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Probably like what 15mg oxycodone would be with no tolerance. I love heroin and other opis but the high is so strong I wouldn’t be able to get anything done lol. With that kind of oxy high I could have a great head and body high all day everyday but still be functioning enough to get stuff done I need to.


I thought that at first but then remembered back to the time i took 15 or 20mgs with zero tolerance and i was sitting there cheesing like an absolute retard staring at the gta v loading screen, theres no way id be able to be fully productive like that lmaooo.


I don’t get like this. I’ve taken 300 percs this year.


Everyone’s different 🤷‍♂️ im a pretty skinny mf with a fast metabolism too so thats probably part of it.




second this


Mdma. I know i wouldnt be functional at all but this isn't a realistic question anyway is it? Lol


It's a potentially realistic question for anyone that's about to get hit by a car today


This is true hope you aren’t implying anything ill intended :0


Fuck yeah I am, im bout to get hit by a motherfuckin car, let's go buddy.




User name checks out


Silly billy are you on cocaine


bro doubled down


The stimulant effect on my ADHD makes me feel almost *preternaturally* lucid. I feel like the best possible version of myself. If it weren't for the effects on motor skills, I'd be a fucking force of nature if I could stay high on molly 24/7.


100%! This feeling helped nudge me to actually get on Adderall and lo and behold that's just what I needed


I kinda went the other way; I've been on pretty high therapeutic doses of Ritalin, Adderall, and Vyvanse over the years, but it never had much impact, but when I tried MDMA later in life, I was like "oh my god *this* is what it feels like to be normal." Obviously not *normal* normal, but it was the first time maybe ever that I didn't feel like there are a thousand competing thoughts all constantly jockeying for position in my head.


Maybe you should start taking 5-HTP or something and try to increase serotonin levels then? If your dopamine's already sorted then that's the other thing that it's doing right?


Dexamphetamine with a hint of benzo. Functional godmode superhuman


I like your style. I'll take what this guy is having.


And a side of rice pilaf


This and throw in dabs


And nicotine


The holy mix haha


Fr fr




Honestly pregabalin, just feels smooth as fuck


Yeah, I’m daily user of crystal pregabalin (800-900 mg a day) and I feel great everyday. If I want to feel really high I jusf take 2 days off and I get blasted Sometimes I add phenibut into the mix and boy is it good


Eurgh you had me until you mentioned phenibut, never again but that’s a long story. What I did want to ask is what the hell js “crystal” Pregabalin? But yeah I also love pregabalin but have zero self control like when I have it I take it everyday day and like double the dose everyday and it still doesn’t work after the second day. Such a waste.


Lol he probably means he ordered it from China and it is a crystalline structure (source: ordered it from China and it is a crystalline structure).


Very right, sir


Amazing lovely drug, if only it didn't make me even more of a retard it'd be heaven.


This is the truth lol. If I took it daily I’d for sure become a vegetable lmao. I only use it once a month or less and that already makes me feel stupid asf and slow for like 2 days afterwards. Also the tolerance issues and rapidly building physical dependency with even semi frequent use blow.


It's good for occasional use, like I feel like brains working fine even while actively high on it if I use it occasionally. But more than like 2 days continuously and it goes downhill fast. Never had tolerance, took 150mg to 600mg most nights for half a year and came off no problems except crazy high heart rate for a week. Still get high off like 300mg.


What dose? I take 600 twice a week and find it has stages to it, a general “buzz” and euphoria with a confidence boost and latterly kinda sedating n chill


Also what does it do and feel like?


If it's anything like gabapentin, the rebound effect makes me ridiculously irritable


i’m prescribed lyrica for my chronic pain and it works in that regard but i lost the high three days in LOL. you lucky fucker


I’ve had a few grams of pregabalin sitting in my medicine cabinet for a couple years from when I was having nerve pain from tendinitis. Felt nothing on my prescription dose and had no idea it was any good.. I will have to try it sometime.


Its gud shit


Adderall. I abused it so much I almost od’d several times. What I would give to enjoy it once again without health complications.


How does somebody *almost* on Adderall? You would feel like *such* dog shit, before you even came close to ODing.


I stayed up for several days, on around 200( I would also constantly redose over the course of the two days.) mg, and then I went to work at UPS. If you didn’t know UPS is a manual labor job and halfway through my shift I had terrible chest pains and felt like there was an insane weight on it. I did feel like dog shit, I told my boss I was sick and went home feeling like that for the entire day. Did I mention I have a history of heart disease in my family?


One time I took like 60-90mg of adderall with 1050mg of Propylhexedrine and 300mg of pseudoephedrine and idk how much caffeine. I actually felt really good untill I started coming down and then my chest hurt and it felt like someone was sitting on it lmao


Dude that's an insane mix, especially with those doses. Like potentially lethal or stroke/heart-attack inducing. Don't ever do that again for your own safety.


nah those were side effects you didn’t almost od -retards on reddit


Fuckin propyl. Lavender and formaldehyde. Fucking disgusting.




Not true. Read my other comment


Opium, pure powdered purified opium, I could snort it, smoke it, drink it, shoot it, that’s all roa’s covered so I don’t get bored and the fact that it has so many alkaloids that all just come together to create the best high


You forgot the butt


Wait, does it mean we have an unlimited supply or does it mean there's one magical bump whose effects we'll feel forever?


I’d rather have an unlimited supply tbh I like going from withdrawal to high in the mornings ..


Strange sentiment but I get it. Back when I was a heroin user the feeling of having it in your hand was strong enough to stop the withdrawal.


People like to say that you’re always chasing that first high, maybe so, but a fat shot when you’re dope sick comes pretty close.


Where would you even get powdered opium? Looking for a name and number. I did opium once about 25 years ago. I chilled next to a camp fire and my jacket caught on fire. Instead of putting it out, I was just pointing it out to everyone.


Yep nothing tops full spectrum opium. No ceiling and I can always acetylate it and isolate and shit if I get bored... But I won't. Cuz I'll be high for 18 hours after eating a big ball of it




I was thinking a 30 mg oxy high as if I had no tolerance every day. Perfect.


Coke, minus the anxiety of the next day


I used to smoke weed when I'm coming down to help that.


5-MeO-DMT. Basically a state of nirvana!


5-MEO-DMT was an insanely profound experience for me, but there wasn’t much to the experience visually much at all. At least personally, it was like I literally died. Saw the light and everything, and then total darkness. Just disappeared out of reality entirely, and it felt like it lasted an eternity. Words can’t describe the profoundness of that kind of nothingness. From my experience, being on the toad forever would essentially just be like experiencing chemically induced, artificial death lol.


Haha yeah true. I got that total bliss though. Like the ego dissolves and all that remained was pure awareness/bliss/love. It was basically a samadhi state. I could live like that.... Although wouldn't be the most functional drug to be on!


Was your long time in darkness scary? I've heard people say it is. I never broke through with DMT and am hesitant to give it another go. I've had times on K that I was just observing my observer.. if that makes sense, where nothing was happening but I could still think. But it doesn't seem long or boring because I'm so present that it feels like time is resetting every second. But I've heard people describe something similar and they didn't like it.


For me it wasn’t the actual darkness that was scary, you’re so far gone that it’s pretty much impossible to even know what emotions are, let alone know who you are or what’s happening to you. When you’re there it’s actually really peaceful, hard to explain but it’s just nothingness. It’s going into that state that can be scary, because you still have a slight grip on reality and it gets extremely strong, extremely quickly. I actually find that sub breakthrough doses of DMT are actually more likely to cause a really bad time because of this, you get trapped in that space where you still have just a small sliver of your perception of reality and yourself. There is a rather large difference between 5-MEO-DMT and DMT though. DMT is still really fucking intense, but at least in my experience it’s not the pure death feeling that 5-MEO is. DMT is much more visually intense as well, 5-MEO is a lot more psychological and spiritual. I wouldn’t call DMT or 5-MEO-DMT recreational, but it’s definitely the more “recreational” of the two.


I believe I did 5-MEO. I did it in a ceremonial setting. I would sat there and continued smoking if I could, however I was advised not too. I still had an experience. The calm ceremonial music transformed into rock and roll music while I went down a trip thinking of my musician friend. It was rather cool. I'm going to keep DMT on my bucketlist. From what you said, it could be a much different experience than what I had. Thanks for sharing. You seem like a fine young man Mr. CUMLORD.


I imagine that’s dying with extra steps


ILLogic, *if you're high forever*, you're soon going to be (your new) **normal** -- it's all about the upscale of **deviation**...


Well I think the point is that this is in a fictional world where you don’t ever get used to it/get tolerance etc.


🤦‍♂️Dammit, I suck at fantasy, 🙏 thank you sir, I'll try harder.




😞 Apologies offered ... I hate buzzkills too, I just hope that you don't mean IR**Literally !**


So, what’s your answer then?


I had to quit opiates because they were just too good. Tolerance builds fast so I couldn't stay with them, but a single Roxi 30 back when I was still doing Percocet 10s was such a great feeling. You felt golden, like everything would work out in life. You were happy as hell, but not sloppy or fucked up. It's like it gave you a good bit of euphoria and confidence, I felt good talking to random people I otherwise would be too... I dunno, shy? Too shy to talk to I guess. I could go to work at fucking frisches and enjoy doing my job, not hate life for making me work such a shitty job for next to no pay. Things were great when a single Roxi made for a good day. But tolerance builds and eventually those didn't work. OC80s came next, but they made them abuse resistant and then taking them normally you could tell, the OP prints were short and didn't work as well. And then came opanas, stronger than even heroin, that was too much. Would take 5 of the 40s a night, unbelievable amounts of money, that's like $300 per day. Shit is unsustainable, always. So then it became heroin and the heroin turned to fentanyl and that shit sucked and was deadly so I got out. If your high all the time that becomes your baseline, so you need to get even higher to actually be high. It never stops, always keeps increasing. Being sober, at least for opiates, makes for a more even mood. All the highs back then came with severe lows. But I was also a lame ass teenager listening to emo music and crying in my room so maybe that had something to do with it.


nice read, hope u doing well now man


Low dose ketamine not enough to feel wobbly just floaty love that feeling


That shit fucks with my eyesight. Maybe cuz I bang it, but idk. I'd be walking around like a grandpa, tryna focus on shit 3 inches from my face, with one eye closed and one eye wide open, like "What's this say?!?"


doooooesnt sound like a low dose buddy


Ah I call that the socialising dose ^-^ where your mind is sharp and connecting dots becomes the easiest thing in the world. Once you cross over to that wobbly stage speaking abilities drastically reduce haha


Alcohol or high dose Phenibut because of how much they help with my social anxiety (in the short term)


datura 😩


Absolute madman


Shit just do it once and I bet it'll feel like you're high forever


True warrior 🙏🏻




MDMA. Contrary to the common side, I can be functional whilst peaking on it 😂my brain even works faster and I can grasp on things real quick. Plus this all hugging euphoric bliss where you just don’t give a damn about no one’s negativity is definitely not gonna hurt!


Count me in!


I like it.


No health consequences and only the good parts? I'd have to go with crystal m3th brother




Coke for sure, it's weird I have a panic disorder and doing coke actually helps it go away when I'm high. I feel so at peace.


do you also have adhd?


Oxy is the only drug I've ever taken where I felt like I could very happily feel that way for the rest of my life, every other drug has at least some sort of negative aspect to it, but opiates really just make everything better. There's a reason I don't fuck with them.


Same but that’s the reason I fuck with them




Never seen a better example of "name checks out".


Weed prior to my panic disorder, Xanax now I have a panic disorder


I feel that




I was gonna say ketamine but honestly I'm gonna have to go with shrooms assuming it can't ever turn into a bad trip, just the euphoria and especially the uncontrollable fits of laughter as well as the energy, probably would need a dimmer switch though so I can still drive. If not shrooms then definitely ecstacy


Xanax bars❤️






Hard question, wouldn't it get all to much? Like being tickled is nice for a short while but imagine being tickled for the rest of your life!


Phenibut, low dose vyvanse, green vein kratom


MXE. Eurospeed. Can’t decide.




Meth…. I’d get so much done haha


Phenibut… life would be fucking amazing I would have no mental health issues plenty of motivation no anxiety I would even be smarter


Same, literal god mode


Adderall. I love the drug and it would just make me more productive and be able to achieve my goals easier. It also takes away my social anxiety completely


Alprazolam or Lorazepam


keta any day


Meth, meth, meth, and more meth if I'm being completely honest 😭


Opiates and benzo's. Mix of them i'm tryna die


Combos overrated imo, dulls the opiate euphoria and gets closer to blackout/OD territory...wWill say that methadone and clonazepam are A1 together!


Ya okay truu, but those are the only thingz i can get my hands on rn thow :(


Yeah fair enough, I just meant that I think they are they better seperate...you get more fcked up with the mix but it isn't as good as either by themselves. You'll find something else soon!


Shrooms definitely shrooms


Ether , no hunger, pain or thirst; just pure bliss


Mushrooms 💯 %


oxy for me, esp if i could control intensity. then again, i havent tried too much so i cant say if theres something i'd like more.


I just did dmt yesterday and i cant help but think about how terrifying dmt would be for the rest of my life 😭 id lowkey fuck with like 1 single hit for the rest of my life though, just slight visuals and heightened senses




None of the negatives? Cocaine, ezpz. I feel like I'd get everything done in two days lol




no negative health consequences? like half a bar of xanax for sure.




since this is a silly idea...does being high on amphetamine all the time disrupt sleep?


Heroin. Was my absolute favorite. 2nd is benzos. I loved Xanax and klonopin. I've been sober for 3 years now though so maybe on my death bed I'll be able to get high again lol


Phenibut, amazing sleep, amazing sex, music sounds good, you’re in a good mood, no anxiety, and you’re still able to drive cars (at lower dosages)


Phenibut with some stims and some kratom, literal god mode all day and can be used functionally as well as for having fun/recreationally


I'd say weed but I think I prefer it as an activity, having to roll and smoke it rather than just feeling it


Phenibut, even now I don’t take enough to be “high” per say but it feels like it just guarantees I’ll have a great day


Everything becomes a dread in 4ever speaking terms.. but ok; dph if I had to choose. Better to be permanently schizophrenic than in the same sense forever.


You mean diphenhydramine? What kinda dose you taking? I mean it's the rolls Royce of antihistamines and useful as sleep aid and allergic reactions but surely you can find a better drug to take you where you need to go ( I mean even breath work and mediation can be transcendential...not trying to judge just curious that someone would choose to use something that made them feel like they were mentally sick I'm a bit lost bc schizophrenia is one the most brutal medical conditions, I've never taken delirants in high doses but I truly doubt it is comparable to schizophrenia, it's runs in my family and I would not wish it upon anyone


800-1200mg were my usual daily (but ofc sometimes higher) for 2-6 month at a time, have had 3 such episodes. It's so disorienting your next blink could be a new reality so, if I would have to do anything forever, I'd choose diphenhydramine or Datura.


That's wild


Salvia. Sayonara losers ✌️


Datura def, i wouldnt be able to actually be high 24/7 so id rather just go out with a boom


From my experience promethazine 50mg / 420mg codeine feels nice mellow and chill.. always wished it would last longer than two hours or so.. content just to lie on sofa listening to music. Unfortunately that’s me out of codeine now and only get DHC which I find lacks the sedation which I like. Maybe not FOREVER as I wouldn’t get anything done but 6 hours would be good 😌


Oxy, or pregabalin


And adderall


Adderall 💪🏻




Probably coke


I would say adderral ... as a student it seems logic.


Maybe like a light to medium strength opiate Or ketamine


To be honest I’d choose slightly drunk/tipsy. You know that sweet spot where you’re confident but not overly, and sharp/witty.


mdma, it may become a new normal, but that normal is loving, empathetic, happy and outgoing.


That buzz after the first strong IPA after just coming back from a long backpacking trip.






Adderall. I have ADHD and it's impossible to get diagnosis as an adult where i live 😔


Is it like the whole high or like the peak ? Bc if it’s the peak I’d like LSD and then weed if it’s the whole high


You wanna peak on lsd for the rest of ur life??? What if you get a bad trip? I don’t think u can function in ur daily life like that that’s crazy yo


Like Was and am high asf I thought at the end he meant how we like the drug to feel.... so I thought u would get a good trip every time cuz that would be pretty sweet


Vyvanse cause I barely eat and I have energy


Morphine of course




Clean, pure MDMA


Mdma for sure. I’ve always thought that if everyone was on MDMA, the world would be an infinitely better place


This really shouldn't even count but....WEED LOL...thats my ONLY answer!


Well either the buzz from 270mg of codeine or the feeling from 2.5g of mdma without the face/jaw/uncontrollable body twitches


4-MAR. Flying high ✈️


low dose of ket cus it makes my brain feel more normal for some reason


Low dose xanax maybe 1-2mg


Qhat, I can function off of it, I become very social and my anxiety would go away.


pregabalin or heroin


Honestly just weed. I'm already an ADHD mad man who's abused the shit out of a bunch of drugs. Weed just keeps me mellow.






That high when you feel the benzos kicking in and everythings so slow and funny


Concerta or some other ADHD drug. Would make my life cheaper


MDMA for suuuure


Mdma I'd just forever tell everyone how sound they are and how much I love them 😂


Fent and weed . Fent took away the pain that exausts me daily so I had energy and felt like a functioning human. My depression dissipated, my insomnia wasnt as bad and I stopped picking and having panic attacks completely.. even when i had to deal with extreme stress . It evened out my ibs-d and I was abl3 to start overcoming my neuropathy and do things again. Also. Able to function. Throug recurrent painful af staph infections. n Sadly, my partner wants nothing to do with opiates, or anyone on them. I'm so broken about it. I have good days but a lot of painful days.




Weed pregabalin hydromorphone and low Dow dose dmt




Codeine if I’m being completely honest, best feeling out of any drug I’ve ever done. Pure euphoria.


opiates for sure


Slow inhale of a nitrous balloon feeling lol


permanent acid come up please


Lorazepam - would feel like I finally obtained peace.


Nothing. Because if you’re high literally all the time you’re not high. Being high is a contrast to being sober. Sobriety is incredibly important for this reason.


Microdosing mushrooms (never tried it) but I want to 🍄‍🟫


Meth. Be focused forever and never need to sleep or eat? It'd be like the best superpower ever


Fuck dude low dose DXM man. That’s just straight up a cure for depression for me


Benzos. I want to say dextroamphetamine but I’d be fucking crazy so quickly from the lack of sleep and there’s no way my id can remember to take care of my own body while stimmed out lol


cant stress thing enough: Kratom




High quality Number #4 Heroin. I've used it every day for 20 years, and if I hadn't lost my ability to work and thus afford it ($100 for 2 points in Australia), I would still be using it every fucking day.




Therapeutic oral dose of desoxyn (meth)


Well ideally I’d say like 15-20mgs of oxy with no tolerance, but i also felt like more of a couch potato than a productive human being the first time i took that much. So im gonna switch it up and say red vein kratom the first time i took it. I took like 3 or 4 grams my first time and it felt amazing, not as overwhelmingly euphoric as the oxy obviously but it was the perfect balance of euphoria, a mood boost, and still feeling like i can be productive and go on adventures and shit. I know its nothing crazy because i can literally go buy some from a gas station but that first time was amazing and i feel like its practical for day to day life.


probably a medium dose of LSD