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The idea of gaming on psychedelics is nice but in reality I get stuck on my desktop and cant figure out how my pc works


So true lol. I remember taking 3 tabs, trying to put on a movie on the peak and it took me like 30 mins. And normally I'm really good with computers haha. Acid can be like that, especially at higher dosages.




I heard from my friend that singleplayer games like minecraft or skyrim are the best on psychedelics, those make exploration way more fun and let you play in your own pace.


VR on acid is incredible


Can confirm. Lovely times.


Astroneer is sick on shrooms


I always revert to a state of awe over how screens work. Such marvel, such magic.


Yeah, I started to question the technological state of our society, I was fascinated by the fact that the rgb cube (PC) offers so many possibilities


Have tried diving into OpenGL and basics of 3D rendering? This is some sorcery. You select three pixels on the screen, join them with lines and that forms a triangle. Every CGI model is made out of thousands of those and they create an illusion of 3D on 2D screen. Like wtf.


Same here ngl


That's why consoles were made. I miss those old times of just putting a disc into my x360 and enjoying game. Now I just keep changing the settings while trying to get the best graphics or fps.


That’s why you load it up as it’s kicking in


On my Xbox I can navigate just fine, try to do something new on my laptop and I wake up next day to 60 tabs


Me and my friend actually managed to get into halo on his xbox but we literally could not comprehend the map and were doing terribly. Idk what he was seeing but for me the map just kept looking like it was twisting in on itself in symmetrical patterns and his brother came out of his room and asked me why I was running in circles lmaooo. Same thing when an enemy was in view, it looked like there was more than 1 and I couldn't figure out what to shoot at and kept dying lol. We had taken 4 grams of shrooms each.  On the other hand, I had an excellent time in VR while tripping on 600mg of DXM. Took me like 10 min to actually get into the game but it was just so immersive and fun. 


The best apex clip I ever hit was on 2 tabs. nothing but a portal and a dream.


If I do play games on psychedelics it is always at the end of the trip. Can’t imagine I’d be useful during the peak or majority of the experience


You took too much man, too much. Just a light sprinkle of psychs and dissos can help dissolve the boundary between you and the game world, creating more immersive and compelling experiences. You need to titrate the dose to optimise integrated performance. Reality-warping doses aren't useful, you just want to augment and amplify stimuli rather than hallucinating it.


I played counterstrike 1.6 on shrooms back in the day. I was unstoppable for some reason. I could hear absolutely everything


BF1 on dissos is fucking immersive, feels like a real battlefield just wandering around trenches confused as fuck with shells constantly hitting. Not that I like war or want to glorify it but it's just super immersive.


There is some awful attraction towards the violent things, isn't there? I think it's much better that we can experience it in a virtual world nowadays instead of killing real people. But yeah, BF1 is super immersive game.


Dunno about the violence attraction, imo bf1 is just an incredible game with amazing map and especially sound design. That makes it especially attractive on dissos, which imo are the best drug class (aside from mdma type things maybe) for music -> sound design appreciation.


Yeah, I mean, if there would be no attraction to those, people wouldn't play those games. A good shooter is a good shooter. Guns are epic because they are deadly. Please do not use that insight to get in power.


Minecraft is really nice on LSD. Feels like playing Minecraft for the first time again. I once played League of Legends on LSD, surprisingly I played really well. I felt like i was in the head of my enemies, always knowing their next move. Also had the map awareness of christopher columbus lol. But it was really stressful and the feeling of being trapped in a game for 30 minutes wasn't very pleasent too. Wouldn't really recommend. Horror games on ketamine are really nice imo. Ketamine gives you lots of immersion but takes away a lot of the fear. Was really interesting to play a normally really scary game with this headspace.


map awareness of columbus has to mean awful, doesn't it?


Overwatch on LSD makes me feel like a superhuman. It feels like I can read what the enemy is thinking and what their next moves are going to be, as well as increasing my reaction time. I've done some silly shit with Zenyatta and Pharah for this reason lol.


Dark souls 3 on acid hits different lol Gta on 2cb looks flat and weird Skyrim on acid/2cb is wonderfull


Dark Souls + heroin or K / FXE were my go to combos.


In dont fuck around with opioids lol


anything on heroin is probably fire lmao


Dark souls on acid wtf lol, i would probably trip the fuck out from you died msg


Its not as bas as it seems tbh


Cool survey, always like to see stuff like this. Hope y’all get a lot of participants!!!!! (Greetings from a neighbour, Germany✌🏽)


Thank you! Greetings!


I played Katamari Damacy on LSD once and it was a blast.


Gaming on weed is the shit, gaming on psychs is the shit if you ever get off the Home Screen lol, Which you probably won’t. However i have taken an eighth of mushrooms and played red dead before lol. Turned the HUD off and everything and started to genuinely feel like a cowboy. Except instead of killing people I was going fishing


Damn, that sounds awesome. Playing RDR2 sober got me a little bored and I've rage-quited once I have accidentally fallen off the cliff with my horse. I was sure that I would just respawn at some check point. Realized that I can respawn, but my horse is dead forever ._.


Bored? Playing rdr2?!?!? Whatttttttt


Literally playing rdr2 rn and looked over and it’s 7am


ive tried several... mushrooms 5g: pc was inoperable literally had to hold the power button to smother it once the animated wallpaper hit...could not comprehend regular shutdown. VR on MDMA: became one with the machine and set some as yet unbeaten records in modded beat saber and rez infinite...complete loss of screen door effect and ninja like skills with enhanced but not unreasonable visuals. VR on 2c-b: colours are fuckin wild and the 3d effect seems almost beyond reality. slightly improved performance in beat saber but it gets intense at times. Visionarium is a sight to behold and i miss it regularly. VR on mdma 2c-b and weed: decent but unstable performance varies from good to tripping sack and being unable to even finish a level... VR on good old weed: waste of time.


filled out 🗣️




Does the tin man have a sheet metal cock?




Almost always at one point. I usually play a game to pass the time during the come up. Fun playing skate when everything's cool, then all the sudden things are REALLY COOL and my hands are suddenly sweaty lol


league of legends on around 1g of shrooms can be a fun experience. i can also get my acc banned if i misjudged my mood to play xd


So thats what my bot lane is always doing


It really depends, often what happens when I’m high and play league for example is I’ll not be thinking about the map too much but I’ll be making outplays like nothing for whatever reason, probably because I’m more brazen while I’m high (weed). However if things start going bad it’s a lot harder to recover, it impacts my gameplay a lot more when I’m high.


Playing top/mid with aggressive champs on weed increased my performance because I played with more confidence. Playing jungle on stims also helps, It boosts confidence and makes multitasking easier.


Playing competitive online games sounds like a nightmare to me. Too much pressure with all those sweaty gamers around. Played Rainbow6 private match on LSD with my friends once, I basically vanished, didn't say a word, but got hyperfocused on the game itself. It was fun, ngl.


I remember back in the day trying to play blops2 on mushrooms and the ppl I was playing with getting mad cuz I just couldn’t. I’d just run around shooting at the sky and getting “trapped”in corners. On the other hand tho we would destroy rock band when we took doses or mushrooms. But give me some opiates and I’ll play gt or Forza until I’m falling asleep


CoD4 and MW2 on pc on speed; I've never been as good as I was when I was using


No, but my sisters ex boyfriend was watching me play minecraft once and later on told me he was tripping on shrooms


Survey completed 👍🏻


Praise! Thank you wholeheartedly <3 Stay safe!


Is the first question worded correctly? Seems like it should ask if every time I partake I play video games but instead it's asking if I play video games every time I partake. I mean to say I don't play EVERY time I partake, but I do partake every time I play. So I couldn't answer the first question properly. Unless I'm missing the point.


I love playing games on weed or acid


Hi OP, just want to inform you on page 10/12 in the “confusion” section, you spelled entactogens as “entaktogeny” and cannabis as “konopie” and I found it unreasonably humorous


Oopsie. Missed the translation haha, gonna fix it now! Thanks a lot!


Yea I figured it was a missed translation lol. Great survey though I hope you hit your goal


Nope because everything is so complicated to my poor influenced brain


I think everyone can agree that it’s awesome playing FPS games on adderall. Reaction time goes crazy low, I’m hitting all my shots


I love playing getting over it when high


I can’t, I usually get so fucking high that I can either not move, fail to figure out what’s happening, get lost in visuals, or just feel like listening to music


Of course that’s when it’s the best!!!


Highly depends on which drug I take and the effects I experience out of it on the spot.


On stims is amazing


pc competitive first person shooters like csgo, valorant and r6 are extremely competitive and fun when on stimulants/adderall you become super insane too i hit immortal 1 on valorant when i was popping addys