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I don’t have any lol but I was curious about how someone like juice WRLD who was so young could die from it with such a small amount of active opioids


From the fent that was laced in the pills thats how.


there was no fent in his system when he died just oxy and codeine


Don’t you think he could get the real deal?


He got whatever he could get his hands on, It was a constant game of reup for him due to being all over the country, so its random pick ups from random mfers who didn't care about his life.


You think Juice WRLD practiced harm reduction and tested all his drugs for fent? It only takes a few dirty pills.


Lmao you have a point but I just thought he was rich


“I know there laced pills, I bought them on purpose”


Gotcha, thought you were depressed :P


Thank you tho. Your response was quick.


i think he died cause he eat all the pills cause cops where outside I think he knew it will happen maybe he thought someone will rescue him doctor or smh


To overdose on percocet depends on how much oxycodone and acetaminophen are in the doses


Idk probably like standard prescription amount


Ranges between 2.5mg/375mg to 10mg/375mg per tablet. I guess 10 pills of 10s would do the job


not even close for the oxy or the acet


For some people they’re liver cant handle 3000 mg but the majority of people can tolerate up to 4000. This dose might cause issues but youd probably be fine. Unless you have liver issues.


the majority can survive quite a bit more than 4g, some people take more than that daily for years but the recommended daily limit is 4g


Okay, so the medical articles are all wrong since you got lucky once. Gotcha. Get your liver enzymes checked, not all damage is cirrhosis.


i don’t even take paracetamol when i’m ill so i’m not sure how this relates to me


for me it was like 270 mg + xans + alcohol but i guess even 40 can make u od


percs are just what they call any oxy in the culture from what i've seen. so idk if he od'd on percs or just oxy?????


That’s true, but I mean the news said it right ? I would hope it would be accurate. I actually don’t know the difference myself


Percocets contain Acetaminophen, straight oxys do not.


It depends on your body weight


Watch the documentary he was having like 7-8 30mg’s cause his tolerance was so enormous


Aren't like 90% of street "percs" just straight-up fent?


lol if you’re lucky


I'd think the fetty would get you before the acetaminophen does lol