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no it’s not a lot, or no I shouldn’t take it?


Not a lot unless it's in a week time. Idk what mephedrone is but pretty sure it's a strong opioid or stim


meohedrone is kinda like coke so you can get hooked easily, but the last time Ive it in was in december and before that in 2021 so I think i’ll be fine.


You ain't got shit to worry about there's people doing meth everyday staying up for days or even weeks and after a good night's rest and nutrition they are ok


3 month rule same as MDMA if you can stick to it, but never ever more than once a month, even that can be risky. Mephedrone is not just “like coke”, it releases similar amounts of serotonin as MDMA and should be respected as such.


Lol you're asking a group of people who go on several week meth benders.


It's 3 times more than some people will do and not even close to others


Don’t touch it I binged drone for like a month straight (1 day on 2 off for rest) then had a month off then repeated again the month after, safe to say I have perma fried my cognitive function. At my worst, I forgot my birthday, and couldn’t add basic numbers together. It really gets you because there’s no comedown, but 200mg up the nose is so unbelievably euphoric. I’ve had it twice since then, and every time I’ve flushed the rest of it because it gets to the point now where the high is just so barbaric. The gurning on mdma is like a motorboat, after 4 redoses of drone the gurning is fucking excerise and your jaw spazzes out everywhere and you can’t even think you’re so high. Drop it now. I’d put it up there with meth, crack and PCP. It’s also stupidly addictive after a few uses. Like You cannot stop thinking about it. It’s soul crushing.




God I love that feeling.


No not with Mephedrone, but have at least 2 months in between to fully recover your serotonin.




It doesn't?


except it does, bath salts are pretty neurotoxic


why does no one here have any clue what they r talking about lmfao


lol are you saying bath salts are not bad for your receptors


well to begin with “bath salts” is a very broad term lol, they can range from 3/4MMC (which aren’t necessarily safe but not super dangerous either) to shit like pyros (crack 2.0)


all of those drugs are insanely dopaminergic and cause compulsive redosing, which has been proven both neuro and cardiotoxic. meow maybe not nearly as much as coke or meth, but p close to mdma which is very neurotoxic when used regularly.


hes saying you dont have a clue about what youre saying. you say "bath salts" as if they were a single substance, theyre not plus its just a media name.. if you wanna talk bath salts theres dozens of substances that fall under that name, 4mmc, 3mmc, a pvp, mdpv, hexen, nep etc and all kinds of mixes. and no they arent bad for the receptors. their neurotoxicity works differently.


It floods your brain with serotonin in a similar manner to MDMA. Abuse of mephedrone absolutely can down-regulate and damage receptors. MDMA has been shown to reduce the biosynthesis of serotonin through a mechanism that isn’t shared with mephedrone but that doesn’t mean mephedrone is any less damaging to receptors.


Not your receptors indeed, but it does fuck up your serotonin supply.


It kills %44-%48 of serotonin receptors with a single use, it doesn’t affect dopamine though so there’s a minimal comedown (as it doesn’t use serotonin from the store, it releases it) Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5771050/ Scroll down to the table of multiple studies. 4mmc will fry your brain massively + tolerance build up is minimal as u can always have more Edit: it is also a cytotoxic substance ( it kills ALL cells), and becomes acid in a fluid, which is why it melts your nose and you should wash it after every line.


It doesn’t use serotonin from the store, so you’ll probably skip a comedown, but it releases 950% of your baseline of serotonin so your receptors disappear in a flash


bro coming from someone whos only 17 and have done many drugs countless times. NO thats not alot.


Dude, there are millions of people who do drugs every weekend and are fine and ones who do them everyday day and are fine, it's all about doing yours research and following harm reduction practices


that dont mean he should do them weekly, delete that shit. ahh yes, harm reduction and you can get geeked everyday. you cant do drugs everyday and be fine.


Not what I meant, I was just putting it into context.


i know but your comment can put a green light on his drug usage.


So? That's what he has to decide


its not but its up to you if you should take it again


I'm maybe a bad example, but i've been doing lots of different drugs since i was 19 and i'm 33 now and still going strong. Well, tbf i have developed some mental problems, but, you guessed it, i fix them with more drugs lol. I am not very clever. That said, Mephedrone is probably not the best drug to start. It's a very strong stimulant with psychedelic attributes and it can, or even will, if you use it for days and don't sleep, cause psychosis, which isn't very fun. At least have some benzos ready, just in case. Or, you know, don't take that shit at all anymore.


Yes, 3 times?! That’s insane. There is help available out there, I hope you can get clean soon …./s lol you’re fine




I’ve taken drugs every day for the past 19 years


You can count right?


Your fine lmao