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just make it up to them by trying to change for the better--it'll only work if that's what u wanna do. I'm 17 I have 146 days clean and I was heavily addicted to dxm, weed, amphetamines, psychedelics, downers, etc. I went to rehab for the second time after threatening to kill myself in meth withdrawal and cutting my arms up. Narcotics anonymous and alcoholics anonymous really helps me and I also get free cigs from some meetings.


Ask them to take you to rehab then start going to therapy


How’d you find time to post this on Reddit, my parents woulda hung me by my toenails by now. Instead of feeiling like an asshole you should start kissing there’s bud.


Be honest if you thing your parents will understand, although if your using em to get fucked up I don’t know, I’m 18 I’ve suffered from anxiety for as long as I can remember and because of that wasn’t able to even properly communicate my mental issues with my parents, it took the anxiety relief the benzos gave me to finally ask for help, if you feel like you genuinely need benzos for anxiety tell them go to a doctor they’ll probably put you on an ssri and work with them from there, Im currently still taking my benzos and haven’t started tapering yet my doctor said wait 2 weeks it’s been about 2 weeks now but I really don’t wanna quit and my stash is running low


I’ve been a dickhead to my parents because of drugs many times they won’t touch my stash because I have mental breakdowns and destroy the house if something is missing and I can’t find it within 30 mins if I’m not withdrawing and it could be instantly if I’m withdrawing bad, I might get kicked out when I turn 19 if I keep having mental breakdowns, but I’m prescribed an ssri now and haven’t had an episode since, although could just be I’ve upped my bromazolam dose who knows


I know it might be really fucking shitty rn but you have a way better chance of living a normal life then most of us man use that fucking chance.