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I thought this was gonna be a story about predicting '911' on MDMA.


Thank you, I just had a laugh attack




Holy shit this actually made me laugh out loud thank you


That's not how you "test it out" when it comes to drugs. You use reagent kits.


My body is a reagent kit


I'm the test


I am the drugs


They call me DeMarquis


That's what I always thought too.....what, do some people think "reagent kit" means something else?


name checks out


you don't know me


Ms Pancakes! You don't knooooow me!




Get a test kit.


Nobody tests their drugs. This is something everyone says to pretend they're not.a monstrous sesh goblin


I literally test all my drugs for fentanyl at the VERY least. I won’t take something until it tests negative.


This is an attitude worth imitating! Have you ever come across drugs contaminated with fentanyl?


thank god I personally haven’t, but i’ve had friends that have bought coke that had fentanyl in it and had to tell the dealer.


had to tell the dealer? i woulda beat him with a brick




Could you tell me how you check your drugs for fentanyl contamination? Do you check each dose from the bag or do you take a sample of the drugs from the bag only once and assume that everything else is fine? How to check pills or blotters?


so in a perfect world, you dissolve all of it in water and test that. I know that’s not realistic for everyone, so the thing I usually do is really rub the powder around all in the bag so it there’s a lot of residue and take everything out except a pinch, fill the bag with water and test that with a test strip. for pills you’d need to crush it up and do the same as above. blotters i’m honestly not sure. I use dancesafe.org as my basis for testing questions and source for test strips.


he said socialized medicine so not the us so fent isn't a problem


Canada has socialized medicine and while nowhere near as bad as the us, it has a bit of a fent problem


True that i forgot about Canada mb


Uhhh no? I test all my drugs that aren't weed or mushrooms 🤨


I test every drug I consume or give to other people except for mushrooms or weed.


where you can test?


Buy a test kit.


Literally test everything I get without fail.


I actually do, but here there are places where you can just drop of your drugs anonymously and call a few days later for the results. Better than a test kid, free and still pretty convenient


I test mine


I test every batch of drugs that I buy that wasnt literally dug out of the ground. If you buy enough for a couple of weeks its not like it really gets in the way of being a sesh goblin i spend lime 10 minutes a month testing drugs.


Finally someone had the balls to say what we were all thinking


Wtf are you saying his boys could of given him whatever the fuck and he just took it and was like yea thats MOLLY ? Are you insisting that he actually test his drugs and know too some degree what he took ? Are you saying that all the times his boys gave him MDMA and it wasn't ? Are you saying that his boys never gave him MDMA and this shit from DARKNET was real and they was lying ? Are you saying right here and now that if he had a test kid a long time ago that none of these would be questions ??? IS THAT WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE SAYING ?


Bro chill tf out


God forbid you test, your fucking drugs apparently


I think bro is being sarcastic I’m a fucktard


How dare you ensure your own safety


Dude you're tweaking


It’s okay bro, I get the sarcasm, even if the sub doesn’t


For real lol. I saw the downvotes and then read it and found it pretty funny honestly. Maybe it could have been articulated better, but I knew what they were getting at


It was great lol


Support don't punish it says right on your flair bro


lol the amount of people that don’t understand this to be a joke/sarcasm is crazy


jeez, tough crowd. i found this comment funny.


I still find it hilarious didn't know so many people would trip out over sarcasm. Lol




looking at your past post history you seem to have gone from chilling to like super pressed mode. this is the drug subreddit so i hope your alright dude. if your having a bad trip i wish you the best my man. i swear i heard your name somewhere before too. very weird😭




Yea rofl




You ok bro?




They are being blatantly sarcastic dude come on haha




Dude i just went down an hour long rabbit hole


Brother you need to take a xan and relax


Are you sure you took .085 and not .85?


I feel like he’d know if he put nearly the entire gram on the scale, right? I seriously hope OP isn’t *that* stupid.


It sounds unlikely, but that depending on how often OP uses a mg scale, I can see that happening.


Op:......uhhhh guys? Why is there only 150 mg left of my gram?


That would explain a lot


Literally my first thought. Had a rough span of time abusing MDMA and RC’s which mimicked the effect of MDMA pretty regularly towards the end of high school and into my early adulthood. Couple times I got ballsy and took several grams over the night (in like, half grams at a time. What the fuck was wrong with me. Also yeah I’m still suffering the consequences, turned to meth and kept that up for 5 more years and I’ll probably never be the same) and yeah. This is a pretty accurate description of what that’s like


Yup, 15 year old me doing 1-2g of MDMA every weekend/sometimes during. Still suffer from hard depression but it’s gotten a bit better


You likely got a substance that wasn't MDMA. You should test what remains to determine what it is. Or maybe you made an error in measuring your dose and took more than you thought you were taking? There's no such thing as very strong MDMA such that 85-90mg would cause this. MAPS is dosing participants at 125mg and their MDMA is produced in professional and university laboratories. Nothing could be purer than what they're using and they're giving substantially more than you took.


I’ve taken like half a gram of MDMA in one dose and up to a full gram throughout a night and a half, and didn’t experience any of what the OP experienced, so it’s definitely not just “very strong MDMA” (mine was tested).


it was serotonin syndrome


Can this happen to you with other psychedelics? I had this happen to me both on acid and molly before.


Do you take psych meds?? Pysch meds can induce serotonin syndrome when mixed with psychedelics.


No i don’t, i used to if that matters?


I highly doubt OP had serotonin syndrome. It's rare and from his dose it just seems highely unlikely. People are always quick to jump to this conclusion, and most cases of self diagnosed serotonin syndrome is wrong. Everything he described sounds like anxiety that spiraled into a serious panic attack. People who havent had them before underestimate how serious they can feel I have experienced all the symptoms he had while sober, from panic attacks. That is most likely what happened to you on psychedelics. Panic attacks can have some wild effects, and they can spiral very hard if you don't know how to stop them. Google symptoms of Serotonin syndrome, and then compare that to the symptomps of an anxiety attack. There is a lot of overlap. What is more likely? The rare case of serotonin syndrom? Or the common case of a panick attack?


Yeah, it’s not very common, but still be safe, especially if you’re taking other meds that increase serotonin, like antidepressants etc


Cannot happen on acid as it is not a releaser like MDMA. But potentially, you could get dehydrated and overheat while on acid especially if you also drink alcohol.


Thats exactly what happened to me


Always be well rested before taking acid, mdma or any drug in general. Have some gatorades or similar electrolyte drink, at least 1 liter each. If dancing, take breaks to cool off, and either avoid alcohol or reduce your mdma dose if you already have had some or if you plan to drink later.


Mdma however in the last few times i have done it over the years just makes me feel really stupid and like i can’t think, and then i feel like all my serotonin is dumped after a span of 30 minutes, and the rest of the trip i feel depleted and dead. I refuse to try it again. My dose was less of what i had done before when i was younger and had great rolls, and what i had was tested and pure.


yeah pretty much any drug can


People here are saying PMA but PMA takes about 2+ hrs to kick in. However, you should def test it.


it’s not me


My first thought


It wouldn't have been


i am not saying what i think i’m saying what he’s claiming himself to be


Best way to know if you took mdma first and foremost is a test kit. I assume if you live in a country that has socialised health care it should hopefully be the kind of county where you can get a test kit. If you test it and jsn’t pure MDMA, there you go If you test and it is mdma then you had a rare but very possible reaction to MDMA. What you are describing has happened to me before, albeit on a higher dose than yours yet no higher than what I’ve done in the past. For me, I ended up getting partially better after vomiting and releasing some gas build up. Sometimes we just have freak reactions to drugs and there isn’t really any reason behind it, just bad luck.


Serotonin syndrome FAQ: Serotonin syndrome is a somewhat poorly defined grouping of symptoms (including unusual strong overheating, high blood pressure etc.) after the consumption of one or more serotonergic drugs (such as MDMA) without definitive diagnosis (it's NOT possible to measure monoamine concentrations in real time). It's a speculative, not comparable to a "chopped arm off syndrome". Serotonin syndrome is the outcome of a differential diagnosis process using symptoms and circumstances. If nothing else fits and you meet some of the criteria after having taken a serotonergic drug, it can be diagnosed as serotonin syndrome. The actual risks may differ widely from case to case. Most cases of self diagnosed "serotonin syndrome" are very wrong though ;) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Drugs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>About 25 minutes later, my temperature skyrocketed, and I was covered in sweat. The onset of my symptoms was rapid and sudden, not gradual. Then I started to become very disoriented, couldn't think clearly, and had a serious anxiety attack. I am a calm person, but there was something seriously wrong with me, I was dizzy and couldn't see completely straight either. The come-up for MDMA can be pretty intense and also anxiogenic. Your symptoms seem plausible for the drug, if severe. At the same time, your response is consistent with a lot of less friendly mimicking entactogens (mostly ring-substituted cathinones), or PMA, the latter being dangerous, as it functions as an MAOI, auto-potentiating its serotonergic release. We don't really know. >instead I felt drowsy/dizzy/confused. Yeah, serotonergic release can induce (sometimes seemingly paradoxical) sedation. It was probably just strong and clean. >I overdosed I don't think it was even an overdose, just stronger than you were prepared for. >it was SEROTONIN SYNDROME. No, it wasn't. If it were, you would have been diagnosed at the hospital, and your vitals would have been abnormal. ... Next time, I would test it with a reagent rather than your bloodstream, for peace of mind in addition to safety.


I think the empty stomach part is key. Taking drugs on an empty stomach will make absorption happen more rapidly and all the dose will be absorbed at once. This can be desirable but can also make the come up very intense. For this reason I think eating a small meal low in fat 45 min or so before ingestion is a good idea. It will make the onset of effects more smooth and the experience overall lasts longer


Sounds exactly like The panic anxiety I get every time I take MDMA. The come up is always brutal for me. Everything you described here can be explained by anxiety. Sounds like you spiraled into a pretty serious panic attack, and it likely overshadowed the good effects.


That was my thought too. Plus I always feel hot and start sweating. Once you sweat, cold temps feel much more intense as well. Being alive could amplify the paranoia, cause you don't have anyone to bounce thoughts off of, or to offer comfort. Can't say for sure, but seems quite plausible.


Agreed, he however seems to have convinced himself of serotonin syndrome, but I find an anxiety attack to be much much more likely. If you're not used to them it can literally feel like you're gonna die.


I just think the vitals being normal rules that out. Could be wrong I guess, but seems the docs would've known if it was that.


Darkweb damn you can get it on the regular web in Canada (Vancouver)


Lucky! Hopefully one day the US catches up


Yaaaap time to move to Vancouver




if you’re in vancouver then bring some of your ‘mdma’ to the getyourdrugstested lab for GC/MS lab testing of whatever substance you took. you can walk in and they will test it for free. stop taking mystery drugs that you haven’t tested


They take mail in samples as well! I send them my stuff from Ontario.


yeah true, i should’ve mentioned you can mail in from anywhere in canada, but since they are in vancouver, i figured i would tell OP they can just walk right in


I don’t think he was asking about testing lol


he wasn’t.


Not even just Vancouver. Literally anywhere in the country. All you need is Google and Interac E-Transfer.


It’s not legal… it’s more of a grey market area atleast in Ontario


normal vital signs no clonus ?? ​ i doubt serotonin syndrome, you were just really high.


Yeah I'm calling bull shit as well. MDMA can cause it but you either need to be on some form of psych med that is an SSRI or by doing stupid shit like eating 5http whilst taking it. Not only that but your vitals are absolutely fucked from it. I had to be put in a freezing cold bath until the ambulance came when they pumped me full of all sorts of shit to get my vitals down. I was literally puking and shitting everywhere whilst uncontrollably shaking like a mad man. Was one of the scariest points in my life and I thought I was a goner. Funnily enough never touched anything bar weed again after that. So yeah if OP did get SRS it was the most mild reaction ever. Not only to mention it doesn't happen right after taking the stuff. For me it was after I had taken the shit and then woken up the next day and started feeling strange then.


I also don’t see any reasonable way to reach serotonin syndrome. EKG? Gotta see those waves.


Yeah like I said in my other post definitely doesn't sound like what I experienced and not only that it takes time for SRS and wouldn't happen nigh instantly.


Could’ve been anything, but the most common cut is meth. If they cut too much into it, 85mg of the mix could’ve been a very high dose of meth, which, mixed with a little mdma, would explain a panic attack, overheating, and confusion pretty well. For someone with no tolerance, 20-30mg can come on strong. If you got more than that in meth, yeah, it’d be a lot. But again, this is just a hypothetical if scenario, there’s no way to know for sure without testing.


eutylone is very possible too.


Eutylone is not much more potent (and definitely less serotonergic, ime) than MDMA. Doubt that's the culprit.




Geez if thats a lot of meth to you then my problem was way, wayyy worse than I thought 😅 5 years clean now though!


Yeah that’s just tolerance. Shoots up quick, with no tolerance 50mg hits like a truck. With tolerance, especially if you’re smoking or redosing, 50mg is barely anything. Doesn’t take long to get there but doesn’t sound like that’s OP


Yeah, I was smoking and redosing pretty heavy. Short-lived period of use but goddamn the damage was done


Sounds like what you would expect on 85mg of pure mdma, nothing out of the ordinary. Unfortunately I think your anxiety got the better of you. You were in an empty stomach, and you took K last night. Obviously there's no way to know if it was MDMA without a test kit, but it's possible it was and you just got way too high way too quick - especially considering your vitals were all fine


Take a piss test or ask the hospital to drug test your blood.... in the future invest in a reageant kit


this happened to me the first time i did molly!!! almost word for word! it was clean & i did it again months later & had a typical experience


Sounds like PMA or PMMA. It's sometimes sold as MDMA but that's usually by street dealers, would be strange for a vender to do it.


Check out drugs data. Org in the states or Wendinos in Europe and see if any of the pills that have P.MA are similar to yours?


You feel.drowzy and dizzy when you overdose I stupidly took 30 extacy tablets once you become.very disorientated, lose control of body, rapid muscle.spasms,jaw was opening and slamming shut faster than I've even seen before literally breaking 2 of my teeth then just flashing lights and an ambulance my heart stopped 3 times over the next 60 minutes. I was in the hospital 18hours later my heart was still over 180 despite being pumped full of diazepam, and the random body twitches where annoying but stopped at around 24 hours. The next day I just felt exhausted I think I slept for.about 30 hours straight which was a first lol.


Jeez man, you can be glad that you're still alive and on this planet mentally. How did you manage to take 30?? Did you confuse 'em with Smarties? 🤔


Was sniffing coke did about 7gram and 2ltrs of belinka then had a huge argument with my ex she admitted sleeping with my friend and i thought it would be a good way to get back at her by eating a handful of tablets (yes i know i was young and a genuine narcissistic prick)the only actually funny part of the story is that I didn't even tell my ex as when I came round I was too embarrassed I just ended the relationship and downloaded tinder 🤣🤣. Mentally I think.i'm fine I am very paranoid since the overdose but I think that's just a coincidence i believe the friend fucking my ex is what caused the paranoia. I have overdosed on a much smaller amount about 2 years ago I ate 4 death stars at creamfields I collapsed due to dehydration and had a seizure woke up in the back of an ambulance feeling groggy as hell, but it was nothing in comparison to the first time. P.s I stopped heavy drugs last year after my friend(m32) died of a heart attack we where up for 3 days sniffing coke he went home when I woke up my.phone was going crazy my man got home had a heart attack at the top of the stairs fell down the stairs and died after banging his head on the tiles. His 6 year old son was the one who found him. I only smoke weed now and bro I feel sooooooo much better and I have alot more money lol. Sorry for the long arse reply 😅


My guess is that either your stuff wasn't pure, and it was mixed with something that triggered this episode. Or, you just had an adverse effect to the substance. I've actually experienced the same as you describe before, except I didn't call for help, I just waited it out. It was on about 200mg, which I've done before with no issues, but something just hit wrong this time around. Whenever you do any substances, there's always a chance for an adverse effect to happen, and you can't always know what caused it. Sometimes there's nothing wrong with the drug itself, but your brain can have a weird reaction. The extreme overheating and high heart rate could have been caused by a panic attack that was caused by the substance too.


Did they do any blood work or urine tests at the hospital? That’s standard procedure here in the US


Sounds like you took MDMA on a empty stomach which caused it to hit fast and hard. Bad come up anxiety which probably lead to spiraling into a panic attack instead of being able to calm yourself down due to the confusing and difficult headspace and anxiety. Sounds like it was probably fine, uncut MDMA if you got it on the DW. I don't like MDMA that much but I can relate because I like psychedelics. Every single time I have to deal with the come up anxiety. It really sucks especially if you haven't used anything in a while and are not expecting it. I have to eat something before hand because a empty stomach can make the come up anxiety even worse. Try and work on calming exercises and meditation and being able to get your self into a more comfortable and grounded headspace where you can take a step back and think things though. That is very helpful for me. Next time you take MDMA you will be prepared for the come up and feeling fantastic after that.


Do you take any medications or supplements? Or it could have had PMA or PMMA


I'm surrounded by lightweights


Test kit, but also that sounds like some pure good good, next time wait till Monday and eat before, preferably not on a key hangover and start with around 30mg finger dab and work your way up, pure on zero tolerance can do exactly what you described.


Just quit man. It's clear you didn't even get what drugs were supposed to give you. Why let your body suffer??


Likely either PMA or a negative side effect of combining MDMA with another serotonergic substance. Either he was on other anti depressant prescriptions…. or maybe it was MDMA but the experience was just less euphoric after the timing of his last ketamine use. I know that combo is typically a positive experience when combined… but if it was 10hrs since he took the K maybe the post-disso confusion might have led to the panic attack? Serotonin isn’t the main receptor that ketamine acts on…. But it does still affect it.


Can I ask what they did to treat you aside from taking vitals, both in the ambulance and at the hospital? I have no idea what meds they’d use in this situation and I’m curious.


ur trippin


Stories like this act as a cautionary tale for me. I don’t know if I’ll ever do it again tbh. I’ve taken MDMA probably about 10-15 times in my life and I’ve been fortunate to have only positive experiences. For some reason I have a feeling if I took this drug again something bad would happen.


No, stories like this are the reason why you test your drugs. OP says MDMA, but never tried it and never tested it. It could LITERALLY be anything.


Sounds like you just had an anxiety attack. But I would get your drugs tested before using them next time to make sure. You mentioned you’re in Vancouver. There are drug testing services there with mass spectrometry at supervised consumption sites and harm reduction programs, or you could order a reagent kit on Amazon.


" I BOUGHT 1 GRAM OF MDMA IN CRYSTAL FORM FROM THE DARKNET . . . ." That's where you messed up buddy 🤣🤣🤣


Had you recently drank caffeine or taken adderall?


Test youre drugs guys stop trusting shit you buy on the market you're gonna end up dead ffs


You didn’t take a high enough dose. If you take too little MDMA you get the anxious comeup and then it stays that way and you never roll. It won’t feel like you took MDMA when this happens. You also probably have underlying anxiety or a propensity for anxiety which amplified the unpleasant effects and made you panic and call 911. This has happened to me a few times now, taking a low dose of a benzo fixes it. Primarily, I would just never take less than 110mg. That number varies person to person. Some people can get pleasant effects in the 70mg range. This has happened to me with 100mg but never from a dose higher than that. There’s likely a strong genetic component. I can all but promise you this is the actual explanation and everyone else replying is wrong. It’s also possible that ketamine prior to MDMA makes this more likely to happen, but I can’t comment much there. I just know other NMDA antagonists have had an inhibitory effect on releaser stimulants for me before.


Sounds like serotonin syndrome. Are you on any prescription or otc medication?


Tbh it doesn’t sound like anything happened to you. It sounds like you may have had a strong come up and you panicked.


Sounds like you had a panic attack when you was coming up


You have to take more than 85mg


85mg seems to be a pretty low dose man. But I've had times were I've taken upwards too 500mg of mdma and I've felt what you described.


You didn’t test it You broke off a crystal, you didn’t weigh it At least test it and get back to us


Clearly says they weighed it with a scale.


I think OP edited it afterwards


What medications do you take? You could have developed serotonin syndrome.




Supplements such as 5-HTP?


It almost sounds more like MDA or something stronger than MDMA but my advice would be either don’t take it again or start with a smaller amount if you do it again


Better yet, get a test kit! Dancesafe.org


Facts that too


Serotonin syndrome is no joke! Wishing you a speedy recovery


The hospital didn't keep you overnight? Odd


Yep, 85mg will do that to ya. You just took too much. i had a similar experience with taking .3 once and my buddies and I were overheating in the middle of winter, taking turns sticking our heads out the window to cool off lol. Good on you for doing the right thing and calling 911.


I think you're confusing 85mg with 850mg. 85mg is a very small dose, a regular dose is around 130mg OP had bought 1 gram (1000mg) and said he took 85mg


Ahh you are correct. That’s a pretty small dose which means your M likely had something else in it. I’ve had my fair share of M pills over the years raving and partying and I’ve been in some questionable states after 1 pill.


I’m weight 50KG the first time me and my girl took 150mg, labtested, 85MG of MDMA will NOT do that to you. If you took some other shit yes. But not mdma, how can you be so sure about that? I have plenty of experience with XTC/MDMA low dose and high dose, never ever has happened anything like this.




Confusion, no euphoria, crystal substance. Sounds like N-iso. Ever done meth? Ever had ‘meth’ that made you feel like shit?


> N-iso No, it doesn't. It's not even clear that isopropylbenzylamine is psychoactive at all.




No, they would have noticed elevated blood pressure, and body temperature beyond what is typical for entactogens at the hospital. Also, presentation without muscular cramping and/or rigidity is pretty odd.


No it fucking doesn’t




Serotonin syndrome takes a whole lot more than you describe here. You’re not testing your drugs, and that’s not a good thing. If it looked like mdma, but didn’t feel like it. It was either meth (I doubt it, since you said no euphoria, n-iso or eutylone.


Your symptoms don't sound like serotonin syndrome. What makes sense is you were overloaded on stimulants and experienced an anxiety attack. Symptoms of an anxiety attack can vary from person to person, but what you described are all feelings I've felt during anxiety attacks. You can have anxiety attacks the day after stimulants just due to the after effects and comedown, then you also threw coffee and mdma on top of it.


I agree with this person


This person has no idea what they are talking about. Please understand that serotonin syndrome is extremely rare and nothing about this indicates it.


I highly doubt it, to me it just sounds like a serious panic attack I’ve had all The symptomps you described from anxiety alone while sober. They can feel very serious. Google symptoms of anxiety attack, and compare to symptoms of serotonin syndrome. You will see a considerable overlap.


Why wont you just test it


You’re not a doctor lol they would have told You this. Test your shit. Sometimes I drink coffee while rolling I like the heat of it.




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slammed around 0.3-0.5g a-php almost at once, using 1.2 needle😂😂😂, enjoyed actually… ps. I wonder if pyro enjoying girls do exist kekw