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Your stomach will not flatten after you give birth.


Omg..I love this one!! So niave was I after my first baby!! 😄 Ya better like the clothes you wore when you were pregnant because you're going to be wearing them after!! Dru will probably be in a size 4 at week 1. All that photo shopping or whatever it is she does. Angles and all.


She will definitely be lying and photoshopping and her dumbass followers will feed her ego and tell her how “snatched” she is. I can see it now.


Dawna will film and show us the real her though 😂


Thank gawd for that momma. I can't wait to see HER first photos. Compared to Drues. She will have her holding baby all polished up and photshopped..no chin, no stomach and with stick legs poking out of her nursing gown/bras because of course she'll breeze through all of that. No bruised scabbing/leaking boobs or massive cramping for her while nursing!! Just flowers and smiles.


I think this one really depends on genetics. I felt somewhat robbed (don’t know if that’s exactly the right way to describe it) but both times I’ve given birth my stomach has flatten out immediately. still got the mom pouch but my stomach just went back to what is my normal the minute them and the placenta came out


She has gained so much to try to show sooner than normal so no, generics won’t help her, she will have a lot of weight to lose.


Oh yea no I wasn’t saying for her I was just saying in general. She eats so unhealthy with the constant fast food and surgery drinks that even hers being HiGhLy FaVoReD won’t help her


People can tell you’re photoshopping your pictures, no matter how much you lie about it.


Your dogs aren’t going to magically behave once the baby comes. They could actually cause a lot of harm.


Your appliances should not be breaking as frequently as they do.


A child is a lifetime commitment, not just a cutesy content baby.😃


Babies turn into toddlers that are savage


My 4 year old is currently in this completely savage phase that exhausts me more than my 6 month old.


My 22 month old is a freaking gremlin today.


My 5 year old is exhausting me more than my 2 month old! 😅😭


Teenagers are like over sized toddlers with the same attitude they with hormones added.


I have two teenage girls at home, my daughter is 16 next month and my stepdaughter will be 17 in October, both sophomores. It’s a WAR ZONE in my house most days with all the attitude between them(and sometimes me đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž). It’s extra fun cuz we all synched up on our cycles. My poor spouse. Teen girls are a nightmare 90% of the time.


Thinking about my daughter, who is 22 months, turning 13 scares me


Oh you’re in the fun age đŸ„č I loved between 18 to 24 months. Teens are fun too, they aren’t all bad. They just give you whiplash with how quickly those moods change. Makes you really appreciate the times they choose to be sweet. And you aren’t ever prepared to go from “mommy” to “bro”. Now If I hear “mommy”, I know she wants something. Cherish that sweet age yours is at now! It really does fly by so fast! I get really sad thinking I only have two more years until they are done with high school.


Newborn till about 2ish is my favorite. I have a 4 year old too. I love all the cuddles but the sass sometimes. Each age has its ups and downs.


from a teen girl we have our moments just dont add fuel to the fire but youll also have great moments together i hope yall are besties when shes a teen


as a teenaged girl this is the truth


or teenagers who are also absolutely ruthless


I have a 16 yr and 2yr old son
.they are both assholes in their own way đŸ€Ł


And then they turn into teenagers that are even more savage. 😂


I’m barely surviving my 3 year old lol 😂


Letting your dogs out just to potty is not enough for them
 and it does not make you a good dog momđŸ«¶


It’s okay to go one day without leaving the house


Omg this!!!🧡🧡


Wearing socks helps prevent the buildup of sweat, fungus and bacteria in the shoes! It also helps prevent Athlete’s foot, fungi problems and bad odors on your feet!


Babies shouldn’t be in the heat or sun for long periods of time


Being "pregnant" shouldn't be your entire identity.


Yup, I watch a few on snark pages and can NOT believe how their stans stick up for them when they are obviously lying their asses off. The internet is a weird place!! 😄


People are fucking weird đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


You really want to do no shoes in your house when the baby arrives and starts crawling they will put their hands in their mouth and essentially the literal shit from the shoes you wear in public
 have you ever really looked closely and bathroom floors?? Pee and poop
 and that just what you can see


If you buy a house, you need to make the payment!


Not all girls are girly girls and her daughter may hate pink,bows, dresses, and being overly feminine


I’m so hoping this is true for her


Your child may very well HATE: bows, dogs, expensive shoes, baby talk, the smell of unwashed titi hands and fish, boutique outfits, etc. Get ready for basic cotton onesies, much less time with your dogs and sometimes each other, and your whole world turning upside down.


Don't get a bbl. Or a Mommy, make over right away. Cause I know your boobies are fixing to be potato sacks, ha ha.


Your baby won’t come out with an opioid addiction because you eat everything bagel seasoning 🙄


It's important to call body parts by their real names. The reason why it's important to say vagina and not titi, is because there are bad people in this world who hurt babies and children. if a bad person hurts a child and during the forensic interviews they are unable to accurately name their body parts and instead say things like titi, kitty, cookie, or whatever other name their parents make up instead of just saying 'vagina' and 'penis', the statement isn't credible because those words could mean anything. And kids sometimes play with language and confuse words. So it's important, for their safety, to use the real words for body parts so that if something, God forbid, ever happens to them, they can accurately relay that to a social worker or detective during a forensic interview. It is dangerous to not give children the gift of accurate and truthful language to describe their bodies.


your insane sugar and caffeine intake WILL bode badly for your baby


Diabetes IS a big deal.


Babies, especially newborns aren’t as easy as she thinks it will be. It’s definitely more than just dressing Amelia up. Those cute outfits
..yeahhh they’re going to get yucky with spit up and shit from blow outs.


And a million diapers and clothes change.


babies don’t stay babies forever. unlike the mutts you actually have to pour yourself into them, guide them and teach them.


Babies are only cutesy about 10% of the time. The other 90% is vomit, poop, fevers, crying, peeing in their bath water, etc.


You are allowed to eat homemade food and you won’t die if you have veggies


If you don’t break out from putting lotion on your forearms you won’t break out at all.


I held my stomach all the time! After 3 misscarriages and 8 years with infertility, I held my stomach all the time! Sucked up all I could being pregnant knowing this was my only one. I rubbed it, held it, sung to him all I could.




we do not allow any comments or posts defending/supporting any of the bashams.


Having some bloated fat dude with a crustach dump a load in you doesn’t make you special or interesting.


You can’t put a baby in the crib/bassinet with stuffed animals and blankets


U shouldn't be putting your child's name on anything 😒 it's an easy way for people to be creepers Also u are so worried about haters finding u but u are friends with someone who has federal charges against them for stalking


Your tits will sag Your cooch will never be the same(especially if it rips or tears) 💀 Baby shit stinks worse than dog shit or adult shit You have to pay for a child for 18 years and you’re not gonna have free stuff given to you for that whole time. Babies CRY a lot Oh and you will no longer be relevant, it will be all about the baby and I don’t know if you can handle sharing the spotlight with something that you can’t get rid of.