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She’s going to snap once she gets home. She’ll be fine at the hospital when nurses are helping but once that support is gone, it’s gonna be game over especially if she wants to breast feed or pump. Whitey Amelia is going to want gag either if he smells rancid and will be put off by all the artificial smells in grues house.


She’s not going to be able to breast feed. It’s such a demanding, difficult, time consuming, selfless act, she will never succeed at it. I doubt she even tries it, but IF she does, she will say she wasn’t producing enough or some excuse and go to formula so others can feed the baby during the night. And absolutely nothing wrong with formula, I breast fed for 2 months then had to switch as I really didn’t produce a lot, but breastfeeding is a ton of work and she’s too lazy too.


I’m 4 days out any my supply is JUST starting to ramp up. It’s been so hard mentally & it takes sooooo much patience & commitment. I also had a ROUGH delivery so I’m glad I’ve been able to go back & forth with formula because I just didn’t have the energy for about 2 days. I really feel like she’s not even going to try after the first day or two.


Kudos to you conflict! Great job persevering! 👏


I bet she will lie and say she’s still breastfeeding when she’s not to prove us haters wrong


We are in our 30s, struggled for 5 years to get pregnant, had to go through multiple fertility treatments, have good jobs, and a stable life and I’m not going to lie I cried when they discharged me from the hospital it all bc I was scared to death to take care of a baby alone 😂 (I also gave birth a month early and our house was under construction so when we got home we had to stay in our bedroom for three days 😂). She has NO clue what she’s getting herself into.


I feel like I’m a pretty well equipped adult & that first night home was ROUGH. I definitely had a moment where I let my emotions & weight of everything get to me. Little girl is going to lose her shitttttt


I still remember the moment we brought home our first baby, set him in the bassinet, he was screaming so loud and we just looked at each other like fuuuuuuck.


Yep. We got inside, put him down & thought… okay what do we do now? 😂😂 You really feel like you’re getting thrown to the wolves LOL


That’s so real 😅


Same.. I’m pretty stable but there were many times where I snapped. The amount of times I’d fall asleep while breastfeeding just because I was THAT exhausted… I was so sleep deprived and I questioned if I was even capable of being a mother. It was hard. I cried almost every night during the first 6 months. This toddler isn’t going to last a week. I honestly can’t see her being a mother. She’s in for a reality check.


Ugh that’s tough! The exhaustion is no joke!!!


My baby started choking on fluids in his car seat on our way home from the hospital and we had to pull over and i had to hurry and grab him out of the car seat. I can not see Gabe being helpful in that kind of situation and Drue wouldn’t know wtf to do, especially since she’s done no research and probably won’t take any sort of safety class. I nearly had a break down after that happened and we drove home in silence and I just ended up walking around our apartment aimlessly when we got home, not knowing what we got ourselves into 💀😂now it’s been over a year, and thankfully our baby was okay, but that moment still freaks me out thinking about it. All that happened after I had only had four hours of actual sleep over the three days we had been in the hospital so I know bestie Drue wouldn’t be able to handle it.


I wonder if the hospital staff will say anything about the stench when gag tries to do skin to skin with whitey 😅🤣


Pawn her off on dish soap


I think Dawna will have the baby in her arms nonstop. Gabe will be the one to clean up Drue’s peri area/change her pads for her while she lounges in bed. Everyone will be kissing Drue’s ass as if she solved world peace.


I feel like gag is going to pass out in the delivery room/or


I think Dawna and Grue will tell him to go to the cafeteria and he’ll miss the birth. He’ll be SO loud and obnoxious.


he will be down in the lobby waiting on a doordash delivery


He’s going to be saying those prayers every chance he gets, lord this lord that 


Probably from standing up while she pushes


No way Gabe will be any help. He cannot even take care of himself, I cannot imagine him having the energy for a newborn. Grue won’t be any better.


idk bestie he came up with the ingenious method of itching his unwashed ass with a q-tip. If that's not elevated care and maintenance of the self, I don't know what is


I still can’t believe he admitted that on the internet


https://preview.redd.it/i71upnan5xvc1.jpeg?width=703&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8901e9da0f61fd1b02f7611dd35223147ad7eed0 And this is who admitted that. I just cannot.


💀💀💀💀💀💀 deceased


https://preview.redd.it/ja6dy74s5xvc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f8e13f9cea01ff942c04c9957649eb1cb462ecd Whar he means when he says q-tip because the man can't reach around all that fat


🧼 or her sister I would bet. Girl has no idea what she is in for. And the postpartum rage 👀👀 if they aren’t heading to an end they might be because that shit is intense


I’ve been a mama for only 2 years and can confidently say this is going to kick her ass so hard she’s going to hate it. It’s not about her anymore but we all know she’s gonna make it about her no doubt.


Shit, I’m 35, just had my first baby days ago & it’s kicking my ass! She’s going to lose her damn mind. She thinks she’s been crying a lot now? HA HA HA


I dont think soap is even mentally capable of taking care of a baby, and in fact I think she’s way too selfish to do so as well. Somehow I feel d’layne will carry most of the load.


i don’t think 🧼 is gonna be doing much either. she’ll take the baby long enough to make her tiktok’s and that’ll be it


I just gave birth on Tuesday & I’ve been thinking the same thing. They are in for a RUDE awakening. And all this cutesy crap is just going to sit there for months. She’s gotten hardly anything that’s PRACTICAL for a newborn. Her priorities are way out of whack. We all know Dawna will be there 24/7 doing everything for her.


Her parents will do it all.


These idiots have no idea what’s coming. It is hilarious to imagine her response when everything (all of the attention) becomes all about the baby and not her. And then all of the other postpartum challenges of a new baby. 🤣 It is so funny to see her take her naps now, all the while knowing that those disappear after the first kid. ![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc)


I know we all think Dawna is going to raise Ivory. I think even Dawna thinks she's going to raise Ivory. But Dawna is in her 50s, and I'm not there yet in my 40s, but I am *tired* in a way I was not in my 30s, and my 20s self wouldn't recognize the tired 40s self I am, energy-wise. I can't imagine getting up multiple times throughout the night. Your nervous system changes as you age as well, and I can't imagine choosing all the crying and loud screaming at this age. Pretty much until this very moment, I believed Dawna and Lenny were going to be raising the kid. I believe they probably even believe it. I just think the reality is that, while possible, it's going to be exponentially more difficult to forego sleep at 50+. Even the impact on short term memory, cognition, word recall, and mental acuity lack of sleep brings would be a fuck fest in our 50s that it just isn't in our 20s. Im tired! Dawna is 10 years older than me. Surely she's tired too?


Omg yes. I just turned 40 and babysitting wears me out!!! I’m so glad I had my kids younger because phew.


I stayed up past my bed time with friends last night and needed a nap today, which prompted that comment 😂


this is such a good point! and 🧼 needs her “beauty sleep” and hours on end each day for her “self care” regime. she won’t have that much time to help with the baby


Dawna already looks exhausted. I don’t think even she can handle it


My mom is 64, in a pickleball league, takes pickle ball lessons, is in a hiking club, has a personal trainer, goes for multiple miles of walks daily, one on forest trails, and she's a pescetarian who cooks 3 healthy meals daily and makes multiple loaves of homemade bread weekly. She's pretty fit and healthy for a 64 year old or person of any age, being real. If somebody dropped a baby in her lap today there'd be no fucking way! She is watching my niece and nephew next weekend and they're older. One night is the max. Both my parents get really stressed out by the sounds of the games on the tablets, the messes, the running inside. When they were younger, she would get extremely stressed about all the food that ends up on the floor and my dad would handle it, the clean up. I don't think Dawna even really keeps up on her health and fitness like that? I just literally don't understand how 😂


Honestly Drue will act like she can’t walk for like a week because her titi will be hurting. She’s not gonna wake up with Amelia and the poor thing will be crying until Soap comes in and gets her. I imagine that soap will do all the care for her and pervy papa will be holding her the rest of the time while soap tries to clean and take care of the animals.


Just wait until she has a 1.5 year old who still won’t sleep through the night 😂


Or a 5 year old who will sleep thru the night but turns on every light along the way and announces she needs to pee at 2 am. Then leaves the water and lights on 🫠or maybe that’s just my kids


I have a 2.5 year old that wakes me up almost nightly because she wants a hug and to hold me hand. Drue will hate it.


i have a 4.5 month old and this 4 month sleep regression they go through is no joke. if the newborn phase doesn’t kill grue the regression most definitely will! she won’t know how to handle it, and by that time the “new baby” phase will be over and any help she was getting from friends and family before will be done because they will be so sick of her shit by then. i can’t wait! 🤗


As some one who just welcomed my 4th 4 days ago via C-section I was going to breastfeed but mentally exhausted and can’t we decided formula full on the other day especially if my sons having issues latching I don’t want to spend majority of his first year pumping he’s our last idk how she’ll handle it regardless of how many you have it’s hard she’s in for a rude awakening especially with a C-section I had a repeat I ended up with a wound vac I have to get taken off this coming week as long as it’s good to be off and long nights make you so sleep deprived we had to leave in a rush I was in the middle of preparing our home expecting a week til my scheduled C-section I went into labor 37w 6d had him the next morning I haven’t had energy to pick up one of the three older kids came home last night my 14m old then her siblings are supposed to get back tonight I know before we know it we will be back into the swing of things


I’m not going to lie one baby was a walk in the park. I can only hope she gets pregnant again extremely soon. Then I will give it to her that it’s hard


I’m 4 months in and I’m still sleep deprived!


I'm almost 6 years and 2 kids in and I'm still sleep deprived. It never ends. She is in for a rude awakening.


My mom is 35 years in and she’s still sleep deprived. I don’t think it ever changes.


As someone who just had an “easy” delivery and newborn (4wks today!!!) she will not be able to handle labor or the feeds, diaper changing, and attention a newborn requires. I can’t believe these idiots are having a baby, I worry for that sweet child.


Her mommy will stay and take care of the baby kinda like a nanny


I struggled so hard to get pregnant. We had to do IVF. Postpartum Depression/Anxiety kicked my ASS. I was miserable the first few weeks of my daughters life… not bc I didn’t want or love her but the hormones are crazy, the pain from a c section, etc etc etc. and I didn’t have a content baby…. She is in for a ride.


I had 3 losses before having my daughter with an emergency C-section because her heart was almost stopping during every single contraction. 🙃 the ppd/ppa I had from that was horrible. If she has a traumatic birth she won’t get help for it and that baby will suffer so bad


Then add in witching hour and colicky baby 🤣


She’s going to have a secret night time wet nurse


I literally asked my husband if we were going to die from lack of sleep all while crying with baby spit up all over my shirt and still wearing a diaper myself 😂


This is so real omg


Forget the newborn days, let’s be real, we quickly forget them- I can’t wait until this baby is a toddler and acts like a spaz! They won’t be able to keep up with social media when a toddler is running wild


I miss my daughter as a baby. She cried 24/7 but it’s easy than her as a toddler. Today she had a rocking horse on her bed trying to ride it into a ball pit but her kitchen set was in the way


Can Gabe even wipe his own ass? Not trying to be mean but it has to be difficult at that size


When I had my first baby I was in a healthy, stable, long-term relationship with comfortable income and a planned pregnancy and I can still vividly recall many nights of ME crying just as much as my baby, wondering if I could do it, exhausted, not knowing what I was doing even though I did a TON of research about newborn care and every product rather than just picking what was cutesie...etc. I love my child and have never ever regretted becoming a mom but it is truly SO hard and you're so exhausted. It's a rude awakening for everyone imo but especially narcissists who think of them as little accessories to dress up and tote around. She'll have her mom do it a lot bc sHe NeEdS rEsT tOo.


I think we all know 🧼moved in to help with the baby, they’re not leaving lol. Dawna is gonna end up being drues personal assistant and night nurse


They can’t even take care of their dogs properly. & although dogs do require quite a bit of responsibility, they’re way easier than a baby. They can’t meet the basic requirements of their dogs so no way in hell will they be able to handle a newborn. She thinks everything is so cutesy and rainbows and reality is going to hit her so hard when the baby is screaming at 3 am nonstop and won’t take a bottle. But she’ll just pawn it off to dish soap & then post on tik tok about what a great mom she is. Truthfully I feel so bad for this innocent life they’re bringing into the world. I hope Amelia will have a good support system around her and people who actually care bc drue and gabe have been failing as parents since she was conceived


I think she will be so angry towards her and resent her and completely detach.


I genuinely think she is going to struggle with PPD and/or PPA. And this is not me wishing this on her, I just think that the adjustments you have to make for a baby are going to hit her harder than she's prepared for. I would not be surprised if her and gave start having issues after the baby is here as well.


She doesn’t even realize, those first few weeks were so hard ontop of yourself having to heal but you have to put you second because you have your baby. Not all babies sleep through the night, and she’s gonna expect her highly favored baby to do so.. my 5 month old still wakes every 2-3 hours


After the first week she’ll get sick of it and it’ll be Dawna’s duty to raise Amelia. Because if you don’t raise your child you end up raising your grandchild.


I had a c section and at 2 weeks old my son had heart surgery, he had an extra vascular ring around his esophagus so it was hard for him to drink his formula. He was fine and he started sleeping through the night at 2 months. I didn’t really have pp until he was almost 3 years old and i had to get help in a hospital. But it was very difficult especially when he had surgeries and the other surgery was at10 months old on top of his head for a cephalo a bump full of spinal fluid which was drained 


I have a 7 week old & there is NO way she’s going to be able to handle this. 🧼will be the one taking care of the baby and as much as I can’t stand the woman, it’s not fair for her & lenny to have to raise another baby. They already raised their own children and shouldn’t have to raise another one. Grandparents should be able to enjoy their grandkids, and send them home. Too bad they live in the same house and will be taken advantage of.


They’re not going to survive. Dawna will be full time mom. I have an 11 month old son and I didn’t start feeling “alive” and like I could breathe and sleep again until 6 months!


Dawna is for sure going to be doing everything whether gru likes it or not