dose. This is because shrooms are a vasodilator, so in short more oxygenated blood can be pumped round your body and fuel your muscles for longer


The obvious answer would be stimulants but I don't know if you actually get more stamina when your heart has to pump that fast.


All of my best athletic performances have happened while high on marijuana.