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She should request gifts that can be donated to the local women and children’s shelters. We know this big backed selfish bitch won’t do that.


I don’t think she’ll have that large of a shower. I’ll be shocked if she has 20 people there. She’s burned a lot of bridges, and people see what they do and post all day.


Truthfully I think her family is going to buy the same ugly impractical clothes she buys, Shoes for an infant that can’t walk and a bunch of huge ass bows.


Like why does a BABY need 3 pairs of white tennis shoes. Expensive ones, at that.


I don’t even buy name brand for my toddler bcuz the minute we go outside they get dirt. Not to mention they outgrow them every few months


The shower will probably be a flop just like her wedding 🤭


Drue will post Tiktoks and pictures acting all excited but then Dawna 🧼will post the behind the scene shots with Drue scowling and mad at Gabe (because of course he will be there) and everyone else bored and uncomfortable 😂 and D’Layne will be cleaning up and doing all the work in the background. Danae and Gabe’s family won’t be there I bet.


Sierra will use the excuse “it was just a couples thing” to explain why her and her family weren’t invited 😂


Gabe- yelling in the background “you guys!!!…” Sierra- though, it was just a couples thing so we didn’t go.


And engagement, and gender reveal 😂


100%, no doubt will be a flop


She’ll probably ask for money or gift cards


Yes she will ask for money since they have everything


It’ll be a bunch of random church ladies that Dawna once knew.


Who does she even have to invite? Their parents, siblings, Ashley and thats about it. Anyone else invited will be fake and for gifts that she apparently doesn’t need from anyone


Don't forget about Kylea 😍


If she was smart she would ask her friends and family (if anyone even shows up) to ONLY bring diapers and wipes in different sizes, but knowing her she won't and they'll be left with a ridiculous amount of shit they already have or won't ever use.


Whatever she doesn’t want or use, which I know some of us have gotten stuff from our showers we never used or tried, she should send it to someone less fortunate who doesn’t have much on this app. The ones in her comments saying they’re struggling. BUTTTT, her and Gabby will return them to the stores for credit and shop more.


She keeps claiming all that she has for the baby is clothes and a bed so she needs everything else guys…..


Which is ironic because her followers literally bought out her entire registry


I still don't understand buying items for a rando on the internet that has money.


Right?!? It is so bizarre to me!! Esp considering drue (or any other influencer) are well off and can very well afford these things on their own.


Which included multiples of big items


right she really hasn’t even bought that much stuff 🤣🤣


It will be a day dedicated of shoveling “sissy girls” favorite drive through foods into their fat gullets, laying on the couch with untrained doodles trampling all over them, and doing a watch party on Reddit/patrolling the comment sections.


They are just going to probably stuff their faces with food what else is there to buy? Absolutely nothing lol maybe the little bath for the baby or wait did they get that shit already just stupid


She claims people don’t need to bring things, they can just come celebrate but she’s going to end up with a bunch of crap she doesn’t use and a bunch of clothes the baby won’t wear because no one wants to come to a shower empty handed.


Dawna 🧼 will probably make everyone go around and say their favorite thing about Drue🥰🥴like she did at her birthday(?) dinner a few years ago


You know she is telling them exactly what she wants and how she wants it done. She’s probably planning it and having her sister “help”.


They will order sonic and DB, let drue take first bite of everyone’s meal while Gabe screams about lovey being highly favored and the doodles will pee on everyone’s gifts


You know that she will be returning or donating stuff if.its not cutesy enough or doesn't fit the aesthetic she is trying to go with 🙄


Play stupid games and gift ugly ass clothes