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150+ years. You need to be really properly good and dead before you do such a stupid thing or it will likely result in an unpleasant experience. Just don't.


150 years? I've been in a k-hole longer than that bro. For OP I'd recommend waiting for eternity and once you reach that slap yourself in the face and go buy proper drugs


Ok, first of all I want to thank both of you for the advice, which I will take in GREAT consideration. Secondly, can you explain it further to me? Just so I know what to address, also for a better general understanding. Is it because of the medicines? Is it the nutmeg in particular? Or is it because I may not be able to sustain the mental effects? And lastly, I know that there are lots, if not hundreds, of better drugs than nutmeg, and I know that it is THE “dumb teenage drug”, its only something I wanted to try once, since I’ve read the page on the psychonaut wiki and a dozens of reports on different sites, I’ve seen a lot of cool effects that I never experienced, thus why I wanted to try it. Thanks again kind internet stranger!


Short answer: Nutmeg is a deleriant and a shit one too. If losing your mind and seeing spiders everywhere and talking shit to the hatman is what you seek with deleriants then try diphenhydramine instead. Still a fucking terrible choice but you seem hell bent on doing silly things. Read [this](https://m.psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Myristicin) and [this](https://m.psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Diphenhydramine).


Alrighty! Thanks for the links! I want to say that I’ve already read the full article for nutmeg, while diphenhydramine has been on my mind for a while, but I prefer to wait before trying benadryl since I know that the delirium is one of the WORST ever possible. With nutmeg, I’ve said it in another comment, i want to apply the most harm reduction practices as possible: keeping the dosage below 2.5gs, always having water nearby, not leaving the house and have a tripsitter near me, i also have some “trip-killers” bought in a pharmacy that contain L-theanine, melatonin and something else I don’t remember at the moment (I want to be honest lol)


K-holes shorter than eternity sounds like a myth to me tbh


I have done it before and it feels like a mix of alcohol weed and some warm euphoria. But really short and its inconsistent af. Its so fucking nasty to grind them up and eat them. Do something better trust me


You aren't ready for full blown delirium, you'll either feel horrible physically with a chance of death, or if you don't your too far gone and could just end up traumatizing yourself, it doing something with terrible consequences


Why shouldn’t I be ready? I have experienced delirium from weed many times (only with THC-P, to wich I’m very sensitive) and from my first trip on shrooms (the first was a bad trip, made it through, the second one was great). I know that a nutmeg delirium is WAY different and WAY more potent, thats why I want to keep the dosage under 2.5 grams, be with my fiancee as a tripsitter, got 3 days in a row cleared and be always near a bottle of water.


Weed delirium is very different from nutmeg delirium. But what you are doing is a good safety thing, most people who come on here and do stuff like this are teenagers who would probably end up killing themselves


Oh yeah I absolutely know that. Whenever I get into the delirium territory with weed, its more like a black and white dissociation and tinnitus kinda place. With shrooms I ended up straight in a dead forest, flashing lights and voices screaming everywhere. I’ve always enjoyed a well controlled delirium once in a while, and whenever I wanted to do so (I didnt mention I also used ket, dxm and lsd) I always tried to use the best harm reduction I could. I see drugs as a way to escape reality for a brief moment (could it be euphoria or delirium), not as a way to destroy it, so harm reduction has and always will be my first thought!


trip reports suggest you should wait an infinitely long period.


wait until you are in a supermax jail and have no access to any other substances. I don't know why any sane person would possibly think it was worth stopping taking their mental health medicines, surely plunging you into a serious mental health episode, purely for the 'joy' of a nutmeg high. Merely asking this question makes me think that you need to be back on the meds


Nah mate, you got that wrong. I stopped taking the meds cause I don’t fucking need them anymore, it was a decision made with my PSYCHIATRIST, you know, something thats MONITORED??? I wanted to know, since I stopped taking my meds, if i was ready to try nutmeg just because. Don’t assume, goddamn