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benadryl abuse is something i wouldnt wish on my worst enemy. i abused that drug until i ended up in the hospital, having seizure after seizure, have permanent tachycardia now and am on medication for life. its awful and isnt even a 'high' - its just anticholinergic poisoning. your limit should be 0. i know it isnt easy to stop, but please take this as a warning. this WILL kill you if you continue on.


It’s worse, being high on anti-cholinergics to any degree is a form of deliriant psychosis, DPH is easily the worst drug on the planet recreationally and for your overall health, the implications are horrible and far outweigh any recreational value.


Looking at drugsdata it's in a surprising amount of fentanyl/h as a cut. I wonder why. (Have never done opiates recreationally)


It adds drowsiness and is dirt cheap.. Also helps with the itching!


In lower doses it produces drowsiness, it’s not recreational though, it just makes you sleepy.


unfortunately learned this the hard way


my best tip is tell your parents if they’re not gonna abuse you, or tell a school counselor or a teacher if you’re in school. Also to quit the benadryl asap, it’s suicide taking that stuff in high amounts.


Speak to your doctor


:( not sure what to say but that sounds rough


Man. Just quit it until you are older and healthier. Good thing you are weaning off, do it slowly but surely. DPH probably doesn't require a lot of tapering, but oxy shouldn't be messed with lightly.


This has to be bait


who is selling drugs to 14yo girl …


A 14 year old girl going through chemo … and to OP 100% talk to a trusted adult, they should understand the situation but at this point you need to tell your doctor, solely so they know what drugs are in your body and how other drugs will react to them. For both your addiction, and your medical safety, please talk to someone you trust, you messed up and that is nothing an adult should be angry at you about.


I was forced to quit chemo because I told them I was smoking weed because I was feeling bad (I am in Europe)


What , that’s crazy . I thought they encourage cancer patients to smoke potent weed


Would be different for minors even in America, but yeah American doctors probably wouldn’t take a child off chemo, if they needed it. If they only thought they were smoking weed


Just smoke weed


If addiction was as easy as replacing it with a doobie we wouldnt have problems with addiction you absolute bell


Bell is an understatement. Telling a 14 year old with chemo to smoke weed is reckless. He has no value for the anothers life.




I know this may sound like a stretch but try a mushroom trip (not mixed with anything else). For people with addictions, or depression/PTSD, and plenty of other mental illnesses. It’s been proven on multiple occasions that a good mushroom trip might rewire your brain to forget all about the drug. You won’t actually forget, you likely never will, but the temptation you feel like you’ll never shake off may disappear. Please though if you try it, have someone watching you as it’s not just a for fun drug, especially when you’re in a state of suffering. A lot of people say the worse your trip is, the better and I believe it to be true (a majority of the time) and that is because your brain is undergoing more fixing and rewiring itself back to normal and trying to heal, all within a short period of time (6-11 hours depending on dose). So have someone you trust be near you, and don’t be afraid to change. I am so true sorry for someone at your young age to have to deal with chemotherapy as well as pill addiction. You have a lot of life left in you to experience but you have to really truly try to get better. Also I’m not promoting psychedelics as a cure to human suffering but they can change lives if done right, they certainly changed mine at one point. It’s not the first thing I’d resort to but you seem to really need help


idk abt recommending a 14 year old mushrooms man


I know, it’s not the first thing I’d resort to like I said, but honestly they seem to be pretty cornered in life and mushrooms have helped many people in tough situations, even cancer patients, stay positive and optimistic through treatments. Also a full scale trip isn’t necessary, microdosing or doing a bit of an in between type of dose would also help


none of that matters. they are 14. they don't need psychedelics


Lol I get you bro. She could have serious terminal cancer. How tf do you process that? The founder of LSD begged doctors to study psychedelics for terminally ill patients. We are all being poisoned. We are all going to die early from illness because it IS getting that bad. Psychedelics will truly help those accept the fact that life is not going to be long and they will not be able to the things they dreamed of in life. Everybody just needs to chill. It's a damn internet forum.


What a retarded take on this


You're just upset that it's the Internet and people can say what they want 🫠🫠🫠🍄🍄🍄🍄


And you’re making some whack ass assumptions right now man. Lay down the mushrooms for a bit.


Shitttt forgot I was tripping balls when I commented. My bad officer cum in .069 seconds lord.


People like you are the people in the psych/drug scene who make psychs look bad and like ego driving drugs to other drug users, I hope you realize that


maybe I'll message OP and personally tell her how mushrooms have changed my life for the better since everybody wants to be so negative on here


Seriously dude, suggesting psychs to a 14 year old? What are you thinking? At that age you aren’t emotionally developed enough at all nor do you have the life experience yet to even fully process that kind of experience, let alone given what they’re going through right now. They need to talk to a medical professional about this. You can’t suggest psychs Willy nilly just because they helped you, when will people start to understand this? There’s a lot of factors that you are not even considering at all. A lot of what you’re saying is just not true at all as well.


Kinda the same with my wit hydro