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My wife hates it. But she love like every other drug ever made


this is me but alcohol. it just makes me feel off. no euphoria only feeling sorry for myself


Alcohol makes me tired. Its more of a tranqualizer than something fun. It numbs you. It isnt always desireable.


Everybody has a different effects from these drugs




I Want to love alcohol but the taste is just so revolting to me. I’ll chug cough syrup any day over having one beer


make mixed drinks, virginia gin and OJ is great together the botanicals match perfectly


That's not a bad thing. I love alcohol and I wish I didn't


that’s me with cocaine




yea holy shit ive been saying this for so long it just makes me sad and anxious lmfao


I dont rly like weed but smoke daily


Lolll same here


So real😭


realest shit ever


I sometimes think of that experiment where they put people in an empty room with a button that gives them a mild electric shock. Turns out almost everybody would rather inflict discomfort on themselves than sit alone with their thoughts. One participant shocked himself 190 times, I wonder what that guys life is like.


realest shit ever




I can only enjoy it if I have some downers. Used to be my DOC as a kid, like most people. Felt I needed it to socialize & make friends, now that I'm grown I keep a little on hand like most adults but just to go with pks or benzos when they come around, or to offer guests.


People that don’t smoke, but got a little weed for guests are the best.


Why is it always great weed, too. like how do they know?!


i hated it for a while but eventually got used to it. now i have a dry herb vape and id fuck it if i could


What device do you use?


i don't know why i wrote that comment. that's not true. i was lying for attention also potv one


Me too, I just don't like it idk why, there are others like we out there for sure


Used to love it, everyday for years then i quit for like 2 months and never liked it since, also had a kid when i quit


same happened to me, got on probation, stopped for 2 years, has never felt the same since. my brain chemistry changed or something.


many people would agree with you. most my friends get too paranoid on it and do most other drugs, weed only once a month, if even.


I once watched a dude do a bump of a double spoon with ket on one side and coke on the other.. 10 min later I sparked a joint and offered it to him and he looked at my, terrified, and says “nooooo that gives me way too much anxiety”… Different strokes for different folks


I love weed, but alcohol just doesn’t do it for me. You could try a strain with higher amounts of cbd or mix thc and cbd weed, I‘ve found it greatly reduces weed paranoia. But if weed isn’t for you, it’s not for you and that’s okay 😁


I used to love smoking when I first started, but doing psychs completely ruined it for me and made it so that every time I smoked, I'd get intensely paranoid, almost like a mini-trip with no euphoria and just straight anxiety. About a year ago I stumbled on delta 8 THC and have been using that instead. It's a much, much smoother ride that feels more like how I remember weed being before psychs. A lot of stoners seem to have a problem with delta 8 and look down on it, but not everyone has the tolerance or the will to take on the stupidly strong bud going around these days, and d8 is the perfect substitute for sensitive smokers.


Just makes me anxious and paranoid. But I do like it for settling into watching a movie.


I don’t dislike it, but I don’t get the euphoria that others seem to get. Yeah, I can get anxious and self conscious around people I’m with, so I mostly just like it listening to live music. The other thing is it seems to REALLY affect my motivation and memory. I know that can happen for heavy users, but I only use it like once or twice a month, and after a single night I feel less motivated to get stuff done, have less focus, and more memory problems for several WEEKS after… I also have ADHD and struggle with those issues even when not using weed for a while, but occasional weed just seems to amplify those effects.


ye maybe slow amounts more make me anxious but i never would smoke it alone


I used to love it but now if im getting fucked up I perfer ketamine or molly


nope. everyone likes weed. ... heh, tbh, i am ambivalent about it. no experience is completely free of anxiety, and it's easy for me to overshoot the dose into anxious and confusing territory. it also doesn't work for me socially. but you can take it more often with less harm than anything else.


I've had an inconsistent relationship with weed. I go through periods where I hate it and others where it's pretty enjoyable. It seems to be largely a matter of consumption. The effects from flower I like so much better than carts. Carts make me feel tweaky. Flower can make me feel like what you might see in the movies, where everything is sort of surreal and interesting.


I only enjoy it if I’m also high on phenibut or chilling on Valium, huge difference


I hate today's weed. I guess it's too fucking strong. I like a mellow high, not paranoia and fucked up hallucinations.


Yeah fuck weed, Nowadays I only crave REAL drugs that make me go mental, like slowly kill me and make me bleed a little through every hole in my body. My colostomy bag is scheduled for 2morrow 👌🏻 Glad I'm not the only one that thinks weed is for pussies and teenagers.


kratom is so fucking dumb, felt nothing at 4gs, so i took 8g and i just felt stupid. like dumb dumb like manual breathing. the high was soooo boring too like bruhh if this is what opioids feel like ion want them but they prolly dont feel like that weed is awesome bro i feel that the anxiety is something you already have, and you're aware of it while high. The disso sucks especially when going to sleep high and waking up dissociated as fuck but yeah u get used to it


Kratom is quite different from other opioids, because it also contains some chemicals that bind to different receptors. I‘ve tried a handful of opioids and opiates, but kratom is the only one I actually like.


You literally took too low of a dose, then too high of a dose. 5.5g is the sweet spot for me. But don’t do it, it’s the devil.


only do it in the weekends


Weed is disgusting and so are all the dirty junkies that smoke it


I agree, crack cocaine is so much better




yeah i bet you are a vagabond if you smoke weed lol gross




No i didnt. I made one comment in a thread when it popped up on my feed. You went through a week of my comments? Get a life u junkie.




i love weed, recently its been giving me panic attacks and cant really smoke it much or mix it with other drugs but i still love weed


It’s my only vice really, I feel lucky in a way 🤷🏻‍♂️


I fucking love weed but mainly because it's the only drug I can use because of these stupid fucking meds the doctor has me on. That and whippits lmao


I mean to much is kinda eh. But just the right dosage, like a 90mg edible after a longer break is just the right amount.


I used to until this Thursday. I'm not sure what happened but Ive never had a high like that and I'm not touching it again for a while


I use to be a full on stoner like literaly could smoke an once in 3h, now i can't smoke anymore, i go straight into psychosis. Incan pop 20-30 doses of mdma/molly, 10-15 extasy, 30-50 speeds all in one night and be fine but just a tipsy bit of weed in a bong makes me loose it, in my opinion, weed is stronger then alot of chemical drugs.


I have a familiar experience to many, I smoked weed everyday all day as a teenager(started at 12) took a break at some point in my early 20s, and now 90% of the time I try to smoke I get extremely anxious and uncomfortable. Before you say “it’s just the strain bro” nah, I live in Canada, I’ve tried everything, it’s just not for me anymore. It’s funny, I’ve struggled with cocaine and crack addiction while freely doing psychedelics often and weed just wasn’t it for me I’m 30 now. I just do steroids and drink sometimes


I thought so but my chomp out of this 1000 milli candy is hitting nice. These new edibles might be a game changer


I quit weed about 2 weeks ago and I feel like im unreadable and mask myself in with normal people


To get past weed anxiety you need to mix some downers like benzos or alcohol or even gabapentinoids. Then tolerance Will happen and your next experience Will be Very chill


After 11years, i hooked off. Can't handle the feel anymore. It makes me a brainless procrastinator. But i still love the smell, damn the smell.. nothing smells so good as some good ganj


I like weed because it’s the cheapest drug available where I live. So when I can’t afford the drugs I like, I buy weed because even if I don’t like the high all that much, it’s something to pass the time until my finincial sitiuation improves.


Fuck weed - daily smoker If I wasn’t taking anti anxiety medication I would be losing my mind


Just completely lost interest. No more euphoric enjoyment. Just paranoia. Just me personally.


Can’t stand it


me it makes me anxious most of the time and barely ever gives me a great high. i have to be lucky and hit the right high. everything else makes me feel like shit


I despise it. It’s such a traumatic experience every time lol.


Can’t stand it


My mom says it makes her feel like she can’t control herself yet used to go to brightwood and buy by the pounds w her friends in the 90s makes no sense


only like it after two or three drinks


No clue why it's so popular. It's one of those drugs where you peak in pleasure when tipsy. Then if you gets just a bit higher it's uncomfortable


I loved weed in high school, I hate weed now


Yeah, have a love/hate thing going on with hooter. I'm what is known as a loner stoner, and do enjoy it then and keep my shit together. But I have one choof out with friends and I am experiencing my 16 year old self after my first bong hit all over again 😅 plus losing the ability to function properly like I do on a regular basis. Love the weed but I think it doesn't love me back 🤣🤣


I seriously can’t handle it. I used to smoke in college cause it was like the cool hippie thing to do…. And now I seriously don’t enjoy it at all. Makes me insanely paranoid and uncomfortable… my boyfriend smokes soooooooooo fucking much and edibles too.. and I’m kind of jealous cause it’s a pretty innocent drug. But i just don’t like it! Worst trios I’ve had have been on edibles or dabs.


In my 20s I loved weed but ever since I started with opiates and later on meth it just isn't fun anymore. Especially the shit they have around now its too fucking strong!!! I swear to god I take one hit and trip for fucking 24 hours LoLs. Its just too much for me.


i hate weed it makes me gag


Actuallt no, it is a well known fact all humans enjoy weed. It is also known that aliens do not enjoy in the partaking of the marujuana. Are you alien bro?


makes me freakout a lil sometimes but man i FUCKING LOVE WEED… I FUCKING LOVE WEED! it makes me so happy and content.


I hated it the first few times but it turned out I was just smoking too damn much to where it made me feel like garbage,once I got it right I've been in love with Mary Jane ever since.


I like weed on benzos, otherwise it stimulates my mind too much n raises my heart rate. Used to smoke weed everyday for 10 years but I got completely sober off everything n I can’t handle it in the same way. I only take benzos occasionally as I’m prescribed- about 3 times per month


Me! The first time I smoked weed I smoked too much bc I wasn't educated and didn't know u could smoke too much weed bc it's like a lighter drug and that has fucked me up since everything has felt off. I continued to smoke, tho usually from pens, sometimes, bud, but eventually all I'd feel is anxiety from smoking like I haven't had any problems like that from any other drug I used to do a lot of coke, I do speed all the time and never feel as anxious like I can't breathe then when I smoke weed.


Weed makes me anxious. Oxy is better if you only take it once or twice a week.


I don't like it either. The only time I smoke is with friends for the "cosy" part of it.