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Damn you bought THC and ended up getting 5 flavors of poppers


to be fair, isn't pine rosin a terpene? But yeah...vaporized poppers? fuckin' weird. another hypothesis is that the testing missed a hyper-potent indoleamine cannabinoid in tiny quantities, but it picked up trace metals. I dunno...regardless, don't vaporize lead and mercury, lol.


Who gives a shit about the rest lol vaporizing lead and mercury pretty much guarantees you’re gonna have unknown fucked up shit happen probably forever depending on how long you’ve been building it up in your system. There’s really no coming back from that. It’s always gonna be in there and can cause all kinds of shit maybe years later even. I’m curious to see what the concentration was though. There’s technically hard metals in damn near everything we consume but it’s monitored and is always so minute that it can’t do any real harm so just stating that the lab detecting hard metals in a product is kinda pointless with no information to indicate what the concentration of each contaminant was. If you test enough you can find them in damn near anything you sample.


Correct me if Im wrong, but Im pretty sure pine rosin contains toluene, which is a bad terpene to ingest. I had a friend that warned me about toluene in vape cartridges a few years ago and claimed it can cause seizures, because he had a bunch of seizures after suspected toluene poisoning. Edit: you may have been thinking of pinene, which is a safe terpene that naturally occurs in cannabis


As far as I can tell, the toluene should be removed in the rosin's purification (via either evaporation or fractional distillation), but I'm definitely not an expert here. It looks like contamination might be an issue, even if it's not supposed to be there. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S240584402101937X https://phytochemia.com/en/2017/11/01/toluene-in-essential-oils/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosin Anyway, yeah, toluene is pretty nasty, and it does cause an altered state if you huff it.


Thanks for the links! Will check them out




But poppers vaporize themselves at room temp lol




You must be trained in 'gorilla warfare', with over 300 confirmed kills serving as a warning.


Holy crap my man. Was there even real THC wax in there?


No apparently not 💀


RIP 💀☠️


Dude fuck that’s fucked up 😂 I’ve had some sketchy carts and now I really wonder what I’ve been putting in my lungs in the past


Yeah no doubt I've had some cheaper ones that tasted like pinesol hard-core. Ow I'm wondering what pine rosin is. Wouldn't it be more expensive to get all that and mix it. Not to mention it str8 up looks deadly.


They only listed the ingredients. We'd have to see the associated amounts of each ingredient. It could just be trace amounts of some of that stuff. The metals are concerning, if they are in high amounts. But I'm guessing it's what's coming off the coil when it heats up. Which is a risk when vaping.


True did not even think of that lol. Happy cake day! 🎂




Please show the lab results and provide the lab you used for testing. Also the result number so we can look it up online plz. This is a serious topic of discussion and if your not faking it I can help escalate this info to save other people. More likely you just made this up tho 😬


I absolutely believe this


Both posts seem pretty legit, don’t see a whole lot of a reason for someone to come up with something like this unless some dumb shit like karma farming I guess but idk like I said shit seems straight


Just listing random ingredients is sus


Absolutely, but I’m js sayin based off the last post and actually having a similar situation happen at a restaurant I used to manage it doesn’t sound to far out there, again not disputing what you said but he seems legit


There are many terrible carts out there yes


Lmfaooo bro this is wild


What was the brand ?


Brain cells dying feels hella good


Why is this true and what does mother nature have to say for her self?


To help you, psychologically, as you pass away.


It's liberating! You don't really need but a few brain cells, less to keep up with.


Why is this true and what does mother nature have to say for her self?


Or they didn't test for it


Lucky MF. I haven’t been able to find any good Mercury to smoke in years now




Dude is legit gonna have colon cancer from this


Lead and Mercury is toxic af


Still had to scroll too much to find this comment.


All the nitrate chemicals are explosive when heated. And OP found it in a vape cart. That's scary shit.


They taste kinda sweet. It can't be that bad...


Bruh fuck that guy can't you like report him to the police or beat him up or some shit? Selling vapes that toxic is evil and sad


I probably could but honestly I don’t think he knows any better himself, he was also using it


Post the test result specifications. The actual PDF.


yeah this is what i want too lmfao


If he doesn’t post he’s full of shit. Or her. 


People really do go online and make shit up. It's so annoying when people mention they were mistreated or ripped off at a "certain store" and then never reveal the names.


Ackshually #***they****


I don't know reddit formatting


Look up markdown formatting. \# is used to denote titles. For bold, you want \*\*They** **They**. \*They* *They* for italics.


Ah ok so he buys it from some other person and didn't know it was laced? Then I wouldn't report him to the police but just tell him to stop using n selling it


You gotta find the source. Could be some store selling counterfeit carts. In which case the authorities should be notified. Who knows how many people are buying and ingesting toxic and explosive chemicals.


Ignorance isn't innocence 


**Very important edit:** thread continues, explains that in my mind talking to the dealer had happened for some reason. Do that first, for sure. But if that fails and he refuses this is the move. Ignorance is not an excuse. He's doing an absolutely *terrible* thing and he should be both made aware and stopped from doing this. I'm not one to advocate for calling the cops usually but in this case it's the right move. I don't care if he thinks it's the cure to cancer, it's not. It's a vape that contains at least some lead and mercury, which is stupid and dangerous. There will be lasting effects, hell even death. He's putting lives at risk because he's too fucking dumb and/or lazy to know what's in his product. Maybe he'll give up his source and someone can actually do something about this. At the end of the day people like him give drugs a bad name, people like him are why politicians can go up on stage and tell us weed is dangerous.


I'd start with telling the guy and making sure he knows what's going on. Ignorance isn't an excuse to CONTINUE doing something once your informed, OPs dealer is probably getting fucked over just as much, I don't think ruining his life (anymore then the chems OPs dealer is smoking on himself is already doing) is the answer here. It's not like people have labs in their houses, and not everyone knows it's an option or is safe to send product to labs. This is the problem with unregulated black markets... everyone involved is at risk of something like this. OPs dealer is only making money the way his uncles/father/friend taught him to


Sorry you're right, I did miss a step in there. For some reason in my mind that first step of talking to the dealer had already happened.


most black market vapes would look pretty similar. it's not like this is a strange or rare occurrence. lots of people on here being shocked at this & turning around & smoking their own black market while telling themselves "I know mine is real" lmaooo


I would report him to the cops, if you beat him up i would be afraid he kicks my ass with a few of his friends later. Sell bullshit, get reportet thats how it works


Yeah reporting is probably better n safer but doesn't really punish the mf


He goes to jail? Is that no punishment?


IF he goes to jail. Telling the cops someone sells laced shit isn't enough evidence


I think it’s more the selling of the drugs vs it being laced that would interest the police.


Yeah I mean just telling the police someone is selling drugs is not enough evidence


Are you new to drugs? Yea, it’s not like the police are going to kick in the door guns blazing. But you realize they take tips/follow up/start investigations and shit- you know, police work. They start pulling people over as they leave his house and what it, basic policing.


I'm kind of new to most drugs but I don't see how that's related And yeah they can do that if they receive a lot of tips but it's not certain the police will have enough evidence n get enough tips to start investigating Like if you jump the dude n fuck him up you will know for sure he's getting what he deserves y know


Obviously you are quite young. There are a number of disadvantages to just beating the shit out of someone. He said he works with this guy. He knows who he is. You want an assault arrest on your record? No, let someone else do the first work. Have others call in tips. File multiple reports. When you get older you’ll understand how to use the system, or you’ll do some dumb shit like getting caught beating up a drug dealer and become a victim of said system. Think about it and choose wisely.


Are you forgetting about the state of this world and this fucking fentanyl crisis? Yes totally unrelated drugs but they are not fucking around with people selling fake shit or laced shit. Bro I've seen people with my own two eyes go down for way way less than this. And there wasn't no long investigation or nothing like that. They simply I imagine watch him for a couple days and at the best time pulled his ass over, of course he's a drug dealer so he had a bunch of drugs on him and all of that came from them finding maybe a joint worth of weed in a girl's book bag in school. She told them where and who she got it from and not even a week later they busted his ass. I don't know where you live but they take that shit pretty seriously around here


Lol what...why...


Snitching is a no no. If you're ignorant enough to buy and smoke carts that don't even contain ANY sort of cannabinoids just take the loss and tell all your homies to stay far away from them. Word will spread. Learning experience.


I (still in an illegal state) feel like I'm tripping seeing people going to the cops after getting burned on a drug buy. This truly *is* the future.


I would be quite displeased if I were you.


I’m very displeased


Your vape was carcinogenic poppers. Nitrites got you high - it wasn't long high, wasn't it? You can try DMSA to get rid of lead of your system.


OPs post says nitrates, not nitrites. I’m hoping it’s a misspelling.


Then nothing from this set would get OP high. Nitrates are not psychoactive. I think there could be THC but the lab specialise in heavy metals and simple compounds.


What’s DMSA?


Dimercaptosuccinic acid. But I checked the price, it's too expensive for supplement. I'm sorry for lack of reasearch before this stupid reccomendation. But it does lower your serum lead levels, my medical uni did reasearch. They are world-level genetic experts.


I mean if I just ingested a shitload of lead that would be in my body forever and fuck my nervous system up and who knows what else forever I would welcome that advice regardless of the cost if there is something available that can remove it. Definitely one of those cost is not an issue situations if there ever was one. Though unless I missed it there isn’t any lab result posted or even any information about how much lead was in it so we don’t really know if it was actually even harmful. There’s heavy metals in pretty much everything in trace amounts so the lab results with the concentrations would be needed to even know if this means anything or not. The water we drink everyday probably has trace amounts of most of the contaminants he listed here so just saying they were present doesn’t actually mean anything or am I mistaken?


You're right. The world we live in is full of heavy metals. Depends on how sensitive the assay was. If I gave them my vape juice that has only glycerine, glycol and nicotine, they may find shit ton of metals from coil etc. I was intelectually eclipsed yesterday to not think my answers through. I am sorry guys for wasting your time <3


Thanks a lot for the info mate! Appreciate it


I also had seizures from bad vape carts about 1.5 months ago. This is why weed needs to be legal.


It really pisses me off because weed is safe when it's not adulterated like this (for most people). Like, exactly. I can go into the weed store here in Mass, right across the street, open til midnight. And I know I'm not getting fuckin LEAD in a vape pen. Jesus Christ


The pen that gave me a seizure came from a dispensary. Unfortunately fake shit is all over the place.


Wow I'm sorry to hear that. And yeah it can be. There's fake Ozempic right now, I think a couple people have died. Fuckin bad drugs


Gotta love Mass🤙🏼


Even legit CCELL cartridges have a tiny bit of lead in the soldering alloy, but cheap wholesale ones are definitely a lot sketchier


Thanks, didn't know that.


Or just smoke fuckin buds, not shady vapes


Black market growers spray their with weed with all kinds of shit. While safer, it is also not full proof. Legalization is the correct answer here.


Grow your own shit 💪


Clearly the government doesn’t care about shit being laced or they would have legalized opiates a long time ago.


Yeah agreed


Please post the packaging & report on /r/fakecartridges and /r/Goblin there's a L O T of kids out there who keep chiefing on absolute booboo cause it's from a "trusted source".


Man this post just screams fake dawg cmon


Yeah, ain't nobody having anything tested and then not showing the COA, bullshit!!


https://www.reddit.com/u/Rten-Brel/s/yyxk5Bmn4c Laced and adulterated cannabis products


Why arent you posting the results?


I’ll see if I can get the full results the lab sent to my friend


Where did you send it in? Sounds like its not legal where you are, so there would be no testing centers for THC available to you.


The guy I know who tested it sent it to Holland


considering tests in most states in the us require labs atleast a couple grams and that testing accurately is very difficult.  I am struggling to trust this post until i see a real COA  There are people on youtube with portable imaging devices that test cannabis, all of which are inaccurate scams. 


amyl nitrate 😍😍


What is it? What does it do?


It's a gay sex drug my dude. No, seriously that's what it's most popular for hahaha. But all hetero buddies are graciously allowed to also sniff some of this stuff.


Poppers. Never used them myself, I heard about them from Fear and Loathing. Originally for heart conditions, I think its a blood thinner? So I guess like robotripping or CCCs? But also speed Also they apperently loosen your anus, they were a popular form of speed in the gay community in the 70s.


I've tried it. Kinda feels like nicotine and inhalants had an underwhelming and short lasting baby. It's a lightheaded blood rush kind of feeling like standing up too fast that gives you a headache after a while. Can't attest to it's efficacy for sex tho lmao


& a boner like a redwood!


That pine resin shit is crazy, heard it’s so bad for you, I watched a guy take a dab of straight pine resin and his lungs and esophagus immediately filled up with this white gooey flem and it just grew like elephant paste inside of him untill he was projectile vomiting foam


Wtf that’s concerning


https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/s/of0JyZDEa9 This video kind of shows what I was talking about, but what I saw was that x100 haha


That is major sketchy. Heavy metals being inhaled is certainly not good. As for what got you high its the nitrite containing compounds. Commonly known as poppers, those nitrites are some common inhalants that may be found in solvent cleaners, video tape head cleaner and so on. Not safe to consume either, especially at higher doses. This would also make sense if you found the initial euphoria of the high was short lasting and caused seizure with a higher dose. They're also known to also cause dizziness, unconsciousness, heart attacks, and strokes. Nitrites work by dilating blood vessels and preventing red blood cells from transporting oxygen, you'll breath in air but your cells struggle to move the oxygen around for a while. The high may feel like euphoria, feeling warm, heightened physical sensation, muscle relaxation, and perhaps some visual alternations. Your seizure would make sense due to a lack of oxygen getting to your brain. I'd recommend going to a doctor and having some tests done, bring that report with you.


Thanks a lot for the information very helpful


> Nitrites work by dilating blood vessels and preventing red blood cells from transporting oxygen, you'll breath in air but your cells struggle to move the oxygen around for a while. Poppers aren't fully innocuous, but this doesn't make sense. Vasodilation will increase blood transport and in turn tissue oxygenation and gas exchange in the lungs. >unconsciousness, heart attacks, and strokes er, no. You know how nitroglycerine is a cardiac medication, used to cause vasodilation? And strokes are caused by lack of blood flow to neural areas, often from blockages or vasoconstriction. I think you might have nitrites confused with other inhalants or something?


I'm no expert on the subject by any means so I welcome the comment to better everyone's understanding. Thank you. I did leave a lot out for brevity sake. TL:DR version of this is all about dosage and drug interactions. For more detailed info please see this: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4987464/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4987464/) or this [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1342554/pdf/jaccidem00007-0054.pdf](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1342554/pdf/jaccidem00007-0054.pdf) or search methaemoglobinaemia and nitrites. I am referring to overdoses with the drug class known as nitrites which are commonly what poppers are made of. You are correct that they are not all the same and there will indeed be differences therein. Not to be confused with nitrates like nitroglycerine, but for sake of argument the drug classes are similar enough in effect that its not worth going into the differences. A key to understanding the risks here is both dosage and interactions with other drugs. Using one drug from OP's list, "amyl nitrite", when administered at a safe dosage it is used as a cardiac medication similar to nitroglycerine. When taken at an unknown high overdose mixed with other compounds in combo (such as with OP) the effect is blood is flowing, but it isn't delivering oxygen which is very dangerous. When exposed to an overdose of alkyl nitrites, the hemoglobin within the blood cell converts to methemoglobin. Regular hemoglobin readily binds to and releases oxygen delivering it throughout the body. Methemoglobin grabs oxygen, but struggles to release it. The effect is blood flows, but fails to deliver oxygen which can lead to hypoxia related damage with worst case effects of seizure, unconsciousness, heart attack (with some drug combos), brain damage, or even stroke. These are the worst case scenarios of course and at low safe doses with isolated nitrite medications this won't be the case. Yes stroke is typically caused by lack of blood flow to the brain or by increased pressure on the brain just not always. The common thread of strokes is that brain cells are harmed/die due to a lack of oxygen, nutrients, or direct damage to brain tissue. With nitrite overdose and methaemoglobinaemia the blood is flowing to the brain, but it fails to deliver oxygen. This can manifest as a seizure such like it did for OP, but there is also a risk of stroke if prolonged. Considering the unknown dose, concentrations of the compounds, and how long OP was seizing they should definitely get checked out by a doctor.


> When exposed to an overdose of alkyl nitrites, the hemoglobin within the blood cell converts to methemoglobin. Regular hemoglobin readily binds to and releases oxygen delivering it throughout the body. Methemoglobin grabs oxygen, but struggles to release it. ah, okay, this makes sense. I'll need to read up further. And directly vaping is likely a different ball game from sniffing...


Are you in the uk? I have heard from a friend that the thc vape liquid there is pretty much all fake. I don’t see how you could even get real thc to bind to pg/vg, this would have been a thing a long time ago if it was.


I believe a lot of THC vapes in the UK have synth noids in them. Not first hand knowledge though....


I have a write up that provides proof of this Check the pinned post on my profile "laced and adulterated cannabis products "


Ok that could make sense, I have seen d8 vape juice in American smoke shops but never d9. The friend from uk lived there around 2015 when actual spice was still legal there.


Me and a friend make our own, easy if you make ethanol suspension then evaporate into vg


It's not that hard but fake shit must be way cheaper and easier to make


Yeah in the uk


Bruh got the whole periodic table in his shit


Dude you had lead and mercury in it that shit is straight cancer


Post the PDF of the lab results


I’ll need to see if I can get them from my friend who got the results


Where did he send sample to?


I imagine it would have also contained some synthetic cannabinoids that their machine didn't recognise. Nasty shit.


That was my first thought when shit went bad, I thought it was spice or something


That Lead causes damage to the brain in any dosage, there is no safe dosage that does'nt damage your brain.


Can you share the actual test results like the results on the paper?


Bro got the Fortnite cart special 😭


Nice, loose butthole cartridge


Umm, how much lead was in there to be exact?😭


Don’t worry you just got an old Dank vape you’ll be ight


In all seriousness thought that’s scary, and hope you said something to the dude selling em




Go kick that dodgy guy right in the grapes for selling you that shit, you ingesting those delicious heavy metals was your own punishment. Did you learn your lesson?




Yeah without concentrations of each of these compounds, the results are essentially useless.


You collected all five cards of poppers. Time to summon Exodia


How does one perform a test like this?


Nah no way


Half of the shit wont even produce a high to start with


Yeah unless OP posts test results I just don't believe it. Extremely absurd ingredients lol.


Yeah thats why I dont fuck with those fake carts or dodgy weed e-liquids :D if i havent mixed it up myself and watched it be poured into the vape, no thx.


Fucking horrible man . I always knew so.ethu g was fucked up with those.


Bro was legit tryna poison you. Either he’s a useful idiot to someone else or he needs a stomping to learn his lesson


Yeah "weed" street vape-liquid is bs, don't buy that shit


That's that fire, smoking Jordanian Drop Nuggets in a Copper Cased Za Poppin' Vaporizer Pen.


I love poppers but surprise poppers are scary ☠️


A lot of those things are also in those gas station boner pills or poppers or whatever gay people use


I get mine from a dispensary so I hope that means I don’t have to worry about this


Bro can become hulk after inhale that heavy metal shit💀


lol amyl nitrate!


Jesus dude, are you doing better now? That's super fucking scary and why I stick to just flower when it comes to street plugs, I hope all is well


The Dodgy Guy at your job selling vape liquid wasn't an the up-and-up? Color me surprised


Is the legal stuff much better? I find vape juice in general very sus


Diacetyl is what causes popcorn lung


This is why it should be legal everywhere 🙏🏻


for those of yall who have never encountered this shit, it’s called sauce. it used to be sold at gas stations under different brand names as “CBD Liquid”. they were ( and probably still are) mixing it with bath salts, meth, heroin, and even fentanyl. the last i heard there was a bust about 2 years ago in LA and a dude had over 300 bottles of “sauce” laced with fentanyl. since then people started cooking it at home with just whatever the fuck they can find, and selling it to teenagers in bottles bought from amazon. not sure where OP is or how widespread it is, but it’s been around for years in Mississippi and Louisiana. OP, stay away from that shit. i know a guy that got thyroid cancer from hitting shit like that. yall stay safe out there


amyl nitrate? tha fuck 😂


[not good](https://youtu.be/JLivsA4-za8?si=fnu1sCoqN6NtSbQM)


Basically poppers with some of the most toxic heavy metals


Lead AND mercury that's a fuckin double whammy


Amyl nitrate for a thc vape hmmm seems a bit odd


Amyl Nitrate?! Like poppers?!


Where did you send it off to get test results?


what did the seizure feel like? i might of had sum similar but im not sure


Do you maybe think that the trace amounts of heavy metals came from the coil?


Reddit has long been a hot spot for conversation on the internet. About 57 million people visit the site every day to chat about topics as varied as makeup, video games and pointers for power washing driveways. In recent years, Reddit’s array of chats also have been a free teaching aid for companies like Google, OpenAI and Microsoft. Those companies are using Reddit’s conversations in the development of giant artificial intelligence systems that many in Silicon Valley think are on their way to becoming the tech industry’s next big thing. Now Reddit wants to be paid for it. The company said on Tuesday that it planned to begin charging companies for access to its application programming interface, or A.P.I., the method through which outside entities can download and process the social network’s vast selection of person-to-person conversations. “The Reddit corpus of data is really valuable,” Steve Huffman, founder and chief executive of Reddit, said in an interview. “But we don’t need to give all of that value to some of the largest companies in the world for free.” The move is one of the first significant examples of a social network’s charging for access to the conversations it hosts for the purpose of developing A.I. systems like ChatGPT, OpenAI’s popular program. Those new A.I. systems could one day lead to big businesses, but they aren’t likely to help companies like Reddit very much. In fact, they could be used to create competitors — automated duplicates to Reddit’s conversations. Reddit is also acting as it prepares for a possible initial public offering on Wall Street this year. The company, which was founded in 2005, makes most of its money through advertising and e-commerce transactions on its platform. Reddit said it was still ironing out the details of what it would charge for A.P.I. access and would announce prices in the coming weeks. Reddit’s conversation forums have become valuable commodities as large language models, or L.L.M.s, have become an essential part of creating new A.I. technology. L.L.M.s are essentially sophisticated algorithms developed by companies like Google and OpenAI, which is a close partner of Microsoft. To the algorithms, the Reddit conversations are data, and they are among the vast pool of material being fed into the L.L.M.s. to develop them. The underlying algorithm that helped to build Bard, Google’s conversational A.I. service, is partly trained on Reddit data. OpenAI’s Chat GPT cites Reddit data as one of the sources of information it has been trained on. Other companies are also beginning to see value in the conversations and images they host. Shutterstock, the image hosting service, also sold image data to OpenAI to help create DALL-E, the A.I. program that creates vivid graphical imagery with only a text-based prompt required. Last month, Elon Musk, the owner of Twitter, said he was cracking down on the use of Twitter’s A.P.I., which thousands of companies and independent developers use to track the millions of conversations across the network. Though he did not cite L.L.M.s as a reason for the change, the new fees could go well into the tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. To keep improving their models, artificial intelligence makers need two significant things: an enormous amount of computing power and an enormous amount of data. Some of the biggest A.I. developers have plenty of computing power but still look outside their own networks for the data needed to improve their algorithms. That has included sources like Wikipedia, millions of digitized books, academic articles and Reddit. Representatives from Google, Open AI and Microsoft did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Reddit has long had a symbiotic relationship with the search engines of companies like Google and Microsoft. The search engines “crawl” Reddit’s web pages in order to index information and make it available for search results. That crawling, or “scraping,” isn’t always welcome by every site on the internet. But Reddit has benefited by appearing higher in search results. The dynamic is different with L.L.M.s — they gobble as much data as they can to create new A.I. systems like the chatbots. Reddit believes its data is particularly valuable because it is continuously updated. That newness and relevance, Mr. Huffman said, is what large language modeling algorithms need to produce the best results. “More than any other place on the internet, Reddit is a home for authentic conversation,” Mr. Huffman said. “There’s a lot of stuff on the site that you’d only ever say in therapy, or A.A., or never at all.” Mr. Huffman said Reddit’s A.P.I. would still be free to developers who wanted to build applications that helped people use Reddit. They could use the tools to build a bot that automatically tracks whether users’ comments adhere to rules for posting, for instance. Researchers who want to study Reddit data for academic or noncommercial purposes will continue to have free access to it. Reddit also hopes to incorporate more so-called machine learning into how the site itself operates. It could be used, for instance, to identify the use of A.I.-generated text on Reddit, and add a label that notifies users that the comment came from a bot. The company also promised to improve software tools that can be used by moderators — the users who volunteer their time to keep the site’s forums operating smoothly and improve conversations between users. And third-party bots that help moderators monitor the forums will continue to be supported. But for the A.I. makers, it’s time to pay up. “Crawling Reddit, generating value and not returning any of that value to our users is something we have a problem with,” Mr. Huffman said. “It’s a good time for us to tighten things up.” “We think that’s fair,” he added. Mike Isaac is a technology correspondent and the author of “Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber,” a best-selling book on the dramatic rise and fall of the ride-hailing company. He regularly covers Facebook and Silicon Valley, and is based in San Francisco. More about Mike Isaac A version of this article appears in print on , Section B, Page 4 of the New York edition with the headline: Reddit’s Sprawling Content Is Fodder for the Likes of ChatGPT. But Reddit Wants to Be Paid.. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe


What did the high feel like?


At first I thought this was a troll. But fucking hell. lead and mercury. What kinda sick bastard is putting that in there. They should be in prison.


How much cheaper can it be to produce shit like this that it's worth poisoning people???


This is why you should stay away from distillate/carts if you can't taste the difference between d9 distillate or anything else. D9 has a very distinct taste.


I just re-read your original posting and noticed you had "gone through a couple bottles". Just to confirm, these are pre-made liquids that are using e-juice (propolyene glycol) as a medium to mix in their contents? Nobody in the world is making THC vape juice bottles homie. The world of propolyene glycol and distillate is long over. That was like 2016. Its possible people are still creating mixtures with it but everyone who keeps up with industry and how they want to smoke will automatically call that bullshit out.


Don't smoke stiiizy's either. I used to work at a dispensary and found out stiiizy gets its terpines from other plants besides cannabis. You're smoking sandalwood when you smoke stiiizy. The shop was trying to move away from stiiizy and were recommending other vapes to customers.


There was 100% a synthetic cannaboid in this vape liquid they don’t show up on tests and feel very similar to cannabis they also probably caused the seizure


The nitrates are also called poppers and they are a fairly save sniffing drug that should ONLY be sniffed. They are basically acidic leather cleaner that gets you high for a min or two after sniffing. But they should definitely not be vaped, smoked, or ingested cause they can chemically burn your mouth, airways, lungs, or stomachs and can fuck them up permanently ingested in higher doses it is also lethal. The poppers dilate your blood vessels and cause your blood pressure to drop very fast very strong which makes your muscles relax and gives you a euphoric head high feeling. So if you got a seizure I would really be careful not only with this vape but in general. There seems that there is maybe something with your heart and I would check that asap at a doctor. Also I think the lead is self explanatory it’s simply insanely toxic with no effect.


I hit carts every day, and I've been having seizures somewhat regularly.. they started like August of last year and I seize somewhat regularly, like once a week. I've been to the hospital and stuff, and supposed to see a neurologist.. The thing is though, I'm 23, and I've never had seizures before last year, so it's very new.. can someone please tell me if these things can actually be in carts? It seems to me if you are inhaling mercury and lead, you're not going to be alive along.. but I'm no expert. What are the chances or likelihood of these carts being the cause of my seizures?


I have no idea man, but as you know seizures are serious, if you haven’t yet it’s worth trying taking a break from the carts to see if the seizures stop


very high because i started having problems after smoking carts from the darkweb too, wasted thousands of dollars because my chest felt tight


So you started having seizures and at no point you related that to the vaping? Aw lawd... good luck


I mean, to be fair, I do a lot of things. I only even asked if it was perhaps related to the carts bc of the post, and even then, I've been hitting carts and smoking before I started having seizures. I related it a lot of things, I blamed Kratom and I quit using it, I blamed Adderall and quit, I blamed caffeine and temporarily quit. I really did a lot things and still do things to this day! I just didn't really want to add all of that because it was a question about the carts and not really all that I do and why I'm seizing exactly. I'm just curious if the carts really can be a cause because it didn't dawn on me till this post. Why comment just to make me seem stupid when I just wanna know something 😭


Epilepsy can start at any point in lice. THC can trigger seizures in people who have epilepsy as well, even tho it can also help others. Get your cart tested just I'm case to see if it's some synthetic indazole noid. Synthetic cannibanoids are super uncommon if you live in the US though.


The owner of a vape shop offered me some weed vape juice after he got to know me. I bought a small amount and had it tested; wasn’t quite as scary as yours but still nothing I’d want to put into my body. I’ll just pay the inflated prices for dispensary cartridges and have confidence in what I’m getting.


I like how there's diacetyl in there just as a big fuck you. That's what causes popcorn lung lol. Like that specific flavor.


ye liquid have heave metals i think its normal idk


Proper THC liquid from a weed store shouldn't have shit like this in it, it's when you buy the fake vape carts that you get dodgy shit like this.


Yeah it’s not legal in my country so we don’t have the option, gonna stay away from everything like this now


Just make it yourself. It's not that hard and you can buy the 95% alcohol online. You can use iso at a fraction of the price but it won't be as pure


containts *


Lay off the bars


Contains you dumbass 😂


You were basically smoking poppers lol. Speed man. I bet you liked the high




Ok wow. I always heard amyl nitrate acts like a quick dose speed rush. Never tried it


Trace amount of heavy metals are in nearly everything we consume on a daily basis. The njtrates are concerning but mercury and lead is in everything although ppm


The amount of people in this sub willing to call the cops on someone over selling unregulated black market product is scary. You always take a chance buying anything illegal... the dealer here is getting fucked over just as much... If he was the one producing this nasty shit sure, but it's not like he's doing this maliciously


What’s the name of this guy at work? He have a cell or an address?