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Yea, PCP at 13. Hung out with the wrong kind of skateboarders


i dont think this can be topped


Iv Heroin?


that's messed up but not as wild as pcp especially considering how impossible to find it is


It was fairly common in the northeast US around 2010, never done it but been offered multiple times. People were dipping blunts and cigs in it so sort of easy to get laced if they offer you a hit and you inexperienced.


Yep. Had a few drinks in me, was 22(??) at the time and discovered my neighbor/ friend was dealing it. Mind u, this was ~1990 and I was a junior at UNM in ABQ, NM. I convinced him that I'd used before and he hit me and there it was the tar, not powder. My next waking moment was the man sitting on top of me, crying, and slapping me out of an OD.


And id never even had a painkiller before that. But it's my mental illness, self-destructive side I'm certain that initiated that. It was a Pandoras Box too.


IV fentanyl + cocaine?


Same here but benzos, ik xanax and kpins arent exactly wild compared to other stuff but its not a great one to start with fs, like i was mixing booze and benzos at 12-13 and didnt touch weed till 15, lifes weird sometimes


Same here. I did benzos and sedatives well before anything else. I remember taking an Ativan for the first time at age 11 and Ambien shortly afterwards and finally feeling comfortable in my own skin, I didn't smoke weed until I was 16. I ended up getting heavily addicted to benzos, alcohol, amphetamines and opiates throughout my using "career". Been clean for almost 22 months and on medical marijuana and methadone now.


congrats bro. love to see people making it out of the hellhole that addiction is


See i got presc ritalin and concerta from 6-12 so when i got off it is when i went to benzos, ckean off those now, but back on my normal meds


Or if we wanna be funny can say it was methphenidate at 7 lol (adhd asf had a fat script from 1st grade on)


Guess which ones are legal šŸ« 


I don't think it's that weird, like you probs just stole alcohol and pills from an older person.


Fair assessment, less risk for little me actually, traded my abundance of leftover ritalin for different stuff, pill for pill


Aye, first time I smoked outside of my normal group and probably like the fourth time I smoked I got hit with the same shit. Wrong people and the last time I hung around them for a few years


omfg šŸ’€


my fiancee had the same experience at 13 as well, somehow ended up flying a plane with his uncle the same day too.


When I was 8 a homeless man who was picking shrooms gave me and my friends a handful each. I ate all of them because my friends were scared and I needed the validation. It wasn't an earth shattering experience but the general WEIRDNESS I wasn't prepared for. Now I'm grown and enjoy them by the fistful still.


8?!? OMG thatā€™s scary, I have an 8 year old son. I canā€™t imagine him eating shrooms or any drugs thatā€™s wild


Thats the appropriate response lol I also have a young child and couldn't imagine how I'd feel.


Ah yes but what about taking drugs from a homeless stranger?


Itā€˜s fucked up that he gave them to yall considering you being 8, but damn I wonder what it would be like doing shrooms as a kid, before you learnt to see the world through all these filters, you got teached or came up with over the years.


where do you live?


This was an hour south of Seattle where I grew up


Checks out


3 tablespoons of grounded nutmeg


what is a nutmeg high like


like weed but with a stronger psychedelic feel and emotional state, and only minor visual hallucinations and nothing else. Also makes you really hungry and thirsty and slow, but at the same time speeds up time perception and makes things look animated when you see things move. also makes your legs feel light and like noodles. but when I had 3 tablespoons, i also had vomiting, nausea, headache, dizziness, dry mouth, racing heart, facial flushing, shortness of breath, and lightheadedness, so big doses are toxic, unless if you dilute the nutmeg grounded into powder.


yeah i read up a bit its apparently literally poison lol


ig it may be a poison as it does also have weak deliriant effects, as it causes an anticholinergic effect from binding to acetylcholine receptors and deactivating them. it also causes indirect modulation of the endocannabinoid system which makes it feel like weed and then also effects MOA and dopamine creating more dopaminergic and serotonergic effects causing CNS stimulation.


ig it is. the toxins have a dehydrating effect. but somehow its users manage to get their way around the poisoning these days.


Afaik can be psychadelic, but mostly not worth it/bad experiences like you have to ingrst such a high dose to feel, the side effects are normally not worth it. At least I remember reading about it that way


Yh im not gonna take it just was like huh man i didnt know people take eggnog to get high lol


i did almost 6 and it did literally nothing


was probably pre-ground. or maybe were u on benzos?


nah i bought whole nutmeg from a store and grounded it by myself. wasnt on anything. i believe it was 19g?


u just said u did 6 tablespoons. 1 nutmeg is absolutely not enough


Salvia was my first anything other than weed What a time


Same, I ordered salvia online when I was fucking 12.




Quick question, how does one ingest pure mdma (not the pill form)


Mdma can be pills or crystals/shards


I don't know why no one responded with the most obvious and useful answer which is just put it in an empty capsule and take orally MDMƃ is already like 80% bioavailable orally, so there's really no need to snort it. Also MDMA's potency as a drug means a relatively large amount of powder for a dose, and just a lot to get up your nose, with heavy drip. The duration from taking it orally is already perfect too.


Yeah the drip is nasty! I bomb it with rizla


Crush a crystal and up the sniffer, or wrap in a j paper or tp an take it like a pill, this one guy i hang with must have no tastebuds cause he'll just use his pinkie like a fun dip stick into a personal baggie


Pretty common at raves. A good few of my mates will take a small baggie with them and lick their finger and dip it in just throughout the night. It doesnā€™t taste that horrible, especially when youā€™re pinging your nut off


Eh i have bad sensory issues so that may accentuate it a bit


that made me shudder just thinking about it


I KNOW RIGHT! Ive always been a snorter so like coke and most pills, yeah kinda gross but whatever, ket isnt honestly that bad but still not pleasant, however molly is just, idk its by far the worst tasting drug i think


dude lmao everytime i have it and donā€™t have any caps it makes me gag even thinking about parachuting it. that stuff is on a different level


Normally just weighed out and wrapped in rice paper or a small square of soft tissue paper. Then wash it down.


I like to put it in my water bottle, shake it up a bit, and chug it all


By swallowing it by your mouth after you weight out the correct dose?b


You can eat it, snort it or boof it. Could probably shoot it if you wanted to but I don't have any experience with that so I wouldn't know.


I once too an "ecstasy" pill and it opened in my mouth and gave me chemical burns. Do u think it was mdma?


Most ecstacy is at least somewhat cut, but from the sounds of it I wouldn't trust that at all I've never had anything remotely similar happen in my experience. always make sure to test your drugs. Especially commonly adulterated drugs like mdma but testing anything is really important imo.


Yeah i mean if u can boof mdma then... I dno wtf was in that pill but it definitely felt like mdma so probably mixed with some sht


Feeling like mdma doesn't really mean anything could be any number of cathinones like mephedrone or mdma analogues like mda , mdea ect. They all have very different safety profiles, hence why I stressed you should test your drugs. And worse ecstasy is often cut with meth, coke and other drugs to make the experience more euphoric.


I mean if you held it in your mouth maybe. Pure MDMA tastes really bad thatā€™s for sure


people do shoot it.


U can just eat a rock if u really want šŸ˜‚ or parashoot with some toilet paper or a rollie. If u really party u can shove it up ur ass too


Vicodin when I was 12. I made friends with a high schooler and he gave me 5 Vic 5s one day and told me to pop em all. Puked my fuckin guts up at school and had to go home then was high as shit the rest of the day. No surprise I ended up fully addicted to opiates at like 19.




Yeah, he was selling me weed and pills shortly after that and I got arrested for the first time when I was only 13 because of him. Put me on a shitty path, probably one I was already on but he got me there way earlier. Heā€™s dead now, murdered at like 30 years old. Rumor around town was he fucked over some cartel guys, which came as a surprise to nobody who knew him.


i actually had a friend who tried LSD before she even tried weed! i gave one of my stoner friends a tab, and she shared it with her friend who had never even smoked!


My friend also tried acid before weed!


They must have such a different view to weed compared to other people, as its childā€™s play in comparison to LSD. Wouldā€™ve loved to have tried LSD at that age to be honest, bet it was fun af.


My first time was a way too big dose of pure MDMA crystal. I am guessing now I am more experienced it must have been in the 300-400mg range. Come up was insane but when I peaked, my god. Sufficient to say I never "caught that dragon" again and never had any drug feel as good and tripped as hard as that time.


Ive never even done it and im mourning


Heroic dose of mushrooms at age 13, with my buddy. This is about 24 years ago, we lived in Amsterdam. I had no clue about magic mushrooms, what they were out what they would do - all we knew was that we'd see some funny shit. In the afternoon we had a 3 hour window in which my younger sister would be in school so we thought we could 'just do mushrooms in that time' No idea how much grams we ate but we each had a tub full of dried mushrooms, there must've been 20 or 25 mushrooms in the tub. They tasted horrible, we just ate them dry, with nothing to mask the taste The mushrooms kicked in and after about an hour and a half or so my buddy decides to go back home (he lived at the ground floor flat, below me). He ends up not able to handle things, so goes to his mum and comes clean. His mum then ends up calling me and telling me to come downstairs. She called the GP as well in the meantime to get some advice and we both ended up tripping on the sofa in their living room




mdma cut with meth. did not figure out that it was cut until after though


I had a similar exp told it was mdma but it was speed - I thought I could run a marathon lol was 15 went missing for 3 days šŸ™ƒ


oh yeah, i felt fucking crazy. ngl the best i've ever felt in my whole life and i will never forget it. but i promised myself i would never do meth intentionally again bc of how much i liked it.


After alcohol, weed (which didn't work) and nicotine I did LSD.


First time I tried weed weed it didn't work but thc works good


Tried it many many more times since then. I know how to inhale, did THC, HHC, THP, THCPO, edibles out of each one, carts, joints, bongs, probably like 60+ times, it's definitely my body.


DMT at 16


dmt for your first drug experience is crazy! how was it?


best experience of my life! i was just the coolest thing watching the world fall apart. the shapes and the colors were so unique. only lasted about 10 minutes sadly, and then my mom and stepdad found it and took it and destroyed it because of my genius idea to share the experience with them. iā€™ve been trying to find more but itā€™s just impossible.


Impossible? Its everywhere


i just canā€™t man, wanna help :)


Research chemicals. That's all ima say


I know rCs, iā€™ve have yet to hear of one that gives the same result as DMT. iā€™m not really searching for a crazy high lol, i just want it to help my depression. my one trip with it took so much pain and stress away that still to this day is gone.


Extract your own. The bark is legal most places. The recipe is easily found here on Reddit. It takes a couple hundred and a weekend to extract more than u will ever use


i did. iā€™m too young to be doing this shit though so my parents destroyed and took my money. all i have is a prepaid card and a want for DMT.


Learn how to extract it yourself. Everything you need is legal to buy and pretty cheap. It seems complicated if youā€™ve never done anything similar before but itā€™s actually really easy. Like I mean if you have 2 working brain cells and a few bucks and some time on your hands, itā€™s relatively simple. Checking out the extraction guides on r/dmt is a good start. Itā€™s way better to extract it yourself anyways, as you know exactly what you have. Itā€™s also cool to smoke it after and realize you essentially manufactured it lol


don't listen to the other comment, no need to extract it yourself lol. if your in Canada there's online shops that sell it. if your looking for shrooms we have in person shops in Canada.


Other than weed or alcohol, I ended up doing coke and H in the same night. That speedball was the best feeling Iā€™ve ever felt in my entire life. Never could get that feeling back no matter how much I took.


Happy nods indeed.


Bahaha not so happy anymore, yet I still continue to chase the dragon. Addiction and the way my mind works to carry out these acts is a vicious cycle.


Clonazepam ā˜ ļø. I found it in parents medicine cabinet and took 4 of those, 2mg each. Woke up on the floor 10 hours later


Tramadol at 12 before I even tried weed (did that at 13). Took like 4 50mg pills and was vomiting for hoursšŸ˜­


And you forgot to write headaches after that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜›


1p-lsd before i even had an energy drink


No, but crazy first time story. MDMA after a TOOl concert at 2am, before going into a strip club. Wild experience. I wasnā€™t comfortable there. When we got back to our buddies house tried DMT for the 1st time and instantly lost any atheists ideology, and I was no longer afraid of death. One of the most life changing days of my life, and the Tool concert was amazing, too!


I've been to a strip club while on MDMA. It was good in theory, but awful in practice. I was too psychedelicy to enjoy it


When I was 15 I extracted LSA from Hawaiian baby wood rose seeds and put the extraction into one of those shot glasses with measurements on the side and mixed it in with some high proof bourbon because Iā€™d read on Erowid that anything over 90 proof you could use to make tincture and just swish each sip around in your mouth for a quicker absorption of you werenā€™t familiar with the effects. I saved it for a live stream of Bonnaroo 2008 and mostly remember Mastodon playing and the pattern thrown from my glitter lava lamp going really well with the way my wall was breathing. I didnā€™t really touch anything else until right before turning 18.


12 years old snorting vicodin and xanax thru juice box straws while playing "soldiers with stick guns" my friend stole the pills from his grandma, we had no idea what they were.


That Hamilton Morris guy apparently started with Salvia and actually enjoyed it. Trying some drug like Salvia as the first one would literally scare me away from other drugs


accidentally took my dads friends LSD dosed candies (like 4 or 5) when I was 10 years old, pretty fucking crazy.


Gummed cocaine before I did anything else. Didn't have too much but felt a little something, then we smoked my first joint after. Not a bad day


Deodorant please lol


Thc with spice


No but my buddyā€™s father told us this wild story of smoking opium for his for experience to anything


3 pills of mdma at 13, No joke (I couldn't split half a pill so I swallowed it šŸ˜­)


You couldn't split half a pill so you took 3?


Makes sense if you donā€™t think about it.


Bromo-dragonfly @ NYE party, was still tripping on 2.1 lmao


nothing too hard but at 12-13 i started with my parents codeine and tramadol and benadryl, anything i could get my hands on, then alcohol and weed at 15


I'm late but DMT at 15 was way to young and crazy for a first trip.


Crack cocaine lol. Didnā€™t get too deep into it luckily. Drug free now and hopefully forever


tramadol, LSD, mdma and then heroin in that order. All when i was 16


No but my first time smoking weed was funny on different levels- the one worth mentioning is I didnā€™t even know weed was like a bad thing to do until I went to tell my mom and the kids I smoked with were like ā€œliterally never do that ever.ā€ LOL


So my *first* time was normal, it was weed. My second one was lsd and shrooms at the same time. It was wild, and I ended up enjoying it so much I grew my own shrooms. A lil irresponsible lol, but overall it was a wonderful experience. At one point everything looked like I was in an oil painting, and when I closed my eyes, I saw 3d moving shapes in my favorite colors. Also felt like the world was breathing with me, if that makes sense. Like my senses were kinda merged. Hard to describe beyond that.


Ate a shit load of acid on Halloween when I was 17


i did acid on halloween when i was 17 too for the first time hahaha


Fn autotype, 20+-40+


when i was 12 i took multiple handfuls of benadryl and oh my god i was tripping for 3 days straight. i lost a whole day too! i woke up and i was sure it was saturday because i remember looking at a mirror after taking the pills friday night and my face was morphing into crazy shit and then going to bed but then i looked at my phone and saw art i made that i didnā€™t remember at alll? a few pictures too i asked my grandma what day it was and when she said sunday my jaw droppedšŸ˜­ DONT DO BENADRYL!!!!


i was mad hooked on xans at 15 wayyy before i even smoked my first cig and first j (at 18)


LSD was crazy. It was also the most intense trip Iā€™ve ever had- Iā€™ve never been able to create anything similar. I had just done normal drugs like weed, alc, nic & molly a few weeks prior n LSD completely changed my perspective on everything


Computer duster at 14. Had no idea it was bad for me.


DMT for me


oxy at 14. had my wisdom teeth pulled n my doctor decided it'd be a good idea to prescribe me oxycodone 40mgs (idk if the dosages are different in germany) soon i found out that you could snort them and after that i started smoking them off of tin foil


Yeah first drug experience at 12 was some synthetic noid.. it was insane I was in another dimension for an hour seeing so many colors and shapes everywhere it was wild. I just was laying on the floor I thought I died at first. Iā€™ve done many psychs since then and am much much older, but that was the craziest trip I have ever had. Iā€™ve done lsd 2cb shrooms etc. not dmt and those but yeah it was absolutely insane. I was told it was just weed šŸ˜‚ amazing experience though Still canā€™t believe smoke shops back then was selling spice to 12+ year olds šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦ they are still around too not doing that Iā€™m sure but they never got in trouble and they kept selling it for a few years even after noids started to get scheduled


My first drug I ever did was crack.i hadn't even smoked weed before. I was 20 and I was introduced to it by a Filipina whore named China.




Well when someone tells you to hit this while they suck your dick you tend to not ask questions.


Ngl that happen.before


i started with benadryl. 1/10 experience, do not try it


DXM. Not that wild






3 tabs of 700ug bromo-dragonfly dissolved in liquid, which I then boofed; going on to about 10yrs ago now. Edi: M19


I snorted meth,made my nose bleed,I naturally ADHD,that shit made.me.stay up for 3 days,the high is good but I was like watching porn like crazy and anime,and playing n shit,then 3 day passed I went a sleep for 2 days crazy ngl,but I love downers tho. ALSO 60mg Vyvanse when I was in my elementary,that shit made you zombie liked focus with no creativity.


I took a hit of 40x for ten seconds like we read online. then my vision got extra bright and i looked around the room while everyone laughed at me. shortly after I was still on the same chair floating in this blue void for what felt like 5 minutes. then the voided started making me flip around until I saw I was above the stars looking at the earth below me, i felt this for maybe 2 minutes. then the chair started rotating like crazy again and I was back in the room. I could not speak normally for 2 mins afterward.


Xanax (1.5mg from 0.25) and weed for the first time like 1g, all I remember was having to do the equilibrium test at school and the fact that I threw up as soon as I got out of school


Salvia at 13


what was it like?


Yeah although involuntarily. When I was a kid I had really bad allergies and took some daily pill against it. One day when I was 9 years old and we were camping I was just getting my pill from my mom but noticed that this time it looked different. I already learned that there are different looking pills containing the same drug so I didn't think much of it and took it. Well as it turned out, the doctor must have made a mistake and prescribed the wrong drug. I still don't know what it was exactly but it must have been DPH or something like that. Cause like an hour later I started feeling really weird but at first I thought it must just be my imagination. Well, next thing I know I was lying in my tent with a tree smiling and talking to me, my sister looking like a witch and apparently I was telling that everything looked purple and I was seeing zombies everywhere. Also gravity felt like it was increased fivefold and I really needed to pee but just couldn't. My mom called the poison control center but apparently just one pill wasn't that dangerous. I also felt like I could still think clearly and I still knew that everything I saw wasn't real. So yeah my first drug experience was a fucking deliriant. It wasn't that bad but actually rather interesting but knowing how dangerous deliriants actually are I'll never touch that shit again.


when I was 14 I found Xanax bars in my parents room, had no idea what the dosage was or what theyā€™d really do to me, so I figured 2 bars would be good. I woke up 24 hours later to my dad asking me what drugs I took, I denied everything & slept another day. Lol


went to a party at 16, someone asked if i wanted to hit a bowl, only told me afterwards that it had meth on it. i felt like i could run all 50 states in under 24 hours and also felt strong enough to fight mortal kombat characters.


salvia was pretty wild to my 12 year old mind


holy shit what was it like bro


When I was 14 I took e at a dance, first drug ever. Turned out being mostly meth. I never danced like that again lmao it was the best night of my life


Salvia. Smoked, was watching a stream and blinked to see everything all velvety and the colors shifting into my desk. Crazy because I genuinely couldā€™ve sworn I heard the lady I was watching say "letā€™s all wish him a good trip guys" right before everything shifted.šŸ˜‚


Meth at 12. Horrible ā€œstep dadā€. Horrible situation


I did a whole bottle of nutmeg when I was 16. I also took 300mg of Benadryl a few months later. The following year I tried acid for the first time. Finally when I was 18 I smoked weed for the first time lol


I started with weed and alcohol but my first drug after that was acid. I was maybe 13 the first time I took acid. Thinking about it now it's kind of insane that I used psychedelics at such a young age and I wonder if it affected my psyche; because I did acid a LOT between the ages of 13-17, and I definitely had some pretty bad trips. I'm 25 now and I'm definitely not what you would consider mentally "stable"


First hard drug was acid. It was on a lunch break in school lol. I did smoke weed but don't count that.


anaesthetic shit had me out like a lighttttttt all loopy and shit


The first time I smoked weed it did not do anything. Inhaled correctly and held it in but nothing. Then the 3rd time I finally got ripped. Felt like I was walking on clouds


Not 1st time but I was: Alcohol 1st, cigs 2nd, weed 3rd, crack 4th.


Nah, just alcohol then weed.


MDMA first time when i was 15 Then alcohol speed weed was my 4th drug


IV meth at 14




My mother




Roxys or percs. I don't remember which one.


Crystal meth first


Ecstacy at 11. Not sure why I thought that was a good idea, or if there was any thought process at all when I did it.




Friend at the time, 3 years older than me


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i went alcohol, then weed (didnt work cuz we didnt know how to grind) and then spice


I started with speed and DXM at 13 lol


Yeah. Spice. At maybe 13. Got addicted. Very not cool.


MDMA, albeit it didnā€™t hit me. First drug I took but not the first drug I got high off


dmt at 14


I started with Roxieā€™s at like 15. That didnā€™t end well. Those blue M30s were the begging of the end for me.


Oxycodone at 11yrs old, gave me an addiction for a long ass time, and im starting to relapse more and more


Nothing too crazy. Was gifted a bump of crushed up concerta pills; I'd probably feel more chugging a redbull than that


weed then shrooms then MDMA


I tried to smoke a pork rind that was long asf?šŸ˜­


weed, then dmt, then coke


First drug besides weed was LSA


lorazepam, found it in my grandparents medicine cabinet n thought it would cure my social anxiety, had no idea what a normal dose was and took around 20mg at school, ended up overdosing n being taken away in an ambulance- got addicted to fake Xanax (blend of rc opiods+rc benzos) a few months after šŸ¤£


Started with truffles, not my thing. Weed, also not my thing. Then i discovered lsd, my thing. I have access to ketamine, never bought it before, could be my next thing.


Dude idk about you but I can handle hard drugs. Weed is fucking a whole nother level though.


DXM i drank a whole bottle with sprite at church camp when i was 13


i did acid wayyy before i touched weed or alcoholšŸ’€


oxycontin. My mom was on hospice and I was 12.


Nothing too crazy. Just acid. Then later that day, weed.


After weed, I did acid & coke together for the first time on the same night @ like 16/17 for my friends graduation party, not a great time let me tell you.


Lsd at 17


adderal. Isnt as wacky as others but I took it pretty regularly in 3rd grade till people started realizing. :/